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Valkyr + Maxed Steel Fiber = Godframe!


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what really, Ive been just walking around like a god dam boss bad &#! frame yo.... i feel like a sexy version of rhino :)


You might want to tell us where you're doing it. No one is going to be impressed because you went 30 minutes on Apollodorus. You know. Context.

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Please be warned.  The ones who are saying she is OP and/or Godframe.  Have yet to take her to a Survival mission for more than 30 minutes.


The buff was well needed....she can now hang with the big dogs...Godframe?


come on man chill out....step away form saturn...get gud play some high level

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Her armor was buffed because she needs durability. Her armor does not matter when enemies have buttloads of piercing damage. Me thinks the way to buff her is to change how warframe armor interacts with piercing damage, and not to keep buffing her armor.

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Please be warned.  The ones who are saying she is OP and/or Godframe.  Have yet to take her to a Survival mission for more than 30 minutes.


The buff was well needed....she can now hang with the big dogs...Godframe?


come on man chill out....step away form saturn...get gud play some high level


She was fine before. The problem was people treating her like a tank, she has 3 ccing abilities, use them. She is supposed to keep the enemies from hitting her.

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She was fine before. The problem was people treating her like a tank, she has 3 ccing abilities, use them. She is supposed to keep the enemies from hitting her.

As said earlier, try some survivals on Pluto or Ceres to see how her CC prevents from being killed. Now the armor gives you the time to breathe before turning Hysteria on again, but then you got no damage anymore.

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Vakly is OP????

She is just "usable". She is way far away from OP, not even close.

a well moded Valky can have about 2200 armor with good energy effectivness, which gives her about 88% damage reduce.

So, her EHP is about 300*5.6*10=16k.

Not that much anyway.

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As said earlier, try some survivals on Pluto or Ceres to see how her CC prevents from being killed. Now the armor gives you the time to breathe before turning Hysteria on again, but then you got no damage anymore.


Given that you just said that you apparently continuously run hysteria, have you tried her CCs on Pluto or Ceres?

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Her CC is terrible, I have no idea how you would survive based around it. Ripline is very minor CC on one target, Paralysis stun lasts for less time than it takes to cast, and Warcry is a Snare. Compared to any frame with actual CC (even Excalibur) that is completely laughable.

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I don't know armor in this game just doesn't feel right. Even if Valkyr has an armor of 1000 it doesn't feel different then the damage that Frost would take for example. For whatever reason, it feels like there is no damage reduction. Can anyone else properly explain why this might be?

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Given that you just said that you apparently continuously run hysteria, have you tried her CCs on Pluto or Ceres?

Ok so by "her CC" I guess you meant Rip Line (single target), Warcry slow debuff and Paralysis.


Now let's imagine you're facing level 40+ ennemies on Pluto mission node Palus. In this place once you got over the 5 minute mark Techs starts coming by two or three of them.

But nevermind, let's say there is just a single one 20 meters away in that corridor, aiming at you and starting to shoot while you're reloading. His Supra will tear you appart in a matter of 2-3 seconds if you face the fire. How would CC him effectively ?


Well I see you coming, Rip Line. But don't forget the hundreds of moa's runing around and the dozens of Ospreys floating on this mess. But let's imagine you caught him, you end up with a tech near you and an empty magazine, you'd better have a good melee weapon to instant kill him.


Ok so let's try Warcry. Assuming you're not using Narrow Minded, let's say no corrupted mod at all, the 25 meters range will make the debuff affect him. He's gonna be slowed by 30%, let's say 70% because you have max power strength (without corrupted mod see I help you). Except if he decides sundenly that it is time to get closer, this won't affect him much, maybe give you enough time to run away and reload safely ok.

Let's say this is a CC.


What about Paralysis ? 10m range, 23.5 with maxed range build, and you definitely don't want to use an Overextended on Valkyr, or you just forget about any damage coming from her kit. And even with this you gonna push him back for a small moment, you'd better have some fast reloading weapon because Paralysis CC isn't amazing and no way to enhance it's duration.


Before the patch I would have say just Hysteria, clear the corridor using your Warcry and run to safety to reload only witnessed by two moas (they are everywhere on this map truly...).

After the patch I'd say Hysteria then run first because clearing or killing the Tech will take you ages, search for a small group of moa to lifesteal a bit and try to make your ult end in a safe place.


But there is no way in the world the CC she has is meant to prevent her from being hit, Rhino/Nyx/Vauban can do that not her. It's more to make her being able to keep your targets in your melee range, assuming you can handle them which isn't the case anymore.


But prove me wrong, show how would you build and I'd be really curious to see that in action !

Edited by Cyrionn
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Her powers are very focused into melee so she has to be tough to deal damage because she needs to get close. However she is a pure tank and nothing like Ember or Nova who can clear entire rooms without even moving. To do what those frames can do Valk would have to run all around the room just to kill 100 enemies when I can do that without moving in a defense. I hit 4 to win. Valk requires a lot of moving around. So to say shes OP is laughable. She one of the lowest DPS warframes in the game because she has no range but can still do a lot of damage if modded right. DPS is done differently for Valk because she is a melee restricted warframe. Unlike Ember or Nova who can kill everything from so far away that the damage they deal is off into the sunset or through the walls with the right mods.


She is far from a god frame. Nova is pretty god frame and the new ember is really close in my opinion. But hay anything can seem god frame when somebody figures out that corrupted mods make everything good. The right combination of corrupted mods anyways. Ultra high DPS warframes with insane ranges don't need tank when a enemy can't even get close to them in the first place to deal any damage. I love my ember because as soon as they enter a room they are burnt to bbq in the door way.

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Well before U12 I would have said "let's compete dude!" because Hysteria WAS dealing damage, single targeted and needing to run everywhere ok but I outdamaged numbers of AoE-press-4-to-win warframes.

Now...you could outdamge me using fireball only.

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maybe a buff was needed, but it doesnt make sense to make other frames tankier than the specified tanks in game, atm whats the point of having one of the 2 specific tank frames? frames like valkyr and trinity can out tank them.

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please rename her to god frame please DE!!!






No seriously, what makes her godly now?


She still does pitifull damage with her abilities. Hysteria is still Iron Skin 1.0 with the serial numbers filled off. It still keeps you levitating in mid air rather than to allow you to close in on enemies easier and prevents you from using your more powerfull guns. She is also still depended on it to recover her health, which she constantly loses because her frame has barely any shield which is our primary form of defence with health only as backup. Meaning you run around keeping Hysteria up in an attempt to stay alive and kill enemies. Of course you might seldomly find such enemies because your team mates keep killing them with their guns and actualy usefull damage dealing abilities.


Also armor is still not a very good main protection in this game. It can give you some valuable seconds to get into cover or kill the enemy until your shield start to recover, but it can't work as your main form of defence. It's the reason why even the high armor frames Rhino, Frost and Saryn have a additional survivial ability (Iron Skin, Molt, Snowglobe), because armor itself is not a good defence. Rhino in particular, the stereotypical "Tank" frame has more shield than health, particular because shield is much more valuable than health because it can recover automatically.


It doesn't even make sense design wise, she is supposed to be stripped off her original armor and half cut open, so why does she have more armor than Rhino and Frost? She is berzerker, physical damage should be her main form of defence, health recovery (in this case it can count as both shield and/or physical health) the lifeline. But she isn't doing the former, and the later is stuck in a crutch ability.


All you do with your post is give DE wrong ideas.

Edited by Othergrunty
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