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Update 12: The Good, The Bad And The Ugly


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Dear Various Dev's and people who may or may not read this,

I'll start by saying Thanks to all the DE peoples  for doing a great damn job on producing and shipping another update, however i personally feel it could have spent another week or or 2 in development it feels kinda hollow for some reason although there's a lot to it. Not sure whats missing so i'll address what is in it currently.
Post written as of 12.0.1

Also incoming wall of text ; Read at own risk.

The Good:(and some criticism)

-New tech room more cool clan weapons and awesomeness ( More things to make teh noobs jelly when i pub kiliken YAY)

- New mission type is cool. although i detest the conclave in every way possible i can see this going in there as a thing.

- New UI is F**KING AWESOME. and the new portraits truly add to production value of the game when i can see the lotus or Darvo or other misc people/things/sentient or semi-sentient robots talking to me.

- All the new gear looks freaking great Clap for the art team this is a step in the right direction weapon design wise and speaking on weapon design....

 -Phage: tentacle laser shotgun = Winning >:D

- Oryx helm......Oberon hath become one with Baphomet :D Ironic how the "Paladin" frame has the most Satanic symbolism i bet Mynki is pleased with himself.

-Earth. the whole thing except Everest. more on this later

 -Buffs good but imo could be more on some weapons but testing will see more with testing
 the only one i think needs more buffing DMG wise is Paris Prime. My snipetron vandal still out damages it 

-Darvo mission lore :This is what we the people of warframe want from you DE  i got more lore and pleasure out of this than any other thing ever except a few particulary intrestion codex entries... also The new speaking roles UI thing made it 200 times better. and something Darvo said made me think of the Stalker Codex Entry and X-files theme song started playing in my head 4 times as loud as it usually dose when i'm trying to decipher the puzzling &#! lore Warframe has.
I hope one of you has this written down some where and you don't just make stuff up in hopes to M. Night Shyamalan your way to story victory. And yes i used M. Night Shyamalan as a verb 

-No new primes ,no new dilution  , no new problems ,  for now ......yay .....also Table fixes are awesome A+ job but if only they worked..........

- Valkyr armor. With steel fiber on IT"S OVER NINE......HUNDRED......not as exciting X>9000 but it makes a squishy bad &#! frame less squishy and i like it.

-Zephyr  is prettyyyyyyyyyyyy Me likey birdy frame ,Me likey birdy frame  . it's perhaps, not a base visual design , but but details wise the best looking frame by far and it looks like it's already wearing an immortal skin with the mad amount of detail on it. Good job again and like with the Valkyr a very unique power set.  Grats on the bad assery Scott and Steve and who ever else helped with the power list although i'd like the aura to rag doll melee's because god mode 

-The hilarity of how bad my old clan hall rooms look compared to my shiny elevator which was cosmetically updated. can you do a full room conversion pass please? But maybe shrink the reactors the amount of room they take up is too damn high

The Bad:

- UI scaling, I realize the current ui set up still needs work but all the scaling needs adjusted badly i can't even see if the pod is taking hits or if i'm low on air in survial. also the energy indicator is too small but i damn well know how much health and ammo i have but unlike most modern fps games those things aren't the most important. 

-How difficult the new hyena(s) are. scale em down a bit. it's like the new Vor all over again cept. twice as frustrating and half as rewarding.

-Earth: Vay hek is still on a ship,are we going to have to wait for finished new vay hek before he descends to the planet below. i was hoping to get a sneak peek at his arena but i guess not

-New clan tech plat obtainable? this is the same issue i had when you could buy the Miter with plat . i find it takes away the point of the me putting in the effort to even try and research that stuff. Why add a shortcut to stuff you hadn't had a shortcut to before. i understand Zephyr being plat purchasable but why all the other stuff? Personally i would had all the weapons in the U:12 Bundle for plat but otherwise exclusive to the dojo. But i'm not a game dev. or some one who has a deep knowledge of how the FTP game market works. So what ever.

