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Changing The Modding Experience + Mod Rebalance (And More!)


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WARNING: This is gonna be a veeeeeeery big thread of mine (as usual :P) But I hope you will enjoy the read!



This thread is meant to improve and rebalance the modding and all the mods too. Yes, all of them. The changes I propose are not to COMPLETELY change the game's core, but rather to take what exists and MAKE IT WORK. Here are the intentions in an easy listform:


* Make modding/mods intuitive, balanced and consistent

* Allow players for more diversity, even WITH damage mods in existance!

* Making sure all Warframes have all abilities equipped all the time (and not intervening with your builds or modpoints)

* And many, many more improvements!


-------MODDING SYSTEM-------

I would like to start with the modding system. But before blabbering on, I made some simple pictures (Woo for Paint! :D) that might help illustrate a bit (remember, they are COMPLEMENTARY to the explanations, not substitutes!):


Warframe modding



Sentinel modding



Weapon modding



Explaining each modding system (refer to the above pictures to see where the Slotlocations could possibly get their locations!):



Right now we have 3 different type of mods: Auras, Abilities and (General) Warframe mods.

My suggestion is to have 4 different types: Auras, Abilities, Warframe Basics and Warframe Extras. This is how i depict each, with brief explanations:


1) Auras - You have 3 Auraslots, they still give Modpoints (although less on each), still gives benefits to the whole group, however, their effects no longer stack! More changes on each will be explained much further down

2) Abilities - You have 4 slots dedicated only for abilities, and they now draw from a different pool of points called Abilitypoints, no longer (normally) drawing from your Modpoint pool. You have these 4 slots here to also leave open the future possibility of each Warframe having more potential abilities (of which you would then only be able to chose 4)

3) Warframe Basics - These are your more powerful general Warframe mods. They greatly and generally enchance your survivability/abilitycasting/agility. They cost regular Modpoints, and you have 8 Basic slots for these mods.

4) Warframe Extras - These are your more weaker general Warframe mods. They can also help with survivability/abilitycasting/agility, but they are far more niched and generally less powerful, but are also cheaper in costs and have fewer ranks. You have 4 new slots called Extra slots in which you can put your Extra mods. Putting the Extra mods in your Extra slots make them draw from a new pointpool called Extrapoints, no longer (normally) drawing from your Modpoint pool. Extramods can still also be equipped in Basic slots if you want to, but then they draw directly from the regular Modpoint pool.


Now, let's go in to each type in better detail:


* Auras, like before, still grant a benefit for the whole group.

* Auras NO LONGER STACK though! The UI obviously needs improvement so the squad can see which Auras you have installed etc.

* Auras, like before, can ONLY be equipped in Aura slots, of which you now have 3, up from 1

* Auras still grant you Modpoints, however, not as much as before because...

* ...all Auras mods now only have 4 ranks (from rank 0 to rank 3), giving you between 0 and 3 Modpoints per Aura

* The 3 Aura slots are now all one of each polarity, V - and D. These polarities does NOT affect the amount of Aura points you get, but rather which Auras you are ALLOWED to equip, and you can NOT use Forma to change their polarity! (This is so radical that I'm willing to change this suggestion completely, based on your feedback! The goal is to introduce "forced variety" with Auras, kinda like how you are forced to chose 1 Primary, 1 Pistol and 1 Melee)

* Note: This means, if you have an Aura equipped in all 3 auras, all maxed out, you will get 9 Modpoints. No more varying between 5 and 14 points! (Easier when you wanna swap them out, for the sake of changing the bonuses for the squad etc)

* For specific Aura rebalancing, refer to the end segments (under Mod Rebalancing)



* Abilities can now ONLY be equipped in Abilityslots, of which you have 4

* All abilities have a basecost of 0 Abilitypoints, so you can equip all your unranked abilities already at Warframe rank 0! (When you get a new Warframe, they should be preinstalled already (like your #1 skill does already!)

* Every other warframelevel, you get 1 Abilitypoint. That means, you get a total of 15 abilitypoints at max rank.

* Orokin Reactors do NOT increase the amounts of Abilitypoints you get

* The 3 first abilities cost 1 abilitypoint for each rank-upgrade. Meaning they cost 0/1/2/3 abilitypoints for each rank respectively.

* Your last ability though, the ultimate, costs 2 abilitypoints for each rank-upgrade. Meaning, ultimates cost 0/2/4/6 abilitypoints for each rank respectively.

* This means that you will always be able to equip all your abilities at their max ranks, as long as you have levelled up your Warframe to level 30. You get 15 abilitypoints at level 30, and equipping all maxranked abilities costs 15 points! (3+3+3+6 = 15)

* While levelling up, you may not have enough Abilitypoints to equip upgraded Abilities. Thus, you could potentially equip your abilities even if you have too little Abilitypoints, but doing so would make them draw from the Modpoints pool. It would draw from Abilitypoints first of course, and then, whatever more is needed in Abilitypoints is drawn from Modpoints.

* All 4 Ability slots are polarized with Ability polarities (The "scratch" symbol). These polarities do NOT cut the Abilities' pointcosts in half (they only serve as symbols to signify that here is where you put your Ability modcards) and they cannot be forma'd either.

* As specific Ability rebalancing is a huge task (and not really related to this thread), refer to one of my other threads instead for that purpose, if you are interested ( https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/119575-azamagons-warframe-ability-balancing-second-edition/ )(Note: Still working on that thread!)



* Basic mods are those that are generally more useful and more powerful Warframe mods.

* How would you know when a Warframe mod is a "Basic" then? Well, you know on your modcards where it says they are "Warframe" mods? They could simply state they are "Warframe (Basic)". As simple as that.

* Basics can ONLY be equipped in your 8 Basic slots

* Basics only draw from the regular Modpoint pool

* Like before, you get 30 Modpoints at max rank (1 point for each level, like before)

* Orokin Reactors upgrade your Modpoints to be doubled (to 60 at max rank), like before. This is the ONLY pointpool in Warframes which is affected by Orokin Reactors

* Basics usually have higher modpoint costs and more ranks than Extras do.

* For specific Warframe Basic mods rebalancing (and which Warframe mods are to be categorized as Basics contra Extras), refer to the end segments (under Mod Rebalancing)



* Warframe Extra mods are those that are generally weaker Warframe mods. They can also help with survivability/abilitycasting/agility, just as Basic mods, but they are far more niched and generally less powerful as well.

* How would you know when a Warframe mod is an "Extra" then? Well, you know on your modcards where it says they are "Warframe" mods? They could simply state they are "Warframe (Extra)". As simple as that.

* Extras can be equipped in the 4 new Extra slots, but they can ALSO be equipped in any of the 8 Basic slots if you want to. This will interact differently with your point pools though;

* Extras draw from a new pointpool, called Extrapoints, if you equip them in the Extra slots. If you equip them in Basic slots they draw from the regular Modpoint pool. If you add Extramods in Extraslots but use more Extrapoints than you can afford, any excess cost is drawn from the regular Modpoint pool.

* You get 1 Extrapoint every other warframelevel. That means you get 15 points at max Warframe rank.

* Orokin Reactors do NOT increase the amounts of Extrapoints you get!

* All Extra mods should only have 4 ranks (from rank 0 to rank 3)

* They have a basecost of only 2 or 4 (meaning, at max ranks they cost either 5 or 7)

* Of the 4 Extraslots, 2 of them are (or at least could/should be) polarized. The polarities obviously depends on your character. These slots' polarities are also forma'able, but obviously have lesser priority to be forma'd than Basic slots do.

* For specific Warframe Extra mods rebalancing (and which Warframe mods are to be categorized as Basics contra Extras), refer to the end segments (under Mod Rebalancing)



Sentinels have no need to be changed too much (at least yet), so Sentinels are kept far more simple. Sentinels only have 2 different categories of cards to install: Mods and Precepts, like before. These work very simply:


1) Mods goes in the regular Mod slots. You have 8 Mod slots in a Sentinel. The effect of Mods are all passive abilities.

2) Precept mods goes in the Precept slots. You have 4 Precept slots in a Sentinel.The effect of Precept are all active abilities.


Now, let's go in to each type in better detail:

- MODS -

* Sentinel Mods are all passive upgrades.

* How would you know when a Sentinel modcard is just a regular "Mod" then? Well, you know on your modcards where it says they are "Sentinel" mods? They could simply state they are "Sentinel (Mod)". As simple as that.

* Sentinel Mods can ONLY be equipped in the 8 Mod slots

* Mods only draw from the regular Modpoint pool

* Like before, you get 30 Modpoints at max rank (1 point for each level, like before)

* Orokin Reactors upgrade your Modpoints to be doubled (to 60 at max rank), like before. This is the ONLY pointpool in Sentinels which is affected by Orokin Reactors

* For specific Sentinel Mods (and Precepts) rebalancing, refer to the end segments (under Mod Rebalancing)



* Sentinel Precepts are all active abilities.

* How would you know when a Sentinel modcard is a "Precept" then? Well, you know on your modcards where it says they are "Sentinel" mods? They could simply state they are "Sentinel (Precept)". As simple as that.

* Precepts can ONLY be equipped in the 4 new Precept slots

* Precepts draw from a new pointpool, called Precept points. However, if you exceed the costs of your Precepts, the excess cost is drawn from your Modpoint pool.

* You get 1 Precept point already from a Sentinel's rank 0, plus one more point every other sentinel-level. That means you get 16 Precept points at max Sentinel rank.

* Orokin Reactors do NOT increase the amounts of Precept points you get!

* All Precepts cost 1 abilitypoint for each rank-upgrade, and all have a basecost of 1. Meaning they cost 1/2/3/4 Precept points for each rank respectively.

* This means that you will always be able to equip a Precept in each Precept slot, all at their max ranks, as long as you have levelled up your Sentinel to level 30. You get 16 Precept points at level 30, and equipping all maxranked Precepts costs 16 points! (4+4+4+4 = 16)

* All 4 Precept slots are polarized with Precept polarities (The "1-" symbol). These polarities do NOT cut the Precepts' pointcosts in half (they only serve as symbols to signify that here is where you put your Precept modcards) and they cannot be forma'd either.

* For specific Sentinel Precepts (and Mods) rebalancing, refer to the end segments (under Mod Rebalancing)


NOTE: All the Sentinel stuff I have put together a bit more hastily than the others (as they are not in big need of a revamp. The changes I have made are simply for consistency with the Warframe and Weapon modding changes)



Weapons get a rather simple change as well. All weaponmods are split into 2 categories: Attackmods and Utilitymods. In short:


1) Attackmods are the mods that DIRECTLY increases the weapon's damage or DPS. Attackmods can ONLY be equipped in Attackslots. You get 8 Attackslots in a weapon. They cost regular Modpoints to install.

2) Utilitymods are mods that provide more "tactical" benefits (and if any DPS-increases, they are more indirect). Utilitymods are also generally quite cheap in cost. You have 4 new slots called Utilityslots in which you can put your Utilitymods. Putting the Utilitymods in your Utilityslots make them draw from a new pointpool called Utilitypoints, no longer (normally) drawing from your Modpoint pool. Utilitymods can still also be equipped in Attackslots if you want to, but then they draw directly from the regular Modpoint pool.


Now, let's go in to each type in better detail:


* Attackmods are those that directly increases your weapons' damage or DPS.

* How would you know when a weaponmod is an "Attack" then? Well, you know on your modcards where it says they are "Pistol/Rifle" etc mods? They could simply state they are "Pistol/Rifle/Whatever (Attack)". As simple as that.

* Attackmods can ONLY be equipped in your 8 regular Attackslots

* Attackmods only draw from the regular Modpoint pool

* Like before, you get 30 Modpoints at max rank (1 point for each level, like before)

* Orokin Catalysts upgrade your Modpoints to be doubled (to 60 at max rank), like before. This is the ONLY pointpool in weapons which is affected by Orokin Catalysts.

* For specific Attackmods rebalancing (and which weaponmods are to be categorized as Attack contra Utility), refer to the end segments (under Mod Rebalancing)



* Utilitymods are those are those that don't necessarily increases your weapons' DPS, but provide other more "tactical" benefits. They CAN potentially help with DPS (like magsize mods) but they are not guaranteed to do so

* How would you know when a weaponmod is a "Utility" then? Well, you know on your modcards where it says they are "Pistol/Rifle" etc mods? They could simply state they are "Pistol/Rifle/Whatever (Utility)". As simple as that.

* Utilitymods can be equipped in the 4 new Utilityslots, but they can ALSO be equipped in any of the 8 Attacksslots if you want to. This will interact differently with your point pools though;

* Utilitymods draw from a new pointpool, called Utilitypoints, if you equip them in the Utilityslots. If you equip them in Attackslots they draw from the regular Modpoint pool. If you add Utilitymods in Utilityslots but use more Utilitypoints than you can afford, any excess cost is drawn from the regular Modpoint pool.

* You get 1 Utilitypoint every other weaponlevel. That means you get 15 Utilitypoints at max weaponrank.

* Orokin Catalysts do NOT increase the amounts of Utilitypoints you get!

* All Utilitymods should only have 4 ranks (from rank 0 to rank 3)

* They have a basecost of only 2 or 4 (meaning, at max ranks they cost either 5 or 7)

* The Utilityslots can be prepolarized, and you can also forma each slot by yourself, but obviously have lesser priority to be forma'd than Attackslots do.

* For specific Utilitymods rebalancing (and which weaponmods are to be categorized as Attack contra Utility), refer to the end segments (under Mod Rebalancing)

Edited by Azamagon
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Before I wanna go into each Mod and rebalancing them, there are certain other things that needs to be clarified and explained. While these aren't NECESSARY for the Mod rebalance, at least try to take them into CONSIDERATION before judging my Mod rebalancing. Some are less important to remember, while others are more important (such as my suggested Stamina-changes).

