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Nova Fun Breakin Much


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well that's not a complain about nova being OP


but a complaint about Nova being mood breakin and fun breakin....



each time a nova pop up in a game, i have nothing to do anymore, and its geting crazily boring..



Id like to know if they talked about changing a bit her abilities aera of effect i dont know wut but something have to be done



i wouldnt had imagined that a frame would make me loose interest in the game




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I've never got annoyed with a Nova before, I always saw it as an XP boost.


However, running invasions and Nova's using M Prime in every room with a window so we get to hack the airlocks, again, gets tiring.

You'd think they would learn the first time.

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well that's not a complain about nova being OP


but a complaint about Nova being mood breakin and fun breakin....



each time a nova pop up in a game, i have nothing to do anymore, and its geting crazily boring..



Id like to know if they talked about changing a bit her abilities aera of effect i dont know wut but something have to be done



i wouldnt had imagined that a frame would make me loose interest in the game

It's not as far reaching as it used to be actually. Still crazy effective though.


With Guns like the Penta and the Stug in the game now,  there isn't much difference between her and them in the low level game. Except she probably dies less.

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I can understand your frustrations. Outside of defense and survival missions, ultimate ability spamming can spoil the party for me. More often than not, as soon as a frame such as Rhino, Nova or Saryn drop in, my mission goes from a battle to a leisurely stroll around a ship. At least on planet side missions, I get to admire the scenery.


Casting M. Prime takes time. I usually just outrun her and spam my Stomp/Miasma.

I don't think counter ult-spamming is the best way to address the situation in the long run.

Edited by Haldos
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This is not the problem of the frame, but a certain type of player.


Any AOE damage skilled frame can be modded to do the same thing.


It's really best to play with friends or clanmates with similar/synergistic playstyles.


I'm willing to bet that folks that AOE spam all the time aren't very popular.


For every good there is a bad; without darkness there is no light...  You get my drift.

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Nothing new under the skies... Nova was an overpowered childfueled abortion since the beginning. And no guys, there is an insidious missconception going rampant about what Council did: Council only chose skills, explained in text. The ultimate ones to blame about concept implementation are not those who chose poorly from different little walls of text (skill descriptions). DE has the merit of doing what they did when they took those "skill texts" and ported them to the game.


And there we had her: The power of five hundred ICBMs at the touch of a key....I dont care what 4spam lovers say. She is blatantly and absurdly OP, her drawbacks are nothing when she is in hands of a good player.


Real problem comes with the metagame she created. When we "old" players want to go high in survival or defense: She becomes as mandatory as Trinity. If you nerf her, going for 1h+ in survival would become nearly impossible. If you leave her as it is now, she breaks all the fun when used outside survival or defense.


What do we do with her?


I can see why devs dont do anything with her, too much hate is implied. Touch her and S#&$ will explode everywhere.

Edited by Eversor
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I just stumbled into using a Nova, and it's good all right, but if you are playing with friends on scype in an undersized group (3) on tower missions it makes more games reachable.


I have played a bit, and I see these insane frames bouncing ahead with all kinds of crazy abilities like world on fire, stomp, and phantom enemies that are all awesome when we play them so I don't see what the issue is with the Nova.  Is it OP?  Probably.   Does it break the game?   It's one of MANY abilities I have seen break the game when played right.


Lets face it.  It makes the game fun to be insanely powerful sometimes.

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Well world on fire isn't nearly as nuts as m prime is to be honest, even if world on fire is a pretty good skill in its own regard.



Nova doesn't really break the fun that much for me, and I have one and like playing it. On the other hand I have a trinity and I was comparatively bored to death trying to level her to 30. I can understand how strong she is objectively speaking, but there's just no real fun in tanking waves of damage and just pewpew.

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You people need to lighten up. "I'm willing to bet that people who spam AOE are not very popular." That has got to b one of the most ignorant and arrogant statements I have seen on this forum as of yet.

And Nova is a waste of council research? If she wasn't good at her job, maybe. That statement is just as ridiculous.

Edited by Legion-Shields
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you haven't met an ember spamming WoF don't you? It's instant kills, affect by duration and range/ 

While Nova m-prime required gun to activate the chain, stationary power. 

Now, with my telsa, I could stick it on someone and let them run the whole map, weaker power than WoF's spam but it work the same way.


Yes, what I mean is, talk about power spamming at that level, there are frames that do it better than nova/ Nova just happened to cause the most explosive that's all, Her power so flashy. 

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you haven't met an ember spamming WoF don't you? It's instant kills, affect by duration and range/ 

While Nova m-prime required gun to activate the chain, stationary power. 

