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I’ve made multiple concepts of this frame but this is the first I got a drawing done for him. I’ve talked to multiple guys before making a post to make sure that other people may be interested in the idea. 

I’m all for suggestions and having a legit discussion about how the ideas I make can be improved to become more unique and maybe become official. 

Hope anybody who checks it out will view the whole comment section cause me and 1 guy had a decent discussion about the frame and a possible quest that comes with the frame. 

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14 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

Last Edited: November 10, 2017

OP last seen on forums: January 15, 2019

Yeah, I'm pretty sure this is dead, no idea why y'all keep posting stuff here.

Most people, including me, just saw I pinned post cataloging fan concepts. Then concluded I should post mine here. I did not look at the op until 1 month after I’ve posted my concept and could not see any updates here.

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Hello everyone !


If you are looking for fun, versatil, styled and creativ Warframe, Anshin could be interesting you  ! 


She is both deadliest than the sharpest blade and purest than a field of white roses ...


here you can find the begin of Anshin project, the next 2 in 1 warframe  ! ( im looking for someone for draw the concept ! 🙂 )




Edited by Rihorm
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Above is the Warframe concept abilities and mechanics. 


I was thinking he would look like Energy had ripped him apart. In the first experiment his design was flawed and he violently was ripped apart. The orokin scientists learned from their mistakes and made it so he had to expel his energy in order to survive but it was volatile at best so once he was pulled back together the energy he contains can only hold so much till it is forcefully released in order to maintain his body. So his body looks like it has been re-purposed after being ripped apart. 

I would like some feed back on this what do you think, does he seem like a good fit for the roster? 

Click the link below for image of Ergo I drew ->


Edited by (PS4)Scarletboy76292
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So i've had a few concepts frames that have been floating around in my mind. Just wanted to get them out there.

Vampire - The self explanatory Warframe



Named simply vampire after their inherent powers. This frame is basically just a pop culture and mythological vampire, but as a Warframe. Made with "unkillable tank" in mind, but with the flairs of vampires of pop culture and whatnot. Very energy hungry with the drains, so power efficiency is a must, but since they don't scale with much else, it gives a lot more room for other frame mods. Lore-wise, Vampire was far too aggressive and/or manipulative for the Orokin so they just YEETED Vampire into the sun. Maybe Vampire could get a quest where they go to mercury for a few charred pieces. Ordis may comment that the blueprint isn't nearly as strong as the original. So Vampire would probably never get a Prime for lore reasons. Useless information aside, here is Vampire.

Passive: Blood hunger -When next to an enemy with half health (not bosses or liches, obviously)  Vampire can grab them and suck their vitality straight from the source, killing them and healing Vampire to full health. Stealth kills count as "suck" kills. I think the animation for it should be like 2 seconds. Warframe is a fast-paced game. I'm not sure on the stance of the viral element. Half health, balancing, the fact that their blood is infested, etc. Could swing either way.

1st ability: Bat dash (25 energy) - Vampire dashes forward in any direction 30 meters (scales with ability range), or if recasted. Any enemy below half health that is dashed through has Vampire's passive triggered, but Vampire instead regains energy (25 energy each scaling with efficiency).

2nd ability: Vampiric seduction (50 energy) - Vampire looks to an enemy and persuades their mind to see them as an ally. If unalerted, they will not perceive Vampire as a threat and as such, will not become alerted. Allies are still fare game though. Though if Vampire remains within 20 meters of them, they will become effectively docile. When in an alerted/hostile state, the target will not target Vampire and they additionally deal no damage to and take no damage from Vampire. Will also attack enemies that attack Vampire. Lasts indefinitely, but can only be on one target at a time. Targets are willing to let vampire drink their blood, effectively letting Vampire kill them instantly. This ability doesn't scale with anything but efficiency. This doesn't turn an enemy into an ally of the Tenno per se; just Vampire.

3rd ability: Mist body (15 energy per second, no initial cast cost) - Vampire partially turns their body to mist, making them take 50% less damage from all sources (doesn't scale). Additionally, Vampire heals when enemies bleed. Bleed damage from slash procs heal Vampire every time they deal damage (undetermined amount).

4th ability: Bloody blade (25 energy - 2.5 energy per second) - Vampire's exalted estoc, a longsword designed for stabbing, but good for cutting too, specially designed to inflict massive bleeding even from stab wounds. The exalted weapon has plenty of puncture, more than even a Zaw or Destreza Prime, and half of that in slash, with no impact (so the number 5 doesn't annoy people). The weapon has the special feature that it will go through armor as normal with puncture damage, but it will only proc slash and the moveset has guaranteed slash procs in most of the sweeps. As with most stances in melee 3.0, neutral has multi hit combos with moderate damage for that sweet multiplier, forward attacking has wide sweeping attacks with the aforementioned guaranteed slash procs, forward guarding has lunges and movement, though neutral attacks while guarding will instead use sweeping kicks and knockdowns.