Let's delve into the vast land that is known as "Azamagon's ideas" :P



These following changes I think are more necessary to be considered. Even if not done EXACTLY the way I suggest, at least something along the lines of these changes would be greatly beneficial to the game (as these ideas are not only suggested by me).

The biggest thing in need of change is BLOCKING. So here is some changes for the stamina-mechanics that I think need to be considered first (in particular to make non-invisibility characters able to use melee more, but also to make Blocking a useful mechanic in the first place):

* Stamina should be considered as a "defensive resource" that you use more for defensive and evasive maneuvers.

* Thus, Meleeing, Sprinting and Jumping should cost either NO stamina, or extremely little amounts

* Flipping, dodging, wallrunning etc (and maybe sprinting/jumping too to a tiny degree, at least if they still consume a bit of stamina) should reduce enemies' accuracy. More stamina spent on an action = More enemy accuracy is reduced!

* Blocking and Dodging should be better ways to mitigate damage actively (Compare to passive helpers such as Redirection/Vitality etc mods). And that so straight out of the box, not only when modded! Furthermore, they should help against all those staggers and knockdowns the enemies possess, in some way. Point is, reward skillful playing! Some numerical examples the damage mitigations could be:

--- Blocking could reduce damage from melee attacks and direct ranged attacks by 90%-100% (whatever is balanced), while AoE- and elemental attacks should be reduced less, like only 60%-70%.

--- Dodging could be the opposite, during the rolling animation you get a 90%-100% damage reduction from AoE and elemental attacks, while a lesser 70% or so reduction from melee and direct ranged attacks.

By giving them different niches like this, you are doing multiple things:

1) You can't just use one mechanic (such as blocking) to easily evade all attacks. You need to be skillful and vary your defensive maneuvers to get the most benefit out of them

2) By learning the differences of the defensive maneuvers, you will be greatly rewarded by it!

3) But, if you have a hard time learning the different strengths of them or have a hard time to react with them, doing either of them is at least better than doing NOTHING. Even if you do wrong, they are still far better useage of stamina then they are now.

* Further blocking improvements: Also, blocking shouldn't consume Stamina while you are holding the block-button down. It could stop Stamina-regen while you are holding block down (that makes sense), but you should only lose Stamina when you are ACTUALLY blocking real attacks.

* Blocking shouldn't hinder your movement in any way (afaik, it doesn't allow you to strafe, right? Haven't used blocking much lately, so...). I'd also allow sprinting while blocking, to give it a "distance closer"-feeling, and thus complement meleeing really well.

* Stamina-mods will get a balancing overhaul of course, but regardless, looking at the above changes, don't you think that this would make the evasive maneuvers more useful and thus also make Stamina-mods more attractive (and POWERFUL) mods?



NOTE: Please read CAREFULLY! Some people misunderstand what I'm suggesting here (I've suggested it in other threads, with good response, EXCEPT from those few that misunderstand it...)

This section is not NEARLY as needed for the Modding experience or Mod rebalance, but it DOES work well together with them (in particular the Modding basic changes). To make a brief summary of the Modding experience:

* Abilitymods and abilityslots are seperate from the other modding points etc. You will (at max rank) be able to equip all your (maxed out) abilities without worrying about modpoints. Now, what if you (even with these moddingchanges) feel that an ability is a waste of energy? That you think it is too weak? Well, that is what this proposed energysystem will change! Even with bad abilities (which you can now mod on for free), you can cast these (every now and then) for free! No energycost! Interested yet? Alright, let me go into detail then:


Here's a TL;DR of it: Abilities have individual "cooldowns", when the cooldown is done the ability costs 0 energy, but abilities are still spammable, although the abilities costs energy (relative to the remaining cooldown) if you don't wait for their "cooldowns" to finish. Energy then becomes more of an emergency-resource.


Now for more clear details:

* Each ability has a pseudo-cooldown. When it is off cooldown, your next ability costs ZERO energy! When it is running its cooldown though, you can still cast it, but the ability now costs energy relative to the remaining cooldown!

* For example, let's say Ember's Fireball has a 20 second "cooldown" and still costs maximum 25 energy. If you cast it when the cooldown is done, it costs 0 energy. If you then wait 4 seconds and cast it again, it only costs 20 energy (16 / 20 * 25 = 20), and the cooldown now restarts again.

This way, you can use your abilities carefully and free of cost if you are willing to wait for your cooldowns, or you can still spam them at the cost of wasting your energy.

* Each ability has its own seperate "cooldown", meaning it best to use ALL your abilities as varied as possible. It also means you can make more powerful abilities (such as ultimates) have longer cooldowns and play around more to balance them better

* Even weaker abilities (although, i still think most abilities needs changing) would have more use as they would be free of cost every now and then! Their cooldowns can then also be a lot shorter than others, further increasing their values.

* The hud/UI needs to indicate the abilities' remaining "cooldowns" (Could be displayed similarly to how they show them in DotA for example)


On top of this system i would also overhaul a few other things:

* Energy orbs should either be a lot more rare, and/or give less energy (like 10 or 15, down from 25) or be scrapped altogether (I don't like scrapping them completely though, just toned down in frequency a bit and reduced in energy provided)

* All Warframes should have a slight innate energy regen too (like 0,5 energy/sec). This could also vary (very slightly) between each Warframe. This would make Energy Siphon less of a "go to" Aura, and more of a nice bonus, rather than a necessity.

* Auras (as you will see further down, combined with the modding changes) would need an overhaul. The important changes suggested for auras that I need to point out are that Auras should not stack anymore (otherwise Energy Siphon would be even MORE overpowered) and most auras are buffed/tweaked to compensate (although Energy Siphon don't need a buff i think)

* Streamline (and all other Power efficiency mods) could also need a revamp. They now lower the length of all your ability "cooldowns", instead of directly reducing energy costs. Also, the energy efficiency formula needs to be brought to the old one (25% efficiency shouldn't be 0,75x of the original cost, it should be 1 / 1,25 which is thus 0,8x of the original cost). That old one was much better because it didn't require any hardcap (no infinite scaling) AND it is far more balanced now when you take into consideration the addition of the Corrupted mods (Fleeting Expertise is by far the most overpowered ability-enhancing mod in the game, due to the new formula. With the old formula, it would be more equal with the other ability-enhancing mods).

* Equilibrium would need a rebalancing too. I would say this seems balanced:

1a) If regular Energy orbs should give 10 energy, Health orbs should give you with max Equilibrium 11 energy (so 1 energy boost per rank)

1b) If regular Energy orbs should give 15 energy, Health orbs should give you with max Equilibrium 16,5 energy (so 1,5 energy boost per rank)

2) Energy orbs still gives you at max Equilibrium 27,5 health (so still 2,5 health boost per rank)


Notes about this system:

* These idea(s) for the energy system probably requires a lot less effort than most other energy system overhauls of the energy system, since it is more of a COMPLEMENT to the current system.

* This system makes "no energy" nightmare runs more doable (since you can still cast your abilities when they are at 0 energy (when the "cooldown" is done), although not nearly as much as in a normal mission of course)



Yes, I'm posting this BEFORE Melee 2.0, as I don't think all these things I suggest here will really be considered, no matter how important I think they actually are! I hope you can understand my suggestions here.


The Stamina-mechanics suggested further above now have given you viable ways of actively defending yourself, all of a sudden it would become easier to get into melee for non-invisibility characters! That's great! But... melee is still not a viable playstyle if you just do that. So we have to analyze some other things:

When you compare gun-mods to melee-mods, one thing sticks out a lot: Why is the melee mods seperated into regular attacks and charging attacks, while gun-mods don't have this "splitting" issue? Splitting the melee mods in these 2 categories actually do more harm than good imo, as it removes the versatility from melee weapons. If a weapon has more viability with charge attacks, well, then it is completely pointless to put Pressure Point into the weapon, making the charge contra regular melee styles in the weapon even MORE seperate from one another. Thus i propose this:


* Mods/auras or ANYTHING that boost melee damage no longer have seperated effects: If it affects melee, it affects BOTH regular AND charge attacks! No more division between these two! For specific mod changes (since it needs quite the rebalancing), refer to the Mod Rebalancing stuff further down.

* To further simplify things in this regard, chargedamage even DEPENDS on regulardamage. This could be done in a very simple way (thanks for this brilliant, elegant and simple suggestion, holyicon! Refer to this thread for the original suggestion: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/142356-idea-charge-spin-etc-as-multipliers/ ). In short: Chargeattacks, Wallattacks, Spinattacks, Stealthattacks etc, are all just MULTIPLIERS of the combined base damage! Let's make an example:


Weapon name: "Test Blade"

Slash - 50

Impact - 10

Puncture - 10

(Total physical - 70)

Critical - 2x | 15%

Status - 10%

Attackspeed - 2.1

Chargespeed - 3.3

Charge - 3x (210) (Because, 3 x 70 = 210 total physical damage, distributed accordingly between the elements etc!)

Slide - 2x (140)

Leap - 1,5x (105)

Wall - 5x (350)

Finisher - 4x (280)


This makes it FAAAR easier to understand. It also removes some silly things that DE decided to do: Gram, for example. Have a Slash-based type of damage. But for some reason, its chargeattack is mostly Impact... eh? This nonsense would never exist with such a simple system!


Other things I would LIKE for Melee weapons to have changed:

* ALL melee weapons to be able to hit multiple targets, in one way or another! Wether they all have a target limit, or the limit only being the weapons' reach, doesn't matter. But it needs to happen (imo).

* Stealthattacks (the sneaky, prompted ones) and Finishers (the ground executions) would function so much better if they were done with another key! Pressing the action button (Default key: X) would be a good button to trigger these attacks with. The sneaky stealthattacks should also be FAR more powerful (Maybe instakill? Obviously not on bosses)

* Reduce the melee stealthbonus damagemultiplier from 4x to 1.5x or so, while increasing melee base damage instead. This multiplier hinders melee weapons from being able to scale with mods otherwise!



Other changes that would be nice for Melee (but not as important for this thread):

* Better physical damage distributions - https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/142559-more-impact-puncture-slash-distribution-between-weapons/

* Better balance between Dualwielded Melee and Singlewielded Melee (and for pistols too, but irrelevant to this thread) - https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/140121-dual-weapon-versus-single-weapon-balance/

* Further Melee ideas (most of them mentioned here already): https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/89931-melee-tweaks/


There might be more. If i missed something, I will add that later! :)







Before we get down to the actual business of rebalancing the mods, on top of (preferably) reading all of the above (at least the first post, the Modding system changes, are a necessity), here are some general notes I'd like to point out what I have done to the mods:


* Most (damage-oriented) mods' benefit are quite a bit weaker than before. Enemies would need to be tweaked around these new numbers of course.

* Nightmare and Corrupted mods won't all increase, say, the basedamage of a weapon in the same way (Like Shotguns. Both Vicious Spread (Corrupted) and Blaze (Nightmare) BOTH increase basedamage, which is dull, imo.) Instead I distributed it more like this:

 - Nightmare damageincreasers gives multishot (IF its purpose is to increase basic damage)

 - Corrupted damageincreases gives basic damage (IF its purpose is to increase basic damage)

 - Only one of these kind of mods exist for each weapontype (Meaning: There are NOT 2 Nightmare mods with Multishot for Melee weapons, etc)

* Other differentiations between Nightmare and Corrupted mods:

-- Nightmare mods, due to having two positive effects, ALWAYS have weaker effects than the basic counterpart-mods!

-- Corrupted mods, due to also having a negative on it, ALWAYS have stronger effects than the basic counterpart-mod! (However, they have fewer ranks than basic ones on weapons, so they don't make the weapons scale out of hand)

* Nightmare mods no longer give ANY elemental bonuses (not even physical elements!), only basic bonuses! This is due to damage 2.0. Otherwise, without this change, it gives certain weapon types a bias toward certain elements (Such as Rifles and Shotguns being Fire-biased (and Shotguns also being Puncture-biased)). There is now just ONE elemental booster for each weapon!


Might add more details here, but this is what I can remember for now...

Edited by Azamagon
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As a quick reminder:

* There are 4 different type of mods for Warframes: Auras, Abilities, Warframe (Basics) and Warframe (Extras).

* Each type have their own slots they go into, and interact with different modpointpools in their own specific way


Other guideline notes:

* If something is lined over, like this, it signifies a change (As that doesn't work for tactical polarity -, I will write a + for a change on tactical polarities). The changes/Any additions are written IN CAPITAL LETTERS so it is easy to spot.

* Rankcosts will be displayed as a number like this: 4+5. This will mean that the basecost is 4, and it has up to 5 additional ranks, having a max rankcost of 9. I guess this is easy to follow?

* Some numbers can change of course. It is more the relation between them (such as normal to corrupted to nightmare) which is imporant.

* Yes, I will also list unchanged mods, so you can see them all and relate them to one another



Another quick reminder of how Auras work now:

* You now have 3 Aura slots. In these you can only equip one of each polarity (V - and D)

* The "costs" (how much they give you) are now from 0 to 3 points (Directly related to ranklevel). Due to all having the same, their costs will not be mentioned on each mod.

* Auras no longer stack! This is another reason why you get 3 Auraslots in the first place. UI should be changed to squad information etc


Alright, now let's go down to each individual Aura:


* Laser Elemental Deflection

Polarity: D (Changed from NO polarity!)

Effect/rank: 0,3 7,5% resistance to Laser ALL elemental damages (and their procs perhaps?) (Max 30%)

Note: This includes the effect from that of Warm Coat, so it also reduces the shieldpenalty of cold hazards!


