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Ign Review On Warframe


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While I do agree that the gameplay does get stale after a while, their other points are slightly invalid.

1- Warframe lore is continuously growing and expanding

2- The high prices are to prevent warframe from becoming a Pay-to-Win game.

3- The person who reviewed warframe clearly had not been to the void yet. Most missions can give you 50,000+ credits. Right now I have almost 500,000 credits and im pretty sure a lot of you out there have a lot too.

4- Warframe is designed to be played for 400+ hours, not 4 hours.


This is just my take on their review but I would like to know what you guys think.

1. It is expanding, but at the time of reviewing, the lore is next to non-existent.

2. No. The high prices are there because DE has no clue how to price a market.

3. Agreed. Though, I wouldn't have any hopes for any reviewer to actually play enough to get anywhere in a game. These "critics" are nothing more than marketers these days.

4. No comment here.


I don't think it's a good review.

But, I think that 7.3 is a fair enough score. Warframe definitely isn't 8 material.

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I watched it and felt it was a fair enough review. 


There was a few things that the guy missed, but they have been said many times by other people.


Do I really care? No, the game is fun and that is more than enough for me to keep playing. Plus I don't think I've ever cared about what IGN thinks.

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I'm not going to bother reading the review. It'll be a typical review bv somebody who plays 4-6 hours of at least ten different games every week. I doubt they even bother going to the Orokin derelict, the void or fighting any of the boss's. I also suspect they didn't even change weapons or warframes, or even know about sentinels or mods.


Game reviewers these days have zero credibility, it's a dieing market and people are moving towards the reviews of those who actually bother to play the games. EA efficiently destroyed most game reviewers websites reputation by bribing them.

Edited by Blowfist
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Warframe was given a score of 7.3 and it is a "good" game.


The main reasons why they didn't like it are:

-Stale gameplay

-boring story

-high prices in the market

-credits are hard to obtain

-after 4 hours of gameplay, he wasn't (i am assuming) mastery rank 2 yet


While I do agree that the gameplay does get stale after a while, their other points are slightly invalid.

1- Warframe lore is continuously growing and expanding

2- The high prices are to prevent warframe from becoming a Pay-to-Win game.

3- The person who reviewed warframe clearly had not been to the void yet. Most missions can give you 50,000+ credits. Right now I have almost 500,000 credits and im pretty sure a lot of you out there have a lot too.

4- Warframe is designed to be played for 400+ hours, not 4 hours.


This is just my take on their review but I would like to know what you guys think.

T3 only gives 26k, where do you get 50k from?

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Can someone please direct me at these missions that give 50k+ credits? Void rewards have been nerfed heavily, high level alerts are giving 10-15k if you're lucky.


I run Master Thief on all loadouts, loot everything and am still poor.


Re the review, high prices do not stop P2W, that is controlled by the strength of market exclusive items. Stating, as you did, that you have to play 400+ hours to make the game good is one of the worst criticisms you could actually levy at a game and yet that's supposed to be your defense? Ouch!


I think 7.5 might be a touch high, 6.5 is more appropriate but I wouldn't call it unfair.

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I doubt they even bother going to the Orokin derelict, the void or fighting any of the boss's. I also suspect they didn't even change weapons or warframes, or even know about sentinels or mods.


That's true, they probably didn't do any of these things that are unique to Warframe and yet the game makes absolutely no effort to inform the new player about. See the problem?

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I'd say the review is fair. It can't possibly take into account lore that isn't even in the game yet - and remember that this is a review of the PS4 version, which means that the Codex scanning system isn't even in the game yet. High prices don't prevent a game from being Pay-to-Win - the two factors are unrelated. P2W games are just games that give paying players an unfair advantage, which isn't really a factor in Warframe and will be less so once plat trading is implemented for the PS4. That said, the prices are high, and not only that - they're downright inconsistent.

