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[Suggestion] New Faction: Space Pirates


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lol Spacebeard, not bad at all, although it looks a bit Lost Planetish.


More Grineer-ish to me. 


Honestly that's what I worry most about this concept. It feels too similar to the organic / rag-tag aesthetic of the Grineer to stand apart. 

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More Grineer-ish to me. 


Honestly that's what I worry most about this concept. It feels too similar to the organic / rag-tag aesthetic of the Grineer to stand apart. 

True enough, could be as well Grineer fledgelings cosplaying as Nova :P

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So... back to that shouldercannon and the "parroty" feel to it. I can't draw for S#&$ but I hope someone gets the general idea of this masterpiece (sumopaint).



Now I'm thinking this is somewhat like the souldercannon in Predator, it uses some ammo/energy that generates alot of heat. Maybe a plasma-bolt or some other fancy high intensity bullet. Plasma-shotgun? (would fit a large size barrel). Power over speed, it fires something that packs a punch, something different than the other sentinels.

Personally I don't like it being to animalistic, I'd rather see it beeing minimalistic, but as I can't draw and tried to get some characteristics in there it might be a bit "obvious".

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Hehe. Yeah I know. People are crazy about Predators so there is probably something out there that is basicly what I imagine. You just got to find it.
I was to please to the birdlovers :D Now they can print my masterpiece on their pillowcase and sleep on it every night cause they love it so much :)

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I'll just leave some of my ideas here for all ya:


The pirates hail from the many independent colonies within the system (they can't be grineer or corpus). As such, they wield both weapons from their militias, as well as capture gear.


Concept Art:




The pirates spit into two (indistinguishable) factions: plain, straight, thieving pirates, and those with "Letters of Marque" who aid the independent colonies from Grineer expansion and Corpus indoctrination.


Obviously, the first group will raid ships and is actively hostile towards the Tenno. But the second group we could cooperate with (we both rely on hit-and-run). The would also facilitate trade (between each other as well as offering random loot boxes for sale from raided ships).


Spacebeard the Pirate:





I like it! I added it to main post. Id love to see someone turn this sketch into a masterpiece!

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I'll just leave some of my ideas here for all ya:


The pirates hail from the many independent colonies within the system (they can't be grineer or corpus). As such, they wield both weapons from their militias, as well as capture gear.


The pirates spit into two (indistinguishable) factions: plain, straight, thieving pirates, and those with "Letters of Marque" who aid the independent colonies from Grineer expansion and Corpus indoctrination.


Obviously, the first group will raid ships and is actively hostile towards the Tenno. But the second group we could cooperate with (we both rely on hit-and-run). The would also facilitate trade (between each other as well as offering random loot boxes for sale from raided ships).


My first sketches, now that I've had time to sit on them, were kinda bad, so here's new ones:








From my other Topic: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/89217-ill-just-leave-these-here-weapon-and-enemy-suggestions/







Most of these focus on Close Quarters Combat


Also, just remembered I forgot two:

Junk MOA: imagine trashed MOA with two Grakatas instead of a laser

Shield Osprey that's green


Edit: Also why you don't take Spacebeard seriously? Here's more serious Spacebeard:



He's here to facilitate trade, I think he's important!

Edited by EVAtemplar117
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Pretty pictures, nice. 


Glad to see that this thread no longer needs necrobumping (and feel envy, since I never managed to make my sketches loo good enough to post).


Personally I think that Pirates could be devided into Heavy (the guys lucky enough to find a few working shield emitters, and therefore being more efficient at getting themselves some actual armour) with weapons, that require some winding up (say, that automatic shotgun I proposed earlier in the thread, or something else with charging time);


Light crewmen, who don't have much armour or any shield, but come equipped with relatively more handy guns (the bolt-version of latron I proposed, latron itself, or just any randomely choosen gun, or, say, grenades) and can shoot while barely peeking out of their cover they leave only if theyre sure there's no one there, all, both male and female (picked at random) wearing corpus-like suits with armour welded to the 'collar' and down, protecting their chests and shoulders;


Medics, who have triple-shot corpus pistols, and can put down (and piick up for movement around) a pylon, that heals allies nearby, and deploys a shield infront, that bufs the damage of their pistol to anything on the other side;


And heavy loaders, that take lots of punishment, instakill non-heavy foes, and have the ability to completely destroy doors.

