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I Can't Get Anybody To Play This Game


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This game desperately needs more in-depth tutorials to explain modding/leveling up.

Not everyone is willing to go to Wiki and peruse over all the details

Also, why are people comparing Warframe to BF or CoD? Better comparison would be with Borderlands series.

4-player "squad" combat with abilities, customization and lots of guns.

Edited by Killist
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Most other co-op games and mmorpgs have story and end game. And single player games are usually over in 5+ hours and usually have no reason revisit them, unless they are really good or are sandbox games.

Both the story and the end-game are under developement right now.

Youre not playing the good single player games if all you get from one is 5h of playtime. And I dont consider sandbox games as a good genre, they lack content but try to hide it by letting you do w/e you want.

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Both the story and the end-game are under developement right now.

Youre not playing the good single player games if all you get from one is 5h of playtime. And I dont consider sandbox games as a good genre, they lack content but try to hide it by letting you do w/e you want.

Games these days are way short, you can breeze trough them really fast. And for sandbox games doing what you want is the appeal.

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It's not about patience it's about grinding for weapon/mods/frames and leveling them. In essence Warframe's "fun" comes from getting and leveling gear and not using said leveled/farmed gear. I don't ever feel like using my maxed out weapons/frames outside of one mission to test them out as it's just not fun.


It really is about patience. But you see, patience won't help if you believe the game is already doomed to failure. Warframe is being continuously developed, and that means the game can and probably will change (for better or worse). However, if you think the game is not worth the wait, or if you believe the game will never improve, then no matter what happens you will never really like it.


I'm not saying that anything you wrote about Warframe is false. You are correct on how you describe it. It is grindy. Very much so. But who knows what will happen in the future? Maybe nothing, yes. But maybe we will start to see some things improve. Nobody can tell for sure, because even DE probably doesn't know.


So it is up to you and the rest of us players to decide whether or not we think the game is worth our time and support. If you think it is not worth yours then that is unfortunate, but perfectly understandable. I also tried to invite a friend to play and he only played the game for 6 or 8 minutes before saying it was "generic with too many closed areas". I disagree, so I kept playing.

Edited by Amazerath
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It really is about patience. But you see, patience won't help if you believe the game is already doomed to failure. Warframe is being continuously developed, and that means the game can and probably will change (for better or worse). However, if you think the game is not worth the wait, or if you believe the game will never improve, then no matter what happens you will never really like it.


I'm not saying that anything you wrote about Warframe is false. You are correct on how you describe it. It is grindy. Very much so. But who knows what will happen in the future? Maybe nothing, yes. But maybe we will start to see some things improve. Nobody can tell for sure, because even DE probably doesn't know.


So it is up to you and the rest of us players to decide whether or not we think the game is worth our time and support. If you think it is not worth yours then that is unfortunate, but perfectly understandable. I also tried to invite a friend to play and he only played the game for 6 or 8 minutes before saying it was "generic with too many closed areas". I disagree, so I kept playing.

Once you been around as long as some others you will understand why some of us are running out of patience, Some have been around for over year.

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Once you been around as long as some others you will understand why some of us are running out of patience, Some have been around for over year.


Don't let my post count deceive you, I have been around for about a year. I know why people are losing their patience and I don't blame them for losing it. I just haven't lost mine.

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Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.


You know that's not really the definition of insanity right? I always get the feeling that people who repeat this line really do think that it is.


@OP - that's the hard reality of Warframe. 

Edited by f3llyn
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Of 20 or so friends I've showed WF to, I've had about a 30% success rate. Some played pretty hard for a while but just moved on to other things.


Different strokes for different folks. I couldn't get into League of Legends to save my life. WF is good for kinda turning your brain off and doing some no-consequence twitch shooting, and messing around customizing something you enjoyed. I wish it were more but that's the state of things, now and possibly forever (since devs seem to assume with every new farmable blue print that people will play WF casually.) So I can't really fault anyone for citing the lack of a goal as a problem. WF doesn't have a nice shiny skill tree or unlocks menu to clue the player in to what they can get. It just has a bazillion weapons to earn and try, and the WFs.

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I still enjoy the game, even after 500 hours. I find that playing Warframe in smaller, focused doses is much more fun and prevents burn out. I play the alerts, special events, and mix up my frames/equipment. At any one time I have a large variety of items that aren't maxed rank.


And then every once in a while I decide something like "I want to play with Ember for a bit. I'll fire up some Orokin Derelict levels.


Be creative with the builds. The people who get REALLY bored with it are those who just level stuff with no thought of enjoyment or variety. or they don't keep their old stuff and sell it off because they won't pay the money for the slots.


I also don't really Forma anything unless it's REALLY special. I don't focus on the "optimal build", but instead look for fun things to do (although my Heavy Impact/Excal Super Jump build didn't work out very well).


When you start looking at the game as a Diablo II type of co-op loot RPG, it makes sense. Non-optimal builds, doing weird stuff, etc. is what makes it fun.


The "grind" is what you make of it. For me, I don't grind more than about 5 times of the same thing (the invasions, bosses, etc.) before I move on to something else. Everything I have I've gained through just playing.


