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An Open Letter To De From Your Veterans (The megathread)


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instead of getting irate at stuff not working "correctly" in a game still in beta, mayhaps just calmly make a post in bugs asking about drop rates etc?


we ARE supposed to help DE by providing feedback in a constructive manner not excessively laying all of the blame on RNG.

That is what part of the letter is addressing, It can be difficult to post bug reports regarding drop rates when the drop data is encrypted. When the tables were datamined the community could easily find irregularities and issues with the drops and create reports accordingly knowing what the droprate should be. 

A theoretical example; Datamined tables state Bronco Prime barrel 0.67% chance of dropping. This would seem like an error, and ingame testing could confirm/deny this and bug reports would be posted.


But now with drop tables encrypted we no longer have that information. The only thing we do know is that a T1 capture can result in these few rewards and guess at the droprate. If changes occur with the drop tables we are even further in the dark.



The point that the OP and many other veterans state is that without this information they cannot provide accurate feedback

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instead of getting irate at stuff not working "correctly" in a game still in beta, mayhaps just calmly make a post in bugs asking about drop rates etc?


we ARE supposed to help DE by providing feedback in a constructive manner not excessively laying all of the blame on RNG.

Where in the OP did you see anything bug-related? It's all DE's policy, behavior, and philosophy. No one is blaming RNG, just it's overimplementation. All of OP's post is constructive feedback.

Edited by VegetableBasket
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In the livestream, one of the Devs, forgot who, mentioned in passing that warframe is a loot based game.  Don't want to read to much into that statement.  But, if that is largely what Warframe is then ... that sucks!  If all DE is thinking when they develop Warframe is "gimme money I give you loot" then ... that sucks!  I don't p(l)ay for loot.  I p(l)ay for fun.  Long rant short, Warframe needs more missions!  DE, get your mind off the loot long enough to make a lot of fun missions.  The mission aspect of Warframe is in bad shape because it offers few choices and variety which diminishes fun.  For the sake of fun and how it is impacted by CHOICE and VARIETY we needs a lot more missions.  Don't get rid of the missions we have.  Add more.  Problem solving through missions, not loot, make it so.


Not saying DE should totally forget about loot and making money.  I'm saying that missions haven't recieved enough attention through out last year.  We need a lot more results in missions development.


P.S.  Locking Nightmare Mode behind RNG, bad, very very boring.

Edited by ThePresident777
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I, as a player who has played since open beta and went through all updates (with all up and downs), unlocked 99% of all content (except Glaive Prime, Burston Prime and ofc the Detron) and generally love this game, the developers and its community, agree to all statements made by the OP.


Thanks for taking your time to write this letter --collstro--



I gonna be so free and recommend the following for DE:


Pin a printed copy of this letter infront of everyones desk and everytime you are starting to work out the concept of new content or reworks and everytime you are about to put new content or reworks into a patch look at it and ask yourself:

"Is what we are about to do the right thing?"

If the answer to that question is "Not necessarily, but...", "Hmmmm.... (following 5 seconds of quietness)" or "Well, if anything goes wrong we can roll out a hotfix to tweak numbes/ take everything back", then collect all papers, documents and illustrations and put them into your "future projects" folder and work on something that makes you answer "Absolutely!".


No, seriously. I think if DE would integrate everything said here into their design philosophy there is not much left that could go wrong.

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In the livestream, one of the Devs, forgot who, mentioned in passing that warframe is a loot based game.  Don't want to read to much into that statement.  But, if that is largely what Warframe is then ... that sucks!  If all DE is thinking when they develop Warframe is "gimme money I give you loot" then ... that sucks!  I don't p(l)ay for loot.  I p(l)ay for fun.  Long rant short, Warframe needs more missions!  DE, get your mind off the loot long enough to make a lot of fun missions.  The mission aspect of Warframe is in bad shape because it offers few choices and variety which diminishes fun.  For the sake of fun and how it is impacted by CHOICE and VARIETY we needs a lot more missions.  Don't get rid of the missions we have.  Add more.  Problem solving through missions, not loot, make it so.


But we dont know so there is no point of flipping out about nothing.

And of course this is a loot game, how did you not pick up on this?

They continue to add frames and weapons, it's just like any pve rpg out there.

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But we dont know so there is no point of flipping out about nothing.

And of course this is a loot game, how did you not pick up on this?

They continue to add frames and weapons, it's just like any pve rpg out there.


OK, it's a loot game.  Get rid of all the missions except one.  We don't need missions.  It's a loot game.  All we need is loot.  Get rid of the enemies.  We need only one enemy.  No lore, no missionSSSS, no factionSSS, no enemieSSSS, no weaponSSS, no WarfrmeSSSS, no tilesetSSSS.  We hit Enemy with Weapon for Loot on Tile.  No, we don't need Weapon.  We need Loot.  We need Enemy to give us Loot, no Tile. No, we don't need Enemy.  We need Loot.  What is good in life Conan?  LOOOOOTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!............

