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[Suggestion] New Faction: Space Pirates


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You are all entitled to your own opinion of course but I REAAAALLY hope there will be no "Metroid Pirates" in this game. It just feels out of place. I have nothing against a more "non-humanoid" faction/race but for them to also be "pirates" seems like a lame compromise. The sol system seems to small to house frequently appearing aliens with no major motive. You can probably figure out some good cause for the pirates to be here but untill then...
And of course I'm biased as I think they are ugly as *beep* haha.

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When are you going to update the OP, vard?


Eh, I kinda like leaving it original and unedited but now i cant think of a reason NOT to edit it. I will read over the entire thread and add the best ideas to the OP at some point

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A possible space pirate hierarchy:


Pirate Scavenger: The lowest ranking members of the raiders, Other than low quality space suits and a few scraps of armor (a random shoulder or hip plate, possibly even a stolen corpus helmet) they are ultimately defenseless, and use small melee tools such as heat dagger, stun batons, or unique energy cutlasses to attack. However, where as Grineer and Corpus melee troops will blindly charge you, Scavengers make up for their lack of armor by moving spiractically, running much faster without the weight of armor, and even taking cover if they don't think they can close the distance between you and them.


Pirate Maurauder: Standard gun wielding troopers. Where as the Grineer specialize with automatic weapons, Maurauders prefer semi-auto weapons such as the Latron or even unique weapons, such as a three-barreled pistol that fires slowly but has a default multishot. Like Scavangers, Maurauders generally only wear scraps of armor, though higher leveled ones may randomly utilize shields.


Pirate Brigadeer: A more powerful variant of both Scavengers and Maurauders that wield riot shields for extra protection. Unlike Gineer shield lancers, however, there shields are hastily made from scrap metal, and could possibly be destroyed with enough heavy fire. Brigadeer maurauders function exactly the same as shield lancers, combining gunfire with the occasional charge, where as Brigadeer Scavengers, rely on charging your position to melee you.


Pirate Crow's Eye: Pirate snipers that tend to stay in the background of combat, utilizing unique Disruptor sniper rifles that not only are capable of penetrating small obstacles and cover, but have a high chance to completely disapate your shields. They are slow to fire, but dangerous if you're not focused.


Pirate Cutthroat: Utilizing stolen Tenno technology, cutthroats are dangerous melee combatants that have the ability to cloak themselves temporarily, where upon they may attempt to sneak up behind you and perform a devastating charged melee attack. Thankfully, a vigilant Tenno should be able to counter them with a quick attack or gunshot, or just dodge them entirely. At range, they will simply use thrown weaponry (possbily kunai) and cloak whenever they need to change position.


Pirate Anchorman: A heavily augmented cyborg like pirate that is barely even disernable as a human. There weapon of choice is a large magnetizedl maul that vaguely resembles a large anchor. Despite there slow movement speed, there size alone can make them unavoidable in tight corridors, and, much like the Mag warframe, they possess the ability to pull you into melee range from several meters away, and there AoE attacks will suspend you in midair for several seconds, leaving you vulnerable to their next attack. They wear a corpus helmet over what may or may not be a human head, providing them headshot immunity from non-AP weapons.


Pirate Cannoneer: A ranged heavy very similar in appearance to the Anchormen, except in place of a maul, they wear a large energy tank on their back, rigged up to a minigun-like energy cannon. Cannoneers fire an immensly powerful sphere of energy with incredible speed and accuracy; it is possible for them to "snipe" you with their attack, even at significant distances. Even if you do manage to avoid the inital shot, the energy spheres create an explosive radius, making wall and obstacles a hazard. Despite the extreme threat these heavies pose, their weakness lies in the incredibly long delay they have between shots.


Refurbished MOAs: Stolen corpus walkers that have been repurposed to suit the space pirates. They appear poorly matenienced and there "add-ons" look hastily attached. Come in two varieties:

>Detonater MOA: A MOA which has had it's gun mount ripped off and replaced with a rather large explosive. As you would expect, these MOAs charge directly at you and detonate themselves when close enough, dealing hefty damage to both you and anything within the proximity. Thankfully, shooting the bomb mounted on top of them destroys them instantly, but be warned that the explosive radius is quite large, and they are quick to close the distance between yourselves and them.

>Grinder MOA: A rather grousome MOA with spinning blades rotating around it's base, although less dangerous than detonators, getting cornered by a group of them can lead to a quick and untimely end. The energy blades may even offer limited bullet deflection on part of the MOA, so be warned.


Pirate Raider: A miniboss, similar to the stalker, that is a much more poweful form of any of the other pirates. He carries a large amount of stolen loot, and upon death, players may be forunate enough to recieve large amounds of credits, resources, or even rare mods and blueprints. Attack style currently undecided.


Pirate Captain/Boss: I feel there are already a ton of good captain concepts out there, but I may return to this one



And That's it for now. I may update this later should I come up with any more, possibly more unique ideas. I totally support the idea of space pirates/bandits being added to the game, though I also agree that they shouldn't be the cheesy kind of "AAAARRRR" pirates (although I suggested some piraty names and weapons, I think they should bear more resemblance to some kind of wastelander/bandit type faction than actual pirates). Again, I may edit this later, I just felt like adding my two cents to this idea.

Edited by Paradoxbomb
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Recently occurred to me that as pirates they may utilize lots of stun weapons/AOE's. They want to take a ship and its cargo not damage it. Also, they may need a prize crew so it's possible they'd do it galleon style and just put guns to their head and tell them to drive.

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Pirate Raider: A miniboss, similar to the stalker, that is a much more poweful form of any of the other pirates. He carries a large amount of stolen loot, and upon death, players may be forunate enough to recieve large amounds of credits, resources, or even rare mods and blueprints. Attack style currently undecided.