* Electrical Resistance, Fire Resistance, Frost Insulation and Toxin Resistance are all merged into Elemental Deflection.

Note: If you had any of the above mods, they are turned into a Elemental Deflection mod!


* EMP Aura Juxtaposition

Polarity: D

Effect/rank: 10% 5% decreased accuracy from Robotics ALL ENEMIES (Max 20%) (Is this too weak in numbers?)


* Infested Impedence Impeding Presence

Polarity: D V (Due to a kind of aggressive aura)

Effect/rank: 6% slowdown of Infested ALL enemies (Max 24%)


* Corrosive Projection

Polarity: + V (Due to being an aggressive aura)

Effect/rank: 8% enemy armor reduction (Max 32%)

Note: I think that enemy armor should be ablative (non-recharging), to make it be more balanced


* Shield Disruption

Polarity: + V (Due to being an aggressive aura)

Effect/rank: 8% enemy shield reduction (Max 32%)


* Rifle Amp Heavy Duty (Namesuggestions anyone?)

Polarity: V

Effect/rank: 4,5% 5% damage increase for Rifles Primary weapons (Max 20%)

Note: I merged all primary weapon damage increasers into ONE aura, so you don't have to change the aura every time you swap your primary weapon. That's too much of a hassle (imo).


* Dead Eye and Shotgun Amp are both merged into Heavy Duty.

Note: If you had any of the above mods, they are turned into a Heavy Duty mod!


* Pistol Amp (Could fit with a namechange imo)

Polarity: V

Effect/rank: 10% 5% damage increased for Pistols (Max 20%)


* Steel Charge

Polarity: V

Effect/rank: 3% 5% damage increase for Melee (Max 20%)

Note: Remember that I suggested that everything with Melee is no longer split between charge and regular damage? Thus, this Aura no longer just increases regular melee damage, it increases ALL melee damage!


* Physique

Polarity: D

Effect/rank: 2,5% 5% Health AND ARMOR increase. (Max 20%)

Note: Should increase TOTAL health and armor, not base!


* Rejuvenation

Polarity: D

Effect/rank: ~0,125 0,2 Health regeneration (Max 0,8)

Note: Maybe all Warframes should also have slight (very, very slight) base Health regeneration?


* Energy Siphon

Polarity: -

Effect/rank: 0,1 0,15 Energy regeneration (Max 0,6)

Note: Remember the big changes suggested for Energy? And that all Warframes should be considered (but far from necessary, due to the Energy changes) to have slight base Energy regeneration? And with the Energy changes, you understand that Energy Siphon will not be the "end all, be all" tactical aura anymore (even though it will still probably be popular)? Good! :)


* Sprint Boost (Could fit with a namechange imo)

Polarity: -

Effect/rank: 10% 5% Sprint booster (Max 20%)


* Affinity Amp (Could fit with a namechange imo)

Polarity: -

Effect/rank: 2% 2,5% Affinity booster (Max 10%)


* Enemy Radar (Could POSSIBLY fit with a namechange imo)

Polarity: -

Effect/rank: 5m 7,5m enemy radar (Max 30m)


* Loot Detector

Polarity: -

Effect/rank: 5m 7,5m loot radar (Max 30m)


* Pistol / Rifle / Shotgun / Sniper Scavenger

Polarity: -

Effect/rank: 25% increased *insert weapon type* ammo 7% INDIVIDUAL dropchance for *insert weapon type* ammo (Max 28%)

Note: This is quite a buff! Instead of relating to what an enemy drops, this gives you a SEPERATE roll to get the weaponammo of choise! So, the aura causes an enemy to drop the weaponammo of choice ON TOP of whatever the enemy would've dropped! This make the Scavenger auras as alternatives and/or completements to ammo mutator mods!

Question: Considering the change, maybe 7% chance per rank is a tad high? 5% is enough?


* Speed Holster

REMOVED from being an Aura mod. Instead has become a Warframe (Extra) mod. Look there for its changes.



* Barrier

Polarity: -

Effect/rank: 5% Shields and Shield regeneration increase.

Note: I'd like this mod to be added, so you have a counterpart to Physique!



Abilitycards (in terms of how you mod them) have no other changes than what is mentioned in the first post.

For how each individual ability could work, that would be too big to mention here. I have a (work in progress) thread for that though if you are interested: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/119575-azamagons-warframe-ability-balancing-second-edition/


Not much else to say here, really



A quick reminder of how general Warframe mods work now:

* They are split up in two groups: Basics (generally powerful) and Extras (niched mods)

* Basics have 8 slots at their disposal, while Extras have 4 (although Extras can be equipped in Basic slots too, if you want)


Now a very quick explanation of how I would categorize each mod:

* Basics would be general Tankmods (Health, Armor, Shields etc), Abilitymods (Energyboosters & Abilityboosters) and Staminamods (Staminaboosters (due to the Stamina tweaks I suggested above)). Pretty much mostly consisting of the "boring" plain boosters.

* Extras would be the same as Basics, but far more niched and circumstancial. Good examples would be Rage (requires taking healthdamage to work) and Heavy Impact (strict conditions to trigger). So they can still be quite good mods, just that they have less general use than Basic ones


Now let's check them out:




* Fast Deflection

Polarity: D

Cost: 4+5

Effect/rank: 15% 25% Shield regeneration increase (Max 150%)


* Redirection

Polarity: D

Cost: 4+10

Effect/rank: 40% Shield increase (Max 440%)


* Vitality

Polarity: D

Cost: 2+10

Effect/rank: 40% Health increase (Max 440%)


* Steel Fiber

Polarity: D

Cost: 4+10 2+10

Effect/rank: 10% Armor increase (Max 110%)

Note: Could need more changing I guess?


* Vigor

Polarity: D

Cost: 6+5

Effect/rank: 20% Health and Shield increase (Max 120%)


* Fortitude

Polarity: -

Cost: 6+3 4+3

Effect/rank: 5% Knockdown resist and 20% Shield regeneration STAMINA increase (Max 20% and 80%)

Note: Could Knockdown-related mods be changed somehow to counter STATUS-effects instead (which would include knockdowns of course)?

Note 2: I will explain the Shield regen change further down! (Read Constitution)


* Constitution

Polarity: -

Cost: 10+3 6+3

Effect/rank: 10% Knockdown recovery and 7% 12,5% Power duration ENERGY MAX increase (Max 40% and 50%)

Note: Could Knockdown-related mods be changed somehow to counter STATUS-effects instead (which would include knockdowns of course)?

Note 2: Let me explain the Power duration change: 1) It sticks out as a sore thumb, being the only NIghtmare Power increaser (being durationbiased, rather than generically useful for ALL your powers) 2) It gives all 3 Warframe Nightmare mods different  purposes:

a) Vigor is for passive survivability (Health and Shields)

b) Fortitude is for active survivability and agility (Stamina) + with a knockdown bonus

c) Constitution is for casters (Energy) + with a knockdown bonus

These 3 can of course be unchanged, but i think they would fit the "holy trio" so well (Tank, Agility, Caster).

Note 3: If you think Energy max is a bleh boost consider the note on Flow first (the next mod right below). As I have made the Warframe Nightmare mods now, they all increase max capacities of their respective styles, which makes it very neatly fitting imo.


* Flow

Polarity: -

Cost: 4+5

Effect/rank: 25% Energy capacity increase (Max 150%)

Note: This should, on top of its current effects, also increase the amount of energy your character has when starting the mission! How much it does so, I dunno.


* Continuity

Polarity: V

Cost: 4+5

Effect/rank: 5% Power duration increase (Max 30%)


* Stretch

Polarity: + V (Or maybe not change it?)

Cost: 4+5

Effect/rank: 7,5% 5% Power range increase (Max 30%)

Note: Would this make it too weak? Maybe reduce cost to 2+5?


* Focus

Polarity: V

Cost: 6+5 4+5 (Or maybe not change it?)

Effect/rank: 5% Power strength increase (Max 30%)


* Streamline

Polarity: -

Cost: 4+5

Effect/rank: 5% Power efficiency increase (Max 30%)


Note on the 4 basic powermods (Continuity, Stretch, Focus and Streamline): I dunno if they need more of a rebalancing than what I proposed. as I feel that they are actually kinda balanced as they are...


* Narrow Minded

Polarity: D V

Cost: 6+10 6+5

Effect/rank: 9% 10% Power duration increase and 6% 5% (?) Power range reduction (Max 60% and 30%)


* Overextended

Polarity: D V (or - ?)

Cost: 6+5

Effect/rank: 15% 10% Power range increase and 10% 5% Power strength reduction (Max 60% and 30%)

Note: Would this make it too weak? Maybe reduce cost to 4+5?


* Blind Rage

Polarity: V

Cost: 6+10 6+5

Effect/rank: 9% 10% Power strength increase and 5% Power efficiency reduction (Max 60% and 30%)


* Fleeting Expertise

Polarity: -

Cost: 6+5

Effect/rank: 10% Power efficiency increase and 10% 5% Power duration reduction (Max 60% and 30%)

Note: With the Energy changes I have made, Power efficiency is still good, but not as "godlike" as it is now, thus the reduced penalty. Also, consider the changes I suggested for Constitution.


* Marathon

Polarity: -

Cost: 2+5

Effect/rank: 25% 20% Stamina capacity increase (Max 120%)


* Quick Rest

Polarity: -

Cost: 4+5

Effect/rank: 30% 15% Stamina regeneration increase (Max 90%)


* Acrobat

Polarity: -

Cost: 4+5

Effect/rank: 10% 6% Wallrunning ALL Stamina-using mechanics efficiency increase (Max 36%)

Note: This includes all Stamina-mechanics, including blocking! (I have some Melee utility suggestion which reduce Blocking Staminacosts. Acrobat would reduce the reduction multiplicatively with the others (so you can never reach 100% blocking reduction))


* Quick Thinking

Polarity: D

Cost: 10+5 8+5

Effect/rank: Drains Energy to stop lethal damage with 40% efficiency (Max 240%)


* Reflex Guard Evasion Matrix

Polarity: D

Cost: 4+10

Effect/rank: 5% chance to autoparry 3% chance to evade direct attacks from the front and 1% chance to evade direct attacks from behind! (Max 33% and 11%)

Notes: This is a new mechanic, so let me explain this thoroughly

1) Can trigger from any projectile or melee attack, but not from AoE-attacks.

2) When triggered, a "blurry" dodge animation appears over your character (like the Agents in the Matrix movies, hence the punny name!). This does not in any way interfere with your control of your character (Which Reflex Guard currently does, urgh...), it simply means that you were uberfast and dodge the attack, in the blink of an eye!

3) When you evade something, melee attacks completely miss you and ranged projectiles simply pass through you (look out for bouncing / AoE-explosive projectiles, as they can hurt you on rebounce / with AoE!).




* Diamond Skin

Polarity: D

Cost: 4+5 2+3

Effect/rank: 3% 5% resistance to Laser ALL elemental damage (and their procs perhaps?) (Max 20%)

Note: This includes the effect from Warm Coat, so it also reduces the shieldpenalty of cold hazards!


* Flame Repellant, Insulation, Antitoxin, Lightnin Rod and Warm Coat are all merged into Diamond Skin.

Note: If you had any of the above mods, they are turned into a Diamond Skin mod!


* Sure Footed

Polarity: D

Cost: 6+3 4+3

Effect/rank: 15% Knockdown resistance (Max 60%)

Note: Could Knockdown-related mods be changed somehow to counter STATUS-effects instead (which would include knockdowns of course)? If that would happen, this mod would require a namechange then, I guess?


* Shock Absorbers

Polarity: D

Cost: 4+3 2+3

Effect/rank: 5% damage reduction during Knockdowns (Max 20%)

Note: Could Knockdown-related mods be changed somehow to counter STATUS-effects instead (which would include knockdowns of course)? If that would happen, this mod would possibly require a namechange then, I guess?


* Handspring

Polarity: -

Cost: 6+3 4+3

Effect/rank: 40% faster Knockdown recovery (Max 160%)

Note: Could Knockdown-related mods be changed somehow to counter STATUS-effects instead (which would include knockdowns of course)? If that would happen, this mod would require a namechange then, I guess?

Note 2: And if the Knockdown-mods becomes Antistatus-mods, the Handspring effect could simply become a Stamina-costing action to stand up faster (by simply pressing the jump-key while being knocked down or something) as the players wanted it to be in the first place


* Undying Will

Polarity: D

Cost: 2+5 2+3

Effect/rank: 7% 10% longer Bleedout duration (Max 40%)


* Provoked

Polarity: V

Cost: 4+10 2+3

Effect/rank: 10% 15% increased damage during Bleedout (Max 60%)


* Retribution

Polarity: D V (Or keep as D?)

Cost: 6+3 4+3

Effect/rank: 15% chance to do Electrical damage when shield struck by melee enemies (Max 60%)


* Rage

Polarity: V

Cost: 6+3 4+3

Effect/rank: 10% Health damage taken converted into Energy (Max 40%)


* Shield Flux

Polarity: -

Cost: 4+3 2+3

Effect/rank: 25% of Shields converted into Stamina (when Stamina runs out) (Max 100%)


* Heavy Impact

Polarity: + V

Cost: 4+5 4+3

Effect/rank: 1m radius and 50 dmg 1,5m radius and 150 damage upon landings from high falls (Max 6m and 600 damage)

Note: Imo, I would scrap this Mod and just merge it with Excalibur's Super Jump, with a potential slight Energycost increase too


* Intruder

Polarity: -

Cost: 2+5 2+3

Effect/rank: 1 2 second increase for hacking AND 2 SECOND INVISIBILITY FOR YOU AND YOUR SENTINEL (after starting hacking) (Max 2 seconds and 2 seconds)

Note: The stealth addition might make it more interesting to pick, especially for solo players! It could even replace the current effect entirely, as you already get plenty of time to hack panels...