Edited by ThePresident777
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OK, it's a loot game.  Get rid of all the missions except one.  We don't need missions.  It's a loot game.  All we need is loot.  Get rid of the enemies.  We need only one enemy.  No lore, no missionSSSS, no factionSSS, no enemieSSSS, no weaponSSS, no WarfrmeSSSS, no tilesetSSSS.  We hit Enemy with Weapon for Loot on Tile.  No, we don't need Weapon.  We need Loot.  We need Enemy to give us Loot, no Tile. No, we don't need Enemy.  We need Loot.  What is good in life Conan?  LOOOOOTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!............


I dont understand what you are trying to say.

Are you saying that a game has to have only one aspect?

Because this is what you seem to be trying to say. Apparently saying a game is a certain thing completely cuts it off of it adding other aspects.

Which is extremely strange because as games have progressed through the decades what they have done is blend more and more so one type of game has aspects of many different genres.


This is the perfect example why game makers dont talk to their customers. You are flipping out over your own ideas of what a word means.

It's silly.

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I wanted to mention something about Lore that I forgot to mention in my previous post. To me a good example of Lore for me was the game Dragon Nest, don't know if any of you have played it but as soon as you begin playing your involved in a story that with each mission you run, and they also can be repetitive as well, advances the story with the outcome of each mission, and each outcome is different even if you play the same mission over and over again. The grind and repetitiveness is offset by the progress of the story. This is what I thought Warframe was going to be but sadly Lore and a progressive story are seriously lacking. Like a good book, TV program or movie the meat of any of these is making you care about the characters and having you invest in them so you feel you too are taking that journey with them. If Warframe does not take care of this integral part then it simply becomes like any generic shooter and not something special and set apart.  

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I dont understand what you are trying to say.

Are you saying that a game has to have only one aspect?

Because this is what you seem to be trying to say. Apparently saying a game is a certain thing completely cuts it off of it adding other aspects.

Which is extremely strange because as games have progressed through the decades what they have done is blend more and more so one type of game has aspects of many different genres.


This is the perfect example why game makers dont talk to their customers. You are flipping out over your own ideas of what a word means.

It's silly.


That's funny.  I thought you were saying that a game has to have only one aspect.

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Wow, excellent O.P. !!!    I could not have said it better myself.


(875 hrs play time) I am not leaving, but I think I will be taking a break for a few patches to let my frustration levels recede a little bit.



Edited by Carcharias
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I dont understand what you are trying to say.

Are you saying that a game has to have only one aspect?

Because this is what you seem to be trying to say. Apparently saying a game is a certain thing completely cuts it off of it adding other aspects.

Which is extremely strange because as games have progressed through the decades what they have done is blend more and more so one type of game has aspects of many different genres.


This is the perfect example why game makers dont talk to their customers. You are flipping out over your own ideas of what a word means.

It's silly.

Ooh. Someone having troubles to detect sarcasm without the #sarcasm hashtag? I'll translate for you: we were promised something different from what we see. We don't like it.

Edited by SpFinX
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Offhand from the devs themselves:


Reduce the grind

Less reliance on RNG.

And, as a fatality: ninja-style TPS. Not a "I'll stand here and shoot mah Penta for 4hrs" (hey, I like Penta, it's quite a tactical weapon, but i don't understand that "stand" part and why i reach a lot of profit using it)

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And, as a fatality: ninja-style TPS. Not a "I'll stand here and shoot mah Penta for 4hrs" (hey, I like Penta, it's quite a tactical weapon, but i don't understand that "stand" part and why i reach a lot of profit using it)


Warframe is advertised as fast and fluid.  Yet, pressing the trigger stops you from running.  WTF?  You drop 3 feet, you go into an old people pose to recover your balance, but, you can run walls and fly into the air.  WTF?  Stamina..................


DE just doesn't seem to get it.

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Nice read.


Yea, they need to work on the grind factor. It's like they want to mimic the grindfest of Korean MMORPG. But without the worth, lore, combat features those MMOs bring, etc.


You can easily find a decent writer on sites like Fanfiction to write up quick stories that can help immerse the community into the story?! They post a couple paragraphs here and there after invasion nodes are defended and do a self pat on the back....


Lore isn't hard to write up. Whoever is in charge of the lore for Warframe is laughing his/her assss off to the bank every week to do little to nothing. Seriously, the amount of work in the lore is laughable. Amateurs put out more story than this game has and for the amount of time this game has been out. Also isn't this game like a remake, spin-off of Dark Sector? or w/e game DE worked on previously? Shouldn't must of the hard work in Lore be done yet?!


We need more info on lotus and the Lotus Org. Info on Grineer top bosses. Military theme, so there should be Generals right? We got a sneak peek at the Corpus top guys during the Alad V thing. But then no more....


Solar System is played out now. Lets go to the Corpus and Grineer home worlds, etc.

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