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I Find It Kinda Funny...


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People kept asking for harder content, they kept bragging about their 7 hour survival runs, and their wave 400 Defense runs. They kept bragging about their sick builds for the Soma, Brakk and Galatine.


And then, when something comes along to change that, to give them the difficulty they wanted, they complain. They decry the change without testing it for themselves. Some have even quit because of this.


To the people complaining about the recent changes, the Frost rebalancing in particular; "You reap what you sow". 'Cause... I'm still doing just fine with Frost, you guys are just really bad players if you RELY solely on one power that was, admittedly, way to powerful to begin with.


So now, like all things that have lived and ever will live on this Earth, I invite you now to evolve. To adapt and overcome. You're human, after all. Act like it.

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Just some science adapting can take many years and generations of mutations before it works out. On the less nerdy side I can see sort of why they make snowglobe have health but the problem I have is that it has its same duration if they make it more like IS and made it last till it had no health then I'd be more alright with it

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Personally, I'm torn on the issue.


It was needed, but why was only Frost touched? Nova needed a tweak to her uber as well - it is far more gamebreaking than Snowglobe ever was.

I kind of agree. Nova's ult isn't as gamebreaking as Snowglobe was at the levels Frost players are complaining about, but it is at the levels that, you know, more people are playing.

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People kept asking for harder content, they kept bragging about their 7 hour survival runs, and their wave 400 Defense runs. They kept bragging about their sick builds for the Soma, Brakk and Galatine.


And then, when something comes along to change that, to give them the difficulty they wanted, they complain. They decry the change without testing it for themselves. Some have even quit because of this.


To the people complaining about the recent changes, the Frost rebalancing in particular; "You reap what you sow". 'Cause... I'm still doing just fine with Frost, you guys are just really bad players if you RELY solely on one power that was, admittedly, way to powerful to begin with.


So now, like all things that have lived and ever will live on this Earth, I invite you now to evolve. To adapt and overcome. You're human, after all. Act like it.

Earth is overgrown by forest, and it's the Grineer home. I'm not falling for that!

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Ya lots of things could have been tweaked but Frost was targeted because it was causing people to play without trying.  Pop one skill and sit there.  Hell let sweeper kill everything for the first 20 waves.  At least with nova the player can, in theory, be hit.  Same thing when rhino had invul instead of a second set of shields.  You didn't need skill to play, didn't even need to try.  Next should be trin.  30 seconds of invul for the entire party with infinite range makes life too easy.  That or more debuffing enemies.

Edited by Blasphemy77
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To the people complaining about the recent changes, the Frost rebalancing in particular; "You reap what you sow". 'Cause... I'm still doing just fine with Frost, you guys are just really bad players if you RELY solely on one power that was, admittedly, way to powerful to begin with.


Well, good for you. Doesn't diminish the fact that his globe is entirely USELESS for Endless defense and soloing.

Let me guess, you are gonna say that you are using Ice Blast and Ice Wave all the time to clear Lvl 60+ Enemies am I right?

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 Problem is a communication mix up.


 People want smarter enemies. Enemies with the ability to properly combat the Tenno. They don't want the skills they love being weakened so that dumb enemies still get to kill them.


 You'll find this to be the case almost universally. People want more complex enemy factions. Better and more interesting mission types. They're happy with their favorite frames and want a reason to be good at them.

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My impressions: hey, now survival is harder! gonna have me some fun! Also, the latron series got buffed! yay!


p.s. try playing survival and survive till 10 minutes. youll know what Im talking about.

20 was a god-damn hassle, I can tell ya' that much. By 25 me and my buddy were ignoring enemies to sprint as fast as possible to the next pod.


If you manage your encounters and keep an eye on your status, you can make it to thirty... barely...

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20 was a god-damn hassle, I can tell ya' that much. By 25 me and my buddy were ignoring enemies to sprint as fast as possible to the next pod.


If you manage your encounters and keep an eye on your status, you can make it to thirty... barely...

Depends. I personally think its all about the mob killing speed. strangely, I had more life support (at least 3 pods remaining) when I bugged out of yemaja at 30 minutes with another random doing a good job.


Apollodorus on the other hand... solo and reached 35 min, just nice. the key IMO is to keep killing mobs left and right.


By the way, anyone noticed something different with anything else besides the life support drain rate in survival?

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Guest Shibboleet

People kept asking for harder content, they kept bragging about their 7 hour survival runs, and their wave 400 Defense runs. They kept bragging about their sick builds for the Soma, Brakk and Galatine.


And then, when something comes along to change that, to give them the difficulty they wanted, they complain. They decry the change without testing it for themselves. Some have even quit because of this.


To the people complaining about the recent changes, the Frost rebalancing in particular; "You reap what you sow". 'Cause... I'm still doing just fine with Frost, you guys are just really bad players if you RELY solely on one power that was, admittedly, way to powerful to begin with.


So now, like all things that have lived and ever will live on this Earth, I invite you now to evolve. To adapt and overcome. You're human, after all. Act like it.

Hm? I don't think the all-time record holders have actually complained about the recent changes at all. (Nor have we ever bragged about the soma or the Galantine)


In fact I think we'll still try and go for a wave 200 on narcissus within the next month, with or without frost.

Edited by Shibboleet
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20 was a god-damn hassle, I can tell ya' that much. By 25 me and my buddy were ignoring enemies to sprint as fast as possible to the next pod.


If you manage your encounters and keep an eye on your status, you can make it to thirty... barely...


i did 40 on a rank 10 loki last night no frost with us even what the hell are you talking about

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A) Player 1: It's too easy, make it harder.

B) Player 2: It's too hard, make it easier.

C) Devs: Pass the whiskey, please.

Ya and some people have builds with 25+ formas (like me not bragging just saying)  I finish an exterminate map (while farming ingreds) with 3 randoms.  I have 120 kills the next guy has 11.  Fun for them!  The Devs are trying to make a game that is on average fun for everyone.  So if you nerd out your game playing like me and go for the best and do 800 hour survival runs DE will never take your wants into consideration and they shouldn't!

Edited by Blasphemy77
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I just wish people stop whining about it being easy. Not everyone can make 7 hour survival or over 30 waves t3 defences. A lot of kids and those who did not go far into planets think game is easy. And then We get Frost OP, Nova OP, Saryn OP, Nyx OP everyone with cc or big damage OP. Maybe it is time to stop this madness. It is as Frustrating as saying Mag OP because she does not do much when facing other factions but corpus.

And 3500 HP is low, Me m\and my clanmate went into t3 Void Defence and just for safety we took Nyx and Vauban to back up horrible snowglobe with rank 8 Blind Rage and focus, so it was around 7.2k HP globe. Globe stood only for 5 seconds. Was even Worse on Palu Corpus Survival, died in 3 seconds. We just did not bother to Use globe anymore. Moved to Chaos Bastile Spam. So here you. On the other hand We managed to kill Corpus up to lvl 50 with new avalanche, not techs ofc. I will forgive this nerf only if Volt shield will become new snowglobe, because otherwise these kids will start crying Chaos and Bastile/Vortex OP and soon we will play without any abilitys.

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