* Enemy Sense

Polarity: -

Cost: 4+5 4+3

Effect/rank: 5m 7,5m enemy radar (Max 30m)


* Thief's Wit

Polarity: -

Cost: 2+5 2+3

Effect/rank: 5m 7,5m loot radar (Max 30m)


* Master Thief

Polarity: -

Cost: 10+3 4+3

Effect/rank: 10% chance to unlock locked lockers (hehe, that text STILL keeps amusing me) (Max 40%)


* Speed Holster (No longer an Aura!)

Polarity: -

Cost: 2+5 2+3

Effect/rank: 20% 10% quicker weapon swapping (Max 40%)

Note: I think weapon swapping should be a bit faster baseline too (it is dreadfully slow at the moment)


* Resilient Focus

Polarity: D

Cost: 4+3 2+3

Effect/rank: 5% damage reduction during Stuns (Max 20%)

Note: Could be merged with Shock Absorbers imo, as it is quite lackluster, even as an Extra mod...





* Rush

Polarity: -

Cost: 6+5 4+5 or 4+3 (Wether Basic or Extra)

Effect/rank: 5% faster Sprinting (Max 30% or 20%)

Note: Sprinting is ALWAYS useful, especially with my proposed Stamina changes, so it is in the border of being a Basic mod...


* Maglev

Polarity: -

Cost: 6+5 4+5 or 4+3 (Wether Basic or Extra)

Effect/rank: 5% (or 7,5% as Extra) increased Sliding (Max 30%)

Note: Sliding is also very useful, just like sprinting is. However, sliding is more situational than Sprinting, thus i think Maglev is more towards an Extra mod... Decisions, decisions :/


* Natural Talent

Polarity: -

Cost: 6+3

Effect/rank: 25% faster Ability casting speed (Max 100%)

Note: I think this leans far more towards Basic, due to increased recovery to battle / increased DPS etc. But I'm still not 100% sure. It COULD be made into an Extra mod too, but then I'd half the bonus (and reduce the cost to 4+3 of course).





* Parry & Reflection have become Melee mods now. Could be Warframe Extras as well though, but Melee needs Utility mods more...

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As a quick reminder:

* There are 2 different type of mods for Sentinel: Mods & Precepts

* Each type have their own slots they go into, and interact with different modpointpools in their own specific way


Other guideline notes:

* If something is lined over, like this, it signifies a change (As that doesn't work for tactical polarity -, I will write a + for a change on tactical polarities). The changes/Any additions are written IN CAPITAL LETTERS so it is easy to spot.

* Rankcosts will be displayed as a number like this: 4+5. This will mean that the basecost is 4, and it has up to 5 additional ranks, having a max rankcost of 9. I guess this is easy to follow?

* Some numbers can change of course. It is more the relation between them which is imporant.

* Yes, I will also list unchanged mods, so you can see them all and relate them to one another



Another quick reminder of how the regular Sentinel mods work now:

* Very simple, all regular Mods for Sentinels go into the regular 8 Modslots and they cost Modpoints. Mods are all passive effects, pretty much.


Alright, now let's go down to each individual Mod:


* Fired Up

Polarity: V

Cost: 6+5

Effect/rank: 10% damage booster for continuous attacking (Max 60%)


* Self Destruct

Polarity: V

Cost: 2+5

Effect/rank: 3m radius and 100 damage upon Sentinel death (Max 18m and 600 damage)


* Fast Deflection

Polarity: D

Cost: 4+5

Effect/rank: 15% 20% Shield regeneration increase (Max 120%)


* Redirection

Polarity: D

Cost: 4+10

Effect/rank: 25% Shield capacity increase (Max 275%)


* Steel Fiber

Polarity: D

Cost: 4+10 2+10

Effect/rank: 10% Armor increase (Max 110%)

Note: Could need more changing I guess?


* Vitality

Polarity: D

Cost: 2+10

Effect/rank: 20% 25% Health capacity increase (Max 275%)


* Spare Parts

Polarity: -

Cost: 2+5

Effect/rank: 7,5% chance for resource drop upon Sentinel death (Max 45%)


* Sanctuary

Polarity: D

Cost: 6+3

Effect/rank: 100 base + 50 more/rank 75 protective shieldsphere upon reviving allies (Max 300)


* Coolant Leak (No longer a Precept, instead a Mod!)

Polarity: 1- - (From Precept to Tactical if visually unclear)

Cost: 4 4+3

Effect/rank: ?% 5% slowdown aura with 1,5m radius (Max 20% and 6m)

Note: I think this fits better as a passive Mod, as it should constantly be active anyway...


Note: I think there is a serious lack of Sentinel Mods/Precepts. Some brainstorming for more of them is done in the next part, the Precept lists.



Another quick reminder of how the Precepts work now:

* Precepts are active abilities for the Sentinel.

* A Sentinel has 4 Precept slots, the only place where you can put in Precept modcards. These cost Preceptpoints.

* You get 1 Precept point already from a Sentinel's rank 0, plus one more point every other sentinel-level. That means you get 16 Precept points at max Sentinel rank.

* All Precepts cost 1 abilitypoint for each rank-upgrade, and all have a basecost of 1. Meaning they cost 1/2/3/4 Precept points for each rank respectively.

* The 2 notes above also means, at max Sentinel rank you can install 4 Precepts into a Sentinel without worrying about running out of Precept points (4 maxed Precepts would cost 16 points, the exact amount you get at Sentinel rank 30!)


Another quick note: I wish there was far Precepts and Mods for Sentinels, so a little bit of brainstorming ideas is going on here (both for new Mods and for Precepts), more towards the end of the lists.


Alright, now let's go down to each individual Precept:


* Looter

Polarity: 1-

Cost: 2+5 1+3

Effect/rank: Shoot to destroy containers with unknown effects on upgrade within 5m radius (Max 20m)


* Guardian

Polarity: 1-

Cost: 2+5 1+3

Effect/rank: Replenish owner's shields when depleted, by 58 to 100% (Max 100%)


* Regen

Polarity: 1-

Cost: 2+5 1+3

Effect/rank: Revive Sentinel upon Sentinel death, with 58 to 100% efficiency (on health and shields I guess?) (Max 100%)


* Sacrifice

Polarity: 1-

Cost: 2+5 1+3

Effect/rank: Revive owner upon owner's death, at the cost of the Sentinel itself. Restores owner's health and shields by 25% 10% (Max 40%)

Notes: The sacrifice should function together with Regen, imo.


* Ghost (Only for Shade)

Polarity: 1-

Cost: 2+5 1+3

Effect/rank: Proximity stealth, triggering when X meters away from a visible enemy (Max Xm)

Note: I dunno the ranges, so I dunno how to rebalance its numbers.


* Vaporize (Only for Dethcube)

Polarity: 1-

Cost: 2+5 1+3

Effect/rank: Attack and stun an enemy target that gets within various ranges 1,25 meters, for various amounts 150 damage (Max 5m and 600 damage)


* Vacuum (Only for Carrier)

Polarity: 1-

Cost: 2+5 1+3

Effect/rank: Pick up loot for the owner within 5m base +1m per rank in the front, and 2m bonus further than that in peripheral 4m base and +2m per rank in the front, and 2m further than that in peripheral (Max 10m front and 12m peripheral)

Note: If that sounds complicated, all you need to know is that i have made it scale in such a way that it simply ends up doing the same thing as it does now at its max rank :)


* Fatal Attraction (Only for Djinn)

Polarity: 1-

Cost: 2+5 1+3

Effect/rank: Horrible effects Taunts enemies within 8m to attack Djinn for 1 seconds, which then absorbs and nullifies all damage taken (does not reflect it back though, like Nyx's Absorb). (Max 32m and 4 seconds)

Trigger conditions though? Maybe upon owner taking any form damage?

Note: Makes Djinn at least have a decent tanking ability.


* Crowd Dispersion (Only for Wyrm)

Polarity: 1-

Cost: 2+5 1+3

Effect/rank: Whenever 2 or more enemies get within 6m base + up to 4m 6m base + 1,5m/rank radius, Wyrm releases a shockwave which causes all nearby enemies to be ragdolled and suffer up to 10 measly damage 25 damage. (Max 10,5m and 100 damage)



The following Precepts I have 2 different ideas for:

1) Either keep them as they are now (only with costchanges to reflect the new modding system for Sentinels)

2) Or, change them to other Mods / Precepts, while you get a new button change the attack style of the Sentinel (Aggressive/Defensive/Passive. These would be the equivalent to how Warrior/Revenge/No attack precept would function).

The following ideas for the upcoming Precepts are ONLY for the 2nd suggestion, if it was to happen:


* Revenge (For ANY Sentinel?)

Polarity: 1-

Cost: 0+5 1+3

Effect/rank: Whenever the owner loses his shields, the Sentinell releases a shockwave which staggers all enemies and deals 50 damage, within 4 meters. (Max 200 damage and 16 meters).


* Swift Deth Deathmark (For ANY Sentinel?)

Polarity: 1-

Cost: 0+5 1+3

Effect/rank: Marks an enemy target up to 12m away, tracking it (enemy radar you know?) and causing it to suffer more damage taken as it loses more of its total health. The target suffers 2% more damage taken from all sources for every 25% of its maximum health missing. The first bonus takes place when the target is between 100% and 75% health, just fyi. (Max 48m and 8%, which further means up to 32% bonus depending on the current health of the target)

Note: Prioritizes the units with most combined health/armor/shields! Numbers can also change of course, depending on wether this is underpowered/overpowered.


* Striker Cure (For ANY Sentinel, or for a new one?)

Polarity: 1-

Cost: 0+5 1+3

Effect/rank: Upon the owner suffering a Status effect, the Sentinel attempts to cure the owner, healing the owner for 15 health over 4 seconds (this duration does not change with ranks!) and with a 10% chance to instantly remove the Status effect (Max 60 health and 40%)

Note: Could be fitting for a healer Sentinel, but could also work as a Precept for any Sentinel.


* Warrior (Mod for ANY Sentinel now, instead of a Precept!)

Polarity: 1- V

Cost: 0+5 2+5

Effect/rank: Increases the attackrange for your sentinel by 15% (Max 90%)

Note: This is how you upgrade Sentinel's attack ranges now. The attackrange they have at base could either be based on the weapon or the Sentinel, whichever chosen to me doesn't matter really.


* Thumper Jolt (Mod for ANY Sentinel now, instead of a Precept!)

Polarity: -

Cost: 0+5 4+3

Effect/rank: Whenever the Sentinel is attacked, there is a 10% chance that the Sentinel lets out a harmless but disruptive Jolt towards the attacker, staggering the target. Cannot Jolt out against assailants further than 8 meters away (Max 40% and 32 meters)

Note: This effect could/should have some form of cooldown. Like 10/9/8/7 seconds or so (depending on rank)?

Note 2: Pretty much an equivalent (although still quite different) to Warframes' Retribution mod! Yes, kinda boring, but I think it would function just fine.


Old idea to replace Thumper (Crash Pilot)

* Thumper Crash Pilot

Polarity: 1-

Cost: 0+5 1+3

Effect/rank: When the Sentinel dies, it pilots itself into the killer, knocking the killer down and afflicting 250 Impact damage (Max 1000 damage!)

Note: Yes, this stacks with Self Destruct and/or Sacrifice.

In the case of Self Destruct, it will wait to take effect until the Crash Pilot effect has taken effect first! The Self Destruct will then happen at the location it ends up in after the Crash Pilot flight!

In the case of Sacrifice, it first revives you, and then (due to its own imminent death) it tries to crash into the target which killed the owner.

In the case of either Sacrifice and/or Self Destruct, if the enemy which is the cause of either death, a random nearby enemy is chosen instead to fly into.

And yes, all three can stack: It revives the owner (Sacrifice), due to its imminent death (Sacrifice) it flies into the owner's killer (Crash Pilot) and then goes KABOOM! (Self Destruct). I almost get tear-eyed for the noble vengeance in such a scenario :')

... Is this too stupid of a Precept? :D

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As a quick reminder:

* There are, basicly, 4 different type of weapons: Melee, Pistol, Shotgun & Rifle (Which really, consists of Assault Rifles, Snipers, Bows and Launchers)

* For each weapontype, there are 2 sets of mods: Attackmods and Utilitymods

* Each modtype have their own slots they go into, and interact with different modpointpools in their own specific way


Other guideline notes:

* If something is lined over, like this, it signifies a change (As that doesn't work for tactical polarity -, I will write a + for a change on tactical polarities). The changes/Any additions are written IN CAPITAL LETTERS so it is easy to spot.

* Rankcosts will be displayed as a number like this: 4+5. This will mean that the basecost is 4, and it has up to 5 additional ranks, having a max rankcost of 9. I guess this is easy to follow?

* Some numbers can change of course. It is more the relation between them which is imporant.

* Yes, I will also list unchanged mods, so you can see them all and relate them to one another



As a quick reminder of how i suggested melee to work in general (in regards to modding):

* Regular attacks and chargeattacks are no longer split! Pressure Point and the Steel Charge aura, for example, now increases ALL melee damage!

