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Feedback About Direction Of New Hud Ui.


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Dorian: did you see my comment about making sure the chat and the lotus/boss/stalker message box fits into the UI? since currently the lotus portrait obscures the party and the chat used to be hard-locked to the same place as well making it a 3 layer kerfuffle.

Hey KriLL3, in wireframes that we created earlier this week, everything is planned to fit on-screen without any overlap. You'll see how everything fits together nicely once we get the chat, NPC dialog, and any outstanding HUD elements crafted and put into the screen :)


I think the size problem others pointed out, could be easily fixed with the ability to scale the elements in the options (maybe customizable colors/ different crosshair styles aswell ;) ).


Two things I'd like to point out tho. Stamina right now is not that important that it warrants a spot right in the middle of the screen. In my opinion having it under the health/shilds is just fine and would declutter the crosshair.


The other thing. As much as I love the colors, warframe can get eyebleeding bright very fast (especially with bloom), when the ultimate abilities are going of everywhere, which will drown out all those crucial white Informations. So may I suggest bright letters with a dark outline (or vice versa).

- Scaling: This has been one of the most common suggestions so far, and will absolutely make sure to investigate this as an option for us.

- Stamina: That is a valid point, however, it will only show up when in-use. An added benefit of having the Stamina bar in the centre of the screen is that it's one less thing to display in the already fairly 'busy-with-bars' upper-right of the screen.

- White Text Legibility: Yes, I absolutely agree with that. We're currently trying out a couple different options to ensure text is legible on all background colours that a player could encounter.

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everything is planned to fit on-screen without any overlap. You'll see how everything fits together nicely once we get the chat, NPC dialog, and any outstanding HUD elements crafted and put into the screen :)


Nice, it's a fairly basic thing to get right but for some reason the current HUD didn't.


- White Text Legibility: Yes, I absolutely agree with that. We're currently trying out a couple different options to ensure text is legible on all background colours that a player could encounter.


A subtle black outline (thin, low opacity) or drop shadow (again, thin and low opacity) could probably work, should be subtle enough not to be noticeable most of the time, but let you read the text when looking straight into something solid white like the lights in the dojo.

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Thanks for the replies Dorian, you'll earn bonus points here just for that!

The more I see it the more I like the overall design (apart from the size), nice to see you have noted that feedback.

The angling of some of the elements reminds me of the Crysis HUD, which almost felt like you were wearing a visor.


As well as the scaling (I'm optimistic!) can we keep the option we currently have where we can define how close to the screen edge the UI goes?

When elements are too far in you get that tunnel vision feeling, like you are actually only seeing about half of the screen.

Opacity, always a nice option as well... at the moment it's all a bit primary, basic colours, some opacity could help that.


Thanks for the support.


Edit: Just noted the stamina, and that it only displays when in use.

It's probably in use most of the time for most players, it might be worth considering a plan B :)


You are running, jumping and melee-ing, basically until your stamina depletes. (Stamina bar in use)

Then it recharges (Stamina bar in use)

Then we start running and melee-ing and jumping around again :) (Stamina bar in use)


Admittedly waiting at extraction I might see the bar disappear!

Edited by Egg_Chen
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Hey everyone, it's unfortunately time for me to go home for the night.

Was a real pleasure getting to chat with you (sorry if I didn't have a chance to get back to some of you), thanks for all the great feedback, and I'll see you all next week! Enjoy the weekend, and stay tuned!

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I REALLY like how it looks except the crowded crosshair. also the warframe hud should be blueish so get rid of the red. 




I second the above post. More elements of blue to offset the White. We are Tenno. We love Blue :D


and I LOVE how melee weapon XP is finally shown on the HUD


The placement of the Power and Energy bar is Nice... but the whole layout of that section feels... off and muted. Everything else in the shot is taking attention away from that spot, I cant image how it would be in active combat.

Edited by ensignvidiot
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is there chance that new HUD could refelect duration of "timed" powers, so we could see how soon warframe will flip to back "idle" state ?


also, is there chance that new HUD could reflect what kind and  how much resources been collected during mission ?





