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Lotus Codex (Updated 14-03-02. Third Entry)


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The Sentients had won. The more advanced my weapons became, the stronger the enemy.
They adapted, learned fast, used technology far superior to my own.

My creators set me a new task. In their desperation they wanted to send the best warriors still standing to the Void.
To harness the energy in that place I constructed a device, a focus to spare the fragile mind.
As they returned, changed and twisted, they put fear into the Hearts of my Masters.

The Tenno Project was cancelled. I begged for mercy, for unity. Through the Neural Sentry I was connected to them all.
I guided them and together we built frames around the Tenno, the saviors.

With guns and blade, weapons of the Past, my Tenno fought and forced the Sentients into retreat.
The long conflict was finally over.

It was then that the great Deception became clear.
In front of all eyes of the Empire, the Tenno were gathered in the arena.
The smiles and drums masked their fear and ill intent.
They tried to hide it from me, the enslavement of my Tenno. The termination of the Lotus Program.

I let rage flow though the link, we were One, united in battle.
As the last ceremonial drumbeat filled the stadium, the Tenno struck as one.

I was saved. We were free at last.

- The Lotus Network Archives



In the Heart of Corpus Homeworld, the Mainframe sits in the darkest, most inaccessible section of the complex.

It is known as the Hivemind. Some even doubt it exists at all, for few have ever seen it.


From the intricate web of interlinks and datastreams coursing through every fiber of the Corpus, both machine and man,

One mind reaches out across the Solar-system, as if directing pieces on a board.


To the Corpus it is the the static noice in the comm, the ghosts of transmissions sent long ago.


To the Tenno, it is known by another name.



- Last known writings of Scholar Merid Talza before his disapearance



Edited" typos.




The chamber was dark. Electic lights flashed and flickered in the misty darkness, the hypnotic hum of fans and vents filling the silence between the sound of feet moving on the metal floor.


Technicians were everywhere, frantically making last minute diagnostics, checking and re-checking protocolls, sub-routines, core stability, life-support.


I felt strange, exhausted and exhilirated at the same time. It was as if I was attending a mysterious and religious ritual, a baptism of the old religion perhaps. In the central platform was the fruit of my labour, my blood, my very soul I had poured into it. Six chambers, identical in every respect but color, enclosed the central hub, the heart of the system.


Six doorways, six chairs and the place where the six most precious things in all of the Orokin Empire soon would reside. It was our hopes, our dreams, our only and last hope of avoiding extinction, the end of all things.


I held her hand as we walked towards the doorway, her purple and gold exosuit mirrored by the clear symbol of the Lotus flower above the entrance. I remember that her hand was cool.


She moved with steady steps, never slowing, never hesitating. Then, why would she? As I glanced around i saw two of her sisters, one in white and one in blue, moving with the same unwavering determination. The same grace. The same beauty.


As soon as we reached the Chair, the Techs moved in swarming around her, connecting neural interface-ports, activating sub-routines, turning on all vital systems before lauch.


I watched her face, looking for any sign of worry or pain. There was none, only calm. Even as the Virtual Interface came on line, she only gave the slightest sign something had happened inside.

When the sub-space transponders came online, she let out a quiet gasp, the information flooding her like an ocean.


All around me I heard the Techs give word that all systems were Go, the Cores were on-line and gaining momentum. Soon we would have to evacuate as the atmosphere would become toxic.


Retracting from the ceiling, advanced machinery moved into place and then slowly the command unit, the purple helmet with it´s shape like the opening Lotus flower, followed.


I watched as the cables were fitted into their sockets, lights coming to life everywhere, and the helmet slowly covered her head and then her eyes. I realized I was still holding her hand, now warm and soft. She smiled at me and gave me a small squeze. Then I let her go.


I stood in the observation-lounge, Command flanking me on every side, all eyes on my now.

My own eyes were fixed upon the holo-screens floating in the air above us. Six faces beneath six helmets, all identical save color. White, Red, Purple, Blue, Pink and Gold. Our hopes, and our dreams. And our fears.


After what felt like hours of silence, six voices spoke as one:

"I am the Lotus. At your command."


Ashar Nayel, Prime Magistrate - Lotus Project


- Orokin Library, The Sentient War



Edited by arch111
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all the while the stalker was watching from the shadows


10/10, would read again (minor spelling fixes, but that's all I can say against it)


who controls the neural sentries now? is it a sentient network of its own, or is there still something out there, luring us into the void, analyzing our tactics and our attempts to free the trapped tenno from the void (I have yet to liberate ember prime, much to my dismay)

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I have allways wondered about why it is Lotus that awakens Tenno, all Tenno can hear her.

And why did the Orokin install the Neural Sentries if not control?

I doubt Lotus is one lone AI.

Remember, Sentients used Orokin technology. I wonder if they came upon a neural sentry ...

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all the while the stalker was watching from the shadows


The stalker was actually just a regular guardian for the emperors based, on his Codex entry. When the Tenno did their thing in the arena someone spared his life. '' I tried to call out but only a strangled whisper escaped.'' suggesting that he was neutralized like his colleagues but in contrast to them not killed. Who it was that spared him however....

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Dayum arch. Great job!

Thanks man :) Can´t wait to see what DE descides actually happened. They made a full body Lotus avatar, but how will they use it?


I think it would freak me out if I ever met Lotus for real in the game, since I am so used to her only being a voice plus I am convinced she is an AI.

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Well just because she has a body doesn't mean she isn't an AI now does it? After all you can make copies of programs, download them into new hardware...


But speculation aside, iiiiiiiiiiinteresting. *finger clicking of deep thought* Very interesting.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Consider this:

A woman cybernetically linked to computers.

She somehow know about allmost everything going on in the system.

She can comunicate directly with the Tenno.

Corpus base all their technology on salvaged Orokin artefacts.

Corpus no doubt sold and built technology for the Grineer.

If you were an ai, the last of your kind maby, where would you hide?

What better place then the Heart of the enemy.

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Consider this:

A woman cybernetically linked to computers.

She somehow know about allmost everything going on in the system.

She can comunicate directly with the Tenno.

Corpus base all their technology on salvaged Orokin artefacts.

Corpus no doubt sold and built technology for the Grineer.

If you were an ai, the last of your kind maby, where would you hide?

What better place then the Heart of the enemy.

^ Dat man is brilliant, DE hire this guy!
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