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Really like the minimap.

Finally can see the iron skin bar (i think thats what it is at the bottom (was actually hoping for numbers but this will do)) which is great.


Now for the bad:

UI shouldnt move out of my screen, with the UI movement enabled corners sometimes go out of the screen, it should be closer to the center.

An adjustable scale for UI elements (minimap, top left, bottom left).


Other than that its great.

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You missed my point. If it moves it shouldnt move out of my screen.


Crisis UI moves around but doesnt move outta the screen.

Hey Qynchou,


You can fix this issue of your HUD going out of your screen by going to the "Adjust HUD Margins" in your settings.



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You missed my point. If it moves it shouldnt move out of my screen.


Crisis UI moves around but doesnt move outta the screen.



One other thing that bothered me at first was having the Energy gauge and powers at the bottom of the screen, while Shields and HP are at the top. It feels counter-intuitive to separate these essential informations. Those should be placed together so we can get all our Warframe information by glancing at the same spot.


Weapon and Sentinel info would make more sense grouped at the bottom, perhaps. I don't know. I still think things like the level of an item are irrelevant during combat and should be removed, since there is absolutely nothing we gain from it.


But anyway, it looks much better than the previous HUD. Keep up the good work, DE.

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You missed my point. If it moves it shouldnt move out of my screen.


Crisis UI moves around but doesnt move outta the screen.


I'm not sure if I understand what you mean, but you might be able to temporarily fix this by adjusting the dimensions of the HUD. Making it a bit smaller so that it won't "bounce" off-screen. Might help until it is fixed.

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Im hoping that you can scale the text soon I feel its way too small, I was running elara and the life support bar was too small and I was constantly forgetting it was even there. I think It needs to stand out a bit more as in having the life support bar a noticiable color to keep the player informed of the status while sifting through the chaos in survivals

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I'm right with you there....in fact, I thought my energy meter wasn't showing up until I noticed this teeny tiny little thingie in my lower right hand corner, under the powers. When I pressed my face to the screen, I could see it was my energy meter! :P

The new HUD is very, well shiny and nice looking. However, I feel that the layout of the old HUD was better functionality-wise, with the energy, health, shields, and abilities all being in the same corner.

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Well, I like the design, but seperating the HP from the ENERGY bar is kinda ... I must get used to it, again.


And the map. It were before kinda 5x4 res, now it is more likely a 5x3 res. The upper part of the map is IMO a cut-off. Mission pointers nor member pointers won't show properly. I must rotate the camera (at the same time the map rotates, logically) to see where my objectives are... that is kinda annoying.

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Proper UI scaling really needs to be implemented. It's not just that the HUD is too small, it's that -everything- gets too small when you play at higher resolutions. At 1080p, many screen elements (save the new animated dialogues - love 'em!) are on the small side; I can't imagine what folks playing at 1440p are getting.


Edit: Nevermind, hotfix 12.0.2 added UI scaling :D

Edited by Onihikage
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The new HUD is very, well shiny and nice looking. However, I feel that the layout of the old HUD was better functionality-wise, with the energy, health, shields, and abilities all being in the same corner.


Why on earth did they change the layout position of every element? It was tried and true in this game and hundreds if not thousands of other games. I constantly find myself looking in the wrong places now and the power amount being where it is is just... stupid. The new minimap I personally do not like AT ALL. The old one was much more informative and easier to read. The icons it uses are just too similar and too big in relation to the map, they obstruct more important things. My main issues are health being top right instead of top left, power being at the bottom corner and super tiny when it should be in a more noticable spot, the cryopod health on defense is in a weird place and way too small relative to other things. It is too important to neglect... The new mouse over displays for badguys, etc are also too hard to read at a glance, they need to use a better font that is taller, the bar is also too narrow compared to its length. In all, the old layout functioned much MUCH better, this new one is just "prettier" which to me doesn't count for anything. GIVE US FULL LAYOUT ADJUSTMENT OR REVERT BACK TO THE OLD POSITIONS PLEASE!!!!!

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Not only that the whole UI changed its positions, the few adjustments onto the survival panels ... people actually won't recognize the Life Support percentage anymore. I already lost few matches just because that no one paid attention to it. It is just fading away!



- Black background, with a red bar - that was the best combo to see "aha, ok, 20% LS left, lets head for some pots"



- No background, just some white text - we ran out of oxigen, already?!



I know, the design is like "new, fancy, modern", like always changing in this game, tileset on the elevators within the dojo facility changed again, and now, few of my objects stuck into the walls and few disappeared as well or are just in this walls.

Why is everything changing to its bad?

Map info isn't informative anymore. UI within HP and Energy Bars are kinda messed up. As they were actually docked on each other, it was faster to see "what do I have? how much I can survive? shall I get more energy?" etc. now its kinda that I am more focusing on watching what I have atm instead of focusing to my gameplay.


More intel checking than playing the actual game.

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much PS4ness INComing with last patch

we tenno no need big flashy 3D messages!!!!!


your HUD designer has a bad time at the moment, I know , no problem

the new minimap is a flawed design, one enemy radar equipped and its YOLO time

the old dots sufficed, new big PS4esque Icons ruin my game experience, cant find squadmates to revive, or canisters, or exits, or or or,...

easy small dots and just sort by colors is the way to go, no special Icons required


blue for tenno

yellow map marks

green for temporary allys (nyx, nekros,..)

white is waypoint

red for the enemys

pink for the exit


this minimap thingy is actually ma biggest concern (other major problems put aside), coz as long as the game is fast and furios

I wont bail out, the addiction still holds ground

but I fear I might lose it based on my inner feelings from last 2 disappointing days I had on higher survival runs  


sort by new mods not working anymore,ouch, mostly cores show up,ouch,..


incoming transmissions when killing bosses (Phorid for instance) overlapping with the info on last aquired mod, not his day again...


I will rest for now, but take this advice u developer :  Admitting mistakes is the right step to avoid further ones !!

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