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Ideas To Balance Out Frames


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So, there is an imbalance with frames. It's mainly because of their abilities. Some abilities are better, and some are just not up to par. For instance, Oberon's healing ability is not as good as Trinity's. To fix this problem, I figure there should be a penalty for the really strong abilities or something.




1. Cooldowns- Put a very long cooldown on OP abilities like M. Prime and Blessing so they can't be spammed. Weaker abilities should have cooldowns too, but shorter ones. This also encourage players to play methodically, rather than just press 4.


2. Energy- Energy efficiency cap is way too high, and the better frames can spam their OP abilities forever... Either reduce the cap, or make those OP abilities cost a heck lots more energy.


3. Nerf- Nerf the OP abilities like M. Prime so that other abilities wouldn't look so bad.


Of course, there needs to be a few adjusments in the game since these OP abilities would no longer spammable, which would make this game very challenging. Anyway, leave your comments/likes,  and don't forget to favorite this video.

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I disagree. Yes there is unbalance but your solutions are bad.

1) Cooldown is IMO stupid idea. Did you ever tried played tier 3 defense or survival long enough? All skills become somehow weak wnd many of them useless. Rather then cooldown, make it like stomp - cant cast again, while power is in use.

2) Fleeting expertise gives 60% bonus and other mod gives 30%. Cap is 75. How low you want to go? Because lowering cap would make Fleeting useless at some point.

Also your idea of raising power requirement for some moves is bad, bad and bad. You start with 100 energy and end at 150 at many warframes. How would you raise cost of ultis? To 150 so people can use it only at level 30? Not everyone has to have flow.

3) Yes nerf everything i dont use to limit othets because i hate that skill - is basically what you are saying. What about buff to weak powers? Wouldnt that be better?

Oh and paladins healing is supposed to be weaker than trinitys.

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Let's see. Press 4 to use 100 energy, max cap at unranked is either 100 or 150, maxed would be 150 or 225.

(Assuming no usage of the Flow mod)


How is that enough?

.... Come on, man... There needs to be a CHANGE!.... I am tired of Novas spamming 4 all the time... I didn't say to take out energy efficiency completely.. I am saying reduce it to less than 75%.. Make the ultimate an ability that is situational... like when you are REALLY in trouble. You know what I am saying?




I disagree. Yes there is unbalance but your solutions are bad.

1) Cooldown is IMO stupid idea. Did you ever tried played tier 3 defense or survival long enough? All skills become somehow weak wnd many of them useless. Rather then cooldown, make it like stomp - cant cast again, while power is in use.

2) Fleeting expertise gives 60% bonus and other mod gives 30%. Cap is 75. How low you want to go? Because lowering cap would make Fleeting useless at some point.

Also your idea of raising power requirement for some moves is bad, bad and bad. You start with 100 energy and end at 150 at many warframes. How would you raise cost of ultis? To 150 so people can use it only at level 30? Not everyone has to have flow.

3) Yes nerf everything i dont use to limit othets because i hate that skill - is basically what you are saying. What about buff to weak powers? Wouldnt that be better?

Oh and paladins healing is supposed to be weaker than trinitys.

...That's why there needs to be some tweaks in the game to make it flow better in tier 3 defense or survival.... change the way monsters come at you or something... I am sure they can make the game fun, challenging, and without the need to spam abilities.... Fleeting Expertise and Streamline can easily be changed to give lower values with a new cap. How low? I can't say... but low enough not to be spammable, that's for sure... Raising power is not a bad idea if you think about it... My Ash used to have like 100ish energy as I was leveling him up... I couldn't use Blade Storm much, until I got Streamline and Fleeting Expertise... So that problem exists as of now... The problem is that abilities cost too low because Fleeting Expertise and Streamline give too much and people keep spamming them left and right. No challenge = less fun.


Supposed to be weaker..? No! It's just that Trinity is way too OP and spammable, making Oberon's healing to shrivel up in the face of Trinity.

Edited by ZT0100
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No OP, nerfing powerful abilities does not help weak abilities. Now instead of a few frames dominating all powers are bad, so all frames are bad.


.... Come on, man... There needs to be a CHANGE!.... I am tired of Novas spamming 4 all the time... I didn't say to take out energy efficiency completely.. I am saying reduce it to less than 75%.. Make the ultimate an ability that is situational... like when you are REALLY in trouble. You know what I am saying?


Did you know that recasting M.Prime before its duration is up does nothing but waste energy? The only reason M.Prime is any good at all is due to its increased damage, and "spamming" it doesn't increase that. I agree that it needs to be balanced, but not the way you want to do it.


What about ultimates that are already lackluster, should they be regulated to more useless since most frames max out at 150 power? Now why would I even bother equipping it if it takes all of my energy as well as doing next to nothing.

Edited by Ohmlink
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No OP, nerfing powerful abilities does not help weak abilities. Now instead of a few frames dominating all powers are bad, so all frames are bad.



