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[Suggestions] Alternate Battle Pay System And Hacking Minigame


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I don't post enough on the forums; should probably fix that. Pretty sure this post goes in this section, and that these ideas haven't been shared already. Let me know otherwise.


Alternate Battle Pay System for Infestations/Invasions


Created in response to this thread on reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/1uamub/infested_survival_needs_a_unique_reward/, which states that "no one wants to do survivals > 5 min, due to the reward for completing 3 of them."


One solution I've thought of to incentivize longer play sessions for Wave Defense and Survival Infestations/Invasions would be to set "Wave/Time Requirements," meaning that players must reach a total of X Waves or Time to earn the battle pay.
Example: A Survival mission has a Time Requirement of 30 Minutes. This means that players must log a total of at least 30 Minutes worth of gameplay within that mission while the Invasion/Infestation is active. The progress bar for Battle Pay will count in 5 minute intervals, and can be accrued all at once or in six separate 5 minute play sessions, whichever the user prefers. Other time differentials, like two 15 minute runs, or 10 minutes + 15 minutes + 5 minute (3 separate runs) would also be acceptable, so long as the total is at least 30 minutes. 
Expanded Hacking Minigame
I'm sure I'm not the first to find it odd how the Corpus use Grineer Ciphers. There's only one suggestion I have for a potential secondary minigame, but it'd be interesting to see if there are others that have been mentioned.
Based on "Pull The Wire" via Newgrounds: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/624059
Cut or Pull the wire connected to the door control or security box to override the door controls and open up the level again. A simple minigame that's easy to figure out and can be implemented quickly.
A more ambitious use of this concept would be for an "Infested Map," being inside an organic tileset, where the "wires" would be nerves, and cutting the right nerve would allow you "unlock" orfices and pathways and such. Cutting the wrong nerve could send in a wave of Infested.
Comments and feedback appreciated!
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