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The Mind Set Of A "corridor Hero"


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I know exactly how EXP share works I also have tested te ranges and it is well over 60 metres in game probably more.


This is is why you keep one guy at the pod at all times to stop this.


I am beginning to think that allot of most of the reply people didn't even read the OP

Why don't you be that guy on the pod then?


Pod duty sucks. Lets be real, it sucks grineer rollers. It's a lame thing to have to do because you don't get to DO ANYTHING. And at the end of a wave you have to go around and try to collect loot before the next wave and you have to get back to the pod before the next wave. 


And if there's one thing I hate more than corridor heroes its AFK'ers. Especially if I'm the AFK. 

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This topic again. Heh.


Hallway Heroes are a blight, because they break up affinity and spread the loot out. Period, end of story. How could it be improved?


1.) Remove the range limitation of group affinity. It's not keeping people together, it is punishing people for not being able to measure a distance DE is not displaying. If there were distance indicators next to party member names, telling you if you are or are not in range, it would be easier, but it is not. So, since this isn't helping anyway, just remove it. It's anachronistic anyway.


2.) Shared loot. We already have shared credits, why can't we have shared resources, shared mods (they are the same anyway), too? Many contemporary games already do that, because it makes group play more user-friendly. Just leave health and energy out of it, and we're good. There is no reason to (again) punish people because someone killed a mook 150m away in a corner and he dropped an Orkie Cell no one else is getting.


I would soul punch you, and melt you with an embolist faster than you can start screaming incoherently.


I laughed really hard, thanks for brightening my day.


A true warrior speaks with their fist!


Actually, a true warrior of almost any martial arts, weapon class and proficiency speaks with his words and reserves actions for when it is necessary, because mastering a weapon comes with learning when to use it.

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An addage that applies to many games, but here it has added significance.  Door heroes are nothing more than selfish scumbags who are beneath my contempt.


Every ED I'll warn them to ptfo (they are easy to spot in regular play), if the objective, be it a pod or a console, starts taking damage, ill defend it once, then no more.  I refuse to do the real work while some kill/loot @#&*( is off derping about.

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People who have grew up alone and without a single friend won't understand why being a doorway hero is wrong and will try to explain why it's the best this to do because they are so locked in their opinion.

Just go to xini, the motherland of all corridor heroes, find a corridor superhero, go help him to defend his lands and get the pod destroyed in the first wave. Saw it happen countless of times (because when I see a corridor hero I simply don't protect the pod to teach him a lesson).

There is only one solution to this problem, and it does not involve any xp limitations:

In order to play the game, all corridor heroes must buy a usb powered-spring loaded-boxing glove with a face detection camera that will only allow them to play if the glove is pointed at their face. All the other members of the squad would have the ability to activate this boxing glove and punch the hero in the face if he's too far away from the team. Problem solved.

Edited by DMan128
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i guess im guilty of being a door hero but screw most of you who complain. i have certain choke points that benefits everyone. in kappa i camp the first door with my decoy holding it open. i dont hold the second door open cuz its way too far. i know its not 50 meters away from the defense point either because my friends always tell me how much they level up.


in void i set a decoy under the stairs and disarm enemies so that they just stand there on top of the stairs and its RIGHT in front of the defense point. its like shooting a fish in a barrel.


for survivals i like staying close to a life support until its time to use one and for endless defense i'll stay back, watching the pod, and use radial disarm. that way when they reach the pod i can just shoot em. works great with anything that has punch through. i actually have been using the akmagnus a lot cuz the crits are sweet.


people never complain when i do this either :T my only beef is when theres a damn oberon, rhino, or nova running out and spamming their ult. this is why i usually only play with friends or solo these.

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This topic again. Heh.


Hallway Heroes are a blight, because they break up affinity and spread the loot out. Period, end of story. How could it be improved?


1.) Remove the range limitation of group affinity. It's not keeping people together, it is punishing people for not being able to measure a distance DE is not displaying. If there were distance indicators next to party member names, telling you if you are or are not in range, it would be easier, but it is not. So, since this isn't helping anyway, just remove it. It's anachronistic anyway.


2.) Shared loot. We already have shared credits, why can't we have shared resources, shared mods (they are the same anyway), too? Many contemporary games already do that, because it makes group play more user-friendly. Just leave health and energy out of it, and we're good. There is no reason to (again) punish people because someone killed a mook 150m away in a corner and he dropped an Orkie Cell no one else is getting.