As for the credits thing... Well, yeah. It's probably an issue with scaling where new players find it hard to get new equipment (whereas veteran players find it far too easy - although frankly I spend credits as fast as I earn them, and as far as I know no missions give 50k. Did you buy Prime Access with the doubled credits?). You have a point, but take it as "progress at the start of the game is somewhat slow", which is valid to a degree.

As to your last point, that's... debatable. The problem in this case isn't the game's or the reviewer's; it's perspective. Most other games let you level up quickly in the beginning and slow down towards the end, but Warframe can't afford to do that because the maximum rank is... what, 13? 14? It's not really clear that mastery is more of a secondary than a primary levelling system, since you don't directly gain benefits from it.

Anyway, many of the criticisms are quite valid, I'd say. At the very least, I think this reviewer tried to put some actual thought into what he was saying, which is much appreciated. It's one of the more honest reviews I've seen.

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IGN should know that Warframe is still Open Beta.

DE should have known not to let people review it yet.  The fact that they let metacritic score on their steam store page is silly enough. Now people get to review the PS4 version.   If this really is beta, why are there even scores for it to begin with?  You don't grade or review something that is incomplete.  I thought that's common sense. 

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Good news, everyone!


If you've watched or read anything from the devs as of late you know that developing the lore/story has become a top priority. Previously that was put on the backburner in favor of more important things.


So soon you can cross that off of the "Cons" and then you just have the complaint about expensive items left. I can only assume that means Platinum prices and come on - which F2P game does not have expensive paid content? That's their only way of making money.

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Good news, everyone!


If you've watched or read anything from the devs as of late you know that developing the lore/story has become a top priority. Previously that was put on the backburner in favor of more important things.


So soon you can cross that off of the "Cons" and then you just have the complaint about expensive items left. I can only assume that means Platinum prices and come on - which F2P game does not have expensive paid content? That's their only way of making money.

Consider that you need to balance prices in order to optimise profit - too high and too little people will be buying. If you sell a Warframe for $300 (for example) and have two people buy it, you're earning a lot less than selling it for $15 and having 100 people buy it. That's just an example, of course. The fact is that Warframe will earn more money with reasonable prices than without, which is why it's really odd to me that the prices are so high.

That said, they're mostly balanced in areas that don't involve Warframes/Weapons (mostly), so one could argue that they don't really want players to spend on Warframes and Weapons and to earn it instead - but if that's the case, then they also need to start working on more consistent ways to earn certain things (Vauban, for example, is not something you can earn; he's more something you sit and wait for).

Also, one of the biggest issues is that the pricing is just utterly inconsistent. Even amongst weapons and warframes, you have things like the Skana, a starting weapon, costing 150 Platinum (twice the cost of a Volt, which is arbitrarily cheap from back when it was a starter). The Dual Skana costs 130 Platinum in comparison. What?

Edited by Quetzhal
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Good news, everyone!


If you've watched or read anything from the devs as of late you know that developing the lore/story has become a top priority. Previously that was put on the backburner in favor of more important things.


So soon you can cross that off of the "Cons" and then you just have the complaint about expensive items left. I can only assume that means Platinum prices and come on - which F2P game does not have expensive paid content? That's their only way of making money.


I wish they would put it on the backburner again until they made the melee system usefull. Or at least only create a basic framework first, to finaly give us a clue and then expand that over time. Instead of throwing more mysteries in the ring, while still having the explanation on the game's universe itself bare bone.


Like giving a clear explanations first. This is what Warframes are, this is what Tenno are, this is what the Orokin were, here are the multiple billion people that live across the solar system and don't belong to Corpus and Grineer, this how ammo works, this is what the Solar Rails are, etc.


Maybe create two types of Codex entries. The "official" entries from the "Codex Solaris" (an official guide to the solar system from the neutral worlds) that are fully present the moment you get into the game and the informations from the Tenno's Library which need to be unlocked by scanning.


