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Update 11.3.0


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So, to drop my own two credits... let's see.


Infested invasion. Cool mechanic. Has the potential to deal with the problems created when you handed Jupiter over to Corpus without letting us even have a choice in the matter. [Not like Mars where player choice created the Grineer ownership of the area]


Downtime between invasions... sounds bad. I think anytime we are unable to fight Infested at a reasonable level SOMEWHERE is a major flaw on your part. For that matter, not being able to find Phorid on command is a massive mistake, I think. Hell, did nobody think it was stupid to hand Eris over to the faction who has the most controlling number of sectors and not even get to put a boss in there?(That would NOT be a solution, and if Corpus rolls out another Jackal recolor, I'm going to be pissed) Infested Derelicts do not count as an area because nobody really wants to farm JUST to fight a faction briefly. Fighting Infested should not be a priviledge that we have to earn. Especially when they have faction-specific mods. God knows the Corrupted-only ones are bad enough.


And now the damage. [Mind you, I'm basing this off the new wiki values, so this may be erroneous, but here's my impressions...]




So... Fire is now pointless as a damage type. It gets bonuses against flesh, which means Crewmen and Grineer. But penalties against shields and armor both... which both have. No longer bonuses against Infected, because, you know, Burn the Xenos isn't a trope or anything.


Toxin became WORSE against armor because now it no longer positively affects flesh, just armor. Electricity is equally wrecked. I suppose the only high note is that Cold is now a vanilla shield-killer and nothing else.


Multi-elementals, well, let's see.

Blast just got it in the teeth, losing its status as a 'good all around' damage type with a functionally effective proc in exchange for being a robot-specialized type.

Corrosive just became ridiculously niche without totally logical robotic damage, only bonus against Grineer.

Gas became worthless against armor, which I suppose only mildly makes sense when you pretend the grineer all bother with helmets and rebreathers...

Magnetic became worthless at anything besides shield-stripping from robots only, which accounts for all the Mag players who think their damage just got nerfed.

Radiation became the Infested-killer, which is fine if it weren't so blasted hard to find fire and elec mods for rifles.

And then we have Viral. Good bloody lord, if you hate the damage type so much, just remove it and find some other use for Cold + Toxin.


Stalker update is unnecessary, he's already a wipe on a single run or destroyed on a group run. You have reduced one of the more entertaining game mechanics down now, between Dispel, immunity to debuffs, super pathfinding, infinite energy and relentlessly perfect aim, to something that says 'bring friends or abort mission'. And no, DE, making him able to wipe parties is not a solution, either, because I see that as your knee-jerk reaction. Stalker needs to become interesting again, not an annoyance, which is firmly where he sits right now.


Resource drones need attention and explanation. Right now it's as stupidly designed as Starcraft 1 protoss. "I'm bleeding out my organs. Don't technologically-enhanced races have medical?" "Nah, man. Just throw him at the enemy and build a new unit."


And lastly... I don't see a bugfix for the Arsenal + Party Invite = No more Arsenal until full restart of Warframe. Come on, that's a showstopper bug.


All in all, DE, I understand your efforts to keep moving forward, but remember that you need to fix the cracks in the foundation of a building before you keep building floors on top of it, and remodeling the furniture inside. Especially the furniture that people like to sit on. Tortured analogy, I know.

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What the hell is with Captain Vor?  He was pretty easy to kill before the update and now its almost impossible to solo him.  The flux rifle is recommended since it does great slash damage but it does nothing to him.  I can take him down with despair but I run out of ammo before I can even get him half way down.  Now he's just a cheap pain the in &#!.  Even with snow globe up he can one shot you and the regular enemies are God like too.  Geez freakin irriatating!

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Still would like Lanka to have magnetic damage instead of electric, but at least now the railgun can pierce like a railgun should.


Also kinda sad we can't side with the infested during invasions. I mean, the orokin used the infested to purge their enemies before right? Why not do the same now?

