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So, There Is One Odd Feature Of Character Design


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also corpus don't hire womens... so wrong xD


even so, what really makes me go urrgh, is the void enemies... copy paste characters from other factions... well, this is beta, hope they improve that.


Its kind of the point, I really like that the Void is a mashup of factions and the really empty feeling of the towers solely populated by little flying AIs that enslave intruders.


It is kind of conspicuous there's been no mention of a single woman in the Corpus ever, but I guess its a corporate society so of course it's full of gross old men whining about profits more than anything. We're not really supposed to approve of that.

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We can only see skin color of Grineer, and those are all clones as mentioned above. So, no surprises here, they are essentially same 2-3 sets of genes.

Come to think of it, they could as a whole gene engineered themselves to be the same color and such. Empires like unity in everything. Same color, same $&*^ size...

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I have to ask.. What group would you like to see skin tone differences in? Grineer..? clones of two people or possible the same person. Corpus.. other than a few exception, I -don't- see Corpus skin colors. Lotus is an AI, not a person so she doesn't count, also Tenno is cryopods.. aren't tenno, they are referred to as artifacts most of the time.. objects. I think they are stand ins for other things, from what I am told, the thing that used to be inside the pods were the same models as the captives. That leaves only a hand full of non-clones, so don't you think you are looking too much into things?



Empires like unity in everything. Same color, same $&*^ size...

Why are you so sure they even still have sexual organs? They don't breed, they are all clones.

Edited by Makya
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Oh man, it's too bad this situation wasn't the other way around. OP would be crucified and banned for flagrant racism if they were complaining about "why does everyone have to be black?" in a video game, but if you're racist against white skinned people that's alright.                       


If you care about what color people are in ANY medium or life situation, you're being racist. I expected better here.

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only the corpus would have any variation...not that you could even tell...how do you know what color of skin the corpus you just killed has? does it even matter? a dead enemy is dead.  corpus we never see what's inside those suits...so if it makes you feel better, make up random races for each one you kill.


as has been repeated, clones would not have variations, so no other skin types for the grineer.


and a tidbit, having pale skin in space as someone else stated would be due to the fact that no one exposes themselves to the sun without a death wish.. further, you do NOT need the sun for vitamin D. supplements, foods, etc contain it. you wont sicken and die if you never see the sun or are never exposed to UV.


i would imagine however that the civilian populations of earth and the colonies are more diverse...we never see them, we deal almost exclusively with the military arms of the 2 major powers. civilians aren't our targets. (yet)

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Failure to represent a wide variety of races isn't exactly racism, you know. I mean, you could argue over the fact that there are no asians or latinos, too. However, most enemies wear masks or helmets. We don't know what people the Grineer were originally cloned from, but if they were from one nation, then it makes sense why they'd all be so &*$$genized, on top of the fact that they've been cloned ten-fold. None of the races in Warframe are exactly human, the closest we've seen are the Corpus who are, again, masked save for like two of their named characters. The Tenno are descendants of the Orokin, the Grineer are so mass-produced that any unique characteristics are completely gone. We've seen that the Corpus at least have the possibility of having other skin tones, but who's to say the Grineer even HAVE other skin tones. The Grineer are sickly monstrosities meshing flesh and machinery, the last thing one should be concerned about is why there aren't a few black ones thrown in.


The most important fact, however, is that we don't know all that much about the races in Warframe. It's implied there are many more that we just don't see, but the fact is, you can't just supplement missing lore with, "Well, they're being discriminatory." And as was previously pointed out, living generations on a ship with only synthetic lighting would eventually result in less melanin in the skin.