The Codex Solaris being the thing they should expand first before going with the more purple pose Tenno Library entries that give a deeper view into the game's world.


For example:

Codex Solaris on ammo: "One of the few remaining technological breakthroughs of the Orokin era is the universal ammo systems. A universal ammo storage is a small box that holds together a compact folded space in which large quantities of ammo can reliably be stored. Two spaces can also be linked in order to transfer ammo from two storages of different design to another without having to extract the ammo first. While the knowledge on how the technology works has been lost after the fall of the Orokin, the production of universal ammo has never stopped."


Tenno Library entry: "The first step into uncovering the Void was to create a minature version of it. This alone opened up countless possebilities, the most trival of it being the enhancement of our military technoglogy... blah, blah, mystery, blah,blah."


Laying the groundwork and then expand from it over time.


Seriously Steve this needs to be notable to the players the moment you enter the game or the demise of "the innocent" like in the Gradivus Dilema will have no meaning to the players. All we see and hear are Grineer and Corpus, even the Infested we encounter are just Grineer and Corpus. So without clear explanation, EVERY player will assume the entire Solar system is just Grineer clones and brainwashed Corpus drones.

We can't care about people we never ever hear or read anything about. That's like asking me for donations to safe the Hulu Hulu Frog in Lasria, because when i check their existance i will find nothing and therefor assume neither exist.

Edited by Othergrunty
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On topic of the expensive shop.


While it is true that convenience things (guns, warframes) are very expensive, the actual "need to have" things like storage space (weaponslots) and character slots (warframe slots) are, with a price of what... 12 platinium?... actually extremely cheap compared to other F2P games.

To translate into Warframe prices in most games a weapon or warframe would be 30 to 50 plat, but at the same time a single warframe slot would be 300 plat or higher and weapon slots would cost 100 plat or more for a pair. (If you look around F2P MMORPGs 12-15$ for a single character slot are not that uncommon)

XP/Money boosters are around the average you'd expect.


I actually prefer the WF way to the "normal way".



Also WF is handing out quite a lot of discounts with their ingame login rewards. Though that is luck based.

What exactly are you comparing to Warframe here? Nexon? Because my money goes a hell of a lot farther in every other online game I've played. The slots are cheap yes, but aren't significantly moreso than they would be in most other games (about the same price in my experience). 12 plat for a slot looks cheaper than it is:

Approximately 5 dollars premium currency in World of Tanks vs Warframe:

1250 gold vs 75 platinum

1250 gold buys you 4 tank slots (last I checked, I don't play this game anymore)

75 platinum buys you 2 Warfame slots and 4 weapon slots


That's about the same. But if I recall correctly, 4 tank slots in World of Tanks would usually last you a lot longer than 2 Warframe slots and 4 weapon slots in Warframe unless you decide to keep every single tank you create or something. Keep in mind I think both games are massively overpriced. I just happen to think that Warframe's pricing system is much less thought out. You want to see a cheap online game though, look no further than Airmech and SMNC. For the price of two Warframes, you could get virtually everything gameplay related in both games and still have money left for some cosmetics. Airmech is even crazier since it lets you get premium currency INGAME, granted at a very slow rate, but still.

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I like how he says he hasn't gotten to level 1 though he played 4 hours, and then gets more than half a level from one mission... And at that, his lato is level 10.. So.. Sure.... Seems legit.


Does he have a few points? Maybe, but I (personally) find the rest so incredibly uninformed and stupid.. Like claiming that you have to buy stuff (when you actually can craft it)..

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We always try to take what criticism we receive in any format and turn it into actionable improvements. It's not always instant and it's not always easy, and we've certainly got lots of work to do.

We will continue to grow and change with everyone's support and all feedback is brought to the table.

The need for an improved Tutorial is in the works, new player experience is a priority. We recently added wall-running and sprinting to the PC Tutorial, this is something that will make it's way to PS4 as well.

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