I laughed really hard, thanks for brightening my day.



Actually, a true warrior of almost any martial arts, weapon class and proficiency speaks with his words and reserves actions for when it is necessary, because mastering a weapon comes with learning when to use it.

exactly! i have posted this also before. current sharing mechanics is more of a reason for this conflict then actually losing missions because of destroyed objective. obviously door/hallway hero and running around blowing stuff up is fun and ppl should not be punished for having fun in the game. just make xp range same as trin blessing and share loot at match end. problem solved everyone can have fun

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i guess im guilty of being a door hero but screw most of you who complain. i have certain choke points that benefits everyone. in kappa i camp the first door with my decoy holding it open. i dont hold the second door open cuz its way too far. i know its not 50 meters away from the defense point either because my friends always tell me how much they level up.


in void i set a decoy under the stairs and disarm enemies so that they just stand there on top of the stairs and its RIGHT in front of the defense point. its like shooting a fish in a barrel.


for survivals i like staying close to a life support until its time to use one and for endless defense i'll stay back, watching the pod, and use radial disarm. that way when they reach the pod i can just shoot em. works great with anything that has punch through. i actually have been using the akmagnus a lot cuz the crits are sweet.


people never complain when i do this either :T my only beef is when theres a damn oberon, rhino, or nova running out and spamming their ult. this is why i usually only play with friends or solo these.

that is not actually the behaviour people are complaining about. i hate to break it to you but if you stay in the same room as your team you are not a real door/hallway hero :p

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even if xp gain reached across the whole map... no one likes this craptastic so called style of play in a coop game. if you wanna play single player, then play your own missions and door hero all you want. but when you sign on as online, there are basic expectations to be met, like play as a group in a group mission... or we all let the pod die while you rage


up to you

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even if xp gain reached across the whole map... no one likes this craptastic so called style of play in a coop game. if you wanna play single player, then play your own missions and door hero all you want. but when you sign on as online, there are basic expectations to be met, like play as a group in a group mission... or we all let the pod die while you rage


up to you


I for one really don't care where the other players are if I take no loss from it. I'll play the objective. If they want to sit in a hallway, so be it.

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I for one really don't care where the other players are if I take no loss from it. I'll play the objective. If they want to sit in a hallway, so be it.


of course you wouldnt. just makes everyone who isnt door heroing a pod afker. hence why xp doesnt reach across the map.

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Well I cannot decide whether this thread was a success or not. I made it to try and show people that this tactic is very viable but oh well I guess some people are just ignorant.


This tactic is viable with clan members who are used to it. If you're going to try that with randoms it will not work.


Nobody wants to be the guy who is going to be sitting by the pod/terminal doing nothing while everyone else is having fun. If you want to be that guy then great, it's your choice. The problem here is that people who use this tactic don't understand how it ruins other people's fun. If you're the one killing all the enemies, then it means someone else is not doing anything. Not doing anything is not fun.


That's why it doesn't work with randoms. The numerous posts in this thread are evidence of that. You can call others ignorant if you want but you can't deny the fact that the people here are the same people playing out there. So you can't really call the strategy "viable" if your own team members don't support it. It doesn't really matter how smart a team strategy is if your the only one following it. And if you're the only one following it then it stops being a viable team strategy.

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You know what I do to selfish corridor heroes. I let the objective die and I refuse to defend it. I'm more willing to let the objective die and fail the mission if it means I can screw over some corridor heroes. The pleasure I get when we fail because of their selfish playstyle. I have never taken someone jumping on my toes well and I sure heck have always been a pain in the &#! for them I deem as my enemy, selfish door heroes included.

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They are door heroing in T3 def ? are you serious ? lol

Yes, not at first actually. After each wave, they'll come back at the pod. When the new wave comes, they slowly fight all the way to the revolving door and just kill around it.

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I usually go on a patrol route around the objective, moving to where we're lacking firepower to stop the enemy from reaching the pod. That is, a patrol route in a 10-30m radius of the pod so kills done still counts for the people who are nearer. Most of the time that I head outside of that range is to make a loot sweep or help an ally up. Otherwise, I stay mobile around the objective.


The 'corridor heroes' though would be a viable tactic if all affinity gain were made regarless of range. However, it is not the case and thus, unless they're at a choke point very near the objective, they'll usually be well out of range. Also, loot will be spread all over the place which is bad both for them and the rest of the team given loot from other allies will be well out of their range as well.

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