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My Feedback about the UI:


1). Please add two small health/shield indicators to either side of the crosshair in a ( and ) configuration. Make them disappear when your shields are full and you are not taking damage. When you take shield damage, the one on the left (a blue bar) should appear to reflect how many shields you have remaining and if you take health damage, the one on the right should appear and should remain as long as you're taking health damage + 10 seconds after you stop. There are times with the current UI that I find myself distracted when I have to look up at the very top-right of the screen to retrieve information about my current health (which is by far the most important thing you need to know).


2). Please change the white letters/bars to blue, or at the very least, the shields because everywhere else in the game Shields = Blue.


3). If possible, please add buffs/debuffs (IMO, stick them above the power meter). I need to know how much Iron Skin is remaining, or how long Hysteria/Invisibility will last.


4). Could you put a small number above the crosshair that tells us Distance-to-Target? This would help a bunch especially with shotguns. If I'm using a Brakk, I need to know if I'm <19 meters or >21 meters away. I'd hate to lose half of my damage because I was off a little in my guesswork. The distance-to-target function would measure the distance to whatever's in front of your crosshair (the nearest solid object/enemy/terrain), kinda like how the codex scanner does.


EDIT: Also, what is that green bar underneath the crosshair? I can't figure out what that's for.

EDIT2: Stamina, derp. lol. I didn't realize there was a page #2 when I typed that.

Edited by Xylia
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I have a twitch.tv stream where I use negative space on the HUD and the overall game UI to overlay my Clan Logo and for the Warframe Alerts Informer App.


Many people throw in their Webcams in those spots (or at least over the in-game chat windows), too.


Anyway, that's one of the things I look for with UI changes in every update.. how I am going to move and fit my twitch overlays without obscuring things for my viewers.. you guys sure like to keep me on my toes lately.

Edited by DietEbolaCola
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1). Please add two small health/shield indicators to either side of the crosshair in a ( and ) configuration.



I recognize that setup from some WoW mod, really not a fan, should be optional and by default off if done at all.



2). Please change the white letters/bars to blue, or at the very least, the shields because everywhere else in the game Shields = Blue.


I'd rather suggest make everything red in the HUD into a color channel you can set yourself.


3). If possible, please add buffs/debuffs (IMO, stick them above the power meter). I need to know how much Iron Skin is remaining, or how long Hysteria/Invisibility will last






4). Could you put a small number above the crosshair that tells us Distance-to-Target?


You sure like clutter don't you? No thanks, you should be able to estimate the distance yourself, you don't need a laser range-finger in the middle of the screen.

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Hey everyone!


Just thought I'd take this opportunity to introduce myself; my name is Dorian ("the new UI Artist").


I've been spending a lot of time reading through the forums, making note of what we can do to get everyone really stoked about the interface.

There is some really terrific feedback on here (and not just this post), so I can only encourage you to please keep it coming (both the positive and negative!)


In terms of the HUD that we presented, we decided to show this concept to the community earlier rather than later to see how everyone felt about this direction, and then gather those thoughts to influence our direction moving forward.


I'm really excited to collaborate with everyone here, and I look forward to sharing more updates down the road.


Have a great weekend!

Hi, Dorian. I actually really like the new look of the UI. For this being the first real attempt to change the look of it, it's outstanding. Here are some of the things that stand out to me that i like or can be improved on.


- Very clean and futuristic look.

- I like the thinner text. I feel like thick or fat text makes a game look out dated and old.

- Keep the blue color theme somewhere in the HUD. Could be for the shields or something, just think it should match with the whole game color look which is blue.

- Loving the border-less look as well, blends in with the game much better instead of having squares everywhere on your screen.

- Maybe move the 1,2,3,4 power up numbers inside the icons at the top-left to make it take up less space instead of being at the bottom of the icons.

- I suggest removing the avatars from the player info toggle and replace it with an new icon of the Warframe they are using, or remove it completely. I want to be able to see this information and keep it toggled on without feeling like it's too obstructive. Try a different layout and re-size it maybe.

- Making an actual reticle! The original reticle is absolutely disgusting, im sure you knew that ha. I think it should be a little more stylized then a straight up white dot/circle. Maybe it could end up being that we can change our reticles to different styles/colors which would be AWESOME! Maybe buying reticles with Plat or Credits.


Overall, i like the new HUD look. So i don't think too much needs to be changed, except for some of the things i mentioned :P Anyways that's all the feedback i have for now, keep up the good work!

