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Call To Arms: Corpus Revival Campaign.


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My fellow Tenno,


As many of you are aware, the Grineer Empire has grown to proportions unexpected initially, to the point the Corpus Consortium has been almost completely wiped off the solar charts. This unfortunate set of circumstances is a total breech of our stated mission; Bringing Balance to the Sol system. Even with this being true, the Lotus has not acted to counter-act and safeguard the balance, nor has the Lotus spoken on this matter since it became apparent.  More than that, there's sufficient evidence to show that the Lotus instigated this set of events by allowing outlying Tenno to ally with the Grineer, a faction hell bent on enslaving the Solar system and wiping out any who do not submit to their rule. While the event that lead to this decision were dire, given our brethren were in danger, it does not change the fact, nor the weight of the Lotus's misgivings. Instead of conducting our Cells to simply attack the offending Corpus, and use what was to be a small war on Mars as a cover, the Lotus not only approved, but assisted both sides, actively playing our own men and women against eachother in full on conflict, as well as aided petty warlords to the point they expected us to assist them further in their plots. Instead of dousing embers of battle, the Lotus has fanned the flames of war, and thrown the innocence of the Solar system into the fire, as well as made the Tenno's honor a mockery. Further more to that end, General Sargas Ruk used the Tenno to further his and his factions conquests, leveraging us into his plans for domination while factoring the Lotus's unwillingness to intervene into his grand scheme. Not only have the Grineer taken over much of the Sol system, taking innocent settlements, cities, outposts, and major productions centers and trade routes, they have overtaken many of our sites, namely those containing Artifacts, of the Great War and of the Orokin, which no doubt the artifact hungry Ruk had planed for all along.


My brethren, I call to you in urgent need, as the eve of the Corpus annihilation is at hand. I know for many of you , you have many misgivings, and deep seated feelings about the Corpus Consortium, those of you who have lost comrades and loved ones, or those of you who escaped with your lives. Indeed, I myself have hatred rooted in my heart after seeing the blasphemous Alad V wielding the bodies of our fallen kin in such a monstrous form, commanding the dead against us to create his armies. But if we are to keep with our mission, and restore what honor we have, we must put aside both our feelings, our pride, and indeed our greed. I know for many, the lure of profit is tempting, indeed corrupting, especially with word that Alad V's demon carries secret blueprints only his private army holds, but soon all these mountains of riches will turn to dust if we do not act. Should the Grineer wipe out the Corpus, there will be a power vacuum that only the Grineer can truly fill. While there are murmuring of other factions on the rise, and indeed within the shadows of even our organization, none are as powerful and able bodied as the Corpus or Grineer. Having wiped out the Technocyte plague from the planetary systems, with only the occasional 'Plague ship', the old Orokin Derelicts drifting into planetary contract and releasing the plague once more, we are now faced with a three way Stalemate; Where once the Infested kept the Grineer and Corpus in check, along with our actions, now the two are free to act as they please, and only now with hinesight, do we see how the two factions truly move.


The time for action is now, before it is too late. The Grineer armed forces have over run Neptune, overtaking the Corpus defenses and settlements, as well as settlements under the Corpus protection, even without our help. As it stands the Grineer Army and Navy have grown to such proportions in the vacuum of Corpus resistnce, thanks to our wayward brothers and sister, that it may be even we can not gain a handle on them. As of 72 Hours ago, at 0200, the Grineer fleet made contact with the Corpus stronghold at the edge of Pluto, the second to last holdout point for the main corpus body. Initial reports indicate that, with the help of a Tenno Strike team, working with the Corpus Consortium, this Invasion force was defeated, and Pluto defended. around 48 hours ago, a second, larger Grineer fleet made contact with the base, over taking the Corpus defense forces initially before reinforcements could arrive, indicating that the first 'Attack Fleet' was in actuality a Scouting party, designed to probe the Corpus defenses. Initial intelligence suggests that this current fleet is only the first wave of three assault fleets, bent on wiping out the Corpus once and for all. Reports have come in that the Corpus Board of Directors, as well as high ranking officials within the Corpus Fleet and Trade guilds, are holed up within the Bastion on Pluto, and are cut off from the remainder of their forces on Jupiter, the final base the Grineer have yet to touch. Additionally, it appears that transmissions to Jupiter, to the Outcast Alad V have been sent, asking for assistance, however, these have fallen on deaf ears.  


