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An Open Letter To De From Your Veterans (The megathread)


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LOL i will sign petition too. i agree with you but CONDENSE MAN CONDENSE LOL here i'll try.


"Dear DE


I love your game but here's what id suggest.


1. Less Grinding please. make events short and sweet. so were not amp'ed up on caffeine, stressing out.


2. take just little bit of time to test some changes before unleashing them on us, and then having to reverse your decisions later, frustrating us further.


3. More story Please....no seriously....more. we don't need all of it but some would make the game more fulfilling.


4. Communicate better please. when making changes or introducing events, explain them in detail so we actually understand. Talk to your players on all levels, an understand where their thinking is, this means new players, casuals, hardcore, and clans of all tiers.


5.Events, explain them better. pleas don't change them in the middle if you can. and make them short and sweet. and please make it so the min rewards have nothing to do with the scoreboard please. serious competitors will make the min anyway.


6. End game. Some more permanent options for people looking for more difficult play.


Thanks, Rasputin29, Warlord of Clan Hattori"

Edited by Rasputin29
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Hell I havent touched the game in weeks, simply because of those points... This really needs to be addressed


I highly doubt they'll actually do anything though, as people were also saying the same thing months ago and things are still the same as they were.

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In case DE locks this thread I just want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has posted for your time and your support.

If this gets Censored we all know what that means. We should take action immediately and push this as hard as possible. We are Beta Testers if they still claim this is a Beta title. If they refuse to accept feedback on a large scale, then they don't care. I think this is a change that absolutely MUST happen. 

Edited by Lynches
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I agree with the OP wholeheartedly.


However, some people seem to be speaking in a way that "Oh, DE better do something quick."  "DE better listen to us"


It is things like this, that makes it seem like people just want to cling to some strange sense of power over the company and the developers...


It's a good set of suggestions and a good point to make, but I'm getting a strange sense that not everyone is waving the same colored banner here... and there might be a bit of immaturity/over dramatizing going on.


Just my thoughts.

Edited by Auramau
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There are times that im truly questioning myself if gamers can be happy with anything. ..

Now dont get me wrong I agree about the communication part , the performance part and the end game part but I strongly disagree

with what u saying about grinding. Imo grinding is the only reason that we all still play this game.

Just imagine if everything was easy to aquire then u would drop the game saying 'bah not much to do here'.

Imho grinding is the smartest way to keep your community occupied till u release new content. And noone should complain about new content in this game they patch the game more than frequently with weapons ,events, warframes, game modes etc.

Now the only thing I STRONGLY disagree with DE is the limited inventory space in the game.

U cant force someone to pay to be able to play a free game... im fine with the rest of the market.

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There are times that im truly questioning myself if gamers can be happy with anything. ..

Now dont get me wrong I agree about the communication part , the performance part and the end game part but I strongly disagree

with what u saying about grinding. Imo grinding is the only reason that we all still play this game.

Just imagine if everything was easy to aquire then u would drop the game saying 'bah not much to do here'.

Imho grinding is the smartest way to keep your community occupied till u release new content. And noone should complain about new content in this game they patch the game more than frequently with weapons ,events, warframes, game modes etc.

Now the only thing I STRONGLY disagree with DE is the limited inventory space in the game.

U cant force someone to pay to be able to play a free game... im fine with the rest of the market.

I haven't seen a single vet ask for items to be "easy to acquire".

We want a system that is fair.


And, yes, people have valid reasons to complain about content. I am one of them.

We have over 120 weapons in the game. Probably 10 of those are unique. The rest of them are boring reskins with some different damage values.

If that is the path DE is going to take in all future weapon updates (with the occasional rare exception), I say that complaining about that part of content is 100% valid.

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Beginning with Update 8 and the dojo resources, through the grind associated with obtaining the Burston Prime, (10 hours 50 minutes in my case,) and the yet too be obtained Detron, the grind in this game has increased to the point where even people such as myself who aren't opposed to grinding have already; or are very close to throwing in the towel.


Sorry, you think that 11 hours of playtime is an excessive grind for an item? Hahaha.


Yes, I am one of the people you are not speaking for. The grind is fine.

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I cannot agree more. Specially on data mining part.


I am praying DE is not moving Warframe to korea-mmo type, to lower item drop rate to extreme to keep players in game.

