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Is Warframe Still In Beta?


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There was an Optional Reset that was removed in August. Unfortunately, the option wasn't really broadcast anywhere except the Forums and the Livestreams, so it's possible if you've just left the game alone blindly you hadn't heard of the reset.


To present knowledge there are no intentions from DE to reset accounts once the game is ready to leave Beta.


In short, unfortunately sir, you most likely missed the boat.

Edited by Azure_Kyte
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A lot of games are kept in an open beta state for a long time these days. I'd guess so when they do finally launch the game, they've already ironed out most issues. It's probably a smart thing to do, since a lot of games have died at launch because of how unprepared the systems were or because of exploits/bugs.

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Warframe may be permanently in beta. Indeed, that is part of it's appeal - the game is constantly evolving, constantly subject to radical overhaul and revision (see damage 2.0). The good thing is that the game evolves and innovates upon itself a great deal more than most games. This, in fact, is the reason I still play so darn much and can actually see myself still playing this game potentially for years to come. Maybe the main bad thing about being permanently in beta is that it always (and may continue to always) have bugs to some degree, certainly a higher degree than an equally polished post-beta game. Yeah, the bugs are annoying as heck. And sometimes (not too often, mind you), in taking two steps forward, there is the occasional step back. But if that is the price to pay for a game that improves (which, on the whole, it seems to me, it does considerably) and innovates to the degree that Warframe does, I am willing to pay the price (not sure I would feel that way about losing 400$, I must say - dude, I hope you get that reimbursed - DE is pretty good about that sort of thing. Submit a ticket).[edit - just read the original post : If you legit spent the money in beta, there is no getting it back. If you were under the impression that it could one day be reimbursed (when the game went alpha) then you should have been more careful and read the legalese]


 I think DE is onto a great thing here. I wish other developers would follow suit. I'm telling you now, boys and girls, beta is the new alpha.

Edited by Toe_ma
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I don't think Warframe is going to be permanently in beta status; once they get all the planets' (and other regions') tilesets completed and added, the balance issues fixed, and a proper plot/story, it'll probably graduate from Beta into true release status.

And all of us here can say we helped DE shape it into what it will be. That's no small thing.

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400 bucks? that's a truckload of money to spend on a free-to-play game..

it's not uncommon really. Well for any F2P game that someone likes. I myself spent roughly $300 on this game just cause I really enjoy it and I do my best to try and find bugs and share my opinion and feedback because...well it IS "Beta" and we do have a "Job" to kinda do that. But still...

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Any game that has a cash shop isn't even in beta anymore. That's just my opinion on it.

I disagree. Money has nothing to do with this. It's all about the content and how much it's changing. We had damage 2.0 and many other "2.0" updates to come. These are huge changes ingame and can be easily related to Beta. Now is this a finished product, could it be sold as it is? Yes, it could so I guess thats where the money comes in.

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Isn't this what they call a strawman argument?

Nope, actually a strawman argument is where you (intentionally or unknowingly) dumb down or distort or otherwise do insufficient justice to the position you are opposing to make it easier to argue against.


That argument, (that spending 400 bucks on a game is better than losing 2000 at a casino) is just not a good argument (if it trying to say that it is not bad because it could be worse). Breaking a tibia is better than breaking a femur. But obviously it stilll sucks breaking a tibia.


Just ask Anderson Silva.  

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There is so much Beta here that should be obvious.  A big complaint for a long time was the lack of diversity in missions and game play.  Little things like tile sets and enemy types.  People are now complaining about it being fluff content being added without fixes being made.  But I see the game coming together and lots of fixes coming out.


Just as example when I started playing there were just two tile sets, both Grineer, and there were complaints about that.  Well obviously they threw out placeholder type stuff.  Here is a bunch of content with little variety.  Literally 4 different enemy types per faction.  Little by little they have been making each system unique.  I'm not sure if their plan is to make every system have a unique tile set but it seems like they are getting there.

Little things like the capture target up until recently has been the same corpus guy, even on infested maps. A pretty frequent complaint actually.  It was just a place holder while that stuff got ironed out.  I see these things look to me like long term plans DE is working on, they didn't hear the complaints and say... 'yeah that capture guy needs to be improved'  it was a plan all along, there were just other things that needed attention along the time line.  It is all part of the games Beta development.  It is about polish.


The longer this goes, the more I start to see long term goals, and I guess based on how the game has developed in the last year maybe a soft release date that DE has, and if you look that they have unique enemy types and tile sets for each system?  Maybe another year?  Maybe 6 months?

Yes it is beta because the dev team would seem to have a timeline they are working on, it is not just fluff content but real game development despite some of the complaints from these forums, who don't seem to appreciate really what some of these changes have been and what it entails. 


I've been off and on in this game, and went through a long period of time I wasn't sure if I was just going to uninstall because it had no real draw for me to want to play, I just kept logging in but not liking it.  I've played so much more recently because the game IS getting better in so many ways, and whatever improvements that may seem like the game needs?  I am less and less cynical that the dev team not only knows what those problems are, but are active in addressing them.  They may not be drop everything fix it, but that is fine because it IS a beta, and that is a big difference between a beta and a live game. It is not yet a complete game, but my confidence that it will be has never been higher.

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