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Update 12: The Good, The Bad And The Ugly


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The HUD is garbage, so not a pro in any sense.  Actually, that's the one thing that bothers me about this update.  The rest I can deal with.  Being distracted by an ugly aesthetically out-of-place HUD shouldn't be an issue.  Just an option to go back to the old would be good enough for me.

Edited by FishNeedles
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Carved in stone? Not everyone has the ability to buy plat every time a change like this happens so they can afford to keep room. But hey thats cool isnt it?


I'm basically being asked to part with my best mods to add a new frame slot. Sorry that doesn't work for me. So no. It's been tested the snow globe is acting exactly as predicted by the number crunchers and theory crafters at the places he's wanted most.


Frost and Frost Prime are nothing but trophy frames for those who have the money to collect all the frames without even playing the game now.

The minor changes to his offensive moves do nowhere near enough to change the fact his primary role has been DESTROYED by this change.


So yeah. I'm choosing between Nova or Zephyr now. There is no point to having a Frost when you have limited space.

I agree, the "buff" to his other 3 abilities is a bad joke, since they become useless past a certain level, like with several other frames. Snowglobe as it is right now is a bit (and a BIG bit) under the curve honestly... I'm NOT quitting on my Frost though, NO WAY IN HELL. I'll just find another way to play him... Oh wait there's dps... YAY ANOTHER dps... See the irony? A slow, clearly described as a "tank" frame that doesn't tank... At least give him a skillset that matches the description please^^'. I don't want him to turn into yet another dps-caster frame. Too many of those already!

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-The Crying game:This one is not for the Devs (mostly)

Dear frost fan boys(girls) , 

you sound like the rhino and Vauban fans before you. Stop being Butthurt nothing is carved in stone snow globe wise.

although it'd be better for it to stay numerical based i'd like to see the numbers raised a bit.

They buffed every other aspect of the frost powers and ya'll are still upset when there was clearly on the dev's side of things, a compromise. 

With much malice for your childish whining(except the like 3 of you who didn't cry or flame about it , you guys are cool ILY) 


P.s. test it out , see if it's good, if not provide constructive criticism . Don't look at the patch notes and complain the frame is ruined and you're quitting the game. That's silly m'kay. This game currently is a beta in 6 months time every thing you know about a particular Warframe could be different just chill out.

P.s.s. Letter-ception 


Yes, yes, ALL of the fans of Frost are simply whining and totally not giving constructive criticism or suggestions on changes that actually help Frost like many have well before this nerf. Adding arbitrary damage numbers instead of improving on the existing CC and/or utility was a completely logical step in the right direction for this defense oriented frame.

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The new UI is complete crap.

It looks distracting, the energy bar and powers in the lower right is just plain wrong and the person who designed should be fired and/or shot for commiting such crimes against players.


I do not care about PS4 players at all, let them have a SEPARATE FROM PC UI.


The Shield and HP bars should be below each other.

SHIELD [     ]

HP [    ]

!!!!! ENERGY !!!!!! [        ]

STAMINA [     ]

Powers next to the Energy bar.


The moving ui elements while in motion is making me really angry and almost dizzy.


The new minimap is entirely horrible. The icons for it is really distracting, the minimap is dislodged and annoying with all the large icons.

Friendlies are green, not BLUE. ITEMS / CONTAINERS should be YELLOW with small icons and not GREY.


Extraction should have a different icon, the "is the objective above or below me" indication should be a lot bigger.

The Radial menu is the biggest sin possible for PC players. Give that to the PS4 and take it away from me.



I'm really tempted to just stop altogether, i do not like being dizzy because of moving flashy b*lls*ht. It's almost as bad as Vauban was when released, causing retina burn-ins and what not.


Zephyr's research costs are ridiculous. Moving the new weapon blueprints from the market to clantech is just a gigantic patch over the festering wound that is mistreated clantech. Buying clantech for plat is also a sin. It's either researched and available or not all. This is just a money grubbing ploy.


I'm full on mad about these things.


One thing to note is that you can turn off the movement in options.

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I always will say the same. 3 really good changes in Frost (because is a really good change i admit) dont justify the crap nerf in Snow Globe.
You are optimistic, that is good. But do not expect the same optimism in others.

The nerf in frost will be forever a shadow in this update.

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So far only thing I'm not liking is the new UI. It has potential but the old one was better imo. Some of it is way too small, like you said survival becomes a huge pain you can't check the oxygen levels out of the corner of your eye like before. That and the 4 ability dots below the reticle.. I hate that SO MUCH i have never scrolled through abilities and it just bothers me that I can't turn it off, its super distracting. I have yet to see how much oxium ill need to build anything solo so I'll see about that in a minute lol

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What I HATE and LOVE about the new patch. 1st I love that Lotus talks, I love the new stuff for the dojo, and I can't wait to use the new warframe, and weapons. The way point icons are ok, there's a lot tho that DID NOT NEED TO BE CHANGED. I HATE the fact that the map and lotus moves when you do. I HATE the way health, energy and your shield look now, they where fine the way they where! I HATE having to look up at the sealing in order to see what the numbers for my energy are. What was the point in changing that? Also I hate the fact that extraction is now what and yellow that blinks. That makes survival missions really annoying. What was so bad with leaving it red? Don't get me wrong there's a good amount of good with the bad in the new patch. Like I like that it shows when you level up your warframe that you are working on in the middle of the screen, I also like that, I also like that your personal missions are easyer to notice, and I like when you hit Z to see your team mates health its on the the right hand side close to your name. So not everything in the new UI is bad, just a good amount of it. Please put the extraction, how you see your name, energy, and shild bar back the way it was, make a option to make it so Lotus and your map don't shack and can you make a option to make the mini map bigger? IT IS TO SMALL NOW. Also one last thing can you guys also fix the mission stuff like not the personal missions but like exterminate. Those are way to small to see, and will make your eyes go bad really fast.

Edited by Neverhoodx
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I agree, the "buff" to his other 3 abilities is a bad joke, since they become useless past a certain level, like with several other frames. Snowglobe as it is right now is a bit (and a BIG bit) under the curve honestly... I'm NOT quitting on my Frost though, NO WAY IN HELL. I'll just find another way to play him... Oh wait there's dps... YAY ANOTHER dps... See the irony? A slow, clearly described as a "tank" frame that doesn't tank... At least give him a skillset that matches the description please^^'. I don't want him to turn into yet another dps-caster frame. Too many of those already!


You might have the room on your warframe roster to mess around. I dont. This was my Defense and 'get it done' frame. I could throw my Frost Prime into ANY situation and i felt like i could come out on top. I dont any more. It's time for a warframe house cleaning.


Valk Trinity Ash Frost Prime were my 4.


Gonna nuke the Trinity. And the Prime. I think its time to add Nova, and Zephyr. Maybe Saryn over Nova.

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I don't know about you all, but I'm blind in my right eye. So having both the health/shields in the very top right and my energy in the very bottom right involves me moving my head a whole lot. Even at max UI scaling it doesn't help much.




Just a quick look to see what I'm talking about. Everything is on the right side lol. I agree with that one comment to put energy near the crosshair that currently shows which power you're highlighted on, would help me out so much.




I wonder if it'd be possible to allow you in the options to have your own placements of the HUD. Like if I choose energy and health in the top right/top left while stanima is at the bottom right, all however you choose. That would also be really helpful.

Edited by Crinsaeta
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