In the end of day, warframe is a F2P game, we spend money on forma/potaton/slot/package.

Tradition way of MMO won't makes you more money, DE. More collectalbe/interesting weapons/frames does.

Warframe has the most open custom system in today's game market. I really enjoy it. Please forget about the whiners regarding changing the whole system, because there will always be a choice better than others. And players will find out sooner or later. If something works, don't fix it. 

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I haven't seen a single vet ask for items to be "easy to acquire".

We want a system that is fair.


And, yes, people have valid reasons to complain about content. I am one

We have over 120 weapons in the game. Probably 1b of those are unique. The rest of them are boring reskins with some different damage values.

If that is the path DE is going to take in all future weapon updates (with the occasional rare exception), I say that complaining about that part of ccynical aiming% valid.

Well what do u mean reskins? What shooter game has even more than 30 weapons? And by saying fair what exactly do u mean? A weapons prestige value is defined by the efford it takes to be acquired right? dont get me wrong here and take no offense from my text, I , like u want this game to be great but lets be realistic, from the perspective of a new player this game offers more than enough to keep u occupied, from the veterans perspective I agree that more content should be added... we dont disagree here its just i try to be cynical about how things are.

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Sorry, you think that 11 hours of playtime is an excessive grind for an item? Hahaha.


Yes, I am one of the people you are not speaking for. The grind is fine.


OP's point is not about "how long it takes to grind", the point is about "whether one item worth the time to grind or not."

Datamining provide players the very important tool to decide what to do, to determine whether the grind will continue or not.

It is about knowledge and probility, not how much time spending.

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Well what do u mean reskins? What shooter game has even more than 30 weapons?

Because that's exactly what they are. Reskins.

Let's look at the unique weapons


Flux Rifle










Off the top of my head, that is every unique weapon in the game.

Everything else is just a reskin of something else.


Braton, Soma, Grakata, Karak and the Boltor, for example

Each of those weapons is just a reskin with some altered stat values.

Different damage, different fire rates, different reload speeds, that sort of thing.


When I started playing shooters, that was when every gun was unique (I always use Unreal Tournament as the example here)

The majority of Warframe's weapons are dull at best. DE is trying harder, and you can see that with the release of the Penta/Drakgoon. But, these are still very basic, and weapons have massive potential to be great.


However, with the way that Tenno Reinforcements was for so long, almost every gun in the game is as generic as they come.


Plenty of shooters these days have more than 30 weapons. Most of them suffering from the same problem that Warframe has.

Battlefield, Call of Duty. The two giants.

Every gun is just a reskin with different values.


However, these guns are limited by the timeline they are set in. You can't make some crazy unique weapons in a game set in 2014.


Warframe does not have these restrictions. Warframe's guns are limited by the developer's imagination. Which, sadly, led to a game with 100+ purely boring, generic guns.

Edited by Nugget_
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OP definitely deserves +1.


I must say that these days i feel pretty much burn out beacuse of horrible drop tables, repetitivness no challange/reward system,lack of lore etc. (What happend with Vor's prize?)


I used to love warframe because in the past i saw that DE cares about their players but now I rarely see any true and honest response about peoples concerns. (In livestreams DE pretty much avoids important questionts or deflect them with "humor").


And stamina nerfs i completly don't get it (We are space ninjas, right?).


I wish that DE instead of putting new content (reskined weapons etc), fix what they have already, there are plenty of bugs and with each major update we see more and more of them...


P.S As always sorry for my awful english :)

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warframe feels weird in that other games after you complete the so called leveling phase (in our case perhaps the starmap) you have your endgame stuff to complete which in our case is maybe supposed to be voids, however the rewards given in voids are simply not worth it, its like playing a 25man wow raid, completing a ton of hard bosses and being rewarded with a green quality bag of nails for your time.


same can be applied to trying to out-do yourself on survival/endless defence, theres no rewarding feeling for pushing yourself very far which is why i pretty much cant be bothered going past 40mins, the rewards arent worth it and im just increasing the chance the host will crash/migrate/etc by staying longer.


new additions to the game are welcome but i wish the stuff we had was cleaned up a bit better so there was a lasting reason to keep playing once your mastery 8+ and have cleared the starmap, simply lvling a ton of new weapons you probably wont ever use again is not fun in the long run, its tedious.

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