* Weaponmods are split up in two groups: Attackmods (directly increases Damage/DPS) and Utility (more for convenience and utility)

* Attackmods have 8 slots at their disposal, while Utilitymods have 4 (although Utilitymods can be equipped in Attack slots too, if you want)


Now a very quick explanation of how I would categorize each mod:

* Attackmods would be mods directly increasing damage or DPS, such as increasers of:

Damage, multishot, physical damage (Punct/Imp/Slash), elemental damage, rate of fire, critical chance, critical damage, statuschance, factiondamage, punchthrough and/or aoe-boosters

(Note: Corrupted or Nightmare mods must increase at least one of the above to be considered an Attackmod)

* Utilitymods would be mods that are more for convenience or utility, such as increasers of:

Reloadspeed, magsize, ammo mutator, ammo capacity, accuracy, anything with blocking, melee range, health/energy/stamina boosters on kill, projectile flightspeed, bouncing alterations

(Some VERY specialized damage/DPSmods might exist as Utilitymods, but then they are so niched, that I think anyone could accept them as utilitymods...)




* Sundering Strike

Polarity: -

Cost: 2+5

Effect/rank: 15% 7,5% Puncture damage increase (Max 45%)


* Jagged Edge

Polarity: -

Cost: 2+5

Effect/rank: 15% 7,5% Slash damage increase (Max 45%)


* Heavy Trauma

Polarity: -

Cost: 2+5

Effect/rank: 15% 7,5% Impact damage increase (Max 45%)


Note: How physical damage mod increasers (Punc/Imp/Slash) should interact with the basedamage I don't really know how to balance though. (Only boost base on the physical element in question like now, or based on total base physical damage? I'm more for the latter, but with the restriction then that you can only boost it if there is the physical damage in question from the start, so you can't give physical damage on a purely elemental weapon, such as Ignis. Meh)


* Shocking Touch

Polarity: -

Cost: 6+5

Effect/rank: 10% Electrical damage increase (Max 60%)


* Molten Impact

Polarity: -

Cost: 6+5

Effect/rank: 15% 10% Fire damage increase (Max 60%)


* Fever Strike

Polarity: -

Cost: 6+5

Effect/rank: 15% 10% Toxic damage increase (Max 60%)


* North Wind

Polarity: D

Cost: 6+5

Effect/rank: 10% Cold damage increase (Max 60%)


* Pressure Point

Polarity: V

Cost: 4+5 4+10

Effect/rank: 20% 10% Regular melee ALL melee damage increase (Max 110%)

Note: Please note 2 things - 1) It increases ALL melee damage now! 2) Look at the amount of ranks. This is done for ALL the base damageincreasers of ALL weapontypes.


* Killing Blow Shadow Strike

Polarity: V

Cost: 6+5

Effect/rank: 25% 15% Chargemelee damage MULTISTRIKE chance (Max 90%)

Note: Due to Chargeattacks and Regular melee attacks are no longer split, Chargemelee-boosters are converted into Multistrike mods

Note 2: Multistrike is the same as Multishot for ranged weaponry. The Multistrike-effect (when it procs) could be displayed with a blurry afterimagestrike with a VERY slight delay from the original strike. A mystical strike, or just really fast striking? Up to you :)


* Fury

Polarity: V

Cost: 4+5

Effect/rank: 10% Attackspeed AND CHARGESPEED increase (Max 60%)

Note: Since regular attacks and chargeattacks should no longer be split, attackrate-increasing mods also help to make chargeattacks faster!


* Spoiled Strike

Polarity: V

Cost: 4+3

Effect/rank: 15% Regular melee damage ALL melee damage increase and 5% 6% Attackspeed AND CHARGESPEED decrease (Max 60% and 24%)

Note: Read on Pressure Point and Fury for more details about melee damage and melee attackspeed.


* Corrupt Charge Corrupt Offense

Polarity: V

Cost: 4+3

Effect/rank: 25% Chargemelee damage CRITICAL CHANCE increase and 7% Chargespeed BLOCKING EFFICIENCY decrease (Max 100% and 28%)

Note: Read on Reflex Coil down in the Utilitymods area for more explanation on Blocking Efficiency, and read on Fury above for details about Chargespeed.

Note 2: Even though Chargemelee otherwise is converted into Multistrike (Like Killing Blow was), simply converting Corrupt Charge into Multistrike would simply give Melee too many Multistrike mods. This is for balance (and also consistency with other weapontypes. Read the "Mod Rebalancing Notes" on important notes regarding Corrupted and Nightmare mods for better understanding)


* Focus Energy Vanguard (Namesuggestions please?)

Polarity: V D

Cost: 6+3 4+3

Effect/rank: 10% 7% Chargespeed BLOCKING EFFICIENCY increase and 15% Electrical damage STATUS CHANCE increase (Max 28% and 60%)

Note: Nightmare mods no longer give any form of direct boosters towards Elemental or Physical (Punc/Imp/Slash) damage, only basic effects/stats. Read on "Mod Rebalancing Notes" for more details regarding Corrupted and Nightmare mods for better understanding.

Note 2: I think that when you block an enemy melee attack, you should be able to proc Status-effects against the attacker (at least Elemental procs). This would make this mod highly synergetic with itself in a blocking sense.

Note 3: Read on Reflex Coil down in the Utilitymods area for more explanation on Blocking Efficiency, and read on Fury further above for details about Chargespeed.


* Rending Strike Deathwind

Polarity: -

Cost: 6+3 6+5

Effect/rank: 15% 10% Chargedamage Multistrike increase and 15% 10% Puncture damage CRITICAL DAMAGE increase (Max 60% and 60%)

Note: Read on Killing Blow further above for more details about Chargedamage and Multistrike

Note 2: Nightmare mods no longer give any form of direct boosters towards Elemental or Physical (Punc/Imp/Slash) damage, only basic effects/stats. Read on "Mod Rebalancing Notes" for more details regarding Corrupted and Nightmare mods for better understanding.


* Berserker

Polarity: V

Cost: 4+5 2+5

Effect/rank: 5% Attackspeed AND CHARGESPEED boost after a critical hit, lasting for 4 seconds (Max 30% and 24 seconds)

Note: Might need more buffing, or is the reduced Modcost enough?

Note 2: Read about Attackspeed and Chargespeed on Fury further up.


* True Steel

Polarity: V

Cost: 4+5

Effect/rank: 10% 20% Critical change increase (Max 120%)


* Organ Shatter

Polarity: V

Cost: 4+5

Effect/rank: 15% 20% Critical damage increase (Max 120%)


* Melee Prowess

Polarity: D

Cost: 2+5 4+5

Effect/rank: 2,5% 20% Status chance increase (Max 120%)


* Smite Corpus/Grineer/Infested

Polarity: V

Cost: 4+5 2+5

Effect/rank: 5% Factionspecific total damage increase (Max 30%)


* Melee Channel

Polarity: V

Cost: 4+3

Effect/rank: 50% of Energy spent is stored as damage for the next Melee attack. Up to 50 damage storeable. (Max 200% and 200 damage).

Potential buff: This damagebonus is dealt to all enemy targets in a 4 (non-scaling) meter radius...

Note: I'd consider doing 2 different things: 1) Leave it as it is and instead maybe make it a Utility-mod? 2) Or keep my suggested buff on it, letting it stay as an Attackmod? Which option is more balanced?


* Power Throw

Polarity: V

Cost: 4+5

Effect/rank: 0,1m 0,3m Punchthrough for Thrown melee weapons (Max 1,8m)




* Reflex Coil

Polarity: + D

Cost: 2+3 4+3

Effect/rank: 10% Chargespeed BLOCKING EFFICIENCY (Max 40%)

Note: Blocking efficiency is simply reducing the Stamina cost when you block attacks. Read on "Melee Changes" for more understanding about how I suggested how Stamina and Blocking should work, and how they are more useful now (hence the modcost increase on this mod)


* Second Wind

Polarity: V -

Cost: 2+5 2+3

Effect/rank: +5 Stamina on Melee kill (Max +25 stamina)


* Finishing Touch

Polarity: V

Cost: 2+3

Effect/rank: 15% Finisher damage increase (Max 60%)

Note: This is a damageincreaser, but as Finishers work now, I consider them far too niched for this mod to be considered an Attackmod. I'd easily consider making it an Attackmod if Finishers were better (faster & stronger, for a start).


* Reach

Polarity: V

Cost: 4+3 2+3

Effect/rank: 15% Melee range increase (Max 60%)

Note: This could possibly also boost Thrown weapons' maximum throwing range?

Note 2: Maybe this could also increase the AoE of the jumpattacks?


* Whirlwind

Polarity: V

Cost: 4+5 4+3

Effect/rank: 30% 45% Thrown weapon flightspeed increase (Max 180%)

Note: Maybe 45% increase per rank is too much? (I did that to keep the max bonus the same, just fyi)


* Rebound

Polarity: -

Cost: 4+3

Effect/rank: +1 Thrown weapon bounce (Max +4 bounces)


* Quick Return

Polarity: -

Cost: 4+3

Effect/rank: -1 Thrown weapon bounce (Max -4 bounces)


* Parry (No longer a Warframe mod!)

Polarity: D

Cost: 2+5 2+3

Effect/rank: 16% 25% chance to Knock down melee attackers when Blocking (Max 100%)


* Reflection (No longer a Warframe mod!)

Polarity: D V

Cost: 2+5 4+3

Effect/rank: 16% 25% Damage reflection while Blocking (Max 100%)



These are simply ideas for more Melee Utilitymods:


* Stasis Guard

Polarity: D or -

Cost: 2+3

Effect/rank: When blocking enemy melee attacks, the attacker is put into a 0,5 second stasis (50% slowdown or so) (Max 2 seconds)

Note: Synergizes, or acts as an alternative to the Parrymod


* Sadist / Leech (Many creative names are possible here, any help?)

Polarity: D ? (Could be any of the 3 really, but this would give each "melee on kill"-mods one polarity each)

Cost: 4+3

Effect/rank: +3 Health upon Melee Kill (Max +12 Health)


* Energy Thief

Polarity: V ?

Cost: 4+3

Effect/rank: +1 Energy upon Melee Kill (Max +4 Energy)


* Hidden Strike

Polarity: - or V

Cost: 4+3

Effect/rank: 25% Attackspeed increase on the first unsheathing strike from Regular meleeattacks (ONLY for the regular spamattacks) (Max 100%)

Note: This is inspired by iaido (I think that's the name of it), where they train to do those superfast unsheathing strikes



As a quick reminder of how weaponmodding works:

* Weaponmods are split up in two groups: Attackmods (directly increases Damage/DPS) and Utility (more for convenience and utility)

* Attackmods have 8 slots at their disposal, while Utilitymods have 4 (although Utilitymods can be equipped in Attack slots too, if you want)


Now a very quick explanation of how I would categorize each mod:

* Attackmods would be mods directly increasing damage or DPS, such as increasers of:

Damage, multishot, physical damage (Punct/Imp/Slash), elemental damage, rate of fire, critical chance, critical damage, statuschance, factiondamage, punchthrough and/or aoe-boosters

(Note: Corrupted or Nightmare mods must increase at least one of the above to be considered an Attackmod)

* Utilitymods would be mods that are more for convenience or utility, such as increasers of:

Reloadspeed, magsize, ammo mutator, ammo capacity, accuracy, anything with blocking, melee range, health/energy/stamina boosters on kill, projectile flightspeed, bouncing alterations

(Some VERY specialized damage/DPSmods might exist as Utilitymods, but then they are so niched, that I think anyone could accept them as utilitymods...)




* No Return

Polarity: -

Cost: 2+5

Effect/rank: 10% 7,5% Puncture damage increase (Max 45%)


* Razor Shot

Polarity: -

Cost: 2+5

Effect/rank: 10% 7,5% Slash damage increase (Max 45%)


* Concussion Rounds

Polarity: -

Cost: 2+5

Effect/rank: 10% 7,5% Impact damage increase (Max 45%)


Note: How physical damage mod increasers (Punc/Imp/Slash) should interact with the basedamage I don't really know how to balance though. (Only boost base on the physical element in question like now, or based on total base physical damage? I'm more for the latter, but with the restriction then that you can only boost it if there is the physical damage in question from the start, so you can't give physical damage on a purely elemental weapon, such as Ignis. Meh)


* Convulsion

Polarity: -

Cost: 6+5

Effect/rank: 15% 10% Electrical damage increase (Max 60%)


* Heated Charge

Polarity: -

Cost: 6+5

Effect/rank: 15% 10% Fire damage increase (Max 60%)


* Pathogen Rounds

Polarity: -

Cost: 6+5

Effect/rank: 15% 10% Toxic damage increase (Max 60%)


* Deep Freeze

Polarity: D

Cost: 4+5 6+5

Effect/rank: 10% Cold damage increase (Max 60%)


* Hornet Strike

Polarity: V

Cost: 4+10

Effect/rank: 20% 10% Total pistoldamage increase (Max 110%)


* Barrel Diffusion

Polarity: V

Cost: 6+5

Effect/rank: 20% 15% Multishot chance (Max 90%)


* Gunslinger

Polarity: V

Cost: 4+5

Effect/rank: 12% 10% Rate of Fire increase (Max 60%)

Note: Increasing rate of fire on burstfire weapons should not only get a higher frequency between the bursts, it should ALSO increase the tightness of the actual burst. Why? If not, fullauto weapons are better potential burstfire weapons than ACTUAL burstfire weapons!


* Magnum Force

Polarity: V

Cost: 4+10 4+3

Effect/rank: 6% 15% Total pistoldamage increase and 3% 6% Accuracy decrease (Max 60% and 24%)


* Hollow Point

Polarity: V

Cost: 4+5 4+3

Effect/rank: 10% 25% Critical damage increase and 2,5% 7% Total pistoldamage RATE OF FIRE decrease (Max 100% and 28%)

Note: Its old side-effect was simply stupid...


* Lethal Torrent

Polarity: V

Cost: 6+5

Effect/rank: 10% 5% Rate of Fire increase and 10% Multishot chance (Max 30% and 60%)

Note: Increasing rate of fire on burstfire weapons should not only get a higher frequency between the bursts, it should ALSO increase the tightness of the actual burst. Why? If not, fullauto weapons are better potential burstfire weapons than ACTUAL burstfire weapons!