-My one complaint about the Darvo mission was that you could let him out of his cell before the hyena's were dead. they insta-gibbed him. i was mad .

The Ugly:

-Zephyr costs versus amount of Oxium obtainable since event started. Yes i realize some people got like 4k but most people who kinda farmed got maybe 120-150 and most of my clan mates weren't going to play until U:12 .... :/ in fact only 6 of the 24 played and 3 of those didn't finish the event and you did tune it down on the parts but not the over all research for Zephyr still 1500 for shadow clans. oh well it's always been wait and see on the clan tech numbers

-Voids :lots of no reward bugs reported still no word from you guys on that....... i was excited i could finally get the last parts of quite a few prime weapons and then nothing. i got some more fusion cores though i kinda need those so i'm not all the way mad

-Hyena spawns broken as hell: with the exception of Darvo's alert( <3 ) in my 4 tries at the new hyena's i've only ever had two of them spawn and the others were super ninja like forcing me to quit the matches after dying in very violent ways to the fire and magnetic ones 

- Steel charge: higher tiered ones get more aura points lol wut? i call haxorz i'm confused as to why you added more levels to it and not just re-balance the numbers with them same upgrade scale

-The Crying game:This one is not for the Devs (mostly)
Dear frost fan boys(girls) , 
you sound like the rhino and Vauban fans before you. Stop being Butthurt nothing is carved in stone snow globe wise.

although it'd be better for it to stay numerical based i'd like to see the numbers raised a bit.
They buffed every other aspect of the frost powers and ya'll are still upset when there was clearly on the dev's side of things, a compromise. 

With much malice for your childish whining(except the like 3 of you who didn't cry or flame about it , you guys are cool ILY) 
P.s. test it out , see if it's good, if not provide constructive criticism . Don't look at the patch notes and complain the frame is ruined and you're quitting the game. That's silly m'kay. This game currently is a beta in 6 months time every thing you know about a particular Warframe could be different just chill out.

P.s.s. Letter-ception 

Overall the update was great but like with all things Warframe there is a few underling problems.I feel as if the update cycle could of gone a little longer for some things to be tested fixed and otherwise tweaked, but i also understand that you guys are under scrutiny from investors and your bosses and such and are on deadlines and schedules for updates.
I like U:12 And i'm looking forward to more lore stuffs and news on Stabbing cutting bludgeoning and eviscerating thine foes in new and creative ways 2.0 (AKA Melee 2.0) and Vay Hek: Ultimate bio-mech of doom and stuff.
Hoping to see another hotfix before prime-time stream tomorrow with some much need fixes. 

TL:DR?: TOO BAD, READ OR GTFO. or leave in a quite manner 'cause your lazy.

With much Love and hope for an even better Warframe


Also I apologize for my terri-bad grammar. It's bad, I know. Don't worry grammar and spelling nazi's i'm fully aware that i can no do teh engrish. I've done my best to comb over it a few time but it's almost 6 a.m.and i need to go to bed.

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A decent criticism post for once with a person trying not to pull rank.




UI scaling and new stuff behind a clan wall is my only concerns at the moment.

Also, let me replace those dots under the crosshair with the energy bar.

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No new prime frames/weapons kinda disappointed me though. 


I do hope to see more of these special missions, they are fun >:D


As for the new UI, I do love it, but during the Darvo mission, I couldn't see the full text (the sides were too far out of the screen), hope it gets scaled properly soon!

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A decent criticism post for once with a person trying not to pull rank.




UI scaling and new stuff behind a clan wall is my only concerns at the moment.

Also, let me replace those dots under the crosshair with the energy bar.

i think the reason they didnt do the energy/stamina on the reticule is because it would block too much of your view of that part of the screen.


im sorry, i didnt read the post. will do so when awake later

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Clan weapons were ALWAYS offered with plat. It was just a bit convoluted to get them that way before - you had to buy mats and rush build of your own dojo.


