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Nova Fun Breakin Much


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I hate Nova , I always have. A couple of months after she came out I went to strictly playing solo because of her. I then stopped playing for a little over a month. I am back to playing but.. I only play pub now when I am leveling a frame or a weapon. I still cringe and grit my teeth every time I see mprime activated. Heck, sometimes I will just leave and find another game. You can bet when the game is loading and I see a Nova in the list of players, I press ESC and back out. There is no fun in watching someone run to one side of the room and press mprime and then run as fast as they can to the other side and press mprime once more. Guess what that leaves for the other 3 people playing, NOTHING.. and what gets to me the most is they do it over and over and over and over until the mission is over. Makes me so damn pissed.. So I play with people in my friends list or play I play alone.

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I hate Nova , I always have. A couple of months after she came out I went to strictly playing solo because of her. I then stopped playing for a little over a month. I am back to playing but.. I only play pub now when I am leveling a frame or a weapon. I still cringe and grit my teeth every time I see mprime activated. Heck, sometimes I will just leave and find another game. You can bet when the game is loading and I see a Nova in the list of players, I press ESC and back out. There is no fun in watching someone run to one side of the room and press mprime and then run as fast as they can to the other side and press mprime once more. Guess what that leaves for the other 3 people playing, NOTHING.. and what gets to me the most is they do it over and over and over and over until the mission is over. Makes me so damn &!$$ed.. So I play with people in my friends list or play I play alone.

so you actually found yourself a solution in that last sentence. 

And I wondered how many already explain that Nova is not the only one able to spam on low level, her power just look flashy, take WoF for example, ember's fire kill every ticks but it doesn't mass kill. So it can kill one by one when she running, nothing flashy here. 


ALso, if you don't like seeing stuff boom, just play at high level, since it already obvious that chain explode no longer work at that point, just a debuff skill, similar to stomp, sonar, shield polarize. 


btw, being a hater of something seemed frustrating. lol.

Remember, this is a co-op game......................Nova's role happened to be damage role, and you happened to hate that role. Damage stand out a lot in game. 


People who used to game mechanics won't feel annoy by Nova.

Do I hate it when people outdps me? No,

Do I hate it when I can't nuke mobs but other frame can? No,

Do I hate it when I received full immunity with blessing? No.

Do I hate it when I keep depend/hide behind a globe? No

My main objective is to complete the mission, not hating on frames that able to do certain roles better than my own frame. 

My life seemed so much easier without the hate. 


If you don't like a frame with certain role, maybe this game is not for you, the game designed so that one frame will depend on another.

Basically if you put 4 novas in a long run, it can't never able to compete with 4 different frames in one long run. 

Edited by SElZE
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Nothing new under the skies... Nova was an overpowered childfueled abortion since the beginning. And no guys, there is an insidious missconception going rampant about what Council did: Council only chose skills, explained in text. The ultimate ones to blame about concept implementation are not those who chose poorly from different little walls of text (skill descriptions). DE has the merit of doing what they did when they took those "skill texts" and ported them to the game.


And there we had her: The power of five hundred ICBMs at the touch of a key....I dont care what 4spam lovers say. She is blatantly and absurdly OP, her drawbacks are nothing when she is in hands of a good player.


Real problem comes with the metagame she created. When we "old" players want to go high in survival or defense: She becomes as mandatory as Trinity. If you nerf her, going for 1h+ in survival would become nearly impossible. If you leave her as it is now, she breaks all the fun when used outside survival or defense.


What do we do with her?


I can see why devs dont do anything with her, too much hate is implied. Touch her and S#&$ will explode everywhere.

You are so right... I have a little clan and I'm sure that we'll can't do anymore what we can do actually if the Nova was nerfed. We run seemingly high level content because my nova could slow all the screen and because mobs take x2 damage from every sources (I don't count the explosion). You can't nerf it without unbalancing all the existing content.

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I hate Nova , I always have. A couple of months after she came out I went to strictly playing solo because of her. I then stopped playing for a little over a month. I am back to playing but.. I only play pub now when I am leveling a frame or a weapon. I still cringe and grit my teeth every time I see mprime activated. Heck, sometimes I will just leave and find another game. You can bet when the game is loading and I see a Nova in the list of players, I press ESC and back out. There is no fun in watching someone run to one side of the room and press mprime and then run as fast as they can to the other side and press mprime once more. Guess what that leaves for the other 3 people playing, NOTHING.. and what gets to me the most is they do it over and over and over and over until the mission is over. Makes me so damn &!$$ed.. So I play with people in my friends list or play I play alone.