* Stunning Speed

Polarity: + D

Cost: 6+3 4+3

Effect/rank: 10% 8% Reloadspeed increase and 2,5% 15% Status chance increase (Max 24% and 60%)


* Ice Storm Bulletstorm (Namesuggestions please?)

Polarity: V

Cost: 6+3 4+3

Effect/rank: 10% Cold damage Critical chance increase and 10% Magazine capacity increase (Max 40% and 40%)

Note: Nightmare mods no longer give any form of direct boosters towards Elemental or Physical (Punc/Imp/Slash) damage, only basic effects/stats. Read on "Mod Rebalancing Notes" for more details regarding Corrupted and Nightmare mods for better understanding.


* Pistol Gambit

Polarity: V

Cost: 4+5

Effect/rank: 20% Critical change increase (Max 120%)


* Target Cracker

Polarity: V

Cost: 4+5

Effect/rank: 10% 20% Critical damage increase (Max 120%)


* Sure Shot

Polarity: D

Cost: 2+5 4+5

Effect/rank: 2,5% 20% Status chance increase (Max 120%)


* Expel Corpus/Grineer/Infested

Polarity: V

Cost: 4+5 2+5

Effect/rank: 5% Factionspecific total damage increase (Max 30%)


* Seeker

Polarity: -

Cost: 10+5 6+5

Effect/rank: From 0,4m to 2,1m 0,35m Punchthrough (Max 2,1m)

Note: I guess that is its true number, only having a problem to display decimals?




* Quickdraw

Polarity: -

Cost: 2+5 2+3

Effect/rank: 8% 10% Reloadspeed increase (Max 40%)


* Trick Mag

Polarity: + D

Cost: 2+5 2+3

Effect/rank: 15% 20% Ammo capacity increase (Max 80%)


* Pistol Ammo Mutator

Polarity: + D

Cost: 4+3

Effect/rank: Allow unused non-pistol ammo to be converted into pistol ammo

Note: Due to this being a powerful mod, now being moved over as a Utilitymod, maybe it should be nerfed a tad?


* Slip Magazine

Polarity: -

Cost: 2+5 2+3

Effect/rank: 5% 10% Magazine capacity increase (Max 40%)


* Tainted Clip (Yes, a CORRUPTED Utilitymod!)

Polarity: -

Cost: 6+5 4+3

Effect/rank: 10% 15% Magazine capacity increase and 5% 7% Reloadspeed decrease (Max 60% and 28%)


* Steady Hands

Polarity: + V

Cost: 6+3 4+3

Effect/rank: 15% Recoil reduction (Max 60%)


* Hawk Eye

Polarity: -

Cost: 4+3 2+3

Effect/rank: 20% 10% Zoom increase (Max 40%)

Note: Unnecessary nerf? Well, imo, Pistols should be less snipery than Rifles, hence the equalized bonuses.


* Suppress

Polarity: -

Cost: 2+3

Effect/rank: 25% Noise reduction (Max 100%)

Note: I think the UI should also display the "noise range" a weapon has



These are simply ideas for more Pistol Utilitymods:


* Pistol Marksman (Namesuggestion anyone?)

Polarity: V

Cost: 4+3

Effect/rank: 5% Accuracy increase (Max 20%)


* Rapid Flight (Namesuggestion anyone?)

Polarity: V (?)

Cost: 4+3 or 2+3

Effect/rank: Anywhere from 15% to 25% Projectilespeed increase (Max 60% to 100%)


* Dilate (Namesuggestions anyone?)

Polarity: V (?)

Cost: 4+3

Effect/rank: Increases range (for weapons with limited ranges) and/or aoe-size (for weapons with explosive and similar attacks) of the weapon's attack by 6% (Max 24%)

Note 1: Increasing range would benefit weapons such as Spectra and Embolist, which have limited ranges of their attacks

Note 2: Increasing the aoe-size would benefit weapons such as Stug and Embolist (yes, it could doubledip!), which have aoe-like attacks.


Edited by Azamagon
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As a quick reminder:

* There are, basicly, 4 different type of weapons: Melee, Pistol, Shotgun & Rifle (Which really, consists of Assault Rifles, Snipers, Bows and Launchers)

* For each weapontype, there are 2 sets of mods: Attackmods and Utilitymods

* Each modtype have their own slots they go into, and interact with different modpointpools in their own specific way


Other guideline notes:

* If something is lined over, like this, it signifies a change (As that doesn't work for tactical polarity -, I will write a + for a change on tactical polarities). The changes/Any additions are written IN CAPITAL LETTERS so it is easy to spot.

* Rankcosts will be displayed as a number like this: 4+5. This will mean that the basecost is 4, and it has up to 5 additional ranks, having a max rankcost of 9. I guess this is easy to follow?

* Some numbers can change of course. It is more the relation between them which is imporant.

* Yes, I will also list unchanged mods, so you can see them all and relate them to one another



As a quick reminder of how weaponmodding works:

* Weaponmods are split up in two groups: Attackmods (directly increases Damage/DPS) and Utility (more for convenience and utility)

* Attackmods have 8 slots at their disposal, while Utilitymods have 4 (although Utilitymods can be equipped in Attack slots too, if you want)


Now a very quick explanation of how I would categorize each mod:

* Attackmods would be mods directly increasing damage or DPS, such as increasers of:

Damage, multishot, physical damage (Punct/Imp/Slash), elemental damage, rate of fire, critical chance, critical damage, statuschance, factiondamage, punchthrough and/or aoe-boosters

(Note: Corrupted or Nightmare mods must increase at least one of the above to be considered an Attackmod)

* Utilitymods would be mods that are more for convenience or utility, such as increasers of:

Reloadspeed, magsize, ammo mutator, ammo capacity, accuracy, anything with blocking, melee range, health/energy/stamina boosters on kill, projectile flightspeed, bouncing alterations

(Some VERY specialized damage/DPSmods might exist as Utilitymods, but then they are so niched, that I think anyone could accept them as utilitymods...)




* Flechette

Polarity: -

Cost: 4+5 2+5

Effect/rank: 5% 7,5% Puncture damage increase (Max 45%)


* Shredder

Polarity: -

Cost: 4+5 2+5

Effect/rank: 5% 7,5% Slash damage increase (Max 45%)


* Disruptor

Polarity: -

Cost: 4+5 2+5

Effect/rank: 5% 7,5% Impact damage increase (Max 45%)


Note: How physical damage mod increasers (Punc/Imp/Slash) should interact with the basedamage I don't really know how to balance though. (Only boost base on the physical element in question like now, or based on total base physical damage? I'm more for the latter, but with the restriction then that you can only boost it if there is the physical damage in question from the start, so you can't give physical damage on a purely elemental weapon, such as Ignis. Meh)


* Charged Shell

Polarity: -

Cost: 6+5

Effect/rank: 15% 10% Electrical damage increase (Max 60%)


* Incendiary Coat

Polarity: -

Cost: 6+5

Effect/rank: 15% 10% Fire damage increase (Max 60%)


* Contagious Spread

Polarity: -

Cost: 6+5

Effect/rank: 15% 10% Toxic damage increase (Max 60%)


* Chilling Grasp

Polarity: D

Cost: 4+5 6+5

Effect/rank: 15% 10% Cold damage increase (Max 60%)


* Point Blank

Polarity: V

Cost: 4+5 4+10

Effect/rank: 20% 10% Total shotgundamage increase (Max 110%)

Note: Please note the rankincrease...


* Hell's Chamber

Polarity: V

Cost: 10+5 6+5

Effect/rank: 20% 15% Multishot chance (Max 90%)


* Shotgun Spazz

Polarity: V

Cost: 4+5

Effect/rank: 15% 12% Rate of Fire increase (Max 60%)


* Vicious Spread

Polarity: V

Cost: 4+5 4+3

Effect/rank: 15% Total shotgundamage increase and 10% 12% Spread increase (Max 60% and 48%)


* Tainted Shell Creeping Shell

Polarity: D -

Cost: 4+3

Effect/rank: 7% 25% Spread reduction CRITICAL CHANCE increase and 7% Rate of Fire decrease (Max 100% and 28%)

Note: The renaming I felt was almost necessary as the other 2 mods (Tainted Clip & Tainted Mag, for pistols and rifles) are about magazine capacity at cost of reloadspeed, while this one is completely different. Just for ease of modding! :)

Note 2: I have suggested a spread reduction mod, down in the end parts of the Utilitymods section. So don't worry too much about losing the spread reducer mod. Instead all weapontypes now have Corrupted mod for increasing Crit!


* Accelerated Blast Onslaught (Namesuggestions please?)

Polarity: V -

Cost: 6+3 4+3

Effect/rank: 15% 10% Rate of Fire increase and 15% 7% Puncture damage RELOADSPEED increase (Max 40% and 28%)

Note: Nightmare mods no longer give any form of direct boosters towards Elemental or Physical (Punc/Imp/Slash) damage, only basic effects/stats. Read on "Mod Rebalancing Notes" for more details regarding Corrupted and Nightmare mods for better understanding.

Note: I first wanted to name this something with "Assault / Tactical" or in its name... and so, I was close to calling it Formation Bravo ;D


* Blaze Barrage (Good name I guess?)

Polarity: V

Cost: 6+3 6+5

Effect/rank: 15% 10% Total shotgundamage MULTISHOT chance and 15% 5% Fire damage STATUS CHANCE increase (Max 60% and 30%)

Note: Nightmare mods no longer give any form of direct boosters towards Elemental or Physical (Punc/Imp/Slash) damage, only basic effects/stats. Read on "Mod Rebalancing Notes" for more details regarding Corrupted and Nightmare mods for better understanding.

Note: If Nightmaremods increase total damage somehow, it is now through Multishot, rather than through pure damage. This makes the damageincreasing mods far more equalized throughout all the weapontypes (better balance).


* Blunderbuss

Polarity: V

Cost: 4+5

Effect/rank: 15% 20% Critical change increase (Max 120%)


* Ravage

Polarity: V

Cost: 4+5

Effect/rank: 15% 20% Critical damage increase (Max 120%)


* Shotgun Savvy

Polarity: D

Cost: 4+5

Effect/rank: 5% 10% Status chance increase (Max 60%)

Note: Shotguns get less Status chanceboosters than other weaponry, since they have so many pellets, EACH capable of triggering Statuschance.


* Cleanse Corpus/Grineer/Infested

Polarity: V

Cost: 4+5 2+5

Effect/rank: 5% Factionspecific total damage increase (Max 30%)


* Seeking Force

Polarity: -

Cost: 10+5 6+5

Effect/rank: From 0,4m to 2,1m 0,35m Punchthrough (Max 2,1m)

Note: I guess that is its true number, only having a problem to display decimals?




* Tactical Pump

Polarity: -

Cost: 2+5 2+3

Effect/rank: 5% 10% Reloadspeed increase (Max 40%)


* Shell Compression

Polarity: + D

Cost: 2+5 2+3

Effect/rank: 5% 10% Ammo capacity increase (Max 40%)


* Shotgun Ammo Mutator

Polarity: + D

Cost: 4+3

Effect/rank: Allow unused non-shotgun ammo to be converted into shotgun ammo

Note: Due to this being a powerful mod, now being moved over as a Utilitymod, maybe it should be nerfed a tad?


* Ammo Stock

Polarity: -

Cost: 2+5 2+3

Effect/rank: 10% Magazine capacity increase (Max 40%)


* Burdened Magazine (Yes, a CORRUPTED Utilitymod!)

Polarity: -

Cost: 6+5 4+3

Effect/rank: 10% 15% Magazine capacity increase and 3% 7% Reloadspeed decrease (Max 60% and 28%)



These are simply ideas for more Shotgun Utilitymods (as they are severely lacking!):


* Barrel Choke

Polarity: V

Cost: 4+3

Effect/rank: 10% Spread reduction (Max 40%)


* Aerodynamic Shot (Namesuggestions... please >_>)

Polarity: V

Cost: 4+3

Effect/rank: 7,5% Pellet damage falloff-range increase and/or increases range (for weapons with limited ranges) of the weapon's attack by the same percentage (Max 30%)

Note 1: Increasing pellet damage falloff-range benefits all normal shotguns (meaning, all except Phage and Drakgoon), as it would take longer before the pellets start suffering from their damage falloff range!

Note 2: Increasing the range would benefit weapons such as the Phage, which have limited ranges of their attacks



As a quick reminder of how weaponmodding works:

* Weaponmods are split up in two groups: Attackmods (directly increases Damage/DPS) and Utility (more for convenience and utility)

* Attackmods have 8 slots at their disposal, while Utilitymods have 4 (although Utilitymods can be equipped in Attack slots too, if you want)


Now a very quick explanation of how I would categorize each mod:

* Attackmods would be mods directly increasing damage or DPS, such as increasers of:

Damage, multishot, physical damage (Punct/Imp/Slash), elemental damage, rate of fire, critical chance, critical damage, statuschance, factiondamage, punchthrough and/or aoe-boosters

(Note: Corrupted or Nightmare mods must increase at least one of the above to be considered an Attackmod)

* Utilitymods would be mods that are more for convenience or utility, such as increasers of:

Reloadspeed, magsize, ammo mutator, ammo capacity, accuracy, anything with blocking, melee range, health/energy/stamina boosters on kill, projectile flightspeed, bouncing alterations

(Some VERY specialized damage/DPSmods might exist as Utilitymods, but then they are so niched, that I think anyone could accept them as utilitymods...)