Health: 275-675

Armor: 400

Shields: 25 (at all levels)

Energy: 100-225

Sprint speed: 1

Above average stats and some good armor for that maximum tank, but not slow like Atlas or the 600 armor that is Valkyr. Decent energy pool, but used quickly with the drains. Efficiency is a must, and because they don't stack with much else, the idea is to give more room for less strength and range mods in favor of straight efficiency, and maybe duration because drains also scale with duration, but the idea is more room for health and armor mods. Not doing an amazing service for the idea of a vampire frame, but it's what was on my mind at the moment. In terms of looks, I imagine an almost Prime looking frame with the standard elegant flair, but lacking silver or gold. And an almost human looking helmet/face. Also maybe an exclusive syandana as a charred dracula cape/cloak with a description "Found on Mercury while searching for pieces of Vampire. This cloak is made of a heavy cloth, so how it survived a trip into the sun is anyone's guess."

Also, pitiful shields. Harrows and helicopter moms hate him.





Locke: The hunter



I know. Very original. But this kind is more of a "every kind of hunter in one" thing. Long range hunter to melee predator and everything in between. Also, I designed him in a non-standard way, making his abilities work on cooldowns rather than costing energy. Maybe balance dictates for one reason or another that energy is a better way to go, but endurance hunting is a thing. Sort of what humans are/were back in the day. We followed our prey to the ends of the earth until it tired. I'm thinking cooldows are lowered by efficiency like other abilities to make it not irrelevant for this frame, but with diminishing returns so that they don't go down to 3 seconds, but not horrible that a painful 30 second cooldown can't be brought down to at least 22 seconds (just an example).

Passive: Stay low - Locke's natural passive makes him invisible when crouching, and for 3 seconds after stealth killing, and while stealth killing.

1st ability: Hunter's tune (10 second cooldown) - Locke hums 1 of 3 tunes to switch between 4 passives for himself and allies within affinity range, or hold the ability to stop humming and revert to natural passive.

Head hunter's hum: Headshots are guaranteed to critically strike with an enhanced crit.

Sniper's staccato: Sniper rifles deal 50% more damage (scales with slightly diminishing returns)

Berserker's ballad: Locke breaks into song. Movement speed increased by 20% and damage dealt from all sources is increased by 25% (scales with power strength).

Locke's sadistic laughter: Locke suddenly finds death incredibly hilarious. Killing an enemy gives you a stack of Sadistic hunter, increasing sprint speed, melee damage and melee attack speed by 5%. Limit 20 stacks, (sprint speed capped at 75%) at which point, Locke will become Manic, making enemies within 10 meters of him run away in fear. Manic lasts 20 seconds (scaling with duration). Unless Manic, stacks decay rapidly after 5 seconds without killing an enemy. This does not count as a tune, so allies are not affected. Can't switch tunes while manic. Stacks remain if not manic and you switch tunes, but still only last 5 seconds. (I said there were 4 passives, not including his natural passive)

2nd ability: Mi Amor/Mi Flor (10 second cooldown) - Locke's exalted weapons are named Mi Amor and Mi Flor, being a Sniper rifle-Railgun combo and a machete respectively. Mi Amor will replace your primary and Mi Flor will replace your melee weapon respectively. Pressing the ability will switch between them. Holding the ability will desummon either weapon. Mi amor has stats akin to that of the Rubico Prime (except primarily puncture) with slightly higher damage and with high status and crit chances, and a crit multiplier of 2.4x and a 4 shot magazine with a reload speed of 1.6 seconds. It has the ability to ignore 10% of enemy armor and shields. Mi Flor has stats akin to Broken war with notably higher damage, slightly higher crit chance and the fact that it's a machete, with the unique ability to increase critical damage by 20% depending on combo multiplier, similar to the gladiator set bonus, but with crit multiplier.

3rd ability: Aimed throw/Rail shot (7.5 second cooldown) - If Locke is using his exalted machete, he pulls it out and rears it back, throwing it at wherever you aim with a punch through of 5 meters. Tapping will throw it instantly, but can be held. Hits are guaranteed to critically strike and headshots deal an additional double damage (this doesn't scale with strength, but range increases projectile speed and thus, less drop). If Locke is using his sniper rifle, he uses it as a rail gun to fire a steel rail 5 meters (scales with ability range) where he aims with infinite punch through, but stops at walls and other obstacles. Ability can be held to delay firing. This applies fire proc and ignores all armor and shields (besides those of bosses, only ignoring 20% scaling with strength on top of innate 10%). After hitting a wall or max range, the rail heats into vapor because of its incredible speed.