Edited by Aaron86V
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Personally I would love a similar option to Armored Core. Where we can choose to put stuff on, or off the screen. So people who prefer less can have less. While people like me... well...


I always break open the Armored core options and shove as much info on there, and then put on the best targeting system with the most data physically possible to be shoved into the players face. Plus having the measurement system to tell how high up your looking, or how low helps massively with weapons like the Penta.


I still don't like how the weapons only show the ammo of weapon selected. I want the ammo on all weapons equipped being shown at all times. For proper ammo managed on the go. Full, and complete control of all information coming in.

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3). If possible, please add buffs/debuffs (IMO, stick them above the power meter). I need to know how much Iron Skin is remaining, or how long Hysteria/Invisibility will last.



+1, I don't see how this is not in the game already.  At the very least put some type of simple cooldown animation on the ability icons at bottom of screen so we know when it refreshes (i.e vertical fill or countdown text).


I would prefer the red changed to blue.  Since everything about Warframe UI has a blue feel (even the website links!). After playing Warframe for awhile it instantly looked weird seeing the red in screenshot.


And maybe I missed it but where is chat going to show up at? Above the party list?

Edited by vh0x
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I still can't for the life of me warm up to this new HUD concept. I actually prefer the style we have more. I think less is more, but maybe just like armored core, we can customize what info we see. Hell, how about you just give us the tools ingame and we can make our own HUD to our liking. That way everyone wins.


On another note, have you considered custom HUD UI for each warframe?

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Seeing how Dorian responds here, I will move away from my own thread and post here instead.*grumbles*


I'll begin by saying that I really dislike the direction you want the UI to go, I can kind of understand why and what you are trying to achieve(Though you telling us exactly what you want to achieve with this new UI could help a lot)  

And that I really feel like this UI is made for PS4 instead of PC.


TL:DR - Don't change what isn't broken, just add the missing things.

And where would drops put their text into?


Although the UI in the suggested picture might not be shot at 1920x1080, while mine is, it is just too cluttered, both around the aim and in general.

The current UI fulfills all my needs except for missing sentinel HP. For all I care I just need this:

*Warning, horrible paint incoming*



Then it has everything the new UI offers that I consider useful, but in a smaller and less...In-Yo-Face manner of doing it.

The melee-XP seperate bar is not needed if the melee weapon becomes something we "equip" like primary/secondary instead of just "slice & put away" so it would then fill up the information where Primary and Secondary XP/Ammo are currently located instead of cluttering the screen even more.


The font & size & location is also a major problem for me, why does everything need to come to the middle so much? You still can't read it without diverting your eyes to the location of said information.

The abilities I have never needed to look at either, I know what each ability is and does(And I am kinda new...) on my warframes, the only time I have ever used the ability bar was when I was playing with 1 hand(Eating with the other) in an invasion mission.


The aim also doesn't need the changes, why does it need a stamina bar? It has no use whatsoever currently, and I really couldn't care less about stamina as is and again, it just pops in your face being easier to see then enemies degrading the experience of shooting at enemies.


I also like the current boxes that exist, It puts everything in a nice corner where the information can be seen in a half-second glance, where the suggested UI wants to be visible at all times but it doesn't work because I would still only see what I am looking at, the rest would just be in the way/asking for attention while there is generally enough of that going on on-screen already.


Also, the current system places semi-important things into the middle(squad health, names, loot) while even less important things(xp, ammo etc.) get put in the corners, but with the new UI where would the loot be? Next to the abilties? In their own location where you can see everything you have picked up in that mission? 


What I want to see in an UI is simply the information I need shown, and beyond that I just want to see the level and enemies since that is the main part of this game and the most important. Not some information that is less important.


Like I said, I dislike the In-Yo-Face way, and the font, the colors, all it does is jump in your face when you don't even need it. Even without that info you can play so why would it jump so much in your face?


Edit: This is my opinion, I understand everyone has their own liking and all, but I rather we get the ability to scale the current UI elements to be bigger so it pops more into view, than make a whole new UI that is sub-par in comparison to the existing one.

Or hell, for all I care make it an option between the 2. Call it "Minimalistic UI? Yes/No" in the options menu and put it to no on default? if you really don't want to change your current direction.

