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Reduce The Number Of Runs To Complete Invasion


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    I really want everyone's thoughts on this. It just feels like so much work for so little reward. Needing to complete the same missions 5 times in a row basically encourages you to rush through as quickly as possible, not for any form of challenge, but so you can just get it over and done with. Even if you do take your time, the sheer amount of invasions will just become boring. I feel the number needs to be reduced to 3 runs per node to complete. Otherwise it's just to damn grindy, even for Warframe.


TL/DR: Lower the required runs per invasion mission to 3 from 5


If you support this idea, please up rep, comment yes ect


If you don't think this would be a good idea, don't just reply with a "no" give me some intelligent feedback. 


So what does everyone think?

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Completly agree, i just rushed through a bunch of invasions for the credits and did not really care about anything but finishing so i could move on. the grind is a little to much here! POSSIBLY if each planet had a diferent and unique tileset it woul not be so boring, and then even if infested invasion spread an infested tileset it would add some unique and appreciated variation to the invasion system (AND THE GAME AS A WHOLE)


but for the current reward level, rate of invasion missions, visual stimulation and number of runs for a payout. the current 5 is just too much!

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I brought up the grindyness of the 5 missions required for battle pay during the hunt for Alad V. It's still a horrible grindy issue now.



I think it should be more dependent upon the reward


Rare items (like potatoes) = 5 runs

1 dojo mat (Fieldron/Mutagen Mass) = 5 runs

50k creds or more = 5 runs

31-40k creds = 4 runs

less than 31k creds, neurodes or gallium = 3 runs


^ I feel like you haven't thought this idea through. We do alerts, single one time missions, for nearly equivalent rewards. Why in the world should we have to do 5 boring repetitive samey missions to get a blue potato when we can do a single alert to achieve it?

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Agreed much. I logged on this morning and all but the boss node for Mars was infested. What's worse is that all but a hand full of the nodes were giveing out a single nerode. I have 30+ at this point and did none of them. More credits would be amazing, but cut out at least half the requirement per node as well as the for mentioned node limiting. That way we don't have half or more of maps being over run with no need/want for the missions in the first place. I'd also suggest switching up rewards with bulk order resources as well. No matter how much ferrite I farm, I'm always short.

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I brought up the grindyness of the 5 missions required for battle pay during the hunt for Alad V. It's still a horrible grindy issue now.




^ I feel like you haven't thought this idea through. We do alerts, single one time missions, for nearly equivalent rewards. Why in the world should we have to do 5 boring repetitive samey missions to get a blue potato when we can do a single alert to achieve it?


Because potatoes are actually quite difficult to get w/o spending plat.  As it is, they are only available through 1) alerts and 2) battlepay.



As for the other rewards like 1 neurode or 25k credit, nobody in their right mind would do those 5, 4 or even 3 times just to get those poor rewards.  They might do it because they felt like they're leveling items anyways, so might as well, but not for the rewards alone.


Seriously 1 neurode?  I'm on average getting 2-3 neurodes from each invasion mission that does drop them.

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Because potatoes are actually quite difficult to get w/o spending plat.  As it is, they are only available through 1) alerts and 2) battlepay.



As for the other rewards like 1 neurode or 25k credit, nobody in their right mind would do those 5, 4 or even 3 times just to get those poor rewards.  They might do it because they felt like they're leveling items anyways, so might as well, but not for the rewards alone.


Seriously 1 neurode?  I'm on average getting 2-3 neurodes from each invasion mission that does drop them.

I'll have you know that I did those for the reward cash. D: It may seem dumb, but I'm constantly poor in this game due to beefing up mods like serration and such. With just the ones that were active this morning, we're talking about over 100k cr that I promply blew useing my mod cores at the time. As for neurodes, ether we have them in bulk or none at all. I've noticed that new players don't tend to have many at all and that goes double with bosses like Hek being invaded from time to time. I've done these missions like everyone else and neurode drops are anything but a certainty. Sure you can do the battle pay ones and you'll probably get about a dozen extra, but then people just end up blowing them and tons of credits on new weapons and upgradeing mods.

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Yeah lets do this! Then let the forums flood with people complaining about how they never get their rewards they worked so hard for because without the 5-runs minimum, the Invasion nodes will never complete(even with the limit they take forever).


Great suggestion.



Edited by Brimir
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Yeah lets do this! Then let the forums flood with people complaining about how they never get their rewards they worked so hard for because without the 5-runs minimum, the Invasion nodes will never complete(even with the limit they take forever).


Great suggestion.




Cut down the amount of times it takes to complete one = PROBLEM SOLVED!

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Either lower it or dramatically increase the rewards. I can get more than 1 Neurode per 5 games if I'm farming them. I can also get more than 25k credits per 5 missions by speed running certain bosses (and it will take less time and be less of a tedium than 5 medium level exterminate missions).

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