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Call To Arms: Corpus Revival Campaign.


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Because who doesn´t enjoy being the villain,right?


We aren't villains we are clear thinking, objective (potentially chemically imbalanced), mercenary soldiers in a universe full of living creatures/people to kill and people willing to pay to have aforementioned creatures/people made not alive anymore in spectacularly violent fashion.   If rational self-interest is villainy call me Lex Luthor... wait... I mean, Okay fine I can see how some might see Team Greed as morally ambiguous villains.  But I assure you it's only cause we are paid to be, if those people paid us we could be the good guys as long as their check clears.  


See moral relativity makes everyone happy.


Hey... doesn't matter... got paid.


You, my friend sing the wisdom of the ancients.


GO TEAM GREED Drink your Greedy Milk, boys and girls.

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-unnecessarily serious gameplay/feedback mode-

As a Corpus supporter, I say we let them die.

The devs need to know that their system is broken and needs fixing. Simply reviving a planet or two isn't going to prevent Corpus extinction from happening in the future if the devs take the revival as a sign of health.

Edited by SortaRandom
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GO TEAM GREED Drink your Greedy Milk, boys and girls.

*sips greedy milk*


On topic: I don't care, I help who I help, when I feel like it, When they pay well. Corpus will get my support when they offer more taters and forma's. (Or Orokin Cells, I would take orokin cells over taters and forma)

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*sips greedy milk*


On topic: I don't care, I help who I help, when I feel like it, When they pay well. Corpus will get my support when they offer more taters and forma's. (Or Orokin Cells, I would take orokin cells over taters and forma)

Fine. Pass the greedy milk. I'll take a shot at being a mercenary.

*takes a swig of greedy milk*

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Straight up.

Players have no real input on the storyline. DE has not seen fit to hire a storyline dev to the best of my knowledge.

Until they're willing to allow either. This BS will continue. Just ask Rift players who thought they'd be able to effectively write the plot and got S#&$canned from day 1.

You have three optoins. Fight like this.

Fight back with words.

Fight with your wallet. This really kinda kills my drive to play. And i'll be honest if i leave this game You wont see Hyperion5182 in another game until Star Citizen launches and if that is a sub game maybe not even then. I left defiance over bug issues and crappy handling of DLC. It seems like plot wise the issues i RAILED about in the Gradivus dillema have NOT changed at all. DE you have no idea how disappointed this makes me and how clear now it is that you did not care about a damn thing i said.

You can bet i'll be spamming the live stream with my question so be prepared to ban my &#!.

What on earth makes you think you are so special that DE has to listen and act on your feedback snowflake? You're a voice in the mass. Here's a thought people like you are ruining the game for me, and I'm sure I'm not alone. Edited by NevanChambers
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Lol.  I know...  What if it's all just a game?

no wai, but then I wouldn't have these awsome powers.


On another note, OP, I'm curious what your opinion as well as mission statement would be if Corpus were winning instead. I doubt the same people would be crying out for justice. Whatever the case, I got my Detron yesterday, 1 more pic of Harvester(incase he gets a codex) and Im fully ready to support whoever is giving the best rewards not just accepting Grineer credits over say galium, I'll take mats of creds any day now. However its rewards that drive me and most players. I love the story and all but it wont affect my gameplay until it -actually- affects my gameplay.


edit: You also talk about choice and railroading, but tell me, who won the battle? Grineer, they had more support. Is it any surprise they still have more support, especially with prizes?

Edited by TrockBronze
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devs are working on this game. imo they are good at what they do and they are improving it, i'm sure they are not trying to ruin their own game. i imagine there is a lot of work to do / dev. have a little patience. also to make an omelette you have to brake a few eggs? i love how the game is alive and ever changing even if along the way there are mistakes it just makes it more interesting and human in the end.

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devs are working on this game. imo they are good at what they do and they are improving it, i'm sure they are not trying to ruin their own game. i imagine there is a lot of work to do / dev. have a little patience. also to make an omelette you have to brake a few eggs? i love how the game is alive and ever changing even if along the way there are mistakes it just makes it more interesting and human in the end.

Take a medal for using reason amongst a storm of complaints.

