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[Suggestion] New Faction: Space Pirates


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This could be an interesting way to include Civilians more into the System. Maroo's pointed out that not all civilians are looking to the Tenno for salvation, so logically the major extreme of this - Civilians who see the Tenno as more of a nuisance than anything - could exist. That's what I see these guys representing.


Now, how and where these sort of characters could be featured is FAR beyond me to say, perhaps they could fill the old role of the Infested and just have sparse nodes across all planets? I know you say that "hey! they could just show up on ships from time to time" but that's already sort of a thing that's done between Crossfire and the various Invasion modes. If that's ALL these guys could do, it would be lack-luster.


Either way, a few good characters to liven up this scurry lot, with personalities ranging from Maroo-levels-of-indifference (with a side of, "get in my way and I'll cut you) to sheer hatred towards the Tenno for making their lives even harder.


I WAS going to come back to this with a post for it, but I'm here, might as well make it a single go:


Captain Turrl"Life was hard back in the old days. You raided what you could, you took what you could, you just barely managed to struggle to get by. Since you bloody Tenno showed up, though, things have only gotten worse.  Grineer security has increased ten-fold and it's impossible to pick off even the smallest of Corpus merchant ships!"

"You think you're making a difference? Well, you are: only your making it even harder for the likes of us to care for those we love!"


Commander, navigator, and pilot for the Salvage, Turrl is famous for his "Punch Ride" technique that allows him and his crew to steal Solar Rail rides from planet to planet, giving them a greater reach throughout Origin - and thus a greater access to resources and greater chance for survival. His preferred haunt, however, are the Grineer shipping lanes of Saturn; high risk, but even greater reward. So far, his reckless piloting techniques have allowed his success and avoidance of capture. He's wanted by the Grineer command in the sector, who are willing to pay a high price to anyone who turns him in, but the loyalty his success has demanded from his crew has swayed any attempt at mutiny.


Despite his success, Turl has no real interest in treasures or wealth; all he's interested in is the salvage and supplies that can care for his crew and more local civilians, and he doesn't care who he takes if from.


Admiral Hem Kull"I grew up hearing the legends of the Tenno, hearing people praying for their return, for their help. I used to be the same, traveling the Solar Circuit, wishing for the ones the Grineer and Corpus else called "demons", "betrayers", to come back and save us from them."

"But you never did, and I realized you can't rely on myth to save you. You may be here now, but we don't need you. We can take care of ourselves."


Pirates never had an official leader, they were loosely affiliated at best, similar goals of survival against the bigger threats of the system keeping them from turning on each other; but that didn't stop Hem Kull from rising to power. Taking the title of Admiral from the onset he began to organize the various Martian-based pirate captains into coalition that worked together to take down even larger prey - even the mighty Obelisk-class Corpus vessels. It took a few years, but eventually his organization of the Mars-sector Captains led to his complete command of them all, and cemented himself as a true Admiral of a pirate fleet.


Even so, his power truly doesn't extend beyond Mars, though his influence can be felt for many systems over. Indifferent towards the Tenno since their appearance, he has no problem with trying to raid even their holdings.

Edited by Morec0
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I would love to see a new faction in Warframe.  The Grineer, Corpus, and so on are starting to get a bit dry.  It would also be cool to see a new game mechanic come alongside these if they add them.  Ship-on-Ship boardings similar to the ones in AC4 would be really cool in deep space, for example. 

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I'm all for it, a new random enemy would be fun. Adrenaline junky crazed pirates I mean come on who doesn't want that. It would be cool if they used stock weapons that can be purchased anywhere like the  market such as bratons and latos. Or makeshift grineer weps, the old colony suits implementing grineer and corpus armors are really good concepts. Their implementation in archwing would be pretty awesome too.



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I'm seriously not trying to be #$&(%, but the Corpus are literally pirates.


Ehhhh, more of Exploitation Company, White-collar criminal types.


Consider you have a diamond mine...


A pirate will attack the mine, maybe kill a huge number of the people working there, and run off with what you've collected.


But the White-collar criminal exploiter will look to buy the land from you by whatever underhanded tactics are needed, then bring in cheaper labor to hoard the majority of profits (and maybe even best diamonds) for themselves.


The second is more what the Corpus does.

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Since they are pirates, they steal corpus and grineer stuff (as in hybrid when it comes to armors/suits/outfits). Guns aswell. But it would be nice to add new guns etc. that are crafted by the pirates. The "lets invade this ship"-idea is cool. We need this (typeish)

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As much as I like the idea of a new faction, I have a hard time picturing what would make it stand out visually. The Grineer are rough and dirty-looking, Corpus is robotic, the Infestation is garish and asymmetrical... The only thing I can think of is maybe dull earth colors and rough materials punctuated by shiny metals and patterned cloth, far too scrappy to be Orokin or Corpus yet far too beauty-conscious to be Grineer or Infested. As for what they are, I'm thinking humans modified in different ways from the Grineer: rather than replacing failing parts, the pirates augment themselves with extra biomechanical eyes, limbs, whatever they need or desire, in addition to their normal physique.

Edited by Akavakaku
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As much as I like the idea of a new faction, I have a hard time picturing what would make it stand out visually. The Grineer are rough and dirty-looking, Corpus is robotic, the Infestation is garish and asymmetrical... The only thing I can think of is maybe dull earth colors and rough materials punctuated by shiny metals and patterned cloth, far too scrappy to be Orokin or Corpus yet far too beauty-conscious to be Grineer or Infested. As for what they are, I'm thinking humans modified in different ways from the Grineer: rather than replacing failing parts, the pirates augment themselves with extra biomechanical eyes, limbs, whatever they need or desire, in addition to their normal physique.


organ hunters :D

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I think the idea of space pirates is pretty good. I can imagine fighting one of the current factions and getting interrupted by space pirates.