Parrot sentinel skin!

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Where there are Ninja's, there are Pirates!


I like the idea of space pirates. Not only does it add more enemies but it also makes sense. After you've successfully exterminated everyone aboard a Corpus ship, I don't think anyone would just allow a large spaceship to float in space untouched. Scavengers & Pirates would leap on that! 


Also, they could be introduced in a new environment event. Instead of a ship self-destructing you could have it being attacked & at some point, as a older post stated, you could eventually have the space pirates break through a sealed door. Then, you jump into an epic battle between yourself & two other factions!


I apologise if what I said has already been mentioned to a degree.

Edited by LustinForBlood
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Hmm - a "parrot sentinel" that sits on your shoulder and fires - shoulder cannon Predator style :)


The NPC pirates can use it, and it would fly up off the shoulder like an Osprey from a fusion Moa when the pirate goes down, and when the player uses it, it needs to fly off as well whenever we do flips/rolls :P

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OMFG this is BRILLIANT.The NPC pirates can use it, and it would fly up off the shoulder like an Osprey from a fusion Moa when the pirate goes down, and when the player uses it, it needs to fly off as well whenever we do flips/rolls :P

That's perfect!!! Someone get to work on the concept art xD

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I'd be down with this. They'd have to actually have a name besides "space pirates" because to me, "space pirates" are from Metroid. So as far as I'm concerned, if they look different and have an actual organization name then I'd be fine.

You know, Metroid doesn't have a monopoly on inter-planetary maritime bandits -_-

Metroid (NES): 1986

Cobra (manga): 1978

And even before that, you already got Captain Harlock and Queen Emeraldes. Before THAT, the idea of pirates in space wasn't foreign to early science fiction stories either.

The idea that a bunch of strange alien creatures that have gigantic dinosaur/plant leaders (and a brain) are the epitome of "space pirates" is something beyond me. The metroid "space pirates" are even less piratey than the main cast of One Piece... and we know how bad THOSE GUYS are at the whole pirating business.

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The thing with a shoulder cannon is - if enemies are on the wrong side it will have to either switch shoulder or shoot through your head :P
(Shhhhh!!!! there is no such thing as just hovering/ extending to shoot over it!)

Well...this was a useless post :D But anyways.

I would personally like it more if it didn't fly around like all the other sentinels. Having it be a shoulder cannon would be cool. It could just retract (go into armored mode) when rolling and such. To balance it this could be one of it's cons.


The shoulder cannon (parrot) would have a lower fire rate but provide more OMPH! (fire power). Although I would like something at least slightly resembling the Predator SC I'm for the weapon being a high power rifle. But...It doesn't feel very piratey right? Maybe this could be the first "shotgun sentinel" or maybe even a small "grenade launcher" type of weaponry would suit it?


Pro: rather high damage, (eventual) splash damage. Shares shields.

Con: slow fire rate. Low HP.



The Parrot Sentinel is different from other sentinels as it is linked to its user. The Parrot directly latches on to a users Warframe (pirate armor-system) and installs itself as a semi-stationary shoulder cannon. Unlike other sentinels the Parrot relies on the host to keep safe and after installment the Parrot therefore integrates itself into the shields defensive perimeter. Leveling the Parrot and equipping it with Redirection Mods will therefor not upgrade the Parrots own shields but provide additional shield-hp to the Warframe using it. (uncertain about numbers). Life and armor mods will however only provide additional survivability for the Parrot itself.



Auto Targeting: Standard "use this to be able to fire"-mod. Higher levels increases the aim and very slightly speeds up the fire rate. It also increases the engagement range.


Treasure Sweep: When enough resources/mods/pickups are on the ground The Parrot sweeps the area picking them up.

Higher levels increases sweep range and frequency (lower energy cost). If a Warframe has full energy and ammo the Parrot will only make a Treasure sweep if there are mods/resources.

Edited by Lactamid
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The thing with a shoulder cannon is - if enemies are on the wrong side it will have to either switch shoulder or shoot through your head :P

(Shhhhh!!!! there is no such thing as just hovering/ extending to shoot over it!)

Well...this was a useless post :D But anyways.

I would personally like it more if it didn't fly around like all the other sentinels. Having it be a shoulder cannon would be cool. It could just retract (go into armored mode) when rolling and such. To balance it this could be one of it's cons.


The shoulder cannon (parrot) would have a lower fire rate but provide more OMPH! (fire power). Although I would like something at least slightly resembling the Predator SC I'm for the weapon being a high power rifle. But...It doesn't feel very piratey right? Maybe this could be the first "shotgun sentinel" or maybe even a small "grenade launcher" type of weaponry would suit it?


Pro: rather high damage, (eventual) splash damage. Shares shields.

Con: slow fire rate. Low HP.



The Parrot Sentinel is different from other sentinels as it is linked to its user. The Parrot directly latches on to a users Warframe (pirate armor-system) and installs itself as a semi-stationary shoulder cannon. Unlike other sentinels the Parrot relies on the host to keep safe and after installment the Parrot therefore integrates itself into the shields defensive perimeter. Leveling the Parrot and equipping it with Redirection Mods will therefor not upgrade the Parrots own shields but provide additional shield-hp to the Warframe using it. (uncertain about numbers). Life and armor mods will however only provide additional survivability for the Parrot itself.



Auto Targeting: Standard "use this to be able to fire"-mod. Higher levels increases the aim and very slightly speeds up the fire rate. It also increases the engagement range.


Treasure Sweep: When enough resources/mods/pickups are on the ground The Parrot sweeps the area picking them up.

Higher levels increases sweep range and frequency (lower energy cost). If a Warframe has full energy and ammo the Parrot will only make a Treasure sweep if there are mods/resources.

great idea!!!
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