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So much to reply to...hmm


I was going to troll by quoting that "Grineer Dominance is inevitable", but that was REALLY, REALLY well done. Can you write some more of these in your free time? 0.o I loved the way you set everything up. +1 for awsome writing and reasoning.


Thank you~ I used to write story and lore for the video games I worked on...And now working as a reviewer, you gotta be creative. As to writing more...I will as needed. I know I'm overdramatic and take things to the next level, so I won't just spout it every other day. Don't want you guys to get sick of me just yet.




Thanks for the fun read. I appreciate the effort you put into it. I too have been wondering what is going to happen with the invasions, and I hope this does in fact lead into a resistance against the Grineer. I do seriously hope DE has a story written for this and for whatever happens next.... lol. If this is just chaos theory, then I too am a little worried.


It's chaos theory. This is why I'm doing this, and admittedly taking it to the extreme; word around circles in the community-- the reviewing community -- that some of the devs admit they don't have a plan, and are playing it by ear. 'Let the players sort it out, we'll just make it official.'...that means the impulsive TeamGreedy, who can't see beyond their nose, are a liability to the game. They dictate the flow of the game, based on shiny trinkets because honestly? They're too lazy to actually get them normally, and much rather pop WoF wither their Embers and run through entire levels. What little direction DE has is pretty much balanced on the notion that the players of Warframe are impulsive and immature-- Dangle some mod technology in front of them, and it works like a charm...Alad v said that, and lookie lookie, it worked. They're going to wipe the Corpus off the map to make things easier on them, and take the flak off them for having no balance-- You can't blame them if we wipe out two of the three factions, and the third is unbalanced as hell.


-unnecessarily serious gameplay/feedback mode-

As a Corpus supporter, I say we let them die.
The devs need to know that their system is broken and needs fixing. Simply reviving a planet or two isn't going to prevent Corpus extinction from happening in the future if the devs take the revival as a sign of health.


Perhaps, but you do understand that DE isn't going to fix it, right? For fixing small things, bugs, small balance issues, weapons, they're fast and amazing....For fixing anything else, they move at a glacial pace, and even when they do act, it isn't always in the best way. Reviving a few planets won't prevent it in the future; Pushing all the way back to Earth would turn it all on their heads of course....Maybe I over-estimate this community, in thinking they want gameplay over a simple cow-clicker, where there's only one way to play, and expect them to have interest in something off the script like we saw with Burn Jita in EVE.


No. Current invasion system is flawed and crappy.

Making the game 100% Grineer is the only way to make DE realize it.


How? How will eliminating the faction they don't really want to do anything significant with, to bring the faction they love due to their low maintenance into near or absolute control of the game going to make them realize their Invasion system is flawed? Again, everyone and their mother see's now that they -planned- this in the invasion system. Not off the bat [i hope], but the system is currently -rigged-....Even if you could convince them it was flawed, you believe that will move them to act? 


Their playerbase, or a large part of it at least, moving against their plan, saying 'this is not what we want, and we will stop you as best we can', that would get them to sit up and take notice...Especially with murmurs that they're having trouble retaining players.


What on earth makes you think you are so special that DE has to listen and act on your feedback snowflake? You're a voice in the mass. Here's a thought people like you are ruining the game for me, and I'm sure I'm not alone.


Okay, then please go back to Diablo....No, in all seriousness, go, the door's right there. No one here is keeping you-- if it's sooooo bad, why stay? Do you have a reason?...I doubt it, but on the off chance you do, here's a bit of perspective;


It doesn't matter, snowflake.


No one cares if you and the rest of teamgreedy aren't having fun, not a one person...Why? You've probably already been milked for all your cash in this game, and are no longer useful...On the flip side, you and your's are actively ruining the game, in a literal way. Because you guys couldn't think things through with your head and reason beyond 'oh, look, more money!', we're looking at the entire game tipping over on it's side and collapsing.


And here's a bit more perspective;


One person, one...Can sway enough mass to overturn a tide. Ney sayers only say such because they don't have the notion to try, and in the games industry, many have taken to that because they were -born- into that...I'm going to venture a guess you're young, young enough that you weren't around when consoles were the dominate force for video games...History lesson;  back then, even a handful of customers had an issue, companies sat up and fixed it. And coming from the perspective of a developer, I can tell you this, They a loving that teamgreedy and the rest of you ney sayers are doing their job for them. They don't need to respond when they majorly screw up-- You guys will come to their rescue beating down anyone who dares to have a legitimate complaint in the game, and discourage descent...or feedback.