* Piercing Hit

Polarity: -

Cost: 4+5 2+5

Effect/rank: 5% 7,5% Puncture damage increase (Max 45%)


* Sawtooth Clip Rupture

Polarity: -

Cost: 4+5 2+5

Effect/rank: 5% 7,5% Slash damage increase (Max 45%)


* Rupture Blunt Force

Polarity: -

Cost: 4+5 2+5

Effect/rank: 5% 7,5% Impact damage increase (Max 45%)


Note: How physical damage mod increasers (Punc/Imp/Slash) should interact with the basedamage I don't really know how to balance though. (Only boost base on the physical element in question like now, or based on total base physical damage? I'm more for the latter, but with the restriction then that you can only boost it if there is the physical damage in question from the start, so you can't give physical damage on a purely elemental weapon, such as Ignis. Meh)


* Stormbringer

Polarity: -

Cost: 6+5

Effect/rank: 15% 10% Electrical damage increase (Max 60%)


* Hellfire

Polarity: -

Cost: 6+5

Effect/rank: 15% 10% Fire damage increase (Max 60%)


* Infected Clip

Polarity: -

Cost: 6+5

Effect/rank: 15% 10% Toxic damage increase (Max 60%)


* Cryo Rounds

Polarity: D

Cost: 4+5 6+5

Effect/rank: 15% 10% Cold damage increase (Max 60%)


* Serration

Polarity: V

Cost: 4+10

Effect/rank: 15% 10% Total rifledamage increase (Max 110%)


* Split Chamber

Polarity: V

Cost: 10+5 6+5

Effect/rank: 15% Multishot chance (Max 90%)


* Speed Trigger

Polarity: V

Cost: 4+5

Effect/rank: 10% Rate of Fire increase (Max 60%)

Note: Increasing rate of fire on burstfire weapons should not only get a higher frequency between the bursts, it should ALSO increase the tightness of the actual burst. Why? If not, fullauto weapons are better potential burstfire weapons than ACTUAL burstfire weapons!


* Heavy Caliber

Polarity: V

Cost: 6+10 4+3

Effect/rank: 15% Total rifleldamage increase and 5% 6% Accuracy decrease (Max 60% and 24%)


* Critical Delay

Polarity: V

Cost: 4+5 4+3

Effect/rank: 8% 25% Critical chance increase and 6% 7% Rate of Fire decrease (Max 100% and 28%)


* Vile Precision Vile Distortion (Good name for its new effects?)

Polarity: V D

Cost: 6+5 4+3

Effect/rank: 10% 25% Recoil reduction STATUS CHANCE increase and 6% 8% Rate of Fire CRITICAL CHANCE decrease (Max 100% and 32%)

Note: This mod was changed COMPLETELY, as the old one was pointless. Stabilizer had better benefit and was cheaper. Critical Delay also already had a rate of fire decrease as penalty. A complete change felt necessary


* Wildfire

Polarity: V

Cost: 6+3 6+5

Effect/rank: 5% Magazine capacity increase and 15% 10% Fire damage MULTISHOT CHANCE (Max 30% and 60%)

Note: Nightmare mods no longer give any form of direct boosters towards Elemental or Physical (Punc/Imp/Slash) damage, only basic effects/stats. Read on "Mod Rebalancing Notes" for more details regarding Corrupted and Nightmare mods for better understanding.


* Hammershot

Polarity: D

Cost: 6+3 4+3

Effect/rank: 15% Critical damage increase and 10% 15% Status chance increase (Max 60% and 60%)


* Shred

Polarity: V

Cost: 6+5

Effect/rank: 5% Rate of Fire increase and 0,2m Punchthrough increase (Max 30% and 1,2m)

Note: Increasing rate of fire on burstfire weapons should not only get a higher frequency between the bursts, it should ALSO increase the tightness of the actual burst. Why? If not, fullauto weapons are better potential burstfire weapons than ACTUAL burstfire weapons!


* Point Strike

Polarity: V

Cost: 4+5

Effect/rank: 25% 20% Critical chance increase (Max 120%)


* Vital Sense

Polarity: V

Cost: 4+5

Effect/rank: 20% Critical damage increase (Max 120%)


* Rifle Aptitude

Polarity: D

Cost: 4+5

Effect/rank: 2,5% 20% Status chance increase (Max 120%)


* Bane of Corpus/Grineer/Infested

Polarity: V

Cost: 4+5 2+5

Effect/rank: 5% Factionspecific total damage increase (Max 30%)


* Metal Auger

Polarity: -

Cost: 10+5 6+5

Effect/rank: From 0,4m to 2,1m 0,35m Punchthrough (Max 2,1m)

Note: I guess that is its true number, only having a problem to display decimals?


* Charged Chamber (For Snipers AND BOWS now too, imo)

Polarity: V

Cost: 6+3

Effect/rank: First shot deals 10% total damage more AND (ANY SHOT) 12,5% MULTISHOT CHANCE (Max 40% and 50%)

Note: I want Primed and Charged Chamber to have different overall bonuses, so they complement/compete, rather than just one beig plain better than the other

Note 2: Maybe make it a Nightmare mod?

Note 3: Why Multishot? Well Snipers/Bows are heavyhitters. They need to be reliable in damage. With Split Chamber and the new Wildfire, you get a total of 150% Multishot. This mod would then push Snipers/Bows up to have a reliable 200% Multishot.


* Primed Chamber (For Snipers AND BOWS now too, imo)

Polarity: V

Cost: 4+3 6+3

Effect/rank: First shot deals 25% total damage more (Max 100%)


* Thunderbolt

Polarity: V

Cost: 6+3

Effect/rank: 7,5% chance to deal a flat 250 damage aoe-bonus 5% of your total damage is dealt in an aoe as well (Max 20%)

Note: I'd make many other changes too (on top of making it reliable, rather than chancebased)

1) I'd make the explosion into something more "energylike"

2) ^ Due to that, it can remain as a (at least relatively) silent explosion

3) ^ Further, due to now being more "energy-ish", I'd make it harmless to the user! This makes Bows very different from other (more powerful) AoE-weapons (Such as Ogris, Penta etc).

All that makes 1) bows have more emphasis on stealth 2) bows are more safe if modded for AoE 3) Thunderbolt scale better




* Fast Hands

Polarity: -

Cost: 2+5 2+3

Effect/rank: 5% 7,5% Reloadspeed increase (Max 30%)


* Ammo Drum

Polarity: + D

Cost: 2+5 2+3

Effect/rank: 5% 10% Ammo capacity increase (Max 40%)


* Rifle Ammo / Sniper Ammo / Arrow Mutator

Polarity: + D

Cost: 4+3

Effect/rank: Allow unused non-rifle ammo to be converted into rifle ammo

Note: Due to these being powerful mods, now being moved over as Utilitymods, maybe they should be nerfed a tad?


* Magazine Warp

Polarity: -

Cost: 2+5 2+3

Effect/rank: 5% 10% Magazine capacity increase (Max 40%)


* Tainted Mag (Yes, a CORRUPTED Utilitymod! And should now work on ALL Rifles, not just Assault Rifles)

Polarity: -

Cost: 4+10 4+3

Effect/rank: 6% 15% Magazine capacity increase and 3% 6% Reloadspeed decrease (Max 60% and 24%)


* Stabilizer

Polarity: + V

Cost: 6+3 4+3

Effect/rank: 15% Recoil reduction (Max 60%)


* Eagle Eye

Polarity: -

Cost: 4+3 2+3

Effect/rank: 10% Zoom increase (Max 40%)


* Hush

Polarity: -

Cost: 2+3

Effect/rank: 25% Noise reduction

Note: I think the UI should also display the "noise range" a weapon has


* Firestorm

Polarity: V

Cost: 6+3 4+3

Effect/rank: Increases RANGE (for weapons with limited ranges) and/or aoe-size (for weapons with explosive and similar attacks) of the weapon's attacks by 6% (Max 24%)

Note 1: Increasing range would benefit weapons such as the Flux Rifle, Synapse and Ignis, which have limited ranges of their attacks

Note 2: Increasing the aoe-size would benefit weapons such as Ogris, Penta, Torid and Ignis (yes, it could doubledip!), which have aoe-like attacks.



These are simply ideas for more Pistol Utilitymods:


* Dead Eye (Yey, got a use for that name now :D)

Polarity: V

Cost: 4+3

Effect/rank: 5% Accuracy increase (Max 20%)


* Jet (Namesuggestion... please? >_>)

Polarity: V (?)

Cost: 4+3 or 2+3

Effect/rank: Anywhere from 15% to 25% Projectilespeed increase (Max 60% to 100%)


* Ricochet (Namesuggestions please?)

Polarity: -

Cost: 4+3

Effect/rank: +1 Projectile bounce (Max +4 bounces)

Note: Only for weapons that already have bouncing projectiles, such as Miter and Penta


* Sticky / Attaching Projectile (Namesuggestions... please? >_>)

Polarity: -

Cost: 4+3

Effect/rank: -1 Projectile bounce (Max -4 bounces)

Note: Only for weapons that already have bouncing projectiles, such as Miter and Penta

Edited by Azamagon
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Read the OP, now I'm just excited to see what you have in store with the reserved posts!


I would love something like this.




I have read the rest of what you posted and discussed it with other people I play with. This whole thing will only make the game more complicated than it needs to be and it adds unnecessary annoyances to the game.


The only thing I semi-agree with is that the Warframe abilities should be separate, but they should still pull from the same point pool, but I like the extra column of mod slots.


Other than that, this seems very overpowered and wouldn't like any of these changes personally. I also retract my statement of being excited.

Edited by EChondo
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A big NO. This system would allow to create builds with a lot of mods, because we shouldn't have to choose where to put our abilities, and because of extra slots. And a build with a lot of mods= -OP

                                                  - Everybody has the same build all the time, we won't has ammo based, or status, or critical based builds, just an universal build with all the mods of the game on our build.

Edited by koolen
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like the idea ability's should not be in the normal warframe slots and by doing that you can put mods in that you actually want not mods that you have to have


didn't read all of it late at night read later and comment then but a very nice idea

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I got a few things I don't like about this system.



-I don't think we need 3 aura slots, That's just too OP even if they don't stack or give as many points back.


-I agree that we should have separate slots for abilities so we can add more mods to our Warframes. However they should draw from the same mod points as the other 10 slots, because if it's going to take from the normal point pool if I don't have enough ability points anyway then what is the point in two different pools?


-I do not agree with the extra slots idea.



-I don't think we need anything done to sentinels. We get more than enough points with a reactor on a sentinel that it's pointless to keep abilities on them separate. I mean really you only have two abilities for them and you only have at most six useful mods after your two abilities so that leave two extra slots that you can use for whatever you wanted.



- I do not agree with having the utility slots on the weapons, again too OP.


-Instead of the utility slots why not just add an aura mod to primary weapons? This would only include the auras like Rifle Amp, Sniper Scavenger,Rifle Scavenger, Shotgun Scavenger, Speed Holster, Steel Charge and Pistol Scavenger. Since there is only one melee and pistol aura mod (Steel Charge and Pistol Scavenger) those can be used on your primary weapon aura slot. 

Edited by Tevlev
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I got through the better part of the Warframe mod changes, and honestly, it just sounds like there's too much complexity being added on for its own good, even if there looks to be some good outside of that in the changes suggested.


As things are now, Warframe could do with a lot of scaling down on complexity, because right now, a lot of it just feels like complexity for complexity's sake, and does little to add to the gameplay itself. Adding in a bunch of different mod slots with their own point allowances to manage but also having them take points from other pools is just too much while offering not enough in return (and for what it's worth, this is coming from an Armored Core vet, a series with depth and complexity that makes Warframe look like a game of tic-tac-toe).


If anything, Warframe needs to expand its depth while also reducing its complexity. Give us fewer features and functions to manage and customize, but make the choices we do make matter, and make us think about them.

For example, throwing a serration or multi-shot mod onto a gun isn't customization; it's a given. It serves no purpose to enhance gameplay. Players should be weighing the costs and benefits of their choices with every customization they make to their equipment.


Right now, as far as mods and customization is concerned, the game is pointlessly bloated. Think about a solution that scales down the problem, not the other way around.

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Read the OP, now I'm just excited to see what you have in store with the reserved posts!


I would love something like this.




I have read the rest of what you posted and discussed it with other people I play with. This whole thing will only make the game more complicated than it needs to be and it adds unnecessary annoyances to the game.


The only thing I semi-agree with is that the Warframe abilities should be separate, but they should still pull from the same point pool, but I like the extra column of mod slots.


Other than that, this seems very overpowered and wouldn't like any of these changes personally. I also retract my statement of being excited.

Ouch, that was harsh about the retractment :(


I don't understand how this is all too complicated though. I have tried my absolute best in giving the players the best of both worlds:

1) The sense of "progression" by having powerful damage/defense mods (Warframe Basics & Weapon Attackmods)

2) The sense of more "true" choice by letting you have utilitychoices (Warframe Extras & Weapon Utilitymods)


Abilitymods having seperate slots AND points to use is an important point of my suggestion: What is it that makes each Warframe unique than anything else? Abilities! Having the option to completely remove a Warframe-defining ability is to me, quite frankly, a bad gamedesign. "Remove fun / unique / situational abilities just for the sake of more numerical powers"? No thank you, I strongly dislike that. It's not a fun choice, really.


You also said this was overpowered before looking at the mod rebalance (before it was done). Look again, judge again later please.


A big NO. This system would allow to create builds with a lot of mods, because we shouldn't have to choose where to put our abilities, and because of extra slots. And a build with a lot of mods= -OP

                                                  - Everybody has the same build all the time, we won't has ammo based, or status, or critical based builds, just an universal build with all the mods of the game on our build.

Read my response to EChondo.

And I actually think there would be far more diversity in builds with my modsplitting. Like I said to EChondo: Look again, judge again later please.