Why not make them extremely hard? And no, not the ancients' stunlock hard, I mean hard-hitters that are agile assassins - almost like the Tenno.

Something like


(it's too bad stalkers already exist. :c )

Your right Metroid has had them since the late 1980's 

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Every space game ever has space pirates, and it's boring and generic.


Well, why are they boring and generic?


Because they're pirates in space, that's all. I say adding a depth of character by making them a Civilian force would help clear that up. Rather than being in it for treasure and wealth, they're just out to survive and take care of their own - only that puts them at odds with the Tenno, because they don't care WHO they have to go into conflict with to ensure their survival.


Not to mention it helps spread out what Maroo represented a bit: civilians who didn't care if the Tenno were there or not (which I STILL think is a great idea). After all, we Tenno have caused a massive arms race in the system since our return, that would make their lives difficult.


But that's just me.

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Well, why are they boring and generic?


Because they're pirates in space, that's all. I say adding a depth of character by making them a Civilian force would help clear that up. Rather than being in it for treasure and wealth, they're just out to survive and take care of their own - only that puts them at odds with the Tenno, because they don't care WHO they have to go into conflict with to ensure their survival.


Not to mention it helps spread out what Maroo represented a bit: civilians who didn't care if the Tenno were there or not (which I STILL think is a great idea). After all, we Tenno have caused a massive arms race in the system since our return, that would make their lives difficult.


But that's just me.

Having this 3rd faction would allow for more lore than both the Devs and Community can branch off of.

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Well my girl Reniko is going to be a speudo Space Pirate, her crew mostly composed of Grineer that joined her for the promise of a cure for their genetic degeneration (wich she does) and they go around with Stolen Grineer/corpus ships. If your guys need a Leader she might just do it :D


Shes a bit umpredictable though so be careful when asking.

Edited by The_Sharp_Demonologist
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Having this 3rd faction would allow for more lore than both the Devs and Community can branch off of.


Well, fifth, technically, but 3rd human faction for sure, and it would, again, allow an avenue of ease with which for the MOST underaddressed part of Warframe to FINALLY be spoken through:


The Civilians; the non-Corpus regular humans of the system that are just oppressed by both major factions. The ones we're supposed to be protecting. Sure, the pirates wont be that exact kind, but their experiences, as told through their attitudes and stories, would allow us to see what it is those civilians who don't turn to piracy have to deal with.

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Ehhhh, more of Exploitation Company, White-collar criminal types.


Consider you have a diamond mine...


A pirate will attack the mine, maybe kill a huge number of the people working there, and run off with what you've collected.


But the White-collar criminal exploiter will look to buy the land from you by whatever underhanded tactics are needed, then bring in cheaper labor to hoard the majority of profits (and maybe even best diamonds) for themselves.


The second is more what the Corpus does.


You do realize that the Corpus got most if not all of their technology by scavenging and pirating, right? Sure, now they're rich as Hell and powerful businessmen, but to begin with they were just dirty pirates. And if you have any kind of technology or secrets of any kind, the Corpus will straight up attack you, steal whatever you hold dear, and leave you drifting in dead space. They do not give a single fudgemuffin. They will fudgemuffin you up.

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You do realize that the Corpus got most if not all of their technology by scavenging and pirating, right? Sure, now they're rich as Hell and powerful businessmen, but to begin with they were just dirty pirates. And if you have any kind of technology or secrets of any kind, the Corpus will straight up attack you, steal whatever you hold dear, and leave you drifting in dead space. They do not give a single fudgemuffin. They will fudgemuffin you up.


Aye, but they do that for the reason for profit. For wealth and power; and, at least in the modern era, they seem to have been more about digging up relics of the past than attacking ships for profit. There's really been no account of them attacking and boarding ships that I can bring to mind, even the Anti Moa synthesis puts them more as digging through the dumpsters of space to find something to eat or sell for something to eat.


The Grineer kinda have the "board and take what you have" shtick, but they do it with the air of a military shakedown - so like the TSA gone whack... ier. Well, in all honesty more like any sort of police/military breaking and entering.


These pirates could do what they do out of the interest for survival and just living another day, not some greater pursuit of wealth and power. That would set them apart in their own right. And given the Corpus aren't now what they were then, it opens up the potential for a thematic presence to take its place - hence, these guys.

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There could just be a large portion of the Corpus that were sort of severed from the main cult once they became more and more about business. The "Undesirables" so to speak. They would have some technology, but not much. They would be very dirty, desperate, and would still have that struggle to just live another day and find something to eat just like they did beforehand.

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There could just be a large portion of the Corpus that were sort of severed from the main cult once they became more and more about business. The "Undesirables" so to speak. They would have some technology, but not much. They would be very dirty, desperate, and would still have that struggle to just live another day and find something to eat just like they did beforehand.


But why tie these guys to the Corpus when there's an entire other group that needs more fleshing out - the civilians, the ones that are STILL oppressed and suffer under the Corpus and Grineer and don't have a chance to rise to power?

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Because I don't see how oppressed citizens could becone pirates. And they've hardly, if ever, been mentiones at all. I'd like citizens to be introduced and all, just... Not as pirates.


The same way oppressed citizens could become a group like the Red Veil - determination and a will to survive. The Veil didn't happen because we made it, it came about on its own and only later did we give it support.

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