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I'd really like it if there were traps. Think of rigged doors, laser tripwire-mines, and something like a claymore.
It would be awesome to run a mission and then come across some broken door (welded hole in it?). Entering through the door you will come into another part of the ship, maybe some "cargo area" or "vault" where there might be some extra resources/other stuff. Inside pirates could either be mindlessly strolling about or have set up traps covering their exits. They could also have some "guardposts" (heavy mg/cannons?) to cover their back if they would need to go back the same way or just defend against the crew of the ship they've boarded.


These traps would be semi well hidden and if very carefull you could disarm them for xp (affinity) and a very low chance to find bps/parts for a secondary. (or gear - like ammo boxes)


Laser tripwire mine:

Omnidirectional mine triggered by braking the "laser tripwire". Mostly deployed in corridors and close to doorways (chokepoints).


Mine can be detected by a very faint laser beam.



Mine that explodes when someone enters through a door. When the door is opened a series of "marbles" are released from the mines cannister, after a short while the marbles explode (individual damage per marble, covers a rather large area).

Mine can be detected by just "looking at it" from one side of the door. Entering a rigged door from the wrong side is however a 100% trigger. A very brief gap "while the marbles drop" is the only chance to get away. (Think slashdash, teleport, rhino charge, wallrun-jump... run will get you away from the center but possibly not safe from damage.



I guess everyone preyyt much knows what this is but - a mine with a directional cone-shaped blast triggered by enemies crossing its laser.

To make this a bit less "low tech" I imagined this either as a enegy mine with a "EMP-ish" wave (damage 100% of shield and 150 energy, possible healthdamage but not a must). Or a disco-laser-railgun mine :D



To keep these mines from being spammed like hell you would just have something like 3-10 of them and only get 1 per ammo pick-up.

The other option is that they are not sidearms but gear (as ammo boxes and healthpacks)


If you think about it traps/mines make great sense. Mines cater to the pirates beacause they're a weapon which keeps them out of combat - as a faction that will mostly rely on numbers instead of single powerfull units this is good. Pirates would also like to "stay alive" more than the other factions, they are probably doing their raids beacause they have to and not because of a job/order. They are underdogs and when ill equiped/limited resources preperation is key. Mines will also slow down attackers and alert them of any danger.


Slow down you say? Me Tenno, me no like slow down ugh ugh...
Well to bad you're a mindless brute...;P No, but seriously. This would be occational and at most it might kill you a few times when not paying attention. While speed is a ninjas way, perception is every soldiers friend. And maybe this is a something that can give a small feel to this specific faction instead of everything being the same enemies with new models.

Edited by Lactamid
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Maybe they could have some stolen MOAs to carry their loot aswell? would be nice to get some additional stuff every now and then, especially cool if the pirates had already picked up most the stuff on a ship and were trying to leave. We could intercept one of these collumns moving to the pirate vessel.


Edit: Hey, would you look at that? Is that Oxium in that container?

Edited by Lactamid
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Maybe they could have some stolen MOAs to carry their loot aswell? would be nice to get some additional stuff every now and then, especially cool if the pirates had already picked up most the stuff on a ship and were trying to leave. We could intercept one of these collumns moving to the pirate vessel.

It would definitely add more life to the warframe universe, not that MOAs are alive... just... figuratively speaking. All we ever see is huge facilities and spaceships filled with nothing but soldiers either standing guard somewhere or patrolling 24/7. Where are the medical units, pilots, plumbers and janitors? ;O

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It would definitely add more life to the warframe universe, not that MOAs are alive... just... figuratively speaking. All we ever see is huge facilities and spaceships filled with nothing but soldiers either standing guard somewhere or patrolling 24/7. Where are the medical units, pilots, plumbers and janitors? ;O

EXACTLY! They've become masters of hide and seek in these last few millenia. Hehe, janitors.. I just pictured one of those cleaning robots from Wall-e *clean up, aisle 4*

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That's a lot of credit, seeing how this thread is 9 pages long...

Either way, it's 4am where I am and I'm getting progressively more stupid. Guess meaningfull conversations will have to wait.