So please, if you think one person can't give relevant feedback, leave. The door's right next to you, and I can tell you no one will miss a hypocrite around here. Take whichever side you like, but do not try and discourage feedback and communication, especially on this forum.


no wai, but then I wouldn't have these awsome powers.


On another note, OP, I'm curious what your opinion as well as mission statement would be if Corpus were winning instead. I doubt the same people would be crying out for justice. Whatever the case, I got my Detron yesterday, 1 more pic of Harvester(incase he gets a codex) and Im fully ready to support whoever is giving the best rewards not just accepting Grineer credits over say galium, I'll take mats of creds any day now. However its rewards that drive me and most players. I love the story and all but it wont affect my gameplay until it -actually- affects my gameplay.


edit: You also talk about choice and railroading, but tell me, who won the battle? Grineer, they had more support. Is it any surprise they still have more support, especially with prizes?


Opinion I can give, Mission statement....Give me a few hours and I can write up a new one. I have a life to tend to and all xwx.


My opinion is thus; If the Corpus were winning, the situation would be the same, nothing changed but the names; Instead of an event against Alad V, we'd have one with Sargas Ruk, where we were going after his artifact collection as the Grineer 'party' calls for his head, forcing him and his loyal fleet into 'hiding', as they try and raid more Orokin digsites. Instead of Davero running around pissing himself as he gets hunted, we'd see him pissing himself as he gets himself in over his head trying to pouch Grineer finds, to sell to us on the market. And we'd see Grineer pushed back to Earth and Mercury; The difference is not that many people would have an issue with the gameplay side. People complain about Corpus shields, but that just means they don't know what they're talking about-- Or are trying to play a specific way, probably for bragging rights, and failing miserably. Corpus shields =/= Grineer Armor + Shields. For one, Grineer Shields apply their armor resistance, unlike Tenno and Corpus shields, meaning they have the benefit of the Corpus health buffer, while having a effective health/shield multiplier unto extremus. After some basic number crutching I found this; At level 30 and above, Grineer commons [Elite/lancers, troopers, ect.] have a damage resistance of 85%...That means our damage is reduced to 15% of normal, and with no AP and Armor ignore like we had in D1.0, there's -nothing- to mitigate this, nothing. Every single element is reduced by their Armor, including puncture. Grineer specials [Napalms, Evis, Bomb, Heavy, ect.] Have a 95% reduction....And that's at 30.


Corpus, they get more shields, which can be ignored. You slap a toxic mod on, make sure toxic stands alone, while adding Magnetic or Radiation, and suddenly every Corpus dies in two hits. Why? Toxic ignores shields and goes straight for health.....Ooooooh, real hard to figure out how to take down Corpus....


Gameplay wise, we wouldn't see such a large reaction if the Corpus took over, because they're pants easy. More to the point, Earth AND Mercury are protected, along with Mars [not once has there been an invasion there.], so the Grineer wouldn't get wiped out like we're seeing with the Corpus. And I can't think of a single person who's going to cry that there's less Napalms and Eviserators who take whole clips and mags to kill, and spawn in packs at higher levels. No, we'd see people wiping the system of Grineer faster than they are Corpus, so they never have to deal with DE's broken as sin Armor system again, while getting Detron drops from whatever Assassination unit the Queens devised, who happen to be carrying the stolen plans for the Detron, or Brakk if GD had gone the other way.


Grineer won, but I don't think that was Railroading; That was very poor planning on DE's part. No one is going to dispute the Grineer rewards were better, and with the arbitrary rule and side competition with the event, that whole event was a farce in itself. 'You have a choice, and it matters!....As long as you follow what the big guilds want.'


devs are working on this game. imo they are good at what they do and they are improving it, i'm sure they are not trying to ruin their own game. i imagine there is a lot of work to do / dev. have a little patience. also to make an omelette you have to brake a few eggs? i love how the game is alive and ever changing even if along the way there are mistakes it just makes it more interesting and human in the end.