Limiter on those was not the time or resources but your mastery rank.

Edited by Luckyo
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Honestly, I'd move the new UI firmly into the "Ugly" section. I can see the upside for console players to have the extra information, but PC players have 1, 2, 3, and 4, so they definitely don't need the "select a power" dots under the crosshair. They also don't need ridiculously oversized numbers bumping against their comparatively miniscule bars. The gigantic "LEVEL UP" display covering the top half of the screen every time you get one is the most immersion-breaking thing I've seen in Warframe thus far, and I feel it's a MASSIVE misstep by the design team on the UI. In fact, I'd say the whole idea of pushing this minimalist style in place of a simple, consolidated UI with a background behind each set of information for improved readability is the biggest problem with Update 12.

Edited by Ashsflames
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Its a plat users update.  They can buy any of the new toys. Only new thing i can do is the interception mission, and its extremly bored. Don´t like the new UI, can´t play new toys in 3-9 days, lost a frame (frost i´ll miss you), and Void reward are horrible after the update.


11.9 Update was better for me, at least i can enjoy AKmagnus.

Edited by Superkoco
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Quite a scummy thread. But whatever.


You want constructive opinions on Frost's snowglobe nerfs?


T3 Wave 15 Outer Terminus:

Snowglobe: Maxed Focus, Maxed Streamline, Maxed Continuity, Near to Max Blind Rage.

Snowglobe HP: Approximately 4,2k HP. Level 4.

Average survival of snowglobe: 5.7 seconds. 

Average derived from 23 castings, cast when first enemy is sighted and firing at pod.






This is my data today. As you can see, Snowglobe has been badly nerfed and his other skills aren't really improved. Freeze remains a single target ability, Ice wave is still unyieldy due to minimal Aoe, deals insignificant amounts of damage at higher levels.


Frost remains the SLOWEST frame.


Description of Frost describes him as a defensive warframe, I hardly see anything that can be used to describe him as defensive anymore. 


If DE wants to do something about this, they can simply revert Snowglobe to the way it was. This, what they done, is not improving the variety in ways Frost was played ---This is simply making players not play Frost at all. 



Also, fugly ui.

Edited by Celseus
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The problem with Void isn't "no reward".


Here's a rundown of what's happened:

A certain person previously said they'd reorganize the Void drop tables to make them "less diluted" and something that players can work towards.

That person reorganizes the Void drop tables.

Same person for some reason gets a stroke of mental devolution and adds normal/uncommon/rare fusions cores, credit caches and tower keys(what) to the tower drop tables, thous further diluting the drop tables even more than what it was before. 


So there's your problem. People didn't get nothing, they wasted their tower keys and got n3 or u5 fusion cores as reward. n3 and u5 fusion cores already drops everywhere so people couldn't tell that they got that as an reward for completing their void tower mission.


- A redistribution of the void drop tables to help with its long term health and increase the odds of getting gear you want.

Remember people: long term health = you need to grind more for the stuff that you want.

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The new UI is complete crap.

It looks distracting, the energy bar and powers in the lower right is just plain wrong and the person who designed should be fired and/or shot for commiting such crimes against players.


I do not care about PS4 players at all, let them have a SEPARATE FROM PC UI.


The Shield and HP bars should be below each other.

SHIELD [     ]

HP [    ]

!!!!! ENERGY !!!!!! [        ]

STAMINA [     ]

Powers next to the Energy bar.


The moving ui elements while in motion is making me really angry and almost dizzy.


The new minimap is entirely horrible. The icons for it is really distracting, the minimap is dislodged and annoying with all the large icons.

Friendlies are green, not BLUE. ITEMS / CONTAINERS should be YELLOW with small icons and not GREY.


Extraction should have a different icon, the "is the objective above or below me" indication should be a lot bigger.

The Radial menu is the biggest sin possible for PC players. Give that to the PS4 and take it away from me.



