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Coming Soon: Livestream #20


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-When will the official Warframe online store open?!

Do I need to throw money at my screen to get that Excalibur statue and a shirt?

-Any word on more clan room modules? (e.g. that firing range from a stream or two ago)

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First off, I received my headband! Thank you!


- Like everyone else, I would love to learn more about Melee 2.0

- Any new sentinels on the horizon?

- Anything major coming for Dojos?

- How does DE feel about https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/160543-dojo-recycle-system/'>this suggestion for the Dojo? (shameless plug :P) A way to recycle old gear would be great!

- Vor's Prize?




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casting couch with rebecca





i was wondering about :


_ reputation system


_the whole side select event, bring a lot of new question


i mean we choose a side and we kill stuff.... and when ppl see a better reward they sawp side


something is missing badly, choice should have more consequence than that, (like if yu betray a side they send killers for you)


_why emblem are side locked, why cant we choose w/e we want on each shoulder?


_Why ash sucks?


_why oberon smith look like wut excal radial javelin should be


_why nechro is useless beside farming?


_why nova?


_some skills shouldnt be frame related


(shuriken,Jump,hook, slash-dash/rhino charge)


_block system and stamina is lame?


_a lot mods need rework?



acrobate,statut proc mods,marathon,handspring,fortitude,vigor,and more


reflect and parry should fuze as a one and same mod




got a lot more question but i am lazy

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Can we get back the ability to actively block knockdowns like Ancients and Scorpions? - Was this removed because of Reflex Guard? That is taking away gameplay to give RPG stats. Do not want.


What kind of clean up is taking priority? Having to buy codex scanners, clan tech nesting costs, non-reusable BP's that are needed repeatedly, more tabs for the foundry... etc etc


I continue to encounter new players frustrated with trying to move forward from the MK1-Braton. A move that, earlier in development, we said should be encouraged. Do we have plans to expand weapon selection for new players? Options in the tutorial? New cheap lowbie gear in the shop?

Edited by VKhaun
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1. afkers / 0 point leechers, you have said reputation is coming as a carrot, where is it?


2. Related to 1, can ignore be expanded, if ignored the player is no longer selected from matchmaking


3. ditto 2, have you started on a sharp stick yet, vote kick/auto idle kicks and if kicked auto blocked with matchmaking for that session.

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-> Why was this almost Year Long Stealth Feedback thread Unpinned?


-> Will Scott give a detailed account of where he is taking Ember? I mean detailed, no hand waving, no buzzy words. From our point of view he has done nothing but ignore every line of feedback about Ember, especially Fireball and Fire Blast, and attacked the one skill that was actually working with no detailed explanation given.

I want to see him actually address the comments in the feedback thread.


-> Can you please, please, please make Sniper Scope overlays optional!

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Hi Rebbeca,
for once i have some serious questions:

1) Geoff...How is the new AI work progressing? Any spoilers? The game needs more intelligent enemy AI!

2) The Devs talked about RNG and the Voids droptable being a bit wonky lately... so are there plans for a replacement? Btw any plans for a better reward system in defense and survival?

3) Now that we'll be getting a new HUD (U12 i hope) are there plans to change the UI again?

4) Steve...What happened to that fancy and sweet dynamicly lighten fog system?

5) Scott...Nekros and Valkyr (and now Oberon) skills or stats are seen a bit lackluster according to the majority of the player base, do u realize this?
Do u have plans to better them or will they stay as is?

6) Scott will there be an improvement to the Embolist and to the 2 whips? The embolist needs some range buff and u know it!

7) With the coming of Melee 2.0 can we also expect better melee weapons stats wise?

8) Are there already final ideas for what end-game means for Warframe?

9) Tell us more about mastery rank benefits.

10) Can we expect passive skills for the frames?

11) Can we expect sentinel buffs?

12) When will the new faction be unveiled?

13) Plans for making it worth while playing in Phobos?

14) When will u guys give us proper lore or a story mode of sorts... Lore would help keep players interested and even more motivated to keep coming back.


15) Will the frames armor ever actually count for something? (looks at Valkyr with ad without an armor mod, theres no differenceat all)


16) Plans for making the Detron something else other than impossible to get?


17) Steve...When will we have fully working arsenal (stats are still broken)? How many months ago was this new one released?


18) Sheldon... News on swag store? And the founders gifts any news?


19) Plans to adress the issues that are mentioned in this post?


Posts like this are sad to be seen especially because of the issues mentioned over an over again for months now that 

are still without any solution in sight.


20) Can the Devs give us an hint about their plans to give the game logic about why we (tenno) are doing what we are doing right now and how far they want to take the game in the future? (There is speculation that the devs actually have no plans and are going with the flow)


21)Congrats to the level design team that have been doing really good work adding bits and pieces to tilesets through out the entire game. Props to the sound design team also for their ongoing betterment of the sound in the game.