Edited by BrainInvader
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Like I've said in other threads, I personally hate the look of the new UI mockup.


It just seems cluttered and too distracting for my tastes.

We do need a new UI, but I hope that's not it.


If that one does make it in-game, please make it optional.


I'm waiting for a 'minimalistic' HUD option.

Look at this flawless Photoshop that took me weeks to perfect.




Top left - Minimap, no borders.

Top right - Health bar, energy bar, stamina bar. Not as precise as numbers, but looks cleaner.

Bottom right - Ammo bars. Top one is your current magazine, bottom one is your max ammo pool.


That HUD is very minimal, leaves almost the whole screen open.


I'd buy another plat bundle if that HUD made it into the game.


Ideally, I wish for an option to choose my HUD
Classic (the current UI)

New (the proposed one, if it makes it into the game)

Minimal (Pictured above)


That way, everyone's happy. 


Other Feedback

I want to look at Final Fantasy XIV: ARR for a moment



In FF XIV, you can pull up that screen and customize every single HUD element.

I can remove what I don't want, move it all around, replace x with y. etc, etc.

If you're introducing a HUD like that, I feel like this is essential.


scale option would also be needed. You can probably tell that I prefer small/minimal HUD. 

If I could play Warframe with no HUD without gimping myself, I would.


So, with the new HUD, please give us a lot of options for customisation.

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one thing about the wireframe, i think the crosshair has too many half-circle bars around it, especially the stamina bar, that could move somewhere else(though not sure where), alternatively, make it invisible when it's not in use/full.


another thing, for enemy health bars, this bugs me ALOT in the current hud, shields should be cover up how much health they have left, show both bars at once. possibly on the same bar, but make shields only cover up 80% of the bar, and leave the bottom rows of pixels to always show health.


edit: the HUD seems to use 3 colors (white,grey and red), which is a great way to keep it clean. i hope those colors are customizable.

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The aim also doesn't need the changes, why does it need a stamina bar? It has no use whatsoever currently, and I really couldn't care less about stamina as is and again, it just pops in your face being easier to see then enemies degrading the experience of shooting at enemies.


I also like the current boxes that exist, It puts everything in a nice corner where the information can be seen in a half-second glance, where the suggested UI wants to be visible at all times but it doesn't work because I would still only see what I am looking at, the rest would just be in the way/asking for attention while there is generally enough of that going on on-screen already.


Edit: This is my opinion, I understand everyone has their own liking and all, but I rather we get the ability to scale the current UI elements to be bigger so it pops more into view, than make a whole new UI that is sub-par in comparison to the existing one.


I really don't get your feedback, you don't like the new HUD because it's different from the old one? That's not a reason, the new HUD is clearly more thought out and better designed than the old one, big blocks framing the information is annoying since it wastes a lot of screen real-estate, the new HUD has a lot nicer typography and bars help you absorb information in a more passive manner, does the new HUD need some tweaking? Yes, is that an early mockup probably done in photoshop and not actually in-game at all and still some time away from being implemented in any form? Yes.


I know some people find change scary, but trust me, most change especially warframe related is good, warframe has grown from a fairly simplistic and boring game into a much more fleshed out and interesting game, the HUD is pretty much the only old leftover from the early days and it's long due a rewamp, it's properly ugly and elements don't fit on the screen together Dorian is going in the right direction.


DE have already said they want to make the stamina bar more relevant, if you watched the latest livestream you'd know they're adding a blocking stance to the game where you don't remove your melee weapons, you keep them in your hands and it lets you block incoming fire, but it costs stamina to block it, DE want to make melee/parry viable and part of that is making the stamina bar more relevant.




one thing about the wireframe, i think the crosshair has too many half-circle bars around it, especially the stamina bar, that could move somewhere else(though not sure where), alternatively, make it invisible when it's not in use/full.


We've already covered this, stamina bar won't be shown when full.


another thing, for enemy health bars, this bugs me ALOT in the current hud, shields should be cover up how much health they have left, show both bars at once. possibly on the same bar, but make shields only cover up 80% of the bar, and leave the bottom rows of pixels to always show health.


Already covered this as well, it doesn't cover the health, they're separate bars sitting next to each other, they drain from the sides and meet in the middle.

