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Solar Assassins


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Im looking for a group of people to do runs with, either for fun, or to farm. Though i dislike impatient players who just rush objectives.

You are more than welcome to join us but I wanted to clarify this point a little bit. We last as long as we can in Defense and Survivals but other missions we are doing for the reward at the end, etc. So we tend to rush. Personally I have discovered that the best exp/farming is done in survivals whether looking for fusion cores or other items. But when doing a nightmare sabotage, our purpose is for the mod.

Some in our clan will investigate every nook and cranny in a void run and some of us are just doing the key for the reward.

I hope this helps in your decision making. We were doing tower survivals last night and since we had some under ranked guys we bailed around 30 minutes. But Xanxus and I have lasted until 40 minutes duo'ing. Edited by (PS4)wintersandman
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I have a large majority of the warframes built. and a good amount of weapons. Im looking for a group of people to do runs with, either for fun, or to farm. Though i dislike impatient players who just rush objectives. I like to take my time and survive as long as i can. I generally play a supportive role, however the players that i usually end up playing with keeps me from leveling my nyx and trinity. I tend to play Frost, Nekros, Rhino, and Vauban for most situations. Im currently looking to change clans, as my current one is inactive.



Im always looking to have a good time, whether it be trying to use a ogris in close quarters sheerly to gib an entire grineer brigade (Rhino recommended xD) or sitting back and trying to play a mission silently (which is refreshing once in a while) I'm more than willing to help out a fellow Tenno, im always helping people aquire mods, or i can test weapons out before someone goes through the effort of crafting it. I can tell you my personal pros and cons to just about everything. Or for example, i spend the past week or so grinding the cicero map and created multiple vermilion antitoxins just to help people grab their rewards. I try my best to let people know that there is a good alert drop, or if there's a survival mission that seems to be handing out better mods or something.


I know this all wasn't necessary, but i'm really bored at work atm. So why not..  If you guys have a open spot im more than willing to quit my clan to join yours. Just send me a PSN message. I'm usually online between 5pm-11pm m-f  and nearly all day on the weekends (depending)


Yeah, what Winter said. We usually take our time for Defense/Survival and soak up all that beautiful XP + mods but I am more than guilty of rushing through a boring sabotage or deception mission. Usually we only play those kinds of missions these days because of the invasion rewards or helping people clear out the map (Winter and I are both done).


Sounds like you'd be a great fit though so hopefully you feel like joining!  I'll send you an invite whenever you leave your clan but if you are unsure you can always run a few missions with us first.

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I would be honored to join your clan. I currently have 3 Frames (Excalibur, Nekros, and Ember Prime) at rank 30 and 2 more in the foundry as of this post (Valkyr and Nyx). I have several weapons at or near rank 30 as well. Almost halfway through my solar map... I'm all about what guys are about, Defense/Survival for mods + resources lasting as long as possible trying to go that extra for the good stuff. I feel I have plenty to offer and am generous with resources for dojo improvements, Please consider me.

Edited by (PS4)Unique_NRG
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I would be honored to join your clan. I currently have 3 Frames (Excalibur, Nekros, and Ember Prime) at rank 30 and 2 more in the foundry as of this post (Valkyr and Nyx). I have several weapons at or near rank 30 as well. Almost halfway through my solar map... I'm all about what guys are about, Defense/Survival for mods + resources lasting as long as possible trying to go that extra for the good stuff. I feel I have plenty to offer and am generous with resources for dojo improvements, Please consider me.


Cool cool cool. I'll send an invite in a few (3.5ish) hours when our barracks finish building.  Welcome aboard!

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Barracks are done and I sent invites to those that I could. 


The below folks are still in a clan or have a pending clan invite so I wasn't able to add them.  If you'd like to join, ask again once you've said goodbye to your old life.







Edited by (PS4)Xanxus85
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Hi, I've been playing for few months and looking for expert game players to team with and get corrupted/nightmare mods.

You guys look great and I would like to join the party!


I'm Ember 30, I'll be ingame after 8pm (GMT)

Sounds good but looks like you are already in a clan or have a pending clan invite.  Can't invite you until you clear that up.  Otherwise, welcome to the fun.

