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Ghost Sentinel - How It Should Have Been Done


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Lets be honest here, The floating brain metroid is complete crap.

Anything we were expecting to come from it, was not what it actually was.

"Cloaks owner when enemies are close, the cloak is disrupted if owner attacks."

To me this meant, "You become undetectable when near enemies but are visible when in combat."

Apparently what this actually meant was:

"Randomly in combat, you phase out of reality for only a half-second becoming invincible, even if you are attacking."

And, "This will never happen for a prolonged period outside of combat, and even if You do become invisible while trying to sneak up on someone, they will still see the sentinel and run for the nearest Alarm panel, causing every enemy in the map to aggro on your sentinel, located 0.2 inches from your head at all times."

This was HORRID design.

There was a much better, and simpler way for this to be executed, And here is my proposition:

The Ghost Precept would cause permanent invisibility for BOTH the Sentinel and the owner, until the owner attacks. After the invisibility is broken there will be a large "Cooldown" period where neither the Sentinel nor the Owner can attack before the Cloak reactivates.

Level 1: 60 seconds

Level 2: 50 seconds

Level 3: 40 seconds

Level 4: 30 seconds

Level 5: 20 seconds

Also even while in this form of invisibilty you only prevent detection and pass through laser barriers. Should an enemy be alarmed of your presence, and you become invisible yet again, The enemy will begin firing into the general area of where you were last spotted, throwing grenades if applicable. All of these could hurt you, possibly causing your sentinel to retaliate, making you re-visible.

This Makes It Much more like it's intended purpose: a "Stealth" drone.

And this does not render Loki's nor Ash's invisibility useless as with the warframe's abilities you cannot be hurt, and can still attack in both of those instances. Unlike my proposed form of invisibility.


If You would still like a Sentinel that randomly makes you invincible, as the ghost does now, Then I would reccomend making that function into an all new drone, possbily called the aegis.

(On a side-note, Make the Sentinels hover at sholder height and float more freely/naturally instead of being anchored to this spot right above your head at a 45degree angle. The awkward placement decimates the games immersion factor.)

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Lets be honest here, The floating brain metroid is complete crap.

Anything we were expecting to come from it, was not what it actually was.

"Cloaks owner when enemies are close, the cloak is disrupted if owner attacks."

To me this meant, "You become undetectable when near enemies but are visible when in combat."

Apparently what this actually meant was:

"Randomly in combat, you phase out of reality for only a half-second becoming invincible, even if you are attacking."

And, "This will never happen for a prolonged period outside of combat, and even if You do become invisible while trying to sneak up on someone, they will still see the sentinel and run for the nearest Alarm panel, causing every enemy in the map to aggro on your sentinel, located 0.2 inches from your head at all times."

This was HORRID design.

There was a much better, and simpler way for this to be executed, And here is my proposition:

The Ghost Precept would cause permanent invisibility for BOTH the Sentinel and the owner, until the owner attacks. After the invisibility is broken there will be a large "Cooldown" period where neither the Sentinel nor the Owner can attack before the Cloak reactivates.

Level 1: 60 seconds

Level 2: 50 seconds

Level 3: 40 seconds

Level 4: 30 seconds

Level 5: 20 seconds

Also even while in this form of invisibilty you only prevent detection and pass through laser barriers. Should an enemy be alarmed of your presence, and you become invisible yet again, The enemy will begin firing into the general area of where you were last spotted, throwing grenades if applicable. All of these could hurt you, possibly causing your sentinel to retaliate, making you re-visible.

This Makes It Much more like it's intended purpose: a "Stealth" drone.

And this does not render Loki's nor Ash's invisibility useless as with the warframe's abilities you cannot be hurt, and can still attack in both of those instances. Unlike my proposed form of invisibility.


If You would still like a Sentinel that randomly makes you invincible, as the ghost does now, Then I would reccomend making that function into an all new drone, possbily called the aegis.

(On a side-note, Make the Sentinels hover at sholder height and float more freely/naturally instead of being anchored to this spot right above your head at a 45degree angle. The awkward placement decimates the games immersion factor.)

^^^^^^ This guy, he gets it
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I'm considering writing up a thread to reccomend the Aegis Sentinel.

I've loved how the Ghost, as is, will save me from random missiles the face and getting backhanded by Disruptors every now and then. But its not what I was expecting Nor wanted when I spent that 75 plat to get the Sentinel.

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i like the part where the Sentinel cloaks you and then gets you detected by being visibile all the time, great plan, and completely useless, the cloak doesnt even let me get in 1 stealth hit, it just random shuts off and on, and dont even get me started on the little laser gun they have... yeah great it shoots mobs... 3 shots per like every 20 seconds i stand next to a enemy for about 20 damage

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Now the questions here are... Can anyone see this going wrong or getting abused in any way?

Would you feel like it would be worth playing Ash and Loki for their stealth if this was implimented?

Would you play Ash/Loki WITH this Sentinel if it were implimented?

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What do you mean?

I was legitimately asking those questions.

The last question seemed retorical.

I was agreeing with that as a statment not a question.

But, thinking about it again the sentinal could be training wheels for stealth?

You cant reporgram them like they said you could the cards for wyrm does not work on ghost weirddly enough... so no reporpusing the sentials no customization just direct upgrades

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Apparently what this actually meant was:

"Randomly in combat, you phase out of reality for only a half-second becoming invincible, even if you are attacking."

And, "This will never happen for a prolonged period outside of combat, and even if You do become invisible while trying to sneak up on someone, they will still see the sentinel and run for the nearest Alarm panel, causing every enemy in the map to aggro on your sentinel, located 0.2 inches from your head at all times."

Ghost: Cloaks owner when enemies are close. The cloak is disrupted if owner attacks.

the fix only need make the pet invisible when this is get active, maybe make it don´t dissapear if the owner made a succesfull sneak attack

or made shade unperceptible for the enemies until the owner attack or get attacked

maybe reduce the perception of the enemies near the player can made this mod more usefull in open combat... like the player is in attack hides behind something crouching and the pet turns invisible and reduces the enemy perception, this disuade the attention of the enemy on the owner for a short period of time

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Now the questions here are... Can anyone see this going wrong or getting abused in any way?

Would you feel like it would be worth playing Ash and Loki for their stealth if this was implimented?

Would you play Ash/Loki WITH this Sentinel if it were implimented?

If the skill worked like advertised/intended. (Invis when out of combat, visible when in combat. With a cool down naturally. So you can't just go invis while people are still shooting at you.)

Loki and Ash's invis would still serve a purpose as an escape method while in combat, as well as a way to boost melee damage while in combat.

What's with people and worrying about what other people do in the game so much? It's Co-Op, we're on the same team here lol. I can understand nerfing some overpowered things, but just cause you don't find it fun doesn't mean other people don't.

(Though lets face it, the Press 4 to win is silly and Update 7 didn't fix that at all. If anything it made it more important)


Edited by Nokturnal
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Now do you think that this version of chest should give the normal invisibility bonus to the one males attack you would be able to do before becoming visible. Or do you think that should remain exclusively for ash and loki.?

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