Also, just for laughs



*Dog gamnit...I was late*

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Having traps would be awesome. Could be interesting if DE could make it look as if they actually prepared for the attackers, making up for squishiness of non-heavies by setting up firing positions with stationary guns, mines, automated turrets (a moa, welded to the wall?), and just plain ole decompression traps, with breakable heavy-duty doors, that will be the frustration of lone rushers and anyone without good dps or armour abilities. There could be recharging emp emitters, that would drain your shields and energy upon touch, spread around floor and some wallrun locations.


And, adding in civilians is a lot of work, and I wouldn't be expecting that. DE's gotta find some other way to challenge players than highlevel enemies first.



*Dog gamnit...I was late*


high five!

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Another thing with traps would be that if we eventually get a jungle/forrest map it would be AWESOME if the pirates had oe of their hideouts there.
Hello minefield and guerilla tactics :) spikepit ftw haha.
Also it could be the return of nervos, only strapped to trees as proximity grenades. Lockdown would be temporary though. Feel the horror.
The grineer ran out, but the pirates did not *muhahaha*

Also if it was a jungle...swinging from branch to branch with vines

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Another thing with traps would be that if we eventually get a jungle/forrest map it would be AWESOME if the pirates had oe of their hideouts there.

Hello minefield and guerilla tactics :) spikepit ftw haha.

I've been wanting an open-ish forest/jungle environment for a long time now. We need more variety DE! ;O

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So far, this is my favorite Concept art.  Id love to see less camo, and more scrap metal, or random warframe bits, maybe even a leather coat. Something to make him look more modern pirate


If someone can truly capture the Warframe Space Pirate image with a concept art,, i Will credit you and put it in the OP

HEY is this original art? or is it from something else?

If its original ill put it on the front page right now

its from something else.please ask next time with PM ;)

and space pirate lore can be: cpt vor gets crazy from punished by the queens and become a pirate to rule the universe and hate all.muhahahwrrr :D

i think he also look like one. :D

Edited by Nautilus2015
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*Slightly of topic*

Might have mentioned it before but quite some time ago I pm:ed DE_Skree with an idea of a hydro-farm.

When growing things like plants you don't need earth/soil, it's sometimes faster just to have water with the right nutrians and a steady flow of airbubbles. The roots will take up air and and nutrians + water and grow anyway.

He then replied that it was a cool idea and would be pretty logical as air and perhaps food could be brought from such a place.

We have seen "trees" in the void and on some other maps since then, even if they aren't exactly the lush jungle we dream of it's something in the right direction. Also, with the concept art of a dojo aquarium and the latest "stingray" water is highly likely.


When I pictured the "hydro-farm" I imagined us walking around on catwalks in a semi foggy area with large trees on the sides. Seeing only the treetrunks and branches while on the catwalks, but not the bottom (floor/water) as it was covered in fog. I think myself as many others have longed for alternate paths and perhaps there could be some - in the trees - we could use.  I imagined it something like this:




My hopes is that this might make it into the Grineer outposts, and from there jungles seem pretty close :D

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The only problem is that current way of building maps might not allow for big open-air pieces that wouldn't feel like rooms. They worked around it with corpus, constantly building in places surrounded by cliffs and pitfalls, and I can't wait to see how it's done in grineer settlements, but I would rather not force them to add forest with blastdoors separating it, nor huge tiles that would hang pcs more than void does.

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The only problem is that current way of building maps might not allow for big open-air pieces that wouldn't feel like rooms. They worked around it with corpus, constantly building in places surrounded by cliffs and pitfalls, and I can't wait to see how it's done in grineer settlements, but I would rather not force them to add forest with blastdoors separating it, nor huge tiles that would hang pcs more than void does.

Yeah. Skree did say that the challange would be to incorporate it without it being to demanding. High res foliage and dynamic lighting + atmosphere is probably one of the most labour intense things there is.

And of course making each "tile" believable is key. While hydro-farms may be boxed in and look great (if done right) jungles might be harder. Caves, cliffsides, chasms (rope-bridges / vines), "bush-walls", waterfalls, barricades (if the pirates had chopped some trees and made a wall)... There are a few things they could use to create "walls" and connection-points. And jungles are usually rather dense and hard to traverse so at least that might come in handy XD



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