4th ability: Run them down/Called shots (60 second cooldown (probably best to lower it, but that needs play testing)) - If using the machete, instantly gain 20 stacks of sadistic hunter and become manic. When using this ability, fleeing enemies have 20% less armor (scales with power strength). When using his sniper rifle, pressing the ability will mark a target you are looking at (at crosshair). Recasting the ability puts another mark on an enemy. You can mark specific parts of an enemy to target a weak point. Multiple marks can be placed on the same enemy. You can place as many marks as you want. After 5 seconds (scales with duration) Locke will shoot whatever marks you placed, prioritizing the order you placed them in. Locke will shoot until he runs out of ammo in his clip. Crits are guaranteed to be enhanced.


Health: 250

Shields: 300

Armor: 35

Energy: N/A

Sprint speed: 1.15

Yeah, so looking at it, maybe a bit OP... Needs toning down and maybe energy is the way to go. Maybe cooldowns is a bit ambitious with this frame. I dunno.

The Frame is designed with minimal survivability in mind, meaning it encourages players to have a mindset of, "The enemies can't kill me, if there are no enemies" mentality.

But that in mind, it sort of makes his machete somewhat useless in high level play and his sniper only marginally better.





Borne: the one Frame bomb squad



A very original blast frame. Not much else to say. Except that what I just said was sarcasm.

Passive: Flak Jacket - Borne's health is immune to damage from your own weapons and abilities as well as blast damage from any source. Your shields gain the damage reduction benefit of your armor.

1st ability: Grenade bandolier (25 energy) - Cycle through 4 grenade types to throw. Switching weapons puts away whatever grenade you are carrying and refunds the energy. Blast radius can scale with ability range and durations can scale with ability duration where applicable. Enemies closer to center of initial blast take more damage.

Fragmentation grenade: All targets within 8 meters are dealt slash, puncture and blast damage and are guaranteed to get a slash proc.

Cryo grenade: All targets within 5 meters are dealt cold and blast damage and are frozen in place. Leaves a 5 meter radius of a slowing field that goes through walls that lasts 15 seconds.

Thermite grenade: Explodes with thermite, igniting a 5 meter radius of the ground to make all enemies standing in it take heat damage while standing in it. Thermite lasts 8 seconds.

HE grenade: All targets within 15 meters of the explosion are dealt blast damage and knocked down. Enemies already knocked down are blasted wildly.

2nd ability: Armored shields (50 energy) - For 20 seconds, allies within Borne's affinity range have Borne's armor applied to their shields, or their own if higher. Borne gains invulnerability for 2 seconds and takes a portion of damage taken as shields up to a max of 1750.

3rd ability: Disarming grenade (75 energy) - Borne throws a grenade that disarms enemies within 6 meters, making them resort to melee while dealing blast damage.

4th ability: Rotary grenade launcher (50 energy - 20 energy per shot) Borne pulls out his rotary grenade launcher to fire 16 impact grenades at enemies. It holds 8 grenades per magazine. Using grenade bandolier or disarming grenade modifies the next grenade and is cast at 75% the original cost.


Health: 250

Shields: 400

Armor: 275

Energy: 175

Sprint speed: .9

The disarming grenade is more for the idea that a bomb squad is more used when there are enemy mines, but since making it destroy traps would be useless, I made it Loki's radial disarm, but a grenade. Tanky frame with plenty of utility and support. The fragmentation grenade in there is more because it felt obligatory. Can't have explosive grenades without a frag. Also, the rotary grenade launcher, his exalted weapon, would basically just be status booms.

Very energy hungry with a low energy pool. Made to encourage you to think, but I'm not sure. Maybe a buff to it would be necessary, but I'm done writing.


Have a nice day.

Edited by OhLawdHeComin
so post doesn't take up entire screen because I'm stupid and didn't use the spoilers thing...
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A little late, but I figured this would go here:

Do you want a Corpus Kingpin mechanic that lets you actually feel like taking on an ever-expanding corporate enterprise through acts of sabotage and espionage until at last you are ready to take down The Man at the top and his annoying hard-to-kill half-Sentient crony, once and for all? Look no further than Amalgam Barons: A Possible Corpus Equivalent to Kuva Liches.

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