EDIT: Oh! and please bring back the Infested! #savexini


P.S. Sorry if my questions seem to come off a bit to strong but they are valid and i think most of the community would agree. Please make this Livestream one were the Devs actually do answer questions with complete sentences and leave the "Soon" out of it.



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Question 1: Orokin defense offers one prize at the end. Orokin Derelict offers a prize every 5 rounds. Can Orokin defense become like Orokin Derelict defense?


Question 2: Can Nyx's bolts be better?


Question 3: Can Banshee please get looked at?


Question 4: Some Warframes are greatly improved by alternate helmets. For instance Mag loves her Coil helmet and Excalibur loves this Pendragon helmet. My problem is that when I use a prime Warframe, the alternate helmet looks terrible on it. Can we either get prime skins for these helms or an option to get their stats while keeping a prime helm? I would love gold bling on my Coil helmet.

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Can you redo the rewards for Defense mission? The rewards for high level enemy on waves 40+ just not interesting us to do it...rare core 5 is seem to be one of the best rewards so far but consider that enemy is around 100 and I think we deserve more...So my suggestion is


At wave 5

Option A - Take the reward and leave the game

Option B - Continue without reward and earned one token


At wave 10, the rewards table will appear and it will list the reward for wave 5 and 10

Option A - You can pick one rewards and leave the game

Option B - Continue without reward and earned one more token


At wave 15, the rewards table will appear and it will list the reward for wave 5, 10, 15 and one special reward require 2 token

Option A - You can pick all 3 normal rewards or used all token to pick this special reward and leave the game

Option B - You can use the token and keep the reward and continue without any extra token

Option C - Continue without reward and earned one more token


Repeat above, rewards for wave 5, 10 and 15 will be wiped so it will start again at wave 20. The only difference is the special rewards at wave 30 will be 2 and require 1-5 token. (e.g. it may appear that Special reward A need 4 token and Special reward B need 3 token)

Option A -You can pick all 3 normal rewards from wave 20, 25 and 30, or used those token to pick the special reward and leave the game

Option B - You can use the token and keep the reward and continue without an extra token

Option C -Continue without reward and earned one more token


* No matter you are at wave 45 or 90. there only will be 2 Special reward for you to choice.




Survival mission need some improvement for how the player leave the mission. I wish there will have an option for people to decide to leave or not. For those who willing to stay on the mission can stay and those who want to leave can leave and take the rewards with them. Just like defense mission, we have the choice to stay or take the reward and leave the game.

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Wow livestream 20.. Congrats guys and hope you all had a good break!


1. New HUD, how's it coming? Can we see the new updated style? I remember De Doren ( Sorry if I spelled your name wrong) Said he was updating it with our feedback.. can we see what it's like now?


2. Ember Prime.... is the only reason she is unbelieve hard to abtane because she is currently int he prime access? Will her drops get looked at once prime access is done offering or? Or before than so that we players who rely on RNG can have at least some speak of a chance to get her. 


3. When will the Dojo ever be.. 'useful' we go there to grab clan weapons and trade.... but it's sadly just there for some clan who don't have so many members. Is there any way to make the Dojo more.. exciting to be around or in? 


4. Weapons Status Chance and Proc's.... do you think they are great? need to be buffed? need to be nerfed? How's the switching of the polarity slots coming, and the fact the elemental mods have to be in a certain order to be used? 


5. When will weapons and warframe get more mod slots.. now that we have so many mods in the game and so many combinations (if you add having to add two elemental mods to get say magnetic) That only gives us 6 mods on weapons slots to do things with.. which doesn't leave much customization for us players to use on weapons and warframes. 


6. Plat that decreases with time passing by on building items?

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1: Swimming, any news?


2: Lore? I would really love to find out more about this awesomagtastic universe you've created!


3: when can we se the Lotus in-game? (as in her being in the "escort" mission or what you called it)


Who had the worst new-years-drunk-story?

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Is there roadmap for Warframe? General direction of game is going to take. Endgame, lore, game mechanics and so on.

What are the best and the worst WF moments of 2013 from devs perspective?


Bonus question: I see few posts down that WF is now rated 17+. Can we have bikini based warframe? Dangly bits, and all that :)



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In Jupiter Defense Mission What Are The Turrets Shooting At? I am completely serious that has been bugging our clan for a while now


How Do You Cause The Corpus Harvester To Attack You? None of my clan has been able to spawn the Haverster by doing Invasion, Assassination missions and then doing Corpus missions wondering if the Haverster would spawn without any real confirmation if we are doing it right.


Will More Prime Rewards Be Added To The Orokin Derelict Missions? I still alot of trouble with people getting the parts they want. One of my clan members has been Tier III Defense Missions for weeks and still hasn't gotten his Glaive Prime, mostly just lots of Forma he doesn't need. 


Will Components Such As Orokin Reactors And Forma Be Tradeable?  As I said above I know people who want to trade their surplus of Forma and I have to many Orokin Reactors I would like to trade to people who actually need them. 


Please Answer Any Of My Questions If You Can. 

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