They're improving, but they certainty are not good at it, not yet. Their pedigree is in Single Player FPS, with interesting mechanics and gimmicks-- Bioshock, Darkness 2, ect. As well as FPS Competitive Arena, where you're supposed to have the lease amount of mechanics to keep it fair and balanced, while adding in interesting small ones to keep it interesting. This is a TPS Dungeon Crawler....They have little understanding of what they're doing development wise, and ya know I can forgive that. They branched out, and Warframe sprouted from that, and for what it's worth, it's interesting. But interesting doesn't save the game, not when the interesting stops at the door.


And while I agree you need to break a few eggs, they didn't need to go about it this way...Nor are the eggs they are breaking good ones imo.


Most of you assume that DE has some plan, some big scheme and event planned to bring the Corpus back....Go back up and read my wall of text story, just the end part about the Corpus asking the Tenno for assistance. This is speculation based on previous events, as well as DE's behavior and habits. In all likelihood, DE will -remove- the Corpus as a major faction in the game, evidence from their lack of mention of them in their U12 plans, and their hints toward the Grineer. By my estimations , it's likely that they will either have the Board of the Corpus killed in an assault by the Grineer, an orbital bombardment , and the dissolution of the Corpus faction without a base, leadership, or holdings. We'll get a message from the Lotus asking us to step in before it's too late, only to find that the head members of the faction were killed in the cross fire, and the Corpus start ceasing to be a power. We will then either get a message of apology from the Lotus, stating her/their oversight of the situation, and failure to carry out her/their duty, or a dismissal message, simply stating that in the power vacuum of the Corpus, key factions of the Counsel in the system have moved to fill the void, but are no where near as powerful as the Corpus were, and 'need our assistance.' The offhand event is that they use Alad V's old trick of jumping into the void and hiding, attempting to recuperate their losses, while surrendering all their holdings to the Grineer, while leaving the Solar Rails open for Tenno poaching, leading to the 'Interplanetary tollway' we saw in the list, which means the Tenno fill the Greedyfaction role the Corpus left. Likelihood that the Corpus will push back, now that their power base has been almost totally dissolved is unlikely.


And just a little tip for you TeamGreedy guys, who have successfully destroyed this game for what it's worth; If there's no one to Invade, where's your money going to come from mercs? let's be honest, you didn't do it because you wanted the Reward; you did it because you wanted the reward with no effort. Why go farm X, Y, and Z when you can pick on the weak faction and one hand it through entire levels, to get rare resources, Clan tech, and gobs of credits to support all your foundry stuff? ....So I applaud you, you've become this game's patsy, the easily manipulated to fulfill DE's role as developers, and provided the ground work without having your higher ups ever having to lift a finger. Well done. No, truly, it'll make for interesting study on how todays gamers can easily be duped and lead along by the nose to do what the developers want...An interesting reversal of roles, when not even a decade ago it was the developers that listen to -us-, not the other way around. Now I know you're thinking I'm overly dramatic, and you know what, I am...But I'm also logical and experienced, at least in this industry. When there's writing on the wall, you read it.


Currently, speculation on Warframes Future is almost to a close; If DE can not correct their course of mistakes and oversight with their playerbase, and provide a proper hook for their players, Warframe will slowly die and eventually shut down, due to lack of fresh blood and money. This is the consensus of the Review and commentation community, that Warframe, while it has a pretty wrapping and some cute gimmicks, is just another clone and fad. 'It's Cod  the dungeon crawler! It's Diablo 3 all over again!" And you know, they're not far off. Sure, it's not as crap as Cod is; Hell it has some interesting points now and then....But when the game comes down to 'Hold [shoot] to kill everything in front of you, press [power] to nuke the level.' it might as well be 3rd person Cod. A lot of people are holding their breath on WF, seeing if U12 will save it....But a lot of us think it won't...Why? 'because it won't have good content!' No, I think it will, I think there's interesting mechanics in there, that...If done properly would be fun as hell. Admittedly, I think they're doing way, way too much, biting off more than they can chew as it were, and will fail because of it, but that's a whole other thing. 'Because they can't fix X,y and Z!" Kinda, but not quite. Imbalance and bugs will be the death of this game if DE doesn't get it's S#&$ in order.