Did you know that recasting M.Prime before its duration is up does nothing but waste energy? The only reason M.Prime is any good at all is due to its increased damage, and "spamming" it doesn't increase that. I agree that it needs to be balanced, but not the way you want to do it.


What about ultimates that are already lackluster, should they be regulated to more useless since most frames max out at 150 power? Now why would I even bother equipping it if it takes all of my energy as well as doing next to nothing.

All frames are bad = balance.


I haven't used Nova, but the utility behind M. Prime is too great... Keep on using it and it makes the mission easy mode...


... They can always buff those lackluster abilities and have shorter cooldowns on those... Also, the energy for ultimates does not have to always be 100... They could always keep M. Prime cost 100 energy and a weaker ultimate to cost like 50-75 instead. This along with less energy efficiency( >75%) means less spammability.


...Let's be real here, there needs to be some serious changes or this game is just going to keep being a press 4 to win game.

Edited by ZT0100
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...That's why there needs to be some tweaks in the game to make it flow better in tier 3 defense or survival.... change the way monsters come at you or something... I am sure they can make the game fun, challenging, and without the need to spam abilities.... Fleeting Expertise and Streamline can easily be changed to give lower values with a new cap. How low? I can't say... but low enough not to be spammable, that's for sure... Raising power is not a bad idea if you think about it... My Ash used to have like 100ish energy as I was leveling him up... I couldn't use Blade Storm much, until I got Streamline and Fleeting Expertise... So that problem exists as of now... The problem is that abilities cost too low because Fleeting Expertise and Streamline give too much and people keep spamming them left and right. No challenge = less fun.


Supposed to be weaker..? No! It's just that Trinity is way too OP and spammable, making Oberon's healing to shrivel up in the face of Trinity.


Again, your idea is BAD no matter how you sugarcoat it or what you say. Cooldown will be killer to powers in games where it is all about WARFRAME and THEIR powers and kill anything that should use powers to kill, not weapons. IF you want to limit powers, make it as I said - for example Nova use M Prime, explode enemies, but one survives with coat so she cant recast it again until enemy is dead.


Also raising energy requirement for some ultis is plain STUPID idea (wanted to avoid that word but cant). Yes, you cant use ulti much without mods but point is you CAN use it (you dont have to anyhow modify your warframe). When you keep 150 energy at max level or 225 at some warframes and raise energy req. for 4th move to 150 or more, you basically say to players "f-you, waste one of your slots to flow and other for streamline or fleeting exp.". It is BAD idea and I strongly disagree with this - its like saying "hey, lets nerf all weapons damage to same level, because my MK1 Braton isnt strong enough as Penta".


All frames are bad = balance.


I haven't used Nova, but the utility behind M. Prime is too great... Keep on using it and it makes the mission easy mode...


... They can always buff those lackluster abilities and have shorter cooldowns on those... Also, the energy for ultimates does not have to always be 100... They could always keep M. Prime cost 100 energy and a weaker ultimate to cost like 50-75 instead. This along with less energy efficiency( >75%) means less spammability.


...Let's be real here, there needs to be some serious changes or this game is just going to keep being a press 4 to win game.


All frames are bad = balance? Seriously dude? This is point, where all discussion about this topic ends. You just seems to be butthurt Oberon user, who isnt satisfied with weak healing ability compared to trinity (oh hey, healing only warframe is stronger than healing and damaging warframe, what surprise it is) and with weak damaging abilities (oh hey, damage oriented warframe is stronger than healing and damaging warframe, what surprise it is).


4th move is called ultimate for reasons and for same reasons all ultimates costs 100 energy, Dividing them by energy cost to "low cost ultis" and "high cost ultis" is way how to make more people angry and make game more "poop-ish".


As I said I agree there should be some changes, but your idea is horrible. Not to mention except for few ultis and snowglobe + desecrate, weapons are now far more superior in damaging than abilities. So more nerfing would make Warframe looks more like Mass Effect with shiny armor and less usefull abilities.

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OP, Your ideas are terrible. First, why would Oberon's healing ability need to be as good as Trinity's? True the orbs could speed up when seeking out allies, but that has nothing to do with the lvl of energy available to the frames, and some indication in the HUD to see who is low on HP without pausing the game to see one's team.  Your ideas wouldn't fix any of these problems. 


True Rhino is powerful, can CC, buff allies, damage and get a defence bonus, but what you're suggesting doesn't actually address any of that. I should not be able to enter an over lvld game with Rhino and rolf stomp everything. Which I've done. DE needs to have a look at the weakest frames, like Nekros etc. (who's powers are lacking and extremely situational, there's a big Nekros thread on here by several experienced posters, which goes into a lot of detail on how to re work his powers), and buff them up a bit, while reigning in frames like Rhino without mashing them with a nerf bat ie: Why is there no downside to diamond hard skin? Why is stomp's time dilation so long? And lets not even get started on Nova and the inevitable MP spam. 


And yes, it might not be the same at higher lvls, but I'd point out that it's more to do with the difficulty scaling which makes certain frames a must use at higher lvls, yet those same frames render all content before that laughably easy.

Edited by (PS4)billy-d-squid
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