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January 31St: Community Hot Topics!


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I have a question about survival: The oxygen doesn't last long at all, its almost half the percentage of when before i filled up even before the next one has arrived D: (e.g i'd be at 60% and just filled up, 30 secs later its on 30% and the next on hasn't arrived so by 20% lotus says "Oxygen incoming" and by the time it actually arrives we're either out of Oxygen or 1 or 2% and its made survival missions a living hell specially the Orkin Direlic survival mission) i'm not sure if this is suppose to be like this but i just want some closure on this and if in-fact it's meant to be like this can oxygen packages be more constant or the enemies spawn rates higher. Thanks :)    

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Thanks for the info Megan.



Food for Thought... Just because a group is louder and more vocal than others, does not necessarily make them right. 


As far as Valkyr is concerned, Run Hysteria, Vitality, Rage, Narrowminded, Continuity, Constitution, Steamline, and Flow. Good Game, Near Perma-invincibility.


No Valkyr will never be Nova. She doesn't need to be and has plenty of utility just the way she is. Long Survival Run (1+ hrs)? Nice having a frame that can pop that air without being peeled like a grape. Perhaps she is the only frame that can save your downed Tenno friend when he has 5 Toxic Ancients standing on him and others can't even get close. The point is to use the frame in a framework that best suits it's abilities. You will find that the heavily played frames are that way because of what they bring to the table combined with weapons. For that matter try using Ripline to get to a strategic spot and then just rain Penta shells on all your foes. What taking too much dmg? Pop your hysteria and switch to a new spot and repeat.


What about damage drop-off? All frames experience this and besides it might take a little longer to kill something... but you are invincible so who cares.

You sir deserve a medal!

Every one can speak their mind in the end all of us just a player. For your valk build i liked that but how many of those mods can new players obtain? But we don't care right? if they want it then buy platinum and trade those mods with players DE need money after all! My second frame but i don't care see!Not to mention after 2 months of play still lackin3-4 mods up there!

Yeah see can't be nova in the end Nova is a AoE damage frame and what a melee frame do about AoE. Lets look her glorius utilities she have. 


 -"Long Survival Run (1+ hrs)? Nice having a frame that can pop that air without being peeled like a grape. Perhaps she is the only frame that can save your downed Tenno friend when he has 5 Toxic Ancients standing on him and others can't even get close."

Yep best tank AND best support in the game


-For that matter try using Ripline to get to a strategic spot and then just rain Penta shells on all your foes. What taking too much dmg? Pop your hysteria and switch to a new spot and repeat.

Not to mention the most tactical frame, vauban is for noobs...


-What about damage drop-off? All frames experience this and besides it might take a little longer to kill something... but you are invincible so who cares.

last thing is you have to do nothing at all, Yes alt+tab and look facebook or go to kitchen and make sandwich, game plays itself What can a man ask more? And you can do all of this magnificent things under the name of BERSERKER. Life is a little bit sarcastic. 


I think you did not read my entire post. The point is to find utility for the frame based on the frames abilities. If I run up to a level 50 boss mob on frost and spam avalanche I'm going to have the same problem Valkyr has with hysteria. There's a chance it's not the frame, but how you play it.

Frost is a fricking defense frame forget about saryn and selfish rhino, frost is the real defense frame and a Large AoE skill never meant to be 1 hit KO a boss but a ult changes your stance and forces you to attack 1 enemy at a time needs heavy damage.

Edited by Arktalos
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