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If Sentinals=Mags From Pso. I'm Concerned About The Implementation.


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Hi guys.

Obviously Update 7 isnt out yet so I have kind of just been waiting to see the implementation of things, but while I wait I figured I'd bring up a topic that has been in my mind.

I'n a recent video DE talked about the upcomming sentinal robot drone thingy that will be coming with us into missions.

A comparison was made that are a lot like MAGS from PSO. That brings back a combonation of good and bad memories.

For me-

The MAG system was fun and interesting because it offered an additional aspect of customization and power.

Sometimes proper use of your MAG would save your rear.

Unfortunately the MAG system also felt like a bunch of micromanaging and baby sitting because you had to consistantly feed it. Yes, you had to feed it. At times that felt intrusive to my experiance. If you didnt feed it became increasingly less useful.

Let me be clear.

I'm excited to have a little drone buddy come along and help me take enemies down. I don't mind managing it in between missions and things like that, it will be fun to customize. If I get to upgrade it and outfit it with modules in between missions like I do with my gear then great!

However I really have no desire to micromanage the thing in the middle of my missions and worry about how much it has consumed. That kind of thing detracts of my experiance of being a super cool space ninja bent on the destruction of all who oppose me.

Any other PSO players out there want to speak on this subject?

Anybody have thoughts on this in general?

Sound off like you got a pair. :)

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I have a feeling that any micromanaging required for the sentinels would be handled in the lobby, I can't see them making it a 'during gameplay' kinda thing. They have been really good with increasing the flow of action since the start.

I would love for the sentinels to be like MAGs simply because i loved the hell out of phantasy star online.

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I doubt there will be micromanagement of the sentinels. It doesn't fit in with warframe play style. That's a lot more suitable in an MMO environment

I certainly hope youre right.

FYI-PSO was a lot like warframe in the respect that you would pick youire group then go out into instanced enviroments.

It wasnt really an MMO anymore than warframe is. The makers of PSO somehow thought it was a good fit....

I have a feeling that any micromanaging required for the sentinels would be handled in the lobby, I can't see them making it a 'during gameplay' kinda thing. They have been really good with increasing the flow of action since the start.


I would love for the sentinels to be like MAGs simply because i loved the hell out of phantasy star online.

I had a love hate thing going on with MAGs...lol..but I really enjoyed PSO overall.

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There will be no control over the sentinel once you're in-game. You will socket them with different stats and abilities so that they fit with your playstyle. Once you've done that, they hover around you and do their job while you do yours.

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There will be no control over the sentinel once you're in-game. You will socket them with different stats and abilities so that they fit with your playstyle. Once you've done that, they hover around you and do their job while you do yours.


Is this official info?

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I think when the devs compared Sentinels to MAGs in PSO that they meant it in the same sense that you have a little partner robot that helps you out, not that you have to feed them and they change and grow into things like Chao or Pokémon. A lot of people seem to have taken their comment as "MAGs will be in this game, but be called Sentinels." That won't be the case.

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I'm looking forward to them a lot, actually - might be my most awaited feature in Update 7. Nice to be able to furthur customise your playstyle through support AI.

As a solo player I prefer to obviously work alone, so it would be nice to have a little AI buddy to help out from time to time. Also, if they look different and you can make new kinds that will open up a ot of customization opportunities next to color and loadout (which, tbh, seems to be similar among everybody)

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I think when the devs compared Sentinels to MAGs in PSO that they meant it in the same sense that you have a little partner robot that helps you out, not that you have to feed them and they change and grow into things like Chao or Pokémon. A lot of people seem to have taken their comment as "MAGs will be in this game, but be called Sentinels." That won't be the case.

I took it as uncertain, since they didnt specify exactly what aspects of them will be similar.

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I don't know what those abbreviations are O-o but you won't need to take care of your sentinel

And do you have any evidence to back this up, or did you forget the "I'm speculating here" in your comment?
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From the Q&A, Sentinel will be programmable with 'precept' which is similar to FFXII 'gambit' system. However, the first series of precept will be crude due to, well, being the first implementation of the system.

