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This Is Why I Don't Like This Update.


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Forever gimped.

I only have ONE of these cards maxed out and I had to sacrifice my abilities to even equip others. So now what's the point of continuing to max out my cards if I cant use them? There is none. 2 days of playing and I now realize that what I feared would happen, has actually happened.

ECf8Q2s.jpgThere's no end game! There's no continuing to improve your warframe far after you hit lvl 30. DE, you have seriously crippled the replayability of your game. THIS IS BAD.

Edited by Soulie
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dude you see those red your on the mods ? ur doing the wrong stuff they are using more space then they realy need cuz of the polarity you have too see the "draws" that are polarity if you put the right one will decrease by half and if you put the wrong one will increase

may i sugest you to put the vitality in the fast deflection location and quick rest on steel fiber?

Edited by Hawkeifun
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dude you see those red your on the mods ? ur doing the wrong stuff they are using more space then they realy need cuz of the polarity you have too see the "draws" that are polarity if you put the right one will decrease by half and if you put the wrong one will increase

may i sugest you to put the vitality in the fast deflection location and quick rest on steel fiber?

Even if I did that, i'd still have an open slot and nothing to put in it. You fail to see my point. I was just using this as an example on how 60 points is not enough. My point is only 1 card is maxed out and I have it in the right polarity slot. So aside from that, everything else I have is about half power. There's no point in fusing cards to max level, because you'll only be able to use 1 or 2 of them. It's no good.


It's a difference of only a few points.

Edited by Soulie
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and i thought people feared/complained about the lack of customization/choices on u7 mods.

simple, you aren't gimped, you just can't max all of them, choose some.

mods at max level gives high amount of numbers, maxing them means you're basically 'specializing' into it.

can't be all uber demigod with max everything.

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and i thought people feared/complained about the lack of customization/choices on u7 mods.

simple, you aren't gimped, you just can't max all of them, choose some.

mods at max level gives high amount of numbers, maxing them means you're basically 'specializing' into it.

can't be all uber demigod with max everything.

If my only option is to just pick and choose a few mods, then there's no reason for me to keep playing. I can't continue to improve my warframe, so there is no end game as far as I'm concerned. No reason to farm mods if you can't even slot them. That's what I'm saying.

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I wan't to play my favorite warframe and put my favorite mods in him and play how I want to. I don't want to be funneled into specializing in shields or whatever. That's not fun to me. It's way too restricted. I was fine with them removing stacking, but this is too much.

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I think it's a simple balance measure to prevent warframes being OP.

Becoming OP is the only end game they had. Now people will reach this ceiling in maybe a month, then stop playing, because they can't continue to gain power.

Tell me I'm wrong.

Edited by Soulie
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The constructive criticism is good, the whining is not.

Give good feedback so they know what it is that people are not liking and give them ideas on how you would like it fixed, this is still beta and the new mod system is now in its early trial days, you can't expect them to get it perfect right away.

It is going to take a little or maybe even a lot of trial and error on both our part and the devs to figure out how well this new system is going to work, give it time and give them constructive feedback to help shape the game in to something you will continue to love.

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The mods are much more poweful than the old ones, so gimped it probably not the right term.

However once you've upgraded a card you can't downgrade it anymore as far as I can tell so when leveling equipment and warframes you always have to keep an eye on the card cost and your budget. Otherwise you might end up with a card that costs a single point to much resulting in you not being able to use it at all. Also using a rare mod you have upgraded for a highlevel warframe becomes useless for you if you want to start playing a new warframe.

My suggestion to improve this would be to ad a +/- button to the cards, so you can properly finetune your equipment and there never is a downside to upgrading.

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The mods are much more poweful than the old ones, so gimped it probably not the right term.

However once you've upgraded a card you can't downgrade it anymore as far as I can tell so when leveling equipment and warframes you always have to keep an eye on the card cost and your budget. Otherwise you might end up with a card that costs a single point to much resulting in you not being able to use it at all. Also using a rare mod you have upgraded for a highlevel warframe becomes useless for you if you want to start playing a new warframe.

My suggestion to improve this would be to ad a +/- button to the cards, so you can properly finetune your equipment and there never is a downside to upgrading.

You "can" downgrade by fusing mods of an opposing polarity. Will anyone do that? I highly doubt it.

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So is your complaint that the new system is less customizable than the old?

So with the old system warframes had between 8-12 accessable mod slots (some had 14 but youd never get them all nomatter how you tried) and then the rest of the tree was irrelevant choices because ultimately it was all about getting the mod slots.

Compaired to the new system which gives 6-10 mod slots (one could argue powers werent part of the old mod system so shouldnt be in this one). Each of these slots allowing for 3-10 upgrades based on the mod, with the only limitation being restricted by power rather than a tree.

So with the original system I had say 10 choices some of which not being choices at all as certain warframes dictated how they should be modded for examble rhino and frost gaining the greatest benefit from armor mods compaired to ember and other light frames in which armor mods were a very poor choice. Certain frames also benefited more from certain powers mods like wanting more range, power max, efficiency all of which were pretty obvious and ultimately fairly cookie cutter in the long run.

