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Let me be direct here.

I frocking hate the sentinels. They're gimmicky little nuisances, annyoing to look at, distracting, and absolutely ridiculour when one sees them in the tradition of MMO pets (which is, in itself, an absolutely bad idea.)

Now, they may have utility of some kind, and if players want them, then fine. But can they, for the love of god, be attached to the warframes or something? Seeing every other player run around with some little critter following him just...it doesnt just break immersion, it completely invalidates the concept.

Also, when fighting the Corpus, I keep wasting ammo on them, thinking them to be the little flying enemy guys. Gah.

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I would fire DE member who had "pet-sentinel" idea


I know it's just business idea for selling more stuff (more warframe slots) but still, it's making the game look silly and bad ... and that's a very bad and dangerous thing

Edited by Strac_CRO
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I think a few issues come down to how much the sentinels cost vs what it is they offer at the moment.

it is 100k creds for just the blue print, which when you compare it to a warframe is very significantly more expensive.

As For foundary construction i cannot say, i bought mine with platinum.

Also at their initial stage of implementation, they do not offer a great deal of worth. Shade's ghost ability is useful, but thats the only worthy tool it offers to me. I can see though that DE can easily add more abilities/weapons though, since its already pretty clear in the arsenal menu thats their intentions.

One thing i would like though is the ability to give the sentinel commands, like pick up mods, attack X target to get its attention, move here, hack this. You get the idea.

We wil just have to see what DE does in future updates, but overall i really like the concept of the sentinel so far.

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theres the door.

You know, this forum IS called "feedback", not "tell everyone how you have nothing to add". So let me give you some feedback: You're a twat.

Functionality and price aside, are there really only me and one other who think that those things just look ridiculous, in a bad way?

Edited by Shrugger
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You know, this forum IS called "feedback". So let me give you some: You're a twat.

Functionality and price aside, are there really only me and one other who think that those things just look ridiculous, in a bad way?

and ur an old fart kkthxbb

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There's a lot here I can tell that was inspired by Phantasy Star Online. Not to say the games play extremely similar (other than being 3rd person shooters/hack n slashes. They even mentioned PSO's MAGs when they brought up the concept of the sentinels in the livestream.

Personally I don't see how your argument is any reason to have them removed or having them attached. I admit their physical appearance is odd, but most stylings in this game are "odd". I do not find them unpleasant or hard to distinguish from Corpus fliers though. Their overall silhouette compared to the Corpus flier is significant enough to be easily recognizable.

Maybe you could come up with some better feedback on how to improve the usefulness of them, or how to make them look more appealing to your tastes. These are only the first two sentinels and considering PSO had several varieties of MAG I would assume that there will be many more types of sentinels. Maybe you could make suggestions for future types.

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When they announced "sentinels" I was thinking we would get "Engineer Warframe" who would use high-tech gadgets to spy, set traps etc.

Gadgets like:

mini-robot, bugs with intagrated electronics for control, or something like UAV-1 (from BF:BC2) or EOD Bot (from BF3)

Edited by Strac_CRO
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Have you ever seen Ninjas with pets ? I not...

Have you ever seen space ninjas with magic abbilities, fighting zombies, robots and genetically engineered thingies?

I only saw something like that in Warframe so far. So why no pets for in Warframe as well? :P

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Let me be direct here.

I frocking hate the sentinels. They're gimmicky little nuisances, annyoing to look at, distracting, and absolutely ridiculour when one sees them in the tradition of MMO pets (which is, in itself, an absolutely bad idea.)

Now, they may have utility of some kind, and if players want them, then fine. But can they, for the love of god, be attached to the warframes or something? Seeing every other player run around with some little critter following him just...it doesnt just break immersion, it completely invalidates the concept.

Also, when fighting the Corpus, I keep wasting ammo on them, thinking them to be the little flying enemy guys. Gah.

Its the animations that are the most annoying.

The fact that there's none rather.

IF they hovered at sholder-level, and actually drifted and bobbed, and actually followed you, rather than being anchored 0.2 inches off the left side off your face, then it'd be much better, and less immersion breaking.

The Ghost needs a rework, as it does not equate to what it implies.

I have a thread on how to fix it here:


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There's the fact most of you seem to be overlooking, the sentinels aren't finished, there's a lot of placeholder there, they were just polished enough not to break then put into update 7 as a little extra for everyone, if you aren't happy then don't use them, if you think it was a waste of money then DE have said they'll refund the platinum of people who choose the optional wipe at launch. For everyone else enjoy your weird floaty pets.

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I think a few issues come down to how much the sentinels cost vs what it is they offer at the moment.

it is 100k creds for just the blue print, which when you compare it to a warframe is very significantly more expensive.

As For foundary construction i cannot say, i bought mine with platinum.

Also at their initial stage of implementation, they do not offer a great deal of worth. Shade's ghost ability is useful, but thats the only worthy tool it offers to me. I can see though that DE can easily add more abilities/weapons though, since its already pretty clear in the arsenal menu thats their intentions.

One thing i would like though is the ability to give the sentinel commands, like pick up mods, attack X target to get its attention, move here, hack this. You get the idea.

We wil just have to see what DE does in future updates, but overall i really like the concept of the sentinel so far.

I agree with the point on haveing commands picking up mods would be helpfull especially on defence missions, or pick up usefull ammo, or attack or find enemy or special loot, or even bring back special loot only sentinals can find.

also the weapons for them, would be nice to upgrade them somehow or even have a selection to buy from. Even if it means only way to get new weapons would be from bosses or enemy by getting blueprints.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i've got them both and there not so active they attack when i get attacked that's really rare ^^

i've hope they fix it, also the stealth mode that the sentinel has is like if you cover and they still see you behind the corner ?

why a cloack when they can see you anyway ?

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