I couldn't agree with you more and tend to do the same now and it's almost impossible to find a public game without a Nova. The unfun nature of the frame for everyone else is it's biggest problem and Nova players don't seem to appreciate this. The only thing that can make it this unfun, is if the frame is grossly unbalanced compared to every other frame. I made a rather long post, but the Nova players never care to comment on all the details/facts, I guess, because they can't without having to admit its waay overpowered. Also Nova players think it's a great solution for you just to play solo or with your clan.?!

If DE keep reading enough of these threads, perhaps they will do something about the frame.

Edited by DaveC
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I couldn't agree with you more and tend to do the same now and it's almost impossible to find a public game without a Nova. The unfun nature of the frame for everyone else is it's biggest problem and Nova players don't seem to appreciate this. The only thing that can make it this unfun, is if the frame is grossly unbalanced compared to every other frame. I made a rather long post, but the Nova players never care to comment on all the details/facts, I guess, because they can't without having to admit its waay overpowered. Also Nova players think it's a great solution for you just to play solo or with your clan.?!

If DE keep reading enough of these threads, perhaps they will do something about the frame.


"Don't nerf this overpowered thing!  You can just play with yourself!"


The same reasoning can be used by either side, really.  Pro-nerf people could just say "We'll nerf it, and you can play against lower level enemies and be just as effective as before."


Designing a game to be balanced increases the amount of choice players have.  That's why balance is good.  With nova at a reasonable level, there can be other contenders for late game AoE and CC.  Nova just stomps all over that possibility.

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You are so right... I have a little clan and I'm sure that we'll can't do anymore what we can do actually if the Nova was nerfed. We run seemingly high level content because my nova could slow all the screen and because mobs take x2 damage from every sources (I don't count the explosion). You can't nerf it without unbalancing all the existing content.*

Well they could just move the slow or 2x debuff to A. Drop.

-Get the double damage/slow when you need it for less power.

-Combo it M.Prime for a measly 150.(225 power pool)

-Combo with team even when playing client and the orb won't freaking sit still so you can load a Penta magazine into it. 

-Suggest that Nova can actually do something else beside M.Prime.


*If the entire balance of Warframe currently relies on whether or not Nova inflicts 800 Blast, Slow and 2x damage with only 1 ability, then DE should probably get rid of the content we have and start over. If something is suppose to be a cornerstone of balance it sure as hell shouldn't be a single tenno's Uber. 

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well that's not a complain about nova being OP


but a complaint about Nova being mood breakin and fun breakin....



each time a nova pop up in a game, i have nothing to do anymore, and its geting crazily boring..



Id like to know if they talked about changing a bit her abilities aera of effect i dont know wut but something have to be done



i wouldnt had imagined that a frame would make me loose interest in the game


fun killing?  so it's fun for you to kill enemies one by one, but when someone comes in and aoes it's not fun?  maybe you should just not play a warframe that doesn't have aoe's?

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I stopped caring about getting kills after my 2nd Mastery Level. It must be horrible to play FPS games with some of you. "He stole my kill, I'm going to send him a nasty message.".


they just need to get rid of the damage meters at the end of mission.  no one cares when i cast blessing on the team, but when a nova kill steals they go crying.


this same thing happens in other games like world of warcraft.  people cry when one class is top dps.

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they just need to get rid of the damage meters at the end of mission.  no one cares when i cast blessing on the team, but when a nova kill steals they go crying.


this same thing happens in other games like world of warcraft.  people cry when one class is top dps.

Agreed, I dread the day that Warframe might become somewhat like League of Legends and get it's own "KS complaining community"

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I stopped caring about getting kills after my 2nd Mastery Level. It must be horrible to play FPS games with some of you. "He stole my kill, I'm going to send him a nasty message.".


It's not about that. It's about "A nova joined the game... welp, may as well sit on the sidelines with my thumb up my ***."


Playing with a Nova is BORING. It becomes a shooter with nothing to shoot.

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It's not about that. It's about "A nova joined the game... welp, may as well sit on the sidelines with my thumb up my ***."


Playing with a Nova is BORING. It becomes a shooter with nothing to shoot.

so it's not that Nova is op, but because a damage frame is boring? 


here your suggestion thread:



If you gonna say a frame is boring because of their role, too bad, this game is a co-op game where frames with different abilities come together. 

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The powers you mentioned have an aweful long animation and while casting them, Nova had already casted mprime and set it off, which has happened most of the time. And as I said, WoF goes down on usefulness much sooner than Nova, can't kill heavies, ect, ect. 