I got a few things I don't like about this system.



-I don't think we need 3 aura slots, That's just too OP even if they don't stack or give as many points back.


-I agree that we should have separate slots for abilities so we can add more mods to our Warframes. However they should draw from the same mod points as the other 10 slots, because if it's going to take from the normal point pool if I don't have enough ability points anyway then what is the point in two different pools?


-I do not agree with the extra slots idea.



-I don't think we need anything done to sentinels. We get more than enough points with a reactor on a sentinel that it's pointless to keep abilities on them separate. I mean really you only have two abilities for them and you only have at most six useful mods after your two abilities so that leave two extra slots that you can use for whatever you wanted.



- I do not agree with having the utility slots on the weapons, again too OP.


-Instead of the utility slots why not just add an aura mod to primary weapons? This would only include the auras like Rifle Amp, Sniper Scavenger,Rifle Scavenger, Shotgun Scavenger, Speed Holster, Steel Charge and Pistol Scavenger. Since there is only one melee and pistol aura mod (Steel Charge and Pistol Scavenger) those can be used on your primary weapon aura slot. 


- I understand not liking the 3 Aura system (and it is something I'm willing to change back, if it is hated too much)

- The abilities being seperate from regular mods (in points) is important. Read my response to EChondo about that (Oh, and at max level of your Warframe, you will have exactly enough Abilitypoints to equip all maxed outed abilities without interfering with you regular modpoints at all. It's only POSSIBLE to interfere with your regular modpoints WHILE LEVELLING UP, if you WANT TO. I guess someone missed that? :P)

- Why not? They are what actually allow for REAL diverse choices!



- Maybe not, but I think it is necessary for consistency. Besides, I think Sentinels are severely lacking in mods and precepts. If you look at the Sentinel modrebalancing, you'll see that I have suggested a bunch of new ones too. Which makes the new system more "necessary".



- Again, why not? This is what allows for the real "choices" in weapon modding!

- Eh no, that just doesn't fit nor is that consistent. Sorry, I really dislike that idea...


I got through the better part of the Warframe mod changes, and honestly, it just sounds like there's too much complexity being added on for its own good, even if there looks to be some good outside of that in the changes suggested.


As things are now, Warframe could do with a lot of scaling down on complexity, because right now, a lot of it just feels like complexity for complexity's sake, and does little to add to the gameplay itself. Adding in a bunch of different mod slots with their own point allowances to manage but also having them take points from other pools is just too much while offering not enough in return (and for what it's worth, this is coming from an Armored Core vet, a series with depth and complexity that makes Warframe look like a game of tic-tac-toe).


If anything, Warframe needs to expand its depth while also reducing its complexity. Give us fewer features and functions to manage and customize, but make the choices we do make matter, and make us think about them.

For example, throwing a serration or multi-shot mod onto a gun isn't customization; it's a given. It serves no purpose to enhance gameplay. Players should be weighing the costs and benefits of their choices with every customization they make to their equipment.


Right now, as far as mods and customization is concerned, the game is pointlessly bloated. Think about a solution that scales down the problem, not the other way around.

How is this really complex?? It's actually making you have simpler (although more diverse) choices, if anything!

Read my response to EChondo for what I mean...


About this statement:

"Right now, as far as mods and customization is concerned, the game is pointlessly bloated. Think about a solution that scales down the problem, not the other way around."

Well, DE already has added a lot of mods, as they seem to like this system a lot. I do too, but not the current "choices" they provide us with. The only alternative to my idea (really), is to scrap the modding system completely and I think that would be a far too radical change at this point of the game. They already scrapped talent-trees for the current modding system.

But I'm trying to work with what EXISTS, and trying to make that work to the best possible extent! Please look at the mod rebalancing and how I have split them up etc. Please? :)


This is a great post. It addresses a lot of issues with the current system and it would be awesome of some of these ideas made it into the game.


like the idea ability's should not be in the normal warframe slots and by doing that you can put mods in that you actually want not mods that you have to have


didn't read all of it late at night read later and comment then but a very nice idea



Thanks guys :)

Please leave more constructive criticism if you can (good and bad of course)

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I think with your new mod design you are failing to see the concept of balancing what you need and don't need. If I have a Soma with Hammer shot, vital sense, serration, split chamber, heavy caliber, infected clip, stormbringer, and point strike (all maxed out by the way) and I am 1-3 hitting enemies at high levels what is the point in having all those extra utility slots on my Soma then? I think just adding a single aura mod would be much easier than adding an entirely new system.Two out of the eight mods I listed are utility mods (Stormbringer and Infected Clip). I do not think that adding more utility mods will increase the the DPS on the gun. You could say I could use an increase in fire rate with Speed Trigger but all that gets me is an increase in ammo use of ammo from about 30 rounds for one enemy to about 50-60 rounds, which for the Soma is more than half my clip for a single enemy. 

Edited by Tevlev
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I don't understand how this is all too complicated though. I have tried my absolute best in giving the players the best of both worlds:


The issue is that if you give players the 'best of both worlds' we don't have any meaningful choice.


What you've done here is essentially give us 60% more mod slots, and more points, to make it "easier" for us to create builds.


However, that actually removes player choice. Now I can put a full rainbow build on every weapon, stack all my HP and shield mods on every frame, and still have room for utility. It creates less builds, not more builds.


Instead, we need a rebalance of utility mods to bring them on par with 'base stat' mods, or some of our existing slots should be reserved for utility.


Either way, the power of utility mods needs to be increased.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The issue is that if you give players the 'best of both worlds' we don't have any meaningful choice.


What you've done here is essentially give us 60% more mod slots, and more points, to make it "easier" for us to create builds.


However, that actually removes player choice. Now I can put a full rainbow build on every weapon, stack all my HP and shield mods on every frame, and still have room for utility. It creates less builds, not more builds.


Instead, we need a rebalance of utility mods to bring them on par with 'base stat' mods, or some of our existing slots should be reserved for utility.


Either way, the power of utility mods needs to be increased.

Good feedback! I'll try and give my counterthoughts:


I think there could still be meaningful damage-mod-choices, if other stuff (not mentioned in this thread) got fixed as well. You say rainbow build on all weapons, but what if "rainbow" is not the most optimal build in case there are special tough units highly resistant to elemental effects? Maybe a critbuild (which should be made possible on any weapon, if crit had better baseline stats on ALL weapons) would be less generally damaging, but a more safe choice in case those highly resistant enemies appear?


You say HP and shields mods on all your Warframes... but did you see the changes for Stamina and its mechanics? Sure, HP and shields is a "safe" choice, but not very rewarding due its passive nature. Stamina, with my proposed changes (likely in need of more improvements / tweaks) could be a less safe, but also far more rewarding defensive style. So, stamina or hp/shields? Different choices imo. Then you say, how about building for both? Then what about building for Warframe powers?


I think with these changes, choices will still exist. Just different ones.


You say we need a rebalance of utility mods so that they are more on par with "base stat" mods. I really think that's never gonna be possible actually. And you say, reserve some of the slots for utility mods... well, that's what this whole suggestion is about! :D Sure, I have suggested 8 "stat" slots and 4 utility slots for Warframes and Weapons. That can of course be reduced to, say, 6 stat slots and 3 utility slots. I instead nerfed the mods (which does pretty much the same in the end). The numbers is not the most important part of my suggestions, it's the ESSENCE of them! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bumping this up! More feedback please!

And please give feedback on all of it as a whole please, as I consider partial feedback (when not taking everything as a whole in consideration / you haven't read everything) completely useless feedback. Read up, THEN respond!

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  • 2 weeks later...



Just a little note: People talk in so many threads about having more choices, being able to use mods such as reload speed for weapons etc without competing with damagemods (something I've tried to fix here), yet the feedback here is... quite mixed with a tendency towards negative? Colour me surprised...

Edited by Azamagon
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" takes a sip " ah yes i support this " takes a sip "

A supporter! Thanks man :)

Anything in particular you like more or like less?


Nope you destroyed stacking auras, so now I am forced to take energy restores...........NOPE

Ummm... while i removed aura stacking i did a whole lot of other stuff too that compensates a lot of other things, for example the energy system overhaul... Read it all first before telling your opinion!

(Besides, I play solo all the time, thus only have ONE stack of Energy Siphon. I have no problems with energy whatsoever. So... I hate to say this but... learn 2 play, seriously!)


I'm even gonna be nice towards your lazy self and show the overhaul to you so you don't need to search for it:



NOTE: Please read CAREFULLY! Some people misunderstand what I'm suggesting here (I've suggested it in other threads, with good response, EXCEPT from those few that misunderstand it...)

This section is not NEARLY as needed for the Modding experience or Mod rebalance, but it DOES work well together with them (in particular the Modding basic changes). To make a brief summary of the Modding experience:

* Abilitymods and abilityslots are seperate from the other modding points etc. You will (at max rank) be able to equip all your (maxed out) abilities without worrying about modpoints. Now, what if you (even with these moddingchanges) feel that an ability is a waste of energy? That you think it is too weak? Well, that is what this proposed energysystem will change! Even with bad abilities (which you can now mod on for free), you can cast these (every now and then) for free! No energycost! Interested yet? Alright, let me go into detail then:


Here's a TL;DR of it: Abilities have individual "cooldowns", when the cooldown is done the ability costs 0 energy, but abilities are still spammable, although the abilities costs energy (relative to the remaining cooldown) if you don't wait for their "cooldowns" to finish. Energy then becomes more of an emergency-resource.


Now for more clear details:

* Each ability has a pseudo-cooldown. When it is off cooldown, your next ability costs ZERO energy! When it is running its cooldown though, you can still cast it, but the ability now costs energy relative to the remaining cooldown!

* For example, let's say Ember's Fireball has a 20 second "cooldown" and still costs maximum 25 energy. If you cast it when the cooldown is done, it costs 0 energy. If you then wait 4 seconds and cast it again, it only costs 20 energy (16 / 20 * 25 = 20), and the cooldown now restarts again.

This way, you can use your abilities carefully and free of cost if you are willing to wait for your cooldowns, or you can still spam them at the cost of wasting your energy.

* Each ability has its own seperate "cooldown", meaning it best to use ALL your abilities as varied as possible. It also means you can make more powerful abilities (such as ultimates) have longer cooldowns and play around more to balance them better

* Even weaker abilities (although, i still think most abilities needs changing) would have more use as they would be free of cost every now and then! Their cooldowns can then also be a lot shorter than others, further increasing their values.

* The hud/UI needs to indicate the abilities' remaining "cooldowns" (Could be displayed similarly to how they show them in DotA for example)


On top of this system i would also overhaul a few other things:

* Energy orbs should either be a lot more rare, and/or give less energy (like 10 or 15, down from 25) or be scrapped altogether (I don't like scrapping them completely though, just toned down in frequency a bit and reduced in energy provided)

* All Warframes should have a slight innate energy regen too (like 0,5 energy/sec). This could also vary (very slightly) between each Warframe. This would make Energy Siphon less of a "go to" Aura, and more of a nice bonus, rather than a necessity.

* Auras (as you will see further down, combined with the modding changes) would need an overhaul. The important changes suggested for auras that I need to point out are that Auras should not stack anymore (otherwise Energy Siphon would be even MORE overpowered) and most auras are buffed/tweaked to compensate (although Energy Siphon don't need a buff i think)

* Streamline (and all other Power efficiency mods) could also need a revamp. They now lower the length of all your ability "cooldowns", instead of directly reducing energy costs. Also, the energy efficiency formula needs to be brought to the old one (25% efficiency shouldn't be 0,75x of the original cost, it should be 1 / 1,25 which is thus 0,8x of the original cost). That old one was much better because it didn't require any hardcap (no infinite scaling) AND it is far more balanced now when you take into consideration the addition of the Corrupted mods (Fleeting Expertise is by far the most overpowered ability-enhancing mod in the game, due to the new formula. With the old formula, it would be more equal with the other ability-enhancing mods).

* Equilibrium would need a rebalancing too. I would say this seems balanced:

1a) If regular Energy orbs should give 10 energy, Health orbs should give you with max Equilibrium 11 energy (so 1 energy boost per rank)

1b) If regular Energy orbs should give 15 energy, Health orbs should give you with max Equilibrium 16,5 energy (so 1,5 energy boost per rank)

2) Energy orbs still gives you at max Equilibrium 27,5 health (so still 2,5 health boost per rank)


Notes about this system:

* These idea(s) for the energy system probably requires a lot less effort than most other energy system overhauls of the energy system, since it is more of a COMPLEMENT to the current system.

* This system makes "no energy" nightmare runs more doable (since you can still cast your abilities when they are at 0 energy (when the "cooldown" is done), although not nearly as much as in a normal mission of course)

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The issue is that if you give players the 'best of both worlds' we don't have any meaningful choice.


What you've done here is essentially give us 60% more mod slots, and more points, to make it "easier" for us to create builds.


However, that actually removes player choice. Now I can put a full rainbow build on every weapon, stack all my HP and shield mods on every frame, and still have room for utility. It creates less builds, not more builds.


Instead, we need a rebalance of utility mods to bring them on par with 'base stat' mods, or some of our existing slots should be reserved for utility.


Either way, the power of utility mods needs to be increased.

Yep, I agree with this Tenno.

With the current system (that needs only slight adjustments) we need to weight our options on what we really need to bring to the battle field. It makes us think and gives us a challange.

What's even better, if you have 3 friends that you play with a lot, you can make a team tactic so that everyone has a role, warframe and weapon wise (not sure if this is the right word, correct me if i'm wrong). Basically, the lack of all those things you suggested makes your skill and tactics even more valuable and rewarding, as well as overall team skill and tactics.

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