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Are We All Gonna Start Flying Now?


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Every frame can benefit from this mod equally. (Because, again, ninjas can fly); I have been hit by 3 Ogris missiles in mid-air dragon kick whilst using a Rank 8 Vauban.


You don't need to "fly" to take massive damage. However, It looked so awesome to see my frame come out of it, almost dead, but alive.


In fact, we don't even know if this Air-frame can actually fly! This persecution of DE is all based on a "theory" about an unreleased frame's abilitiy!




Can we let it rest now?

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Does this mean all frames will have flight capabilities soon?


If not, this mod will benefit exactly one frame: the upcoming bird frame. So where's the balance in that? I don't see any 'increase Desecrate range', 'reduce damage while using Sonar', etc mods that are only applicable to certain frames. So why should this be special?


I can't find any justification for creating a mod that will augment just one frame and its unique ability and still say that 'class balance' is being actively pursued in this game. (Not that there's any real balance to begin with, but this is such a conspicuous slap in the face - it's like they're net even trying to look like they're putting effort in balance anymore)

Ever heard of jumping? and a 20% damage reduction is pretty pathetic when a rhino can Ironskin. Also on the balancing issue... Warframe is an RPG game meaning that some items SHOULD be able to outright overpower others and bringing up this new mod doesn't exactly reflect where DE's balancing issues lie. A better example would probably be how supra's such a piece of S#&$ compared to soma- costs many times the material and waiting time for non P2W players, less dps, less versatile, less reliable, isn't hitscan, isn't as accurate. Instead of nerfs they really should just buff things that are lacking and buff enemies if they feel the need to, create near mastery rank cap items.

Edited by 2Fat2Kill2
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Every frame can benefit from this mod equally. (Because, again, ninjas can fly); I have been hit by 3 Ogris missiles in mid-air dragon kick whilst using a Rank 8 Vauban.


You don't need to "fly" to take massive damage. However, It looked so awesome to see my frame come out of it, almost dead, but alive.


In fact, we don't even know if this Air-frame can actually fly! This persecution of DE is all based on a "theory" about an unreleased frame's abilitiy!




Can we let it rest now?


why would you get hit by missles when vauban has good cc.

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The new mod is obviously meant for the new frame, which btw I'm glad it's not as bulky as it's concept and it has TALONS!!!!!!!!!!!


But guys if you want the new frame do the event, the event details state that the new material is going to be used for Warframe research it doesn't say this outright, but it's clear as to why it was added. Plus the material will no longer be obtainable after the event.

Edited by (PS4)Zmarq010
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Aviator mod is intended for later on, when the Main Menu becomes a spaceship simulator where you fly around planets and towards the sectors of the map you wish to play on.

Since non-essential PvP will totally be implemented there, it serves as extra health for your spaceship as you're killing your Tenno friends in a game of.... friendly violence.

Please note that this is 100% bulldust.

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From: https://warframe.com/news/operation-oxium-espionage




Does this mean all frames will have flight capabilities soon?


If not, this mod will benefit exactly one frame: the upcoming bird frame. So where's the balance in that? I don't see any 'increase Desecrate range', 'reduce damage while using Sonar', etc mods that are only applicable to certain frames. So why should this be special?


I can't find any justification for creating a mod that will augment just one frame and its unique ability and still say that 'class balance' is being actively pursued in this game. (Not that there's any real balance to begin with, but this is such a conspicuous slap in the face - it's like they're net even trying to look like they're putting effort in balance anymore)


I see your point. It is certainly a different way of looking at that quote. Maybe jetpack/boots will become a thing at some point? Would be awesome as long as they had limited fuel per mission. 


Obviously the airframe wouldn't need that though.

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why would you get hit by missles when vauban has good cc.

Did you not read?                                                                                                                                      vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

Every frame can benefit from this mod equally. (Because, again, ninjas can fly); I have been hit by 3 Ogris missiles in mid-air dragon kick whilst using a Rank 8 Vauban.

Or are you joking?                                                                                                                                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

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Anyway, 20% reduced damage won't help at all.

The 2 only things that can kill us are Napalms because 1 shot do enough damage to kill us 10 times, and bleed/weapons which bypass shields and kill us in 1 second.

So with this mod, we will have to jump like rabbits, and napalms will kill us 8 times per shot, and we will be able to survive 1,2 seconds when high enemy bypass our shields.
\o /

Pure uselessness.

(i'm not even mentioning the fact that we already haven't enough space to equip important mods, so this one won't even be worth equiping. If it provided invincibility in air, i could consider, but the present mod is just making me laugh.)

Edited by Yaer
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 Are people still complaining about Valkyr having Ripline? 