It's an alternative to fun kill but not as bad as Nova in my opinion. 

And the anti'fun is not much about efficiency, since with 75% efficiency you WILL be topped most part of the mission anyway. If the enter a room full of mobs with ember you'll have to wait quite a while where as Nova just goes boom. 

I stand my point, Nova is more anti-mage-fun. 


Hello, did you read my beginning post when I reply that, for low lvl- mid lvl ember are likely to kill faster than Nova? 

I never said anything about: "in the long run, or end game, high level content etc"


It's not about bad or good, what I compared is the killing speed between the two at LOW lvl to MID lvl.

The op complained that nova is boring since everything explode, I only reply to the op that any frames in low lvl capable to kill faster than Nova. 

Due to the fact that they don't need gun to activate m-prime. 

replied in quote

Edited by SElZE
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I'd like to see more focus on Antimatter Drop as her major source of damage.  It can already hit way harder than M Prime, scales with weapon damage which means it remains relevant for way longer as a method of killing stuff (and keeps effort put into mods/forma on the weapon relevant), is interesting to use, and it just nukes an area instead of the entire room and the next one over (aka, leaves something for other people to kill).  It's just a bit awkward to use at the moment, especially if you're not close to where you want it to detonate at since you need to guide it in.  Also seems to have issues now and then registering projectile weapons.  Takes a lot of time to use in a game that's fairly fast paced.  If it were a bit more user friendly then the 'you don't get to play because I just killed literally everything' potential of M Prime can be tweaked since Nova still has an ability to blow the crap out of enemies.


I'd say let people press 2 a second time after casting Antimatter Drop to designate the spot they're aiming at as the 'land here' spot so they can stop babysitting the orb and do something else (take cover, fire at enemies on their flank, etc).  May make it too easy to use, hard to say.  Could leave it as is and call it part of the skill of playing Nova well (and just endure the mass nerd rage if M Prime actually did get adjusted to be less faceroll)... but it's a skill most people never learn since M Prime is there and works for 95% of the content in the game - usually with very little investment.  Just find the nearest shining enemy and pop it like a zit; not particularly engaging gameplay, but it does make a neat sound when it gibs 10 guys at once.

Edited by Vortok
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I couldn't agree with you more and tend to do the same now and it's almost impossible to find a public game without a Nova. The unfun nature of the frame for everyone else is it's biggest problem and Nova players don't seem to appreciate this. The only thing that can make it this unfun, is if the frame is grossly unbalanced compared to every other frame. I made a rather long post, but the Nova players never care to comment on all the details/facts, I guess, because they can't without having to admit its waay overpowered. Also Nova players think it's a great solution for you just to play solo or with your clan.?!If DE keep reading enough of these threads, perhaps they will do something about the frame.

I for one didnt bother to reply because tbh there's so much wrong I don't know how to reply. Every point just reeks of butthurt if you ask me. Second you basically already admitted you want Nova nerfed because she's funbreaking. Funbreaking doesnt necesarilly means overpowered. Nova being unbalanced to every other frame is not her fault. Most frames are very weak and aren't viable for end game. That just means that they need to be powered up so yhat they can be viable. Her being funbreaking is not a problem. Its your problem that you feel that way. Thats no reason to nerf her.

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they just need to get rid of the damage meters at the end of mission. no one cares when i cast blessing on the team, but when a nova kill steals they go crying.

this same thing happens in other games like world of warcraft. people cry when one class is top dps.

When you use Nova 42% of the time and only played trinity 6% of the time, I'm surprised you feel able to say what you have. No one cares when you cast blessing, because they probably can't remember when you last cast it


Agreed, I dread the day that Warframe might become somewhat like League of Legends and get it's own "KS complaining community"

I guess you would agree with Pure having played Nova a massive 57% of the time which is more than 5 times your other most used frames and about 14x or more than the rest of your frames.

In fact a common theme among almost all the defenders of Nova is they have all played Nova a significant % of time compared to almost all other frames and and it is either their most used or second most used Warframe. Yes no wonder they don't want it touched. OK that's fine, perhaps even to be expected. But in comparison to the other warframes in the game, Nova is being played by these players in preference to almost any other frame. This has to mean that it's by far the best frame in the game, otherwise they would not all be playing it most of the time. So it must be overpowered in comparison to other warframes.

