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Coming Soon: Livestream #20


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Looking at the Infested Research weapons, will Torid get a new model?


Will speed issues while equipping Despair ever be fixed?

(i.e. Slide-attack dashing doesn't go as far as you would when not using Despair)


Any news on Lore updates?


More news on the upcoming melee update?








How is booben formed?

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Are you ever going to add special challenge type modes or missions where you get a bonus of some sort for playing using only melee, primary, secondary etc or having a time limit or something. Something like nightmare mode but more modular and player selected challenges with benifits and rewards that would challenge us further and add even more replayability.



Possible benifits:

Uncommon-Rare mod drop for a respective weapon only mode:


Melee only -> Pressure point, reach, fury, jagged edge, heavy impact

Primary only -> serration, point blank, metal auger, split chamber, hells chamber

Secondary only -> Hornet strike, barrel diffusion, power throw

Time limit-> rare stat mods for like health, armor, shields, energy, etc


This would help with RNG by giving another place these rare mods could be found. Of course it itself would run on RNG so... just brainstorming

Edited by Lavon
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Question 1: Will there ever be a system in place that lets you directly activate an elemental mod combo in a weapon's mod slots? Say for instance, you have fire, ice, and electric on a weapon, and want to mix Fire and Ice together to make the weapon use Blast+Electric elements. But that same weapons' polarities get in the way of this because the - polarity is the last mod slot, thus your Fire mod (which is also - polarity) is forced to be placed there...and thus also forced out of the Blast combo.


Question 2: Valkyr's Hysteria's sliding attack, wall attack, and ground finisher are incredibly weak. The wiki states each attack only does 10 damage. Why is this? Are there plans to strengthen these attacks?


Question 3: Are there plans to change Hysteria's idle animation? Valkyr putting up her dukes while supposedly hysterical makes no sense (And looks a bit goofy.)


Question 4: And are there plans for any extra tweaking to targetting with Hysteria in general? Perhaps have the first hit in her Hysteria combo be practically a pounce that homes in on an enemy that's in your target reticule.


Question 5: Will there be any more tweaks towards Ember? Currently I'm happy with her abilities, but her current squishiness and slowness makes it difficult to use said abilities affectively, because she must be in the middle of it all to be optimal. Of course I'm not asking anywhere near Rhino or Valkyr's tankiness, but perhaps Nova's speed and a little less than Saryn's armor would suffice.

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- what is the next primed warframe?

- what is love? Baby don't hurt me don't hurt me no more

- the new HUD is amazing! When will it be released?

- RNG thingy : it is more difficult to obtain an item in the Void when more and more weapons / frames are released in each updates. Any solution for this?

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Q1: What is DE's current thoughts on the stamina system? There have been quite a few reworks and reinstallments of previous versions due to player feedback, but ultimately I still see the same problems I always have. Players zorencoptering and sliding every 2 steps. Clearly, this is not something for the stamina system to be proud of.

Q2: What are DE's current thoughts on Prime Warframes? Since the introduction of Forma, their worth has been diminished to mostly cosmetic, for me. Are you against the idea of making them skins (Still requiring players to farm parts as they are now) or are you planning on doing as you've said with weapons and making a tiered Warframe roster with Primes being better stat wise in every way to their normal versions?

Q3: Has DE ever considered including the time specific charge mechanic seen from Dark sector into Warframe? Due to a very generous Tenno, I recieved a copy of your previous game and have been playing it thoroughly. One thing I noticed was that when power throwing the Glaive, it requires a bit of timing (Waiting for a rotating icon to sync) to ensure the best throw. Could we see this sort of mechanic being used in the new melee system? Perhaps giving an added a small boost such as attack speed or damage when successful and increasing the reward on successful chains, or even things like reload speed for weapons?