Edited by likeitsillegal
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If everyone in the game was black, white or literally rainbow coloured then the observation stands that I find the lack of variation unusual when its been stated there's much more diversity than we have right now. I explicitly mentioned in the OP the Grineer don't count as they're clones with a huge problem of deterioration, homogenity and pretty much only get variation from their own engineering or unexpected mutations, which are usually not beneficial. I also mentioned that nobody is actually human as we are in this entirely different universe and time period. This isn't a racial issue its character design. There's no such thing as the races we have right here, right now. I made a sarcastic comment in regards to the fact everyone was making it a racial issue and ignoring what I'm trying to say, but it isn't. Please stop waving this off as "political correctness gone mad" with a roll of the eyes and a tutting at how clearly ignorant I must be to bring it up. I'm fully aware that thousands of years of cloning and evolutionary pressure leads to changes in what may or may not even still be called humanity. There are many more confirmed ways for factions like the corpus to be like, not to mention other unknown races stemmed from humanity. I'd like to see something new be tried. Maybe a model that looks like they didn't just come off a rollercoaster during the monthly blood donation drive too.


Repeat: condensing a lack of variation in character design aka the issue actually in the title is not inherently a racial issue. I could talk about how most females in the game have the same body type or how male frames are all tall and broad. I could bring up that everyone in the corpus seems to use the same outfit (this could easily be an indoctrination thing so I won't open it up). I could also talk about how nobody has any variation on things like height, number of functional limbs (I don't even mean lack of, I mean if I could have six robot arms why would I ever not). I focused on one issue that bugged me most and had no genuine explanation for in my mind except the ones people brought up. Except DE confirmed that's at least not a rule in the Corpus, so now I'm left wondering what's holding them back.


Apparently nobody wants to read a grueling 1.5 pages/title though, so I'll simplify again: this is an issue of character design and I'm not implying anything more ugly. If DE are all somehow wildly racist then I wouldn't know, nothing I have actually seen implies that. I mean if you really want to bring up the issue of representation, fine, but I did so in another thread which while its relevant isn't the same issue, or it'd be the same thread. Bring it up there, where I also added in that skin colour isn't my personal bugbear. If I was saying something like that then:


a. Naming and shaming is prohibited, as is insulting the staff, as is flamebaiting. I would have made my concerns in non-public ways. Otherwise:

b. The community mods would have read what was said and taken an action somewhere between just posting about how there's no evidence to support that claim (there isn't) and that posting like that is inflammatory and against the rules, and/or straight up locking/deleting the thread. Both threads have been read over by community mods who have only responded to the actual concerns being brought up, and the only actions taken have been towards inflammatory posters.


Spoonfeed: why are all the humanoid bosses sickly white cyborgs and how soon until we see a fully implemented Space Octopus 2099 AD

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Wait? Nef Anyo isn't black?

I don't count Grineer. Clones are clones, and clones of clones look like some photocopies of photocopied worksheets I've seen working in and around eduction.

Humanoid bosses that aren't Grineer... Nef, now Alad. Nef has his bucket on and even with a rework we likely won't ever see his face.

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"It's not a racial issue", says the man who a page ago complained about the prevalence of pale characters and when a character who broke this model by being black was presented, proclaimed "racism is over" mockingly. I'd be with you if this was a simple issue of not enough enemy variance, which is a problem (bosses are still getting tweaked and newer models to make them more unique), but YOU made this a racial issue. There seems to be this opinion in the modern day that everything has to be politically correct, that there needs to be an abundance of character diversity. Now, if this was for the sake of appealing to your audience by including a certain gender of racial group, then that's fine. However, trying to argue that designers should alter their visions to fit your own vision of diversity when it is really not necessary is a big no-no. The Tenno are faceless character we don't identify by skin-tone but by the armor and powers they wield. The Grineer are sickly, twisted abominations and the Corpus are mostly masked and shielded individuals who are driven by profit. While the generic enemies are pretty stale, I don't think any of that comes from the fact many of them share the same skin tone.


There needs to be diversity in enemy design, but it has nothing to do with skin tone. Back peddling from an issue you brought to the helm of the discussion doesn't make your argument look any more convincing, either.