Should the Grineer overrun the Corpus, and root them from the system, estimations show that, baring extreme and drastic action unto insanity, in all likelihood the Grineer would mobilize a force equivalent to the whole of the system and move on the Tenno and Lotus unlike what we have seen before. Unrestricted, and in power of dictatorship, the Twin Queens would most likely commission anti-Tenno forces, using data and materials collected from both the Grineer and Corpus, almost effectively ending ops for us.  I urge those of you within power, and those of you of sound mind, join together to push the Grineer back, all the way back to Earth where they can not do harm. The Corpus, as underhanded as they can be, have shown they are willing to work with us in the past, and now more than ever. Board member Frohd Bek, with the endorsement of the Board Chairman, has reached out to us, offering open cooperation, and lessened hostilities, with not so subtle hints at an alliance. While it is unlikely that any such actions would be long lasting, considering their back is to the wall, and most of their holdings are either en captured or wholly destroyed, it is unlikely they will want to continue to engage the Tenno in armed combat, considering the impressive casualties they have garnered in the past. Currently, the Corpus Consortium has pleaded for our aide in pushing back the Grineer assault forces from Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, and Eris, and if not that, buy them the time and opening to launch their ships into the void as an act of desperation. With no word from the Lotus, who appered defunct as of late, ever since the outbreak of hostilities between the waring factions, we can not sit idly by and allow an outsider unwilling to act to guide our actions


So my question to you my brethren, do you have strength to carry out our duty, and bare the load placed before us of maintaining the proper balance, and take the initiative ? Will you band together and restore order, and our honor? Or shall you splinter off, and let the Tenno name fall into disgrace?






Supposition and story telling aside, we really do need to act guys. The Grineer have totally gotten out of hand, and are near about to wiping out the only high end Corpus nodes out. That means no more T3 Defense or Survival....Yes yes, I know the loot tables are borked up, and Survival is a bloody nightmare if you don't have Nekros; That doesn't change the fact that there's somet hings that can only be obtained from T3 Corpus maps. We all know it's railroading by DE, and quite frankly I don't like being railroaded like this-- Dangling 'choice' in front of us like it's some treat, only to then turn around and go, 'oh, and your choice doesn't matter.' is just...I could go on, clearly.


I get that a lot of you guys and gals want Detrons-- Here's the thing though...It's crap....It's like wanting a Barton again because it's suddenly become a rare drop; Trust me, I understand the pull of OCD and all, but com'on....Stats wise and application wise, it's a nerfed version of the Brakk. The Harvester spawn rate has gone up, so can we please just hammer out this Detron thing either now, or later? It's not some mythical thing, where you need to run 100+ missions just to see it -once-; Today alone, I've run into it 3 times, and my friends have had them crop up like a bad case of BO. If you want a Detron, fine; just run A...A node for Grineer...Not 2, not 5, not 10, not a whole fking planet, just ONE . Until then, run Corpus like they have a disco, and the beat's dying guys, we need to clean up this mess, pronto.


Now I can already smell the forum trolls, looking to come in and point fingers, claim I'm a troll or a flamer, or whatever, and cause drama; I'll make my intent clear. I want to screw up whatever railroad plan DE has, and take back our systems. I'm sick of fighting nothing but Grineer-- Grineer grineer, grineer, grineer, and that's it...It's to the point that my friends that are new to the game can't even level properly because the Grineer are so broken, with absurd armor that can't be circumvented like shields [ or like with AP in D1.0...], and their higher than heaven Slash Procs, that aren't that big an issue to a player with mod literally bursting out their rear end and frames formed up to eight, but for someone who's starting out and can't even get their second frame, let alone level mods to support them right, it's a death sentence....But what I'm more sick of is DE's mishandling of things, and their forced choices. We saw this first with weapons and frames, when they wanted to introduce a 'tiered system' into the game, which limited your choices to maybe a handful of weapons *cough* Soma * cough cough* Acrid *cough*, And then with the GD event with the rewards, and clan bs, dangling a meaningless ribbon in front of clan leaders, who fought over it for bragging rights. Now they're doing it again with the Grineer, no arguing it, and we all know it's because they want to get rid of all non-grineer factions. Infested are all but gone, Corpus might as well be....And you know they're going to have an event...So you know what, I say screw that, we shouldn't wait for them to pull some half baked event out of their keester and instead do it ourselves. Action speaks louder than words, and a heck of a lot louder than text.