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Hey guys so, I've read your description and you sound pretty good to me :D Now I'd like to know if you only play defense and survivals or if you "indulge" in the occasional fun runs, doing something else. The reason I'm asking is, of course I like playing for the rewards but sometimes I enjoy taking it slow, exploring the map or trying to stealth past a section. Now, a little info about me would be in order I guess :). I've been playing for about two weeks or so now, my playtime varies from a few hours to like 6-7 on the good days. I have a level 26 loki and have almost completed my rhino and oberon components. I'm quite new to the various aspects of the game and what exactly you are looking for but this seems like an awesome opportunity to learn and kick some grineer butt :D Give me a sign soon -aj

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AJ, Xanxus and I have cleared the map and I did exactly what you are talking about early on. I built my Ash exclusively for this purpose along with Paris and Hikou. While I would be willing to do stealth challenges with you the mindset of the overall warframe community is run and gun. I am all about self created challenges as well. Which reminds me Xanxus and I had a challenge on who could last the longest. Rhino or Loki in a defense mission.

In regards to play time. Since we are an older crowd we all have other obligations besides just gaming. One guy will be gone for two weeks due to his work schedule but then he plays when he is home. So as long as your active you will get invites etc. That is how everyone gets to know you.

P.S. Xanxus is as stealthy as the Hulk walking on sheets of bubble wrap. So if you are going for stealth you need to incapacitate him first or unplug his ps4.

Edited by (PS4)wintersandman
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P.S. Xanxus is as stealthy as the Hulk walking on sheets of bubble wrap. So if you are going for stealth you need to incapacitate him first or unplug his ps4.


Hey man, eff you.  Also that is a very generous assessment of my stealth capabilities.  I likes to make things go BOOM; not sorry at all.  

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As I said earlier ..I just started this week, but I'm really liking the game. Am an oldster to so I know how hard it is to balance work life. I actually like the feeling of that I get from this thread. Right now I'm playing Oberon ..he's only 12 ..but my trinity is 30 so I can use her for the heavy stuff. Rank would be a much higher but I couldn't pass the tests no matter how hard I tried. Couldn't figure out what was wrong as I could never see the enemies in time. Finally broke down and read the forums a few nights ago and realized I needed to turn the brightness on graphics down. Was laughable how easy the tests were then. Wish there was a good manual for this game.

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As I said earlier ..I just started this week, but I'm really liking the game. Am an oldster to so I know how hard it is to balance work life. I actually like the feeling of that I get from this thread. Right now I'm playing Oberon ..he's only 12 ..but my trinity is 30 so I can use her for the heavy stuff. Rank would be a much higher but I couldn't pass the tests no matter how hard I tried. Couldn't figure out what was wrong as I could never see the enemies in time. Finally broke down and read the forums a few nights ago and realized I needed to turn the brightness on graphics down. Was laughable how easy the tests were then. Wish there was a good manual for this game.


An oldster.  Mannn, I might have to stop calling Winter the clan elder at this rate.  But yes, Winter and I have to juggle work but generally we find time / there are always a good number of people online and you can find someone to play with if you reach out.  


Yeah, this game really throws you in without explaining much but luckily there is the wiki and fellow clan members.  I'll hop on my vita and invite you both so that you aren't hanging around waiting.

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Hey man, eff you.  Also that is a very generous assessment of my stealth capabilities.  I likes to make things go BOOM; not sorry at all.  

If you like to make things go boom, I must be a masochist as I am the one who is always dying. Either that or I just forget the range on my explosions. Sort of like lighting a pool of gasoline with a bic lighter when you know you should have brought a match.


I'm liking you guys already :)

We are still in the honeymoon phase. Or it may turn out like this. http://www.funnyzone.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/motivator2228654-9.jpg


As I said earlier ..I just started this week, but I'm really liking the game. Am an oldster to so I know how hard it is to balance work life. I actually like the feeling of that I get from this thread. Right now I'm playing Oberon ..he's only 12 ..but my trinity is 30 so I can use her for the heavy stuff. Rank would be a much higher but I couldn't pass the tests no matter how hard I tried. Couldn't figure out what was wrong as I could never see the enemies in time. Finally broke down and read the forums a few nights ago and realized I needed to turn the brightness on graphics down. Was laughable how easy the tests were then. Wish there was a good manual for this game.

We are glad to have you and glad you are enjoying the game. Everyone I have played with is chill. 

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Barracks are done and I sent invites to those that I could. 


The below folks are still in a clan or have a pending clan invite so I wasn't able to add them.  If you'd like to join, ask again once you've said goodbye to your old life.







Yeah, sorry about that, someone sent me a invite at some point, could i get another? (sent you both in game messages)

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