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"It's not a racial issue", says the man who a page ago complained about the prevalence of pale characters and when a character who broke this model by being black was presented, proclaimed "racism is over" mockingly. I'd be with you if this was a simple issue of not enough enemy variance, which is a problem (bosses are still getting tweaked and newer models to make them more unique), but YOU made this a racial issue. There seems to be this opinion in the modern day that everything has to be politically correct, that there needs to be an abundance of character diversity. Now, if this was for the sake of appealing to your audience by including a certain gender of racial group, then that's fine. However, trying to argue that designers should alter their visions to fit your own vision of diversity when it is really not necessary is a big no-no. The Tenno are faceless character we don't identify by skin-tone but by the armor and powers they wield. The Grineer are sickly, twisted abominations and the Corpus are mostly masked and shielded individuals who are driven by profit. While the generic enemies are pretty stale, I don't think any of that comes from the fact many of them share the same skin tone.


There needs to be diversity in enemy design, but it has nothing to do with skin tone. Back peddling from an issue you brought to the helm of the discussion doesn't make your argument look any more convincing, either.


True I got irritated at the dismissal by using one screenshot I missed from a trailer that isn't even using in-game models because I felt like everyone was going tokenism about race and lost focus. My bad, but it hasn't been dropped since. My issue is much more on that apart from that trailer there has been no sign of any variance in this area and there isn't any adequate explanation, something that's only worsened by the fact that there is confirmation that not every human is sick looking and pale. General enemy variance as well as Warframe and boss designs and so on is a much more significant issue to me though and I'm not looking to imply DE is being racist(?).


Once twice three times a lady white skin is not a sign of caucasianism and stop saying it is, that wasn't really the initial intention of the thread even if I contributed to it taking that direction.


This is infinitely more useful to reply to than a stupid reaction gif.

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True I got irritated at the dismissal by using one screenshot I missed from a trailer that isn't even using in-game models because I felt like everyone was going tokenism about race and lost focus. My bad, but it hasn't been dropped since. My issue is much more on that apart from that trailer there has been no sign of any variance in this area and there isn't any adequate explanation, something that's only worsened by the fact that there is confirmation that not every human is sick looking and pale. General enemy variance as well as Warframe and boss designs and so on is a much more significant issue to me though and I'm not looking to imply DE is being racist(?).


Once twice three times a lady white skin is not a sign of caucasianism and stop saying it is, that wasn't really the initial intention of the thread even if I contributed to it taking that direction.


This is infinitely more useful to reply to than a stupid reaction gif.


You're the one saying that "it's not a race issue" and then complaining that there are too many white people. Why does there even have to be variance? I'm all for it, but I would never say lack of it is an issue or a problem. You're the one that consistently in this topic keeps mentioning skin tones like they need to be fixed or altered. That's racist. You get called out on it and you just resort to strawmans and bringing up things nobody is even disagreeing with you on.

Edited by LovecraftJF
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Even if it was not your intent, it's how you come across with bringing up skin tone in the first place, and even retorting about racism. I hate to be the kind of person who goes, "it's a beta," but, I feel that that's actually a somewhat valid excuse for the lack of variety in enemies. We have 3 major enemy factions, with a fourth on the way. Many of the enemies within these factions are palette and head swaps of other enemies; this complaint also holds true (hell, probably more than the others) with the Infested. I've always stood by the idea that cosmetic matters like armor, character details and I suppose what you could call diversity should take a back seat to gameplay advancements and fixes. I've had numerous broken Capture missions where the target never spawned, or I've been thrown into a sky box after falling off a ledge and was left with no choice but to fall in an infinite loop. This is not even bringing up all the balancing and subsequent problems brought on by balancing, but I'm getting off the point entirely. The fact people responded first with saying, "Hey, there was a black guy in the trailer," speaks to how you came off. Racism, or perceived racism in video games has been a very hot topic, so having your primary fuel being that everyone is pale isn't going to garner the best reaction from players. 


Still, if that trailer proved anything it's that the Corpus have people of many skin-tones. Unfortunately they suffer from having very few bosses and even fewer named human characters, the rest being generic bots or people so heavily armored they could get away with being women underneath. Sadly, I see no drastic variety in the Corpus coming anytime soon.

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