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Nyx Psychic Bolts


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I like absorb. in lower levels, it can be used to wipe out a chunk of the enemy force. in higher levels when it can't 1-shot, it's an oh s*** button for when I get surrounded. run up to the nearest enemy and activate it. it buys time for both, my shield to recharge, and for shade to cloak me. anyone saying it's useless just doesn't take full advantage of it.

I wouldn't agree with the person that said it's great specifically on high level infested def/surv though. that's the one instance I wouldn't use it in if I could help it. wave/minute 40+ are populated by a s***ton of ancients and damn near half of them are disruptors, which absorb doesn't prevent. once that bubble pops and you're surrounded by ancients without the energy for a chaos, you're f*****. and since I've never used it in that situation, I have no idea if the knockdown is guaranteed on enemies of that level. better hope shade is on the ball with that ghost.

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I like absorb. in lower levels, it can be used to wipe out a chunk of the enemy force. in higher levels when it can't 1-shot, it's an oh s*** button for when I get surrounded. run up to the nearest enemy and activate it. it buys time for both, my shield to recharge, and for shade to cloak me. anyone saying it's useless just doesn't take full advantage of it.

I wouldn't agree with the person that said it's great specifically on high level infested def/surv though. that's the one instance I wouldn't use it in if I could help it. wave/minute 40+ are populated by a s***ton of ancients and damn near half of them are disruptors, which absorb doesn't prevent. once that bubble pops and you're surrounded by ancients without the energy for a chaos, you're f*****. and since I've never used it in that situation, I have no idea if the knockdown is guaranteed on enemies of that level. better hope shade is on the ball with that ghost.


Shade totally ruins Absorb...


It deals the damage that enemys shoot into it.. when shade cloaks you they stop shooting, so no damage to speak off...

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Giving them guaranteed Radiation Proc would be perfect. You'd use it to sow chaos in the enemy ranks.... like 2 of her other skills, just on a different scale. Then the damage is just a bonus.

This. I forma'd my Nyx twice for the express purpose of firing ALL THE MISSILES. Please don't take my Itano Circus build away from me.


(also, more projectiles per cast = good)

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I like absorb. in lower levels, it can be used to wipe out a chunk of the enemy force. in higher levels when it can't 1-shot, it's an oh s*** button for when I get surrounded. run up to the nearest enemy and activate it. it buys time for both, my shield to recharge, and for shade to cloak me. anyone saying it's useless just doesn't take full advantage of it.

I wouldn't agree with the person that said it's great specifically on high level infested def/surv though. that's the one instance I wouldn't use it in if I could help it. wave/minute 40+ are populated by a s***ton of ancients and damn near half of them are disruptors, which absorb doesn't prevent. once that bubble pops and you're surrounded by ancients without the energy for a chaos, you're f*****. and since I've never used it in that situation, I have no idea if the knockdown is guaranteed on enemies of that level. better hope shade is on the ball with that ghost.


Absorb does prevent Disruptor's effect... I know because I take Nyx almost every time on Orokin Derelict survival, doing 65% of the damage even with a Nova and a Rhino on my team.

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Mind Control would be good if it could be multicast and teammates were incapable of damaging the mind controlled targets.

Would not want that.  I use MC on things like Napalms, to make killing them easy.  If I and my teammates couldn't hurt them during that time, well, that would suck.  And as for multi-cast, just use Chaos.  If they were to make those changes, I'd dump my MC mod just like I did my PB one.

Edited by Axterix13
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I like the idea of a guaranteed radiation proc, being a less reliable but much more spammable version of mind control.

To keep the idea of the skill intact, how about when you press 2, you start highlighting enemies over your reticle up to your maximum amount of bolts. Then when you press the skill again, even before your max, the bolts fire and seek out the enemies highlighted.

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Shade totally ruins Absorb...