IMO, I like gambit system. It offers good amount of customization to AI behavior. The fact that DE stated that sentinels will be a hovering drone, much like Liara'a Glyph from ME3, means there should be less pathing problem. However, I'm not sure how sentinel will affect stealth play with Loki and Ash invisibility.

Wait and see, that's all we can do.

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From the Q&A, Sentinel will be programmable with 'precept' which is similar to FFXII 'gambit' system. However, the first series of precept will be crude due to, well, being the first implementation of the system.

IMO, I like gambit system. It offers good amount of customization to AI behavior. The fact that DE stated that sentinels will be a hovering drone, much like Liara'a Glyph from ME3, means there should be less pathing problem. However, I'm not sure how sentinel will affect stealth play with Loki and Ash invisibility.

Wait and see, that's all we can do.

I understand that stuff, at no point was their any indication we would have to tell them what to do during a fight

All I'm saying is I dont want to have to stop to feed the darn thing. lol

I figured I'd let DE know that for whatever its worth.

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I keep forgetting they promised us pets in the livestream.

Am I the only one who doesn't want a pet?

Ninjas aren't followed around by annoying little pets. They might use a bird as a carrier pigeon but that's about it.

But I guess chicks dig having a little pet. Even though it just seems out of place to me. I'd probably leave R2D2 inside the X-wing instead of taking him with me on my "Ninja Mission"

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Hi guys.

Obviously Update 7 isnt out yet so I have kind of just been waiting to see the implementation of things, but while I wait I figured I'd bring up a topic that has been in my mind.

I'n a recent video DE talked about the upcomming sentinal robot drone thingy that will be coming with us into missions.

A comparison was made that are a lot like MAGS from PSO. That brings back a combonation of good and bad memories.

For me-

The MAG system was fun and interesting because it offered an additional aspect of customization and power.

Sometimes proper use of your MAG would save your rear.

Unfortunately the MAG system also felt like a bunch of micromanaging and baby sitting because you had to consistantly feed it. Yes, you had to feed it. At times that felt intrusive to my experiance. If you didnt feed it became increasingly less useful.

Let me be clear.

I'm excited to have a little drone buddy come along and help me take enemies down. I don't mind managing it in between missions and things like that, it will be fun to customize. If I get to upgrade it and outfit it with modules in between missions like I do with my gear then great!

However I really have no desire to micromanage the thing in the middle of my missions and worry about how much it has consumed. That kind of thing detracts of my experiance of being a super cool space ninja bent on the destruction of all who oppose me.

Any other PSO players out there want to speak on this subject?

Anybody have thoughts on this in general?

Sound off like you got a pair. :)

Precept cards which you find/buy will be the things that you slot in to alter your Sentinels behaviour. So you will not have to manage it, however let´s hope that DE make a better job with Sentinel AI than they have with the enemy AI. Yupp DE, I like alot with Warframe but the enemies are stupid as hell. Had to be said.

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I keep forgetting they promised us pets in the livestream.

Am I the only one who doesn't want a pet?

Ninjas aren't followed around by annoying little pets. They might use a bird as a carrier pigeon but that's about it.

But I guess chicks dig having a little pet. Even though it just seems out of place to me. I'd probably leave R2D2 inside the X-wing instead of taking him with me on my "Ninja Mission"

Ninjas didn´t have pets? Realy now?

Another note, Ninjas didn´t go to outer space either. Ninjas didn´t use supercharged suits shooting electricity, creating ice globes, make the world catch on fire either. I think you have conflicting interrests. This is not feudal Japan, and we are not really Japanese Ninja either. We are Tenno with a fighting style reminiscant of Ninjas. We fly spaceships, drones who give you tactical mission support seems very close to what any soldier in the future would have if the future looks like it does in Warframe :P

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I don't like "sentinels/pets" idea

Hot damn, give this man a prize. It takes skill to be this constructive. You realy added to the discussion. /sarcasm

I´m gonna force your hand here sir.

Why don´t you like it? SImply saying you don´t like something doesn´t cut it.

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Hot damn, give this man a prize. It takes skill to be this constructive. You realy added to the discussion. /sarcasm

I´m gonna force your hand here sir.

Why don´t you like it? SImply saying you don´t like something doesn´t cut it.

OK, Johhny, I don't want "flys or mosquitoes" flying/buzzing above my head

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