Edited by DaveC
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Regarding xp sharing, skills that kill mainly give xp to frames which suck because most of us need weapon xp. So when a nova, or any OP frame spams their ulti and clears rooms its kind of a waste of time when im using fully modded, forma'd frame. Which i why when i run nova, i mprime only when needed and use my guns. Also use wormhole for great utility, which i dont see many novas using

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When you use Nova 42% of the time and only played trinity 6% of the time, I'm surprised you feel able to say what you have. No one cares when you cast blessing, because they probably can't remember when you last cast it


Seriously...you can't tell when you've been affected by Blessing? Are you freaking serious? I honestly can't believe people actually take you seriously at this point(and yeah, I have both Nova and Trinity and it's pretty obvious even past getting your Shields and Health fully healed when you are under Blessing's I-Frames.

I guess you would agree with Pure having played Nova a massive 57% of the time which is more than 5 times your other most used frames and about 14x or more than the rest of your frames.

What does this have to do with ANYTHING?

In fact a common theme among almost all the defenders of Nova is they have all played Nova a significant % of time compared to almost all other frames and and it is either their most used or second most used Warframe. Yes no wonder they don't want it touched. OK that's fine, perhaps even to be expected. But in comparison to the other warframes in the game, Nova is being played by these players in preference to almost any other frame. This has to mean that it's by far the best frame in the game, otherwise they would not all be playing it most of the time. So it must be overpowered in comparison to other warframes.


No one should ever take you seriously ever again DaveC...


1. Again, you go with the puerile "Nova Lovers" as a form of bashing WELL AFTER  you started getting mad when we call you out on that and call you for exactly what you are: A Blind Hater.


2. How is we playing Nova for a significant period of time(HA, I played with Mag and Saryn for far longer than my Nova, theory is shot) makes us "Blind" exactly? If anything, wouldn't that make us MORE credible than you as you pretty much know not a damn thing about Nova with how many times you state you know how to "nerf her right" only to be called out numerous times on how that will gimp her far worse than any reasonable suggestion.


3. You keep on saying again and again on an endless loop on how Nova is overpowered compared to every Warframe, yet EVERY SINGLE TIME we tell you the most rudimentary basic answer(Buff all the weaker frames to be able to do the things at Nova's level), you end up saying the most stupid reason why only nerfing her is possible(because they will break the game too) despite forgetting that this is a CO-OP game and that not every Warframe needs to be a DPS machine or set in the exact same role Nova is.


The more I see you post, the more I keep wondering if there's some immature little kid behind the computer screen...


Replies in Quote.

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When you use Nova 42% of the time and only played trinity 6% of the time, I'm surprised you feel able to say what you have. No one cares when you cast blessing, because they probably can't remember when you last cast it


I guess you would agree with Pure having played Nova a massive 57% of the time which is more than 5 times your other most used frames and about 14x or more than the rest of your frames.

In fact a common theme among almost all the defenders of Nova is they have all played Nova a significant % of time compared to almost all other frames and and it is either their most used or second most used Warframe. Yes no wonder they don't want it touched. OK that's fine, perhaps even to be expected. But in comparison to the other warframes in the game, Nova is being played by these players in preference to almost any other frame. This has to mean that it's by far the best frame in the game, otherwise they would not all be playing it most of the time. So it must be overpowered in comparison to other warframes.


the reason i played nova so much is because it's my aoe dps warframe.  most teams ask for dps because the leader is usually frost.  even if i have played it more than trinity why would i need more experience with trinity?  as a nova i seen trinities play and no one complains about them.  i have a frost for defense missions and loki for soloing missions.   can't really recall the last time someone asked me to go trinity.


most players don't even know when blessing is activated and that a trinity is carrying them.


the other factor is a nova can stack their dps and not really help the team.  using anti matter drop you could spike your damage on one weak enemy which is 10x-100x your damage at end mission.


i just did a invasion with loki and out ran everyone to kill everything and get top dps.  why isn't that cried about?  because all people do is do farm missions in this game and cry that they don't have anything do when others are out dpsing them.

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well that's not a complain about nova being OP


but a complaint about Nova being mood breakin and fun breakin....



each time a nova pop up in a game, i have nothing to do anymore, and its geting crazily boring..



Id like to know if they talked about changing a bit her abilities aera of effect i dont know wut but something have to be done



i wouldnt had imagined that a frame would make me loose interest in the game


That's funny because whenever a Nova pops into game I just keep shooting.  When one mob blows up, another respawns to take it's place.  There is no shortage of targets, at least in survival and Mobile Defense.  In defense there are always stragglers to clean up and the waves advance faster until the enemies toughen up.

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