Edited by KriLL3
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I will list my initial feedback.



1) The enemy bar/info I utterly adore! It is crisp and informative and I can finally see who my enemy is and what danger he poses. The placement is perfect for me!

2) I LOVE the minimap!!!

3) I am very happy to see my Sentinel get a display for hp/shield.

4) I like that the reticule is more prominent (although I do not particularly like the reticule itself).

5) The new squad-listing is far less cramped.

6) Love



1) The choice of color: Red. Red is a color I associate with danger on the HUD. Looking at the mockup makes me think everyone is being attacked and are dangerously low on health. White. White is a color I find is hard to make out against some backgrounds and in certain lighting, but - as previously suggested - adding an outline/shadow would solve this.

2) HUD elements are too large. If players were given control over scaling individual items that would be brilliant!

3) The HUD does not blend with the game. I understand that would be somewhat counter-productive, but I feel like I am looking at a digital display of the warframe's vitals layered on top of the game. It distances me from my surroundings.

4) TMI. I do not need to know what frame I am in, what my melee weapon is, what lvl my Sentinel is etc. The only thing I am in control of changing while in-game is swapping my main/secondary, so that is the only information I feel I would need.



1) I would rather have my abilities centered to the left-hand side of the screen and displayed vertically. (For some reason HUDs rarely seem to utilize vertical - it is all horizontal and linear.)

2) I would like to have the option to display shield/hp in percentages. Either as the only ranking or in addition to the actual numbers.

3) The squad listing displaying their avatar is confusing (at present and in this mock-up) since the avatar has nothing what so ever to do with what frame they are in and the selection of avatars is so limited that we often have multiple of the same one showing. Please change that to instead reflect what frame they are actually in.

4) Please let the individual abilities display a countdown when triggered. (For Ironskin, Overheat, Blessing etc.)

5) I would love a visual display of overall health/shield/status. The downed visual would be perfect for that: body-fill = hp, body-outline = shield, indicators of where damage is being inflicted (add a body in profile to indicate front/back). Currently I am not always certain if I am buffed or debuffed when I see an effect on me. I would also like a countdown for statuses on me (ex. Blessing).

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this is an old post, and i like the concept more than New UI from Livestream(doesn't mean i hate it).


Maybe this could be a reference for new idea or whatever people will say for New UI.

edited : fixing grammar (as English is not my native)

Edited by hikistyle
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I prefer the current HUD. The current HUD actually looks simpler and its fine. All they needed to do was add a sentinel and melee weapon element to it, not completely redo it. I also like the colors better on the current HUD and the current enemy health bar is perfect.


The new one is ugly in my opinion. I don't like the new reticle with the stamina bar. Looks way too cluttered. I like having minimal detail on the reticle. 

I also don't like the huge power icons in the bottom middle of the screen. I use powers by hitting 1,2,3, or 4, not by selecting them. So that power portion in the bottom middle is both useless to me and takes up room on the screen, not to mention looks bad. 


Like others have said, it feels like this new HUD was made for PS4 users. They should just keep the current HUD, tweak it a bit, and add the sentinel and melee weapon bars. I appreciate that they were trying to do something new and a lot of hard work was put into the new HUD, but this is the purpose of forums, to give feedback. 

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First of all, welcome to the community Dorian! Can't wait to see more updates from your UI designs in the near future!


Secondly, here is a topic you should definetly check out for more ideas on what the community wants in terms of a UI revamp.



I'll go over some quick tidbits from that topic here for some tl;dr


1. Add an Ability Timer, this has come up multiple times in the past pages of this thread. It is desperatly needed.

2. A "Datalog" that shows a list of collected items throughout the mission

3. A bar similar to the Stamina semi-circle in your reticule concept that shows the charge time for a melee weapon when in use. Put it above the reticule

4. A circular Gear pop-up that allows players to select from their gear. Along with the hotkeys, this would generously help in the ease of Gear selection.

5. Advanced Party display by holding the "Party" button down

6. Additional Minimap info such as Distance to Objective for starters.


7. Most importantly, allow customization of the HUD. This would allow players to enable/disable all of the aforementioned suggestions and add whatever else they want. Only the core HUD elements would be unable to be removed, but can still be moved around.

8. And with #7, an option to scale the HUD, almost forgot about that.

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