With the new system say I take 3/4 of my powers giving me 7 mod slots plus the ability to decide how strong I want each slot to end up being allowing for alot more precice customization than the original system.

As well having a fairly restricted and more predictable mod system will allow DE to balance the game ALOT better than the old system.

Now what I can agree with is the old system was all about farming high level content in order to get the best mods while the new system is all about farming high credit alert missions and levels with lots of potential credit drops as mods have become less than necessary once you have 1 of each for the frame your working on. At that point all your doing is farming the credits to pay for the fusions.

I can see how the new system takes less time to max out but I do appreciate the reduction in grinding the same level forever. The only people I expect to see complaining about the changes are those who spend all day power leveling everything and those who buy everything they can with there platinum. Sorry to say but the majority of people arent going to fast track everything and will actually take some time to max everything in the game and content should never be balanced towards those with more money or more time.

BTW this is beta, I fully expect DE is working on content that will allow the more hardcore players a descent time sink.

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Then here's a few suggestions:

Give each warframe a bonus 30 power points upon reaching level 30.

Reduce power cost of cards at higher levels.

Make the 4 outer card slots Universal and not just for abilities.

Edited by Soulie
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Then here a few suggestions:

Give each warframe a bonus 30 power points upon reaching level 30.

Reduce power cost of cards at higher levels.

Make the 4 outer card slots Universal and not just for abilities.

This. Becasue if I'm running infection I don't want to waste precious power on the overload and shock mods. -_-

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Then here's a few suggestions:

Give each warframe a bonus 30 power points upon reaching level 30.

Reduce power cost of cards at higher levels.

Make the 4 outer card slots Universal and not just for abilities.

how about added a total of 60 energy when supercharging? , making orokin reactors/catalyst more valuable? :3

still same result, with bonus 30 power points as Soulie recommends? :3

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How about allowin for 2nd and 3rd potato = Orokin Reactor?

Maxing a frame to 30 only give you a mod capacity of 30. Drop a reactor in and you double that. Well in truth you can double it before you get to 30--just insert reactor at any level.

My point is... If we could put in additional reactors and they continue creating mod cards and new content over time, the problem is solved. This is a free2play game. They will be kicking out new content for a long time to come. Expanding level caps or creating new areas for higher level players will probably be part of that.

Edited by RawGritz
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On the subject of having more than 60 mod points, i kinda disagree. Putting shields up to a 400% boost (a.k.a. 500 shields for a frame with 100 base shields) or putting health up to a 300% boost (400 health for frame with 100 base health) requires only 14 and 7 energy respectively. I would say every frame should have one mod slot with the D polarity (polarity of health/shields mod) as currently it has none and health/energy is kinda a big friggin' deal for warframe progression, but even putting the two in non-polarity slots would only take 21 energy, which is about one third of the total available. That's 500 shields and 400 health for 21/60 mod energy (unless you're Loki in which case you're screwed eitherways). That still leaves 39 mod energy for you to use. I suppose the real problem you're experiencing is not that you don't have enough mod energy, but that you don't have enough non-polarised slots, with abilities taking away 4 of 10 already and thus vastly limiting you to what mods you can actually equip.

As for solutions, I propose 2:

1. Having at least one D polarised slot for health/shields, and make two of the ability-polarised slots into non-polarised slots.

2. Adding a +/- function to mod level. For example, fusing a mod to level 5 would permanently unlock level 5 for that card, but you can freely press a +/- button to decrease/increase the level and thus the mod energy cost. This way players can move mods around with A LOT more flexibility, and not have to worry about wasting a mod just because they accidentally leveled up one too many times and having to refarm the card from scratch.

As for your "endgame" criticism, I have to disagree that endgame is only about making your warframe increasingly OP. In my opinion, endgame should be more like having increasingly difficult challenges for maxed players to spend time on. For example, currently Pluto is considered the endgame, as mobs there have, like, level 50 or something. A good endgame would be adding more, even harder planets after Pluto for maxed players to challenge, which gives the hardcore veterans something to do without screwing up the difficulty for new players, and of course the endgame is entirely optional. Raid bosses could be added, super powerful bosses that would take 4 maxed players and a lot of skill to beat. Of course the bosses also have to be balanced so it takes more skill than luck and blunt stats to fight them but that's a different story. And these bosses could drop maybe SUPER mods which are like the normal mods but have a higher base stat increase but with the same mod energy cost as a normal mod. For example a super vitality mod would start off with a 150% health increase while the normal vitality gives 50%, but both only have a 2 mod energy cost. Or they could drop super weapon's blueprints, weapons that are only acquirable from these raid bosses and are allround slightly better than normal weapons, in-game example the Cronus is already an allround better sword than Skana, an endgame boss could drop something like that. This gives veterans more things to upgrade to help them face future even harder endgame levels, and also prevents new players from getting them and suddenly breezing through all the early levels and skipping to endgame.

Of course, that kind of endgame is only possible with really hardworking devs, in a mostly finished game. Whether it can be done for Warframe? No comment right now.

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