Q4: What goal is DE trying to accomplish with weapons? Previously, it was said that Warframe will have a tiered weapon system and some weapons will simply be better than others, and that will be what players will be building towards. With Damage 2.0, a dramatic shift has been occurring that, in my opinion, has made previously unwanted weapons much more viable and previously overpowered weapons more balanced. With the recent nerfs of certain weapons (Ones that were widely held as part of the tiered weapon system), however, I feel this is not evidence of creating a tiered system and is instead an attempt to make every weapon viable and balanced. I have no issue with either goal, but I would like some clarification.


Special question for Sheldon: What are the chances of you ever eating a pepper dipped in hotsauce again? Are there any present members of DE that have/will give it a try? Prime time hot sauce challenge?

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Q 1:  Will melee attack speed (normal attacks) ever not be tied to lag or latency?  By this I mean that when I am solo and melee (most obvious of Valkyr) attack rate is normal (decent on hysteria and fast on dual ichor), but if I am not host (or if I am host and too much going on clients) my attack speed is drastically slower.  The reason I bring this up is melee 2.0 coming and I think this needs to be resolved as well or it won't matter.


Q 2:  Will we get more training rooms for dojo?  Examples being Firing range for accuracy practice and maybe a room that you can set level and faction to test your loadouts against enemies before real game.

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- What solutions have you considered in regards to the dilution of drops from Orokin and Derelict as we continue to obtain Prime gear?

- What word on buffs and/or nerfs? Do you think weapons and warframes are working nicely with Damage 2.0? What changes do you think need to happen, if any?

- When is the reputation system coming out? Have there been changes since your last explanation of its nature?

- What are your plans for soundtrack and music for the game? 

- Care to share a release date of the new HUD? Will you allow players to choose between the old and the new?


Questions above can be addressed to whomever works on the relevant content the most, but I would like everyone present, including Rebecca to answer the following question:


It's been over a year since closed beta testers came to warframe. The growth and popularity of warframe are great things to be proud of. Do you each think that warframe is where it needs to be after over a year? (both in the parts you each play AND warframe as a whole)

Edited by michaelwii
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Will other weapons get a graphical redesign similar to Gram?  For example, a mottled-skinned Ogris was originally used as the Miter model, which eventually got its own look.


Mainly, curious if the Torid will eventually be changed (I enjoy the current model), as an "infested-spore launcher" brings a lot of imagery to mind.  e.g., keep the basic model similar to what it is now, but make the middle part a glass-tank (similar to acrid) where you can see the spores floating/swimming around, etc. 

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How is that Tenno Reputation system coming along?


have you given some though as to expanding more gameplay elements such as mission-types? additional nodes?



A lot of people are really starting to hate the current Void/OD?Survival reward system, are their any plans on changing it up?

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Todo el enfoque de los jugadores veteranos parece ser constante corriendo para el engranaje más reciente, la nivelación para el dominio y haciendo defensa / supervivencia una y otra vez, ya que están llenas de enemigos. Uniéndose a la más grande y la más insensata masacre parece ser el objetivo principal del juego, porque todo lo que la gente quiere es obtenible a través mata (mods, xp de las armas de nivel-and-venta).

¿Esto preocupa? ¿No quieres variedad y más juego "spaceninja" para los jugadores en lugar de soplar hordas sobre hordas de enemigos? En caso afirmativo ¿cómo estás, estás dispuesto a solucionar este problema?


IA de los enemigos y las tasas de regeneración parece ser el principal problema para eso, así que cuando estamos viendo importantes mejoras en los? (además de ese conjunto de animación grineer "táctico")


Cualquier mejora de animación o parkour generales incluidos con el retrabajo cuerpo a cuerpo? Si no, entonces ¿cuándo?

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What is the future of Warframe ?


Since there is 30 mastery ranks, how players will have to rank up until more than 2 millions of mastery points should be obtained ? Only survivals and defenses missions ?


I mean, a lot of high rank players are complaining about the "casuality" and "monotony" of the game.


