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Afkers Getting Out Of Control


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yes, but you can't, and they are not exploiting anything (bugs)

so what I said remains the same


If I remember correctly, during the Gradivus Dilemma, I saw DE staff posting saying that you can report people as "afking/exploiting" if they do nothing during a mission so they can get battle pay.


Technically, that is an exploit if they do not do anything in a mission. Screencap the mission log after you finish and show them they got 0/0/0 all across the boards.


Each time I've done it personally I kept getting a "thank you for caring about the community, we take these offenders seriously", ect. reply.

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Upvoted and can't agree less. This game needs a vote kick function, with a reason statement. So if a person gets a lot of kicks for being AFK it'll show up near his character name or something. And it's not about random defense, it's more about the operation events, where you need to grind a lot and just mission count is relevant for your reward.

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Im some mmorpg's they actually changed their stance on how to deal with AFK'ers, its considered harrasment there now and can result in a (temperal) ban.

Ofcourse.. Im only rank 5 so its not unussual to have someone in the mission blowing everything up before I can get a shot in, which probebly makes it harder to tell who is afk'ing or just unlucky to get a shot in... on the otherhand, people can see when someone IS trying and there ussually are some mobs I can still take a shot at.

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If I remember correctly, during the Gradivus Dilemma, I saw DE staff posting saying that you can report people as "afking/exploiting" if they do nothing during a mission so they can get battle pay.


Technically, that is an exploit if they do not do anything in a mission. Screencap the mission log after you finish and show them they got 0/0/0 all across the boards.


Each time I've done it personally I kept getting a "thank you for caring about the community, we take these offenders seriously", ect. reply.

Yes because the thing to say to a valued customer is "Sorry but there's not alot we can do short of perma banning them and such an action would be grossly disproportionate to the crime, so thanks for wasting our time."

Nobody likes leeches but if random events where you have to grind a mission multiple times to get a reward bring them out. Then maybe we should look at that design as being flawed if people are deciding the optimum way to get it done is just to afk.

Edited by Squig
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kick vote... like laggy host? they deserve to be kicked? or player whos hardly can kill anything because the host sucks? kick vote merely an abuse tool than usefull feature, it's happend on almost all games which has this feature.

They do a usefull feature, but properly used? don't think so... it's all about ego.

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Theres really nothing DE can actually do against AFKers in game while it happens. Any automated system put in won't be good enough and will end up easily bypassable and being nothing more than an annoyance for real players. I've seen it in many games.

The current systems they have in place really don't do anything at all and can be annoying to real players as is. Those are; that sentinels stop working after a certain amount of time (iirc 30-60 seconds), even if you're standing still and still shooting and the other is not getting any kills in any game mode, regardless if you extract or not not netting you credit rewards.


There are times you don't move in certain game modes for 30 seconds and if you rush captures with a party you can easily not get any kills. Nothing major at all and ones a very specific case but these systems do nothing to "combat" afkers and are nothing more than an annoyance for players when it does happen. Anything more "severe" would be hindrances for players. Like not getting any sort of rewards if you don't make it to extraction or something (seen it suggested many times).


You really can not easily "define" what afking "is", no more than defining what "camping" is and thus can't really do anything to "combat" or "prevent" it.


What is camping? Staying still? Is it staying still in a specific spot, not moving at all? Is it staying in a specific area? How big an area? How long would one need to be in this area to be considered "camping"? 30 seconds? a minute? 5 minutes? Would staying there for 4 minutes and 59 seconds not be considered camping? What is camping?



What is afking?


"Not moving", how long? Would setting a macro to move 1 second before this allowed time be acceptable?


"Staying in the starting area of a mission"? Would moving one room over then afking not be detected as afking?


"Not shooting or moving from the starting area" - Would going one room over then swinging your melee weapon and firing your gun a few times not be considered "afking"?


"More than a few shots" - Macros


"No kills" - Would finding the first set of enemies, killing one and then proceeding to afk not be detected?


"x amount of kills or damage done" - Bad territory to go into.


See where I'm going with this?


The best and only thing they can actually do is a blacklist, so if someone does afk in your game you can blacklist them and never have to play with them again. Theres nothing they can physically do to any in your game that wouldn't end up hurting real players. Accept that.


I mean, what do you want them to do. Completely redo the shared exp and not allow ally kills give you any exp anymore? Oh....https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/147071-proportionate-shared-xp/


They tried to but the backlash showed them how bad of an idea it was and I can guarantee you part of wanting to deploy that was to try to "combat" afkers, like so many have been demanding for.


Still wouldn't have solved afkers actually being in your game btw. A blacklist would prevent them in future games though.

Edited by iTzLazer
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form a retired AFKer's point of view

i did afk sometimes becuase my mom was calling so i gotta go for a while but i've never done that in a void defense or survival i've afk in t2/3 caps that i hosted because i got to go or a while and i dont want people to waste their time.

but there is 1 major setback now i have about 150 hours but only 53000 kills because i like to afk/rush missions so now if i cant play i prefer to just got to dojo and build stuff


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B-But Nova users Molecular Prime everyday for every second, all it does is benefit them. Alot of exp is wasted if said person was trying to level a melee weapon and a secondary weapon while using a rank 30 Frame and primary weapon. 


