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An Open Letter To De From Your Veterans (The megathread)


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new additions to the game are welcome but i wish the stuff we had was cleaned up a bit better so there was a lasting reason to keep playing once your mastery 8+ and have cleared the starmap, simply lvling a ton of new weapons you probably wont ever use again is not fun in the long run, its tedious.


That feeling I get when I miss three weapons in the entire game, besides the stuff from closed beta. I got all Warframes and their prime versions, my starmap is since long unlocked 100% and I only bought ONE SINGLE WEAPON with platinum.. everything else has been grinded for. 

Edited by se05239
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I hope you know nothing will be done, no matter how much you or anyone else "fights".


Play if you still enjoy the game, if not move on. Its just a waste of time continuing to play with the "hope" things get better, I know from experience.

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I agree with every one of your points.


Though I doubt that this letter will change anything. There were many letters like this one before and the game is still at the "grind or die" point.


Maybe this time DE will listen to us. If we're lucky.

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The people have spoken...let there be...wisdom. DE should reply that they know what they're doing and for everyone to just shut the ,,,, up. Otherwise who would respect them?


That said, I agree with everything OP said. Took the words right out of my mou... :O... swindle helmet??

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If this gets Censored we all know what that means. We should take action immediately and push this as hard as possible. We are Beta Testers if they still claim this is a Beta title. If they refuse to accept feedback on a large scale, then they don't care. I think this is a change that absolutely MUST happen. 

To be honest I'm expecting some sort of PR Damage Control response we usually get. Promises and statements but little actual change. We had such comments in the livestream about being 'aware of the grind' but nothing actually changed and it really doesn't seem like it is being effectively addressed, despite people still making topic after topic about it. Just like when we had a response about RNG and what was it, hours later (maybe a day? Was definitely awake for both) the Detron was released but only obtainable through a very uncertain RNG system. 


It made no sense at all. It was clear we were tired of RNG and grinding yet the Detron was released anyways. Surely could've been held back. 


And no this is not dev bashing so this post shouldn't be removed or edited. This is simple, partially constructive criticism and factual feedback and response/comment in regards to what has happened up to now. It's the truth. Tired of unjustified censorship. 

Edited by Naith
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Lovely OP +1


However nothing will change any time soon. Endless months of promising the above things and we get tile sets, weapons and frames.

I love how stealth was not mentioned in OP as everyone has given up on DE EVER working this in. Even after relatively recently (2-3 live-streams ago) promising at least some simple "reward" for a stealth run of a mission... Nothing came of it. 


Don't think De has the staff to actually develop the game-play components at a good pace. Lots of Artists and graphical designers not enough programmers and game designers. 


Tonight I am looking forward to another live-stream where promises will be made to fix stuff (my money is on the Detron RNG) but not much progress towards it (I.e. detron gets fixed 2 weeks from now but then the next RNG slip up happens despite promises to reduce RNG style stuff). However we will get a nice pretty video of the some new melee system footage... I will bet on 27 seconds worth of new footage.  

Edited by MDRLOz
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I might not be considered a vet like most of you guys (350-something hours and I haven't finished most of the stuff in-game) but I agree with this post. Right now, Warframe doesn't technically possess endgame or a good meta-game. Star maps are empty unless you go to Kappa, Xini, Cyath or Apollodorus. People generally play the other missions solo. That right there is an indication of a problem. 


I truly understand the stress the developers are going through, but also wanted to say that players are also getting pretty riled up from lack of constructive responses. The community (most of it any ways) tries to do their job of being true beta testers and making constructive feedback, with the simple hope that their points get acknowledged in some significant shape or form.


Unfortunately, the rest of the community, the ones involved in trolling and generating non constructive rage/nerf threads, far outnumber those who truly wish to see this game flourish for what it is. This, I think, is the reason why the entire community as a whole is hidden under a layer of static to the developers. 


In my honest opinion, having developers post their own thoughts about the weapons would add a bit more interaction with he community and provide us with some insight into what they think about their game. I'm very sure the devs love Warframe just as much as us (maybe even more) and showing that passion through honest interactions would bolster the community's morale significantly. I thoroughly enjoyed the Developer's Workshop section of the forums made by Scott and Steve. Gave some true insight into their thought processes and allowed players to come up with solutions and fixes, essentially making us an extended development team (I might be exaggerating, but my point stays clear). The community wants to help make this game awesome, and I hope that shows through our posts.


Keeping new content on a leash, or at least dramatically reducing it for a few weeks would be a nice thing as well. Considering that Warframe has a small development team, prioritizing on bugs and core game mechanics would create a stable foundation, a stable foundation upon which new and innovative ideas can be successfully implemented.


All in all, this game is going through a rough spot, and I sincerely hope that most of the community matures and supports the developers along the way.

Edited by bejuizb
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+1 OP, nice post


A possible solution for lacking endgame would probably be a possibility to increase the starting level of enemies in missions so you don't have to sit through the early boring stage of the mission (for example starting survival missions with level 80 enemies). It may be just personal preference, but i would actually love to see level 50-60 enemies in regular missions on pluto for example. Then again, those things would only act as  "bandaids", they wouldn't fit what i would consider endgame.

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I might not be considered a vet like most of you guys (350-something hours and I haven't finished most of the stuff in-game)

365 hours, not completed half the solar system, haven't owned 10% of all weapons. I consider myself a freshman veteran. I've been around since March.

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This is one of the most well written posts regarding things that need to be addressed I have read since beginning Warframe, 900+ hours I have put in and he has hit upon every point that needs to be addressed. Since I am on Twitter I have relayed the location of this posts to both DERebecca, and DESteve in hopes they both read it before today's Livestream. Once again well done sir:) 

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I think what you guys are asking for is great and reasonable, but the amount of work to implement all these things sound alot more than a free to play developer can handle.  I expect more of this sort of thing from a triple A developer like rockstar, because they have all the financial backing to throw money at people to get the job done.  Also take into consideration that this game is still in development and will change in time.  Most triple A games, get 4 years. 2 years is the minimum and is rarely good.  So if you take that into account the game only started development late 2012, I believe.  And what we're basically playing is a playable vertical slice ( as the industry calls it ) and is a beta as many have mentioned from time to time. 

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