Now, with my telsa, I could stick it on someone and let them run the whole map, weaker power than WoF's spam but it work the same way.


Yes, what I mean is, talk about power spamming at that level, there are frames that do it better than nova/ Nova just happened to cause the most explosive that's all, Her power so flashy. 


Still has better reach than WoF or Tesla, and way better damage. On top of being a skill on a frame with above-average speed.

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could be wrong (its been a long day for me, so i could be reading it wrong), but it sounds like your just having an issue with over leveled frames in lower level areas.

sure, everything dying before you can do anything is annoying, but that only really happens with lower level enemies.

go to higher levels of difficulty bro, you will quickly see mol.prime lose effectiveness.

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People focus around a number of issues regarding the Nova frame, without understanding the implications.

1. She is not OP at hi levels A: No shes not, but neither are other frames, the problem is that the levels at which Nova ceases to become OP are very high indeed. Even then her ulti is worth casting, which is not tru of many other frames. Saryn at very hi level, ulti is worthless, same with other frames. if they can be cast, they only have 1 useful effect. Rhino stomp at hi level, is only useful for 8s of crowd control. Novas ulti will still massively debuff and massively slow AND can be cast again before previous one has worn off.

2. The level of content at which Nova ceases to be unfun for others, by making them feel useless, is so high that in most Normal games, the average player is subjected to a fairly mundane experience

3. The "Glass Cannon" argument A: this is just a silly argument, because Nova has better protective stats than some frames e.g. Vauban, but she has 3 things which massively increase her durability. Firstly her slow reduces incoming damage by 50%, her speed allows her to avoid a lot of damage, lastly wormhole is a great escape route. Take Vauban on a grineer or corpus defense/survival, hes weaker than Nova, slower and dies much easier. Bastille and Vortex do indeed hold enemies, but the others shooting at you soon bring you down.

4. Nova helps you rank your stuff A: well if you believe that, your math is bad. You will rank a warframe or single weapon much faster with no Nova in the team. This is a fact!

5. Most frames only have 1 or 2 abilities worth equipping. All of Novas abilities are worth equipping. Most ultis do only one thing. Novas ulti 200% damage debuff for 60s, 50% movement speed reduction for 60s, chained explosions which do 1600 damage because of the debuff. Take Rhino a frame people say is OP Stomp lasts about 8s, it holds enemies for 8s and it does about 800 damage. It doesn't debuff, and it doesn't slow for 60s and it cant be recast until 1st one has finished. If Rhino wants to add a damage debuiff, he has to use another ability, Roar, which certainly doesn't last for 60s like MP.. Rhinos roar only boosts damage by a laughable 50%, not Novas 200% and only for 15s, not 60, with 50% less range than Novas ulti. This is just 1 example, using a comparison against a frame like Rhino that people think is OP.

6. Lastly Nova has an energy pool so hi in comparison to many other frames and her abilities are affected so little by certain dual stat corrupted mods, that these can make the situation even worse, if it could be any worse.

All of this makes it a terribly unbalanced frame and can really put off new players. Many players then start to aspire to Nova and play nothing else when they get her...which will eventually ruin the diversity of the game. I see an average (i use average, because often i see 2 or 3 Novas) of 1 Nova every game I play Now, if you do the statistics for this, it means Nova is played 25% of the time. Which isn't good when there is roughly 17 warframes and a high proportion of newer players won't have a Nova!

I have said what could be done to balance Nova, but as always it's taken very negatively by the Nova players.

2 things I want to see to balance Nova and bring her a little more into line with other frames

1. Shared kills when warframe ultis kill enemies (this just elicits the changes in how people play) and makes new players happier

2. Not being able to recast prime until effect of previous prime has finished or all affected enemies are dead. For this to be successful the duration of prime will have to be reduced (which it should be anyway). I would think a hard 15s would be right. I would also love to see kills by the warframe ability ONLY give shared Warframe XP, in the same proportion as the shared kills. If weapon XP is wanted, stuff has to be killed with...well weapons, believe it or not.

With Molecular Prime No nerf to the bangs, no nerf to the slow no nerf to the massive debuff or the very large range . It becomes the same as the majority of other ultis (not spammable every few seconds). I know, I know saryn can spam every few seconds, but low energy pool, high cost, poor range and lacklustre damage make this unimportant on a frame that's hardly used.

Somehow, even this doesn't seem acceptable, it should be, but it's not. The players who use Nova most of the time, want to keep the frame ridiculously overpowered. I am not even suggesting Antimatter Drop be touched, which all Nova players say is the OP skill that should be Nerfed....oh no, I am only suggesting the MP be changed. We can leave AD exactly as it is...so how can it be a nerf.

