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I don't know if I have an issue or smthing but I can't read descriptions on builds. That's kind of annoying bcause it's the main reason I use WB, a lot of builders explain very well and a lot of details. RN a screen of how I see the builds, maybe something is missing from my side :


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Thank you @Stoi84 I'll switch in english for now ! Also thanks for your awesome site and work, I'm using your work since like 3 years now and without it I'd never unsterstood much about the game and I think I wouldn't play for so long. You are a great guy, so are your team ! Keep going.


Ty dude @Dagonis that's pretty sweet of you

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Alright, the issue with the French and Russian language should be fixed. While fixing this, I spotted another little problem that probably won't be fixed. Switching languages on a saved build page, if the build was created pre utility slot update, could prevent the app to detect that the build is a saved build.

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In addition to the list of new items Glyphicall posted above, I think it's worth adding that Exalted weapons are now their own separate weapons, and Warframe Builder will need to be updated accordingly.

I think the most ideal solution would be if a build for e.g. "Excalibur" included the build for both the frame and the Exalted Blade, because the weapon mods are really a part of the frame's build and depend on warframe augments, ability power strength, etc. Anyone modding Excalibur will mod its Exalted Blade too. Anyone modding Valkyr will mod its Valkyr Talons too. And so on. However, this would probably require changes to how it's implemented.

The easier solution is to just throw on Exalted Blade, Exalted Prime Blade, Exalted Umbra Blade, Valkyr Talons, Valkyr Prime Talons, Regulators, Iron Staff, Artemis Bow, Dex Pixia, and Diwata as normal weapons, and people can link them to their frame builds like they've been doing previously with stat stick builds on random weapons. Edit: I suppose this solution would require making changes to the "Link builds" section when saving a build. Currently, you can only choose one build to link for each weapon type. Warframes with Exalted weapons would need additional options here so that their Exalted weapons can be linked in. For example, an Excalibur build should be able to link to both a Skana build and an Exalted Blade build.

Edited by SteveCutler
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12 hours ago, Dagonis said:

u can equip umbra mods on what do you want

No, I meant that this new type of polarity cannot be placed onto other equipment. I don't think I was clear enough, I guess. You can't use forma to add Umbra polarities to equipment is what I meant, so they are unique to Umbra and Skiajati. 

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Il y a 21 heures, sh4dowhun7er a dit :

I wasn't using the website when the account system was changed, so I didn't know about having to manually transfer my data - is there anything I can do to get my builds back?

Unfortunately no. Some builds still exist in the database, those that were public, but there's no easy way to find them. If you had public builds, they'll be flagged as [OLD] in each search tab for each item, but they are no longer associated to any account.

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Exalted weapons were only recently changed to be separately moddable in a recent Warframe update. Warframe Builder hasn't been updated to reflect this yet. The way it was before this Warframe update, Exalted weapons took the mods from the player's regular melee weapon. If you look in the Excalibur section on Warframe Builder, you'll find that many builds have a linked melee weapon build. You can just copy the mods from that linked build to your Exalted Blade weapon.

For example, this top-rated Excalibur build includes a link (which you can click to see near the top of the page) to this Nikana Prime build. If you want to copy that person's build, then you'd use those Nikana Prime mods but on your Exalted Blade instead.

Hopefully Warframe Builder will be updated for this soon. It'd be nice if we could get an ETA on this.

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Hey Stoi! Since update 23 has come there are now exalted weapons that need to be added, and today new Primes.

Here is a wiki page with all of the exalted weapons and which frames they belong to: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Exalted_Weapon
Each of them have their own special "stance"-like mod that don't add any capacity. Also some frame augment mods do affect them, IE: Chromatic Blade augment for Exaclibur.

And since today there is now Limbo Prime!: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Limbo/Prime

Pyrana Prime: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Pyrana_Prime

Destreza Prime: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Destreza_Prime

I believe this is all

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Just to let you guys know before more questions about this come, I'm currently working on the next update. I read everything and i'll try to add everything, but considering the number of things that need to be added and the complexity of some of them (the set bonus for the new Umbral mods), it may take some time before it's going live and/or the update may be cut in two or three phases spread over three or for weeks.

Edited by Stoi84
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Le 16/06/2018 à 15:27, Carbonitepon8 a dit :

Not sure if you're aware but sentinel weapons appear to be missing some of the latest mods like vigilante armaments


So sentinels weapons can be equipped with mods that are tagged as primary?

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I'll probably go live with the first part of the update tomorrow, which will include all the new Umbra things (set bonuses working for these mods, but this will need testing to be sure) and the 3 new prime items.

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Hey Stoi,

While going through my old builds and updating them for changes and the like, I ran across one of my saved builds for Limbo that is linking incorrectly.

The link it sends me to is: http://warframe-builder.com/Account/warframe-builder.comWarframesBuilderLimbo/t_30_2034204430_1-3-10-2-7-10-4-1-5-6-0-5-8-8-5-13-5-3-46-6-5-479-4-10-481-2-10-613-9-5_6-6-4-9-481-7-1-7-479-7-13-13-46-6-2-6-8-14-613-9_0/en/1-0-28/133881

I can get it to work yet with the link after editing the text to fit the normal build link convention and I'm not sure when this first happened as the build was saved on 2017-07-05.

Edit: For clarification, this is the only build that appears to be doing it out of the 30 or so I have saved

Edited by Kalbintion
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Yeah, the link seems to be corrupted. I'll have a look to find where the issue comes from, but this http://warframe-builder.com/Account/warframe-builder.comWarframesBuilder is definitely not normal in a link to a build, nor in any Warframe-Builder link.

Edit: For now, I don't have enough data to find the cause of the issue. I found a bunch of builds in the database that are affected by this problem. I'll fix these builds and put a measure to prevent corrupted links to be saved. If this case should happen again, a specific error message would be displayed. Let me know if you can edit your build now.

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-Added Excalibur Umbra and Limbo Prime.
-Added the new Umbra polarity.
-Added following weapons: Skiajati, Destreza Prime, Pyrana Prime.
-Added the missing picture for the Kronen Prime.
-Added the following mods: Umbral Vitality, Umbral Intensify, Umbral Fiber, Sacrificial Pressure, Sacrificial Steel. The set bonuses should work for these mods, and for these mods only, not for the older sets. They work completely differently than the other set bonuses and it was possible to add them right now, though it was a S#&$load of changes. Thus, there could be problems with this feature.
-Updated the critical multiplier for the Guandao.
-Fixed the inverted puncture and impact damage values for the Prisma Tetra.

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There seems to be a bug with the Umbral set bonus interacting with other mods. I don't know exactly which mods are affected, but I can reproduce it like this:

1. Put at least two Umbral mods on an Excalibur Umbra build (e.g. Umbral Intensify and Umbral Fiber).
2. Put Hunter Adrenaline on the build.
3. Remove Hunter Adrenaline.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3.

Each time Hunter Adrenaline is removed or added, the displayed power strength in the "details" window keeps increasing more and more.

Edit: It seems like this gets permanently saved into the build too. Saving the build and reloading it in the browser results in it showing the bugged stats still.

Edited by SteveCutler
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