And one of these days I'll actually finish the system map!

Edited by PlebbyMilliner
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A friend of mine voluntarily tried the game out after seeing me constantly play it majority of the day when I'm not busy. Not sure if she enjoys it or not but she's gotten far enough into the game to figure out which Warframe she wants to play as, and sought out that goal. I asked her if repeating one mission over and over again to get the Warframe parts was any bit of straining on the mind and she said no.


Thing is, we both come from a variety of games where "grinding" and "farming" towards our goals are the only reasons that keeps us coming back for more. So ultimately, I think it's just because that guy isn't so used to playing games where you have to grind/farm your way to where you wanna be. Warframe's exactly that which he implies-- I won't lie. But I can clearly see the developers are trying their hardest to add variety to the game (while trying to equally please everyone), that being said I'll continue to stick around to experience just that. Warframe's great and I always have a bomb experience playing it.

Edited by Trowicia
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Big difference between this and Diablo or Path of Exile is that, in Warframe, there is a very definitive end. A set of fully forma'ed weapons with a fully forma'ed frame, all potato'ed. This is the end goal, and you know more or less how long it's going to take (at least once you got the weapons and frame themselves). It's just a matter of shooting people as you gather experience.


Diablo and Path of Exile have a huge advantage in that achieving perfection will never happen. Sure you may get that really nice piece of unique equipment, but you'll consider yourself very lucky to get a copy of it that has 60% of it's theoretical max stats. So you keep playing. Maybe you don't encounter a better copy of it, but you do find a really nice unique popular in another build you've heard of. So you decided to play them. The cycle continues, and maybe you find better equipment for your original character, but it's never perfect.


In Warframe, the final goal is too clear cut. Too obviously obtainable. Too... grindy. In order to get those perfect weapons, you have to use them specifically. You can't fiddle around with a Bronco if you want your perfect AkVastos. You have to keep using the AkVastos, again... and again... and again... and when you're done, you can't use them to level up your Bronco. Sure, you can use them to help get the Forma you need, but once you have the Forma? Tons of Bronco use, while your perfect AkVastos sit by the wayside.


This game is big on variety. You have a fairly large amount of control over what you take into a mission. Your Frame doesn't limit your weapon choice, and nothing says you can't bring knives and a boomerang to a gun fight. But once you have good access to materials, the only real resource is XP. And you can't get that from anything but using the weapon itself. The best you can do is equip the weapon you want to level and then fight with another one while you leech the XP from team-kills.


I know it doesn't make much sense to allow you to get XP for one weapon using another. But it doesn't matter. Letting someone build their perfect pair of 10 Polarity Potato'ed Akvastos means nothing, if they're then encouraged to put them away forever. Let weapons accumulate experience past level 30, but let it not give extra mod points. Let it accumulate with a penalty, if you must, say minus 20 to 50 % XP gain. And let that experience either be spent on Forma (so you don't have to start completely from scratch, if you're willing to have reduced XP gain at first) or be transferred to another weapon. We can still have our favorite weapons, without feeling like we're wasting Affinity just by using them.


Whatever the case is, there needs to be some reason to actually USE a level 30 weapon, rather than just shelving it or immediately forma'ing it.

Oh, and while I'm requesting things, can we please add selectable levels when using mods? With Forma encouraging the regular resetting of the level of weapons, it means you can't rely on a specific value being available. Sometimes I have to let up to 7 mod points go unused (or poorly used) simply because the item I want is rank 4 for 8 mod points. Unrelated, but dangit, I want that so bad.

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One of my friend play this game weekly few hours but only for because he likes these suits and tps games but really no have any goal from the grind and improve yourself to grind more and better stuff. These peoples whom like this simply just zombies :3 I hope in the future we can get more goals than grind and maybe this game could be catch more attention.

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friends of mine gave up after i had to repeatedly kept telling them to read the wiki for the info they needed, that plus one of them couldnt advance from mastery 0 to 1, as it bugged when he clicked YES to take the test and it just said he failed without even taking him to the test then put him on the day cooldown so he just gave up in disgust and frustration.


i left ME3 MP and my friends there to play something better/different, only to have all my friends/family leave warframe very early and their back on ME3 MP and other new games and im the only 1 left here :(


so far its been hard/nigh on impossible to get my gaming budies to play warframe with me, now i check the last friend of mine that did stick to it for a while hasnt logged in in 34days, so im guessing thats pretty final tbh.

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Okay? I got my friend into this game and now he plays regularly. Everyone can't be pleased.

Wow! 1 person plays! Warframe is saved! You know this game is bleeding out players and majority of new players don't seem to stick. Add in low review scores and I don't see this game succeeding unless something changes for the better.

Edited by General_Krull
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My experience from the start.


But its free to play. It's really not hard to pick it up again when you hear something is changing or being added.

Its the people who are bitter about some singular reward or a event which tend to be harder to win back. Spite and all.

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Not everyone can become a true Tenno u.ù



anyway, my problems with inviting new people to this game always end with port farwarding issues  nd the impossibility to play with em, so whatever, i have a solid group of friend with which i play everyday, so it's fine

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