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The idea is to have them truly infesting now - this is a pretty big change and will be keeping track on all feedback/thoughts about this.



Ok, and what about some insainly rare mods like Contagious Spread ? You guys do realize, that their mods drop rate really low... And now, we cant even farm them non stop ... 


RIP good old days ...

Edited by Figasebe
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Okay, this may not be the place for it, but I have some feed back on the new Invasion mechanic.


I love the idea, particularly the fact that we get Fieldrons and Mutagen Masses as battle pay.  Keep this up, and I will be perfectly fine with a few of my missions being temporarily unavailable, even if it interferes with farming or my star chart expansion.  My main concern is the removal of the Infested to the Invasion mode exclusively.  Again, I love the idea, and if the invasions are a more or less constant occurrence, as you implied they would be, it should be workable.  However, I do worry about the availability of Mods and resources that drop primarily from Infested, particularly the Nyx Warframe.  With the removal of J3-Golem (and its Volt blueprints) from the star chart, and now Phorid to Invasion, we are now down to one static Infested boss: Lymphathis, on the Derelicts.  For variety's sake, I recommend keeping at least one or two nodes under the banner of the Infested faction, perhaps representing "nest" areas that are so heavily infested that not even the Tenno can clean them out.  This would provide areas for those of us looking to farm Infested drops, or (in my case) fill the Codex.  Also, these "nest" nodes could serve as launching points for Invasions, and areas to reliably encounter Phorid and J3-Golem (and their associated blueprint drops).


Overall, however, it was still a great update.  Thanks, DE.

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Not really liking the damage system changes.


Feels like there are more useless elements than useful. Like, what purpose does an element that does bonus damage to flesh, but less damage to armor and shields serve?


It just feels really poorly realized.

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To be honest, i dont really want to play anymore ... I really enjoyed to play Xini defence, and kill infested. IT WAS FUN. 


Now, everyone play only 5 waves in defence in infested invasions, to claim reward ... 


DE. You should make atleast 2-3 high lvl missons with infested def or survival without CD... 

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To be honest, i dont really want to play anymore ... I really enjoyed to play Xini defence, and kill infested. IT WAS FUN. 


Now, everyone play only 5 waves in defence in infested invasions, to claim reward ... 


DE. You should make atleast 2-3 high lvl missons with infested def or survival without CD... 

This is a major problem.  Xini WAS FUN, at the same time it gave a way to pick up mods and cores etc.  taking up other nodes just to serve infested invasion is counter productive


1.  People will only stay for 5 waves, just for the reward, and will not continue to defend and increase chances of drops and mods.

2.  a certain node will be taken for atleast a few hours  to a day.  This wil limpact those that are not on 24/7, and will make them come back and not play as much because their favorite node is now invaded.

3.  The drop rates of many infested including electreic crawlers was low and their numbers were even lower,  with this invasion, it becomes almost impossible to get some mods such as contagious spread. 


If infested wish to be removed from the map, they must also not be given mod drop offs, but rather just fusion cores and resources.  They dynamic of how people play this game will completely change, and most people that i've talked to in my clan of nearly 1000 memebers seem to not like the idea of infested being taken of the starchart and occupying other nodes.  This is counter productive, as there are already too many corpus and especially grineer missions, it serves no purpose, to keep increasing factions that already have many plants on the map.


i will keep my eye on this game very carefully, but since update 11, things have just NOT been the same, this game used to be FUN.  i udnerstand the need to change the damage system.   But honestly it was FUN to see someone beign electrecuted on fire and frozed at the same time.  i liked the old damage type, it could have been tweaked just a bit, but revamping the enitre damage system broke many many weapons, and many many people who spend time, formaing, and adding catalysts etc, spent their resouces, money and time on the game, just to see it get pretty messed up.


perhaps taking a poll would serve well, as opposed to just taking an entire faction off their planet. and taking the boss and putting them in random nodes now, that someone might have planned to attack, for resouces blueprints etc.


thank you

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