I am -- we were all supposed to get one!

Anyway, I dunno about y'all, but I'm definitely excited for "Jump into the missile!" to become my new reflex.

(someone's going to point out that 'jump away from the missile' is exactly as legitimate a strategy.  you, sir or madam, are no fun.)

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Firstly, please don't quote out of context. Nobody's hating on 'fun and unique things' here. Nobody's complaining about bird frame being able to fly.


And I agree with you. You don't need to justify a bird frame being able to fly. But that said, it means that the lack of 'good cover' isn't enough justification to have the 'airborne' mod either. You have just proven that the new mod is not really intended as a 'bandaid' because not having cover isn't really an 'upcoming issue'. After all, not having 'good cover' in the air is part of the dynamics of flying which makes it 'fun and unique'. Thanks for that!  :)


Which leads me back to my original question: balance. Since the mod is not a 'bandaid', it's a buff. So how come there's a mod that's specifically tailored to benefit a single (at least, based on the info we have) frame more than the rest? I'm just putting this question in the air and throwing caution to the wind (pun intended) because the game doesn't seem to be heading in the right direction. Do we really need more unbalanced stuff out the gate when we already have so many things that are begging for re-balancing?


Did you honestly expect me to keep the entire quote when only a portion of it was a reply to my post? Are you new?


My point is that you don't NEED justification for either. DE is well known for their bandaids, this mod might be one of them. And if this frame takes after birds in more ways than flight, we're looking at the another squishy frame. A frame with no cover, and low shields/health is going to get shot down. This mod helps fix that issue... sort of. How did I prove it wasn't a bandaid? Are you imagining things? Pressing X for 'kill me now' is not something that people find fun and unique. See Valkyr's paralysis move, prior to thinking about using it while in hysteria people absolutely hated it. The same goes for old Overload, the floating in the air thing REALLY made people angry because enemies would shoot and kill you.


It is clearly a bandaid. Other frames will benefit from this mod too if they start bunny hopping or adding the front flip to their sprint-slide-sprint-repeat rotation of movements. One frame benefiting more from a mod than others just happens sometimes. Loki greatly benefits from Overextend, most other frames (can't think of another at this point) would have to deal with the powerloss. I'd go so far as to say a possibly squishy frame having an ability that thrusts it into the air (making it an easier target AND decreasing its access to cover) is what is unbalanced. How is anyone supposed to enjoy their ability if they know the second they use it they're basically putting their head on the chopping block. I do, however, think that this mod's affect should (if it isn't already) just become an innate effect of the (speculated) flight/levitation ability. This mod should then either disappear, or function as a boost for that ability that other players can also benefit from (but to a lesser degree).


OR, DE could just turn this mod into an aura.


Edit: Also forgot to mention that you (your frame obviously) can remain airborne for a very long time if you properly utilize wallrunning and jumping. 

Edited by SquirmyBurrito
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So, will the new mod activate after being air born for a certain amount of time or does simply jumping activate it?


If just jumping up and down is enough to activate it, I have a feeling that Night Elf players from WoW are going to adore this mod. Just imagine entering a game where everyone is constantly jumping up and down in combat to reduce damage taken.

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So, will the new mod activate after being air born for a certain amount of time or does simply jumping activate it?


If just jumping up and down is enough to activate it, I have a feeling that Night Elf players from WoW are going to adore this mod. Just imagine entering a game where everyone is constantly jumping up and down in combat to reduce damage taken.


I have no idea, I don't even know how to figure out if it is working. I slapped it on my Excal and did a few super jumps, couldn't see anything amazing happening. 

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Did you not read?                                                                                                                                      vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

Or are you joking?                                                                                                                                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


so everyone could use this mod if they are bad?

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maybe we get ships.



I know this is mostly posted for humor, but that wouldn't be too bad at all (compared to the biased mod, at least). If we get ships, everyone benefits from the mod - meaning it's balanced. Fat chance that's gonna happen though



Eh it was much less humour and more hopeful optimism about something that will probably never happen. :P


I think it would be interesting to have some sort of flight based missions either in ships, jetpacks or even just an environment where gravity is severely reduced and frames end up "flying" through missions.


As far as the mod itself being unbalanced due to a hypothesis about the next frame, I'll agree that assuming the next frame will fly does makes that mod seem unbalanced. However until I see that only the new frame can fly and there is no other use for the mod except for when either you or a team mate (in case the flying were to be a group buff) is wearing the new frame, I'm going to hope for the best. Namely I'll be hoping for a new movement type that all my frames can use, even if it's only mission specific.


ps. sorry if any sentences are hard to read, kinda late here and I should probably be sleeping instead of posting.

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