So there you have it...That's why I'm in it, and that's what I want done. No arguing, no explaining beyond this, just this request. It's time we cleaned up the mess we help make, plain and simple.


TL;DR-- Sh-t getting real.

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Team Greed now asks the only question that matters.  Are the Corpus paying better than the Grineer in every single conflict node.  Team Greed will cheerfully (some would say psychotically) fight on which ever side pays better on a node for node basis, but our murdering ways aren't a charity and we don't come cheap.


Pay up or go extinct.


GO TEAM GREED I once killed a man for free, but then I took his wallet and felt better about the whole experience.

Edited by Agent_of_Change
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Yeah I think it's time to start doing something about it. Even if just a few of us in comparison just slow it down. It really does seem like DE is making an event around it though, if you played the Darvo event you heard the "We are backed into a corner" thing. So yes. "It's happening!"


They are probably working their &#! off on the event before the Corpus got a little too wrecked. So let's try to hold it off a bit, maybe that will even influence the event a little more.

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I would like to just say...

whether the current situation was intentionally engineered by DE (which I rather suspect) or not, I believe the nigh extinction of the corpus in our system make for interesting lore and perfect grounds for some sort of pro-Corpus event, and we should continue recklessly down this path until DE requests otherwise.

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I have run close to 100 runs trying to get the Harvester. Even with the buffed spawn rates I have never met the damn thing.


RNG is really terrible for some people. If it continues to be this way then yes, the Corpus will be exterminated off the map. Good luck to the corpus in trying to take Metis. I hope they do. It means that the next time Grineer decide to do a sweep in Jupiter they stand a good chance of taking the entire system while we hunt for the detron.

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Straight up.


Players have no real input on the storyline. DE has not seen fit to hire a storyline dev to the best of my knowledge.


Until they're willing to allow either. This BS will continue. Just ask Rift players who thought they'd be able to effectively write the plot and got S#&$canned from day 1.


You have three optoins. Fight like this.


Fight back with words.


Fight with your wallet. This really kinda kills my drive to play. And i'll be honest if i leave this game You wont see Hyperion5182 in another game until Star Citizen launches and if that is a sub game maybe not even then. I left defiance over bug issues and crappy handling of DLC. It seems like plot wise the issues i RAILED about in the Gradivus dillema have NOT changed at all. DE you have no idea how disappointed this makes me and how clear now it is that you did not care about a damn thing i said.


You can bet i'll be spamming the live stream with my question so be prepared to ban my &#!.

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I don't take sides, whoever pays better, lives.


However if they pay equally, it's the grineer who die. I just can't be bothered with shields.


You sir seem to be a card carrying member of Team Greed, it's always good to meet fellow profit focused Tenno.


GO TEAM GREED The Only defense is a better offer.

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Team Greed now asks the only question that matters.  Are the Corpus paying better than the Grineer in every single conflict node.  Team Greed will cheerfully (some would say psychotically) fight on which ever side pays better on a node for node basis, but our murdering ways aren't a charity and we don't come cheap.


Pay up or go extinct.


GO TEAM GREED I once killed a man for free, but then I took his wallet and felt better about the whole experience.

You guys. -.- I already lost my best friend to you lot.

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Thanks for the fun read. I appreciate the effort you put into it. I too have been wondering what is going to happen with the invasions, and I hope this does in fact lead into a resistance against the Grineer. I do seriously hope DE has a story written for this and for whatever happens next.... lol. If this is just chaos theory, then I too am a little worried.

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Thanks for the fun read. I appreciate the effort you put into it. I too have been wondering what is going to happen with the invasions, and I hope this does in fact lead into a resistance against the Grineer. I do seriously hope DE has a story written for this and for whatever happens next.... lol. If this is just chaos theory, then I too am a little worried.

I second this.

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I am for helping Corpus reclaim their posts and planets. We need faction variety, not Grineer mostly 'coz they like to invade ( and greed-ers help them).


I, myself don't want to wait till DE release any event to fix this. I want to restore this freakin' old balance in the Solar System by my own choice and actions. 


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I am for helping Corpus reclaim their posts and planets. We need faction variety, not Grineer mostly 'coz they like to invade ( and greed-ers help them).


I, myself don't want to wait till DE release any event to fix this. I want to restore this freakin' old balance in the Solar System by my own choice and actions. 






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