DE really needs to implement exp bonus/reduction in Reputation System when it arrives. Players are allowed to cast vote at every end of  the level. Any players who accumulated 10 thumbs down will get 25% exp reduction for his frame/weapons/sentinel for 2 hours cap limit and vice versa.


hey dude, my name is kevbob.  if we are ever in-game together, remember to chat me up and remind me not to use my abilities or weapons to gain any kills, as i would HATE to keep all that xp to myself and not share it with you.

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Do you play as nova often? Because if you do that'd probably be why you find so many afker's and other people have only been with a few. Whenever I see a nova spamming m-prime, I usually just afk the mission.

Wrong thing to do participate or leave the mission man. It's frustrating for everyone else in your group while you attempt to "punish" someone for using their class effectively. If you don't want to play you don't deserve the mission rewards even if you think someone is slighting you.

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Wrong thing to do participate or leave the mission man. It's frustrating for everyone else in your group while you attempt to "punish" someone for using their class effectively. If you don't want to play you don't deserve the mission rewards even if you think someone is slighting you.


Well that's the problem, its impossible to contribute when there is no enemies left to kill. So you either just stand there and watch the pretty explosions or tab out and do something else, I usually choose the latter.

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Another FPS game I play just auto kicks anyone who is idle for 1 to 2 minutes...something similar to that can be done....but another thing that could be done in conjunction with the auto kick feature is for every moment a player is not moving or firing, they get no xp at all from what other players kill...they get no mission or credit rewards either.   Then I bet people would not AFK intentionally.

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Kick vote is never a good idea, there is only a legion of silly bs reasons why 3 people could and would kick the fourth one.


Kick vote can be abused in so many ways it's not even funny anymore, yes, afkers/leechers are a problem, but no, kickvote is not the solution.


Blacklist is, as others have said, see someone afk in your match, blacklist them so you never have to see them again.

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Throwing it around. What about making missions actually worth to be played instead?


I mean, every time they repeat the same "invasion" crap since the original Gradivus event there is a boom in afkers. COULD THEY BE CONNECTED PERHAPS? No, no, it must be the moon. (or the space station)



Blacklist is, as others have said, see someone afk in your match, blacklist them so you never have to see them again.

I'm pretty sure I would blacklist speedrunners and idiots spamming Mprime on Mercury while on Pubblic. Does that make blacklists exploitable?

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Throwing it around. What about making missions actually worth to be played instead?


I mean, every time they repeat the same "invasion" crap since the original Gradivus event there is a boom in afkers. COULD THEY BE CONNECTED PERHAPS? No, no, it must be the moon. (or the space station)



I'm pretty sure I would blacklist speedrunners and idiots spamming Mprime on Mercury while on Pubblic. Does that make blacklists exploitable?


If you don't want to play with these people, then no, off course not, it would be a list of people you do not want to play with, which AFKers and leechers would fit perfectly in.

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I'm pretty sure I would blacklist speedrunners and idiots spamming Mprime on Mercury while on Pubblic. Does that make blacklists exploitable?

Nope. All you would be doing by blacklisting everyone would be lowering amount of players YOU can play with. Of course this way after a while you would be left with only players who have similar playstyle to you so... win?

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It just worries me that people will start using this when I'm hunting for resources. I see group kick becoming a very bad idea. I think people will just use it to troll people with different play styles. I could sooner see a report afk feature, but if you move in a reasonable amount of time it clears the impending boot. Just make no mistake, sometimes people NEED to afk. I have had to step away many times in the middle of a defense mission to find my son's pacifier or something that really takes priority over staying glued to the keyboard. It would really start to ruin the game for me, because say I'm running ariel on uranus farming plastids. Two people join my game and don't feel like looking around and they vote to boot me. Don't get me wrong by all means I can solo, but I really shouldn't HAVE to. Honestly, I see any vote to kick option being abused.

I feel the same way.


Last night I had something similar happen to me, I was on a one of the event nodes and I had to leave the game and take care of one of my kids getting sick. When I returned, I was getting ready to disconnect, but since they were at the extract I decided to type in the chat that I was sorry I had to go AFK but my son was sick. I got flamed and such from one of guys even after I apologized.


FYI, I got nothing as far as XP or rewards went. I still had only 2 out of 5 runs completed on that event node, so not even a completion was added. This should detour AFK'ers. Now Leachers, that's a different story.


It's the Leechers that are the biggest part of the problem. They will strategical move around and go AFK to leech off others. Not sure why, when it's just easier to pull your own weight and rush through the map.

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Kick vote is never a good idea, there is only a legion of silly bs reasons why 3 people could and would kick the fourth one.


Kick vote can be abused in so many ways it's not even funny anymore, yes, afkers/leechers are a problem, but no, kickvote is not the solution.


Blacklist is, as others have said, see someone afk in your match, blacklist them so you never have to see them again.

Yeah, if you played Left4Dead when it released... you will see how quickly the kick vote gets abused.

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I love your name; let's hook up a cell some time?


Just don't leave me hanging.

Sure why not but I'm on a (UTC+8:00) timezone.


Note to mods and OP: I have no intention of derailing this thread I was just using my name as a Joke.

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