It deals the damage that enemys shoot into it.. when shade cloaks you they stop shooting, so no damage to speak off...

read it again. I don't use absorb for the damage in high level content.

mush, are you sure it stops disrupt? i got the graphic for the attack while I was in the bubble, and when I came out, I had no energy. couldn't have happened before cuz I wouldn't have been able to use absorb. couldn't have happened after cuz absorb causes a knockdown. maybe it was patched recently for the pc version?

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read it again. I don't use absorb for the damage in high level content.

mush, are you sure it stops disrupt? i got the graphic for the attack while I was in the bubble, and when I came out, I had no energy. couldn't have happened before cuz I wouldn't have been able to use absorb. couldn't have happened after cuz absorb causes a knockdown. maybe it was patched recently for the pc version?

Oh, I see you are a PS4 player. I don't recall what hotfix addressed the disruptor/Absorb interaction issue, but it has been fixed for PC.


It actually can hit you as Absorb is ending though, which appears to be because of the animation/coding for how the disruptor's attack hits, because I've been disrupted as Absorb ends without taking any damage from a rather large mob of enemies.

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Yeah, it might not be fixed on PS4. And what Leuca said is also true, I've come out of a bad absorb before (because Booben decided to Vortex 2 meters away or Banshee popped Sound Quake), and was immediately incapped by a Toxic Ancient who decided try and look up Nyx's psychic skirt. Disruptor's Proc directly after an Absorb doesn't happen as often, once or twice I've had it occur.

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Can't say I'm wild about the idea of having physic bolts apply radiation effect. Then it's just doing the same thing Chaos is doing but on a lot fewer targets.  Ideally it should be a different mechanic.

I think its damage should ignore armor (since the hard target limit will prevent things like Mag's Pull spam pre damage 2.0) and have a guaranteed random elemental proc.

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Call me crazy, but what if Phychic Bolts was a 100% Stagger proc? For 50 energy, its not exactly a viable spam, and would make up for the low dmg it does. It gives Nyx a bit more utility ontop of an already-utility skillset.
I think it suits her.


Except Chaos is already a guaranteed stagger and affects (as far as I know) an unlimited number of targets without the flukey targeting.



See, this is why I suggested Phobia. Instead of just confusing enemies, it makes them GO AWAY. Which is a different function than Chaos. You're solving the problem of confused enemies sometimes targeting players by sacrificing number of targets and the damage that enemies cause to eachother to get them to stop fighting entirely.

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Yes and this is a total waste, as Absorb is one of the best scaling damage abilitys in WF

indeed it does scale well. unfortunately, nyx's durability doesn't. the range isn't that great and i'd rather just use chaos if I'm not about to die right that second. not only would corpus/grineer eat me alive while I'm trying to position myself, they also have a bad habit of actively running away from you whenever you get close. even the 20-40 enemies i bother to use it on freauently run outta range.

I've never seen anyone purposely use absorb for damage in high level content. my nyx has ~750 or so shields with max redirection. I've seen corpus at 50+ tear through my cousin's iron skin + shields + health in seconds. (though I don't think his redirection is very high), i'd use chaos + soma way before I try to leeroy jenkins an absorb.

as for the disruptors, i'll take you guys' word for it and try again. if it's bugged the way you say it is, it's completely possible I just got unlucky. though if that is the case, it still means I wouldn't use it on high level infested anyway.

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Psychic Bolts are just useless crap. One of the most underpowered abilities in game.

basically this ^^^^

Psy bolts have always done crap dmg, ran into walls easily (thus wasting their crap dmg), and just been buggy/useless from the get-go

they either need to do some real srs dmg and bounce off walls OR have some kind of stun/kb effect

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indeed it does scale well. unfortunately, nyx's durability doesn't. the range isn't that great and i'd rather just use chaos if I'm not about to die right that second. not only would corpus/grineer eat me alive while I'm trying to position myself, they also have a bad habit of actively running away from you whenever you get close. even the 20-40 enemies i bother to use it on freauently run outta range.