Since we all love Warframe's gameplay, and as you got gold in your hands, i really hope there will be some new kind of missions : more ennemies, more challenge, more teamplay...


(i'm not saying you're going the bad way, DE, i'm only asking for the future)

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I got some questions for ya guys!


-So far, what are your thoughts of RNG and your attempt to make it a much fairer system for the effort put in.


-Alot of people have been asking for a kickvote system. What are your thoughts on this and your application of the reputation system. How will the reputation system work and how will it benefit us?


-What do you guys plan to do about the codex and its lack of current utility/inaccuracy. Will there be more incentive to fill it out?


-What have you learned from the past event, Cicero Crisis, and how to do an event, especially have a long period of time?


- Why have you chose to retire the global leaderboard? Why was this taken into as like a.. mini event where it seems some players truly wish to grind to each the top spaces in time?


-As more prime gear and warframe are added to the game, what is your plan to organize the system in a way that old parts are not over taken over by new things and RNG does not completely destroy a player's attempts at getting a part.

Edited by Anatolius
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A while back you told us you were working on clothe physics for Volt, Frost, and something more rigid for Trinity. You even showed some WIP to the Founder's Council, but we haven't heard anything else for some time. Are the clothe physics still being worked on or have they been set aside?

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Hey DE It looks like you're having a Livestream 20 on my 20th Birthday! (Irony lmao)


I got some questions for ya!


- I've been attempting to follow any sort of update on the Melee system 2.0, I'm very sewn into the Melee arsenal in Warframe have you made any changes/improvements made to it since Dec of 2013?

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Can you add an option to disable people from randomly inviting me? Preferably with a toggle that still allows my clan/friends to invite me.


I get a random invite every 4-5 minutes (the woes of having a username starting with an A, apparently), and if I'm in the middle of doing something and press 'x', I get put into some random game - usually some random mission on Mercury. No thanks. When I leave the game sitting for awhile and come back to it, I have like 10 invites I have to press decline to waiting for me.


( This is on the PS4 if it matters )

Edited by (PS4)Alsark
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Progress on void prizes being in Codex?


Anything going on with Vor's Prize?


Extended tutorial coming anytime soon? Perhaps accessible from the profile much like how the Tutorial replay is available, but an extended tutorial would reward you with bonus prizes for taking the time to learn more about the game (basic stuff at first like Serration to cooler stuff like Potatoes).


What's the next mission type and how is it going to be implemented? Any progress on that?


Why not make use of the empty boss node on Eris for a Corpus boss to drop the Detron? You're obviously not gonna change it back to Infested so might as well.


Reputation system anytime soon?


Why don't use guys make more use of Developer Workshop? There's always some sort of problem of communication and you guys have a bad habit of unleashing game breaking changes without letting us know beforehand. The damage model has been modified at least five times now, why don't you just have a Damage Model thread in the developer workshop and keep it updated with changes you plan to add? It'd be a good way to get feedback beforehand so that you guys would be able to adjust accordingly.


What was the point of overcomplicating DMG2.0 in U11.5? Flesh, Armored, Robotic, Shield, Infested was enough considering most enemies would have some combination of two but you decided to give each faction three or four subcategories. Though not necessarily hard to learn, it makes the newbie experience just that much harder, especially considering many new players haven't obtained all the elemental cards to build against each faction. "Making do" with only one or two elements per weapon class doesn't cut it.

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When will be seeing new more new mods?


Also a thought, Will we ever see mods that can influence the elemental damage type of our powers? Such as making volts powers cause corrosive by combining it with a mod that would add toxic. Maybe even causing the effects to change as well, so corrosive overload effect.

Edited by Dillon_J
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1. What was the idea behind melee 2.0 and why did you change it to this?


2. Will there be more ninja or traditional japanese weapons coming out?


3. Will there be feral eniies in the new jungle tileset? I fell as if there should me more than just renamed  and retextured grineer units, also will more feral units be added in general?

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