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you haven't met an ember spamming WoF don't you? It's instant kills, affect by duration and range/ 

While Nova m-prime required gun to activate the chain, stationary power. 

Now, with my telsa, I could stick it on someone and let them run the whole map, weaker power than WoF's spam but it work the same way.


Yes, what I mean is, talk about power spamming at that level, there are frames that do it better than nova/ Nova just happened to cause the most explosive that's all, Her power so flashy. 


Being affected by duration is bad because fleeting. WoF can't kill heavy grineers, deals less dmg and is restricted by a target cap (per tick). WoF can't instagib the whole solar system AND most void where as Nova can and will. 

It's not about flashy, she's just most effective at it. 

By the way, there are even more downsides to WoF but I just wanted to name a few. 

I can tell you Nova is much better a fun spoiler than Ember. I've seen Nova so focused on this mentality that they even preemptively cast Mprime before getting into a room even if there's no enemies or just cast it when there's just ONE. Oh and if it's mobile defense then forget about getting any EXP because they'll just go out of xp range and eat all. While the "solution" would be, "go join them" I actually care for the mission to succeed and not fight on enemies like they were pinata candy >Mine mine mine. 

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Being affected by duration is bad because fleeting. WoF can't kill heavy grineers, deals less dmg and is restricted by a target cap (per tick). WoF can't instagib the whole solar system AND most void where as Nova can and will. 

It's not about flashy, she's just most effective at it. 

By the way, there are even more downsides to WoF but I just wanted to name a few. 

I can tell you Nova is much better a fun spoiler than Ember. I've seen Nova so focused on this mentality that they even preemptively cast Mprime before getting into a room even if there's no enemies or just cast it when there's just ONE. Oh and if it's mobile defense then forget about getting any EXP because they'll just go out of xp range and eat all. While the "solution" would be, "go join them" I actually care for the mission to succeed and not fight on enemies like they were pinata candy >Mine mine mine. 

Because WoF's power is mobility, so basically what I mean is, ember can run and damage at the same time. 

You realized that crush, stomp, avalanche, overload etc are damage type that kill enemies right away in masses. Nova's m-prime is the same, except it required gun activation.

WoF is an ability that kill all enemies within it's area and move with ember, which is why it required duration.

I never said WoF is more powerful than m-prime. I just said it able to kill faster than m-prime at lower level. I know myself that m-prime is better in term of dealing damage. 


Seem like you thought I said WoF is a strong ability, no, it's just a fast killing ability, this is what I mean: 

In invasion mission, I put maxed range, max duration, power efficency, and rush for ember

So basically, I activate WoF in the begining, kill every mobs that I passed by, took energy on the ground, see another sight of mobs, activate WoF again, repeat process. 

You basically don't need any gun when you're on ember. (that's what I mean when I said killing efficiency) 

Edited by SElZE
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Because WoF's power is mobility, so basically what I mean is, ember can run and damage at the same time. 

You realized that crush, stomp, avalanche, overload etc are damage type that kill enemies right away in masses. Nova's m-prime is the same, except it required gun activation.

WoF is an ability that kill all enemies within it's area and move with ember, which is why it required duration.

I never said WoF is more powerful than Nova. I just said it able to kill faster than Nova at lower level. 


In invasion mission, I put maxed range, max duration, power efficency, and rush for ember

So basically, I activate WoF in the begining, kill every mobs that I passed by, took energy on the ground, see another sight of mobs, activate WoF again, repeat process. 

You basically don't need any gun when you're on ember. (that's what I mean when I said killing efficiency) 


The powers you mentioned have an aweful long animation and while casting them, Nova had already casted mprime and set it off, which has happened most of the time. And as I said, WoF goes down on usefulness much sooner than Nova, can't kill heavies, ect, ect. 

It's an alternative to fun kill but not as bad as Nova in my opinion. 

And the anti'fun is not much about efficiency, since with 75% efficiency you WILL be topped most part of the mission anyway. If the enter a room full of mobs with ember you'll have to wait quite a while where as Nova just goes boom. 

I stand my point, Nova is more anti-mage-fun. 

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well that's not a complain about nova being OP


but a complaint about Nova being mood breakin and fun breakin....



each time a nova pop up in a game, i have nothing to do anymore, and its geting crazily boring..



Id like to know if they talked about changing a bit her abilities aera of effect i dont know wut but something have to be done



i wouldnt had imagined that a frame would make me loose interest in the game


It's really the same thing.  She's fun breaking because she's overpowered.  

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