I'm really tempted to just stop altogether, i do not like being dizzy because of moving flashy b*lls*ht. It's almost as bad as Vauban was when released, causing retina burn-ins and what not.


Zephyr's research costs are ridiculous. Moving the new weapon blueprints from the market to clantech is just a gigantic patch over the festering wound that is mistreated clantech. Buying clantech for plat is also a sin. It's either researched and available or not all. This is just a money grubbing ploy.


I'm full on mad about these things.

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Oh god! I haven't played with the new UI and enemy/loot radar on. It must just be a huge blob of fail!


I'd also forgotten about the radial menu. DE, I have an entire keyboard full of buttons I can use for commands. A radial menu on a PC is like someone taking your keyboard and throwing it out the window.

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Dear frost fan boys(girls) , 
you sound like the rhino and Vauban fans before you. Stop being Butthurt nothing is carved in stone snow globe wise.

although it'd be better for it to stay numerical based i'd like to see the numbers raised a bit.
They buffed every other aspect of the frost powers and ya'll are still upset when there was clearly on the dev's side of things, a compromise. 

With much malice for your childish whining(except the like 3 of you who didn't cry or flame about it , you guys are cool ILY) 
P.s. test it out , see if it's good, if not provide constructive criticism . Don't look at the patch notes and complain the frame is ruined and you're quitting the game. That's silly m'kay. This game currently is a beta in 6 months time every thing you know about a particular Warframe could be different just chill out.

P.s.s. Letter-ception


Carved in stone? Not everyone has the ability to buy plat every time a change like this happens so they can afford to keep room. But hey thats cool isnt it?


I'm basically being asked to part with my best mods to add a new frame slot. Sorry that doesn't work for me. So no. It's been tested the snow globe is acting exactly as predicted by the number crunchers and theory crafters at the places he's wanted most.


Frost and Frost Prime are nothing but trophy frames for those who have the money to collect all the frames without even playing the game now.

The minor changes to his offensive moves do nowhere near enough to change the fact his primary role has been DESTROYED by this change.


So yeah. I'm choosing between Nova or Zephyr now. There is no point to having a Frost when you have limited space.

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First login after update somehow made "C" into switch weapon, despite binding screen insisting "C" was still set for crouch.

Terrible GUI. Can't play the game anymore or I have to play with it turned off.

Pressing "Enter" to send chat messages while Arsenal screen is open acts as "select" button too. Joy.

Auto-whatever, fail-whatever. As expected.

Lots of little accumulated annoyances and dissatisfaction.

U12: We accidentally the all Warframe, congratulations!

I miss Warframe.


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The problem with Void isn't "no reward".


Here's a rundown of what's happened:

A certain person previously said they'd reorganize the Void drop tables to make them "less diluted" and something that players can work towards.

That person reorganizes the Void drop tables.

Same person for some reason gets a stroke of mental devolution and adds normal/uncommon/rare fusions cores, credit caches and tower keys(what) to the tower drop tables, thous further diluting the drop tables even more than what it was before. 


So there's your problem. People didn't get nothing, they wasted their tower keys and got n3 or u5 fusion cores as reward. n3 and u5 fusion cores already drops everywhere so people couldn't tell that they got that as an reward for completing their void tower mission.


Remember people: long term health = you need to grind more for the stuff that you want.


Remember people: long term health = you need to grind more for the stuff that you want. :D

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I did 3 t3 exterms with clan mates here are result screens.


Run 1: Broken, apprently we got fusion core.



Run 2: Fusion core



Run 3: worst insult, 4000 credit cache



This is the worst thing in U12. I can live with Frost being neutered cause I didn't use him that much but this is fu...pretty stupid.

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Dude its like you took the words right out of my mouth im soo with you and i hope that DE fixes the many bugs that this update has but once again good job DE this game is getting better and better every update. and on top of that im crashing alot !!i crashed 6 times in less than 5 mins and its not my PC's fault i have a new driver installed and its all good and my FPS is good and i didnt crash before this update so i hope that they will fix it soon :)

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