I've never seen anyone purposely use absorb for damage in high level content. my nyx has ~750 or so shields with max redirection. I've seen corpus at 50+ tear through my cousin's iron skin + shields + health in seconds. (though I don't think his redirection is very high), i'd use chaos + soma way before I try to leeroy jenkins an absorb.

as for the disruptors, i'll take you guys' word for it and try again. if it's bugged the way you say it is, it's completely possible I just got unlucky. though if that is the case, it still means I wouldn't use it on high level infested anyway.


"Position" yourselfe?

Copter in, press 4...


Not good range? 

Maybe you did not hear about Overextended, that does not hurt the damage of Absorb and gives +90% Range (ofc +45% Range from Stretch too) giving it over 45m range...


Also they wont run away when you cast absorb, as Absorb also draws aggro.

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"Position" yourselfe?

Copter in, press 4...


Not good range? 

Maybe you did not hear about Overextended, that does not hurt the damage of Absorb and gives +90% Range (ofc +45% Range from Stretch too) giving it over 45m range...


Also they wont run away when you cast absorb, as Absorb also draws aggro.


I think you made some mistake in range. Max range without mode is 10m. So, with stretch+overextend is about 24m.

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I think you made some mistake in range. Max range without mode is 10m. So, with stretch+overextend is about 24m.


Sorry was wrong on that, think had the range of Chaos in mind or something...

Stil lthe Range is not bad and Overxtended does not hurt it, so no downside in maxing the range.

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Sorry was wrong on that, think had the range of Chaos in mind or something...

Stil lthe Range is not bad and Overxtended does not hurt it, so no downside in maxing the range.


24m maxed range is pretty bad IMO. But at least it becomes usable in that range. Overextend reduce min damage to 600. 

If you got shoot a lot, overextend does not hurt you.

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Would not want that.  I use MC on things like Napalms, to make killing them easy.  If I and my teammates couldn't hurt them during that time, well, that would suck.  And as for multi-cast, just use Chaos.  If they were to make those changes, I'd dump my MC mod just like I did my PB one.

So you use mind control like a singled target chaos? For the fact that he can't attack you and to kill them easily(and yes I know there's still a chance that they can attack you under chaos). I would rather use mind control for mind control and make the strongest one or few of the group attack their comrades. Not to just make them easier to kill...its the fun behind it for me watching them go against each other. What if there was a period where the enemy under mind control started blinking when he is about to be out of its "spell" from mind control indicating the opportune moment to kill in advanced before turns back? ATM I cannot play a single mission where I enjoy using mind control because everyone keeps killing him. If everyone does MC just to kill certain enemies easier that's fine but I want them to be under my control do as I say and not feel like its a smaller version of Chaos.

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"Position" yourselfe?

Copter in, press 4...


Not good range? 

Maybe you did not hear about Overextended, that does not hurt the damage of Absorb and gives +90% Range (ofc +45% Range from Stretch too) giving it over 45m range...


Also they wont run away when you cast absorb, as Absorb also draws aggro.

I don't bother with the copter. nyx is fast enough on her own and I definitely wouldn't bother using it to fly into the center of a group of enemies when I could just use chaos. when it comes to high level play, i only use melee for offensive utility. i mostly roll with the kestrel right now for the ranged knkckdown on ancients/heavies. once i get that last goddamn blade, i'll upgrade to ortbos prime for that nasty 10m knockdown.

corpus/grineer can and will run away from you even when you have aggro. they have these things called guns. they let them run away while still being able to damage you. I know this because I've seen them do it. (including during the use of absorb) I'm pretty sure everyone else has too. so it comes down to risking a revive by diving into a group of enemies to do moderate damage to half of them while the other half run away,(the best part is, if it doesn't kill them, you get to still be surrounded by a group of enemies that can cut through your pathetic shields in .5 seconds. YAY!!!), or use chaos for less energy, far greater range, more safety and way better damage, done by them and contributed to by me. I think given the choice, i'd choose the latter. so let's just agree to disagree.

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