'Because no one's going to play it because it's bad!' Bingo....Now before you take my head off, listen to me on this, it isn't straight up 'this is a bad game it sucks.' Warframe already has a rap as being wholly imbalanced, and worse than it's taken as a universal truth there are major and massive walls to entry. Even within our own community, there's people going on about how their friends, family, even mates start up a new account, and try to get passed Merc. As of D2.0, new players, players starting out, or players with low credits, mods, ect. are gimped to the point that it's a sheer cliff to grind. Unlike before, where you got one AP mod, and you were mostly good, now you have to get multiple elemental mods, get very specific weapons-- Which might be out of your master rank-- and hope for the best. Grineer Slash proc is posted at some 75% of all their procs, and with high proc chance on rapid fire weapons that can't miss, new frames are obliterated because shields are just worthless now. And while Invasions and Outbreaks help us experienced players, most, if not all new players, won't ever get to see one. Getting passed Earth, Saturn, and everything else is a chore, to the point people outside the community, and in it, are claiming Warframe is a cash grab-- That it's purposefully balanced so you can't get far without buying micro transactions, that don't cost the same as real micro transactions, to make a killing....They're not exactly wrong. Weapons cost $10 usd, Frames $20...And now with the Tenno lab, expected to be even more roadblocks for new players , some are calling to rail against Warframe. Though they get quashed. However, that doesn't change the fact Warframe has a massive balance issue, and it's NOT at the top, but the bottom. If you go through the majority of all my posts here, you will find one common thread. 


'My concern isn't for me or experienced players, it's for the new guys coming in.'


Why?...It's quite simple really. Warframes life or death doesn't depend on whether or not they add endgame content, balance high level mobs, or pander to use higher end players, but, whether or not it continues to get new players that stick with the game for more than a day. They could balance it so we're happy with Corpus and Grineer, or whoever they throw in here, the could make amazing guns, swords, frames, levels, everything...It's not going to matter if the new guy at master 1 can't play the game, and either needs to leech his way up to grind for four or six weeks just to enjoy the content. No one's going to stick with that! There's a joke in the Review industry; 'It's great, 200 hours in.' That's a knock at games that are slow burners with no content. Warframe is great, a month or two in, once you get over the broken Grineer, horrible drops, lack of any content beyond 'sit here and shoot' or 'run to here, press a button, run to the exit' They can balance it around us, but tbh, we don't matter; we're at a point where we aren't buy much from them anymore...and while some will argue that having this difficulty will make them want to buy stuff more, the counter to that is 'if they think they -need- to buy it, they're going to feel gipped, and think the game isn't worth the trouble."


So think on this, after this long ramble; If the Grineer take over, there will be no other faction the New guys can cut their teeth on, get used to the game with, and enjoy. There will be one faction, and one way to play, just like we saw in D1.0. 'Grab your Soma and Acrid and we'll own entire armies!' If there's nothing but Op Grineer, what are the chances new players will -want- to play passed the first few hours, when they're constantly dying?

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Very well said. I've been watching the system for the past few weeks and discussing this very thing with other members in my community. There are only two or three planets left now that hold majority corpus, if any at all. Even pluto is starting to turn grineer. Very sad to watch.


Its a simple concept. The weak minded seek instant gratification.


All I know for sure is, if you need mods or something specific from corpus, you had better grind it out now before you lose the oppurtunity. Then the forums will blow up with 'How am I supposed to get blah blah blah when there are no corpus to fight?' - And I would simply say... You obviously wanted it this way.

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wow. As of right now, Pluto is 50% gone, and jupiter is 50% gone. The only corpus controlled planet left is venus. The only high level corpus defense left right now is Outer T.


Are people really this dumb? Or is there some other influence happening here?

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The point is DE knows our demands. They will not let Grineer to tak over this so called "80%-90% of Corpus territories". Moreover, just like Gigaus said in the first post - they have a plans to fix this. 

Sadly, we can't make other players to fight for Coprus now. Players don't have real influence on the game. Majority of the players don't even read this topic, some ignore your posts Gigaus 'coz they are too long(I know many forum members are here just to complain not to read wise stuff). Many players don't even visit forums. All they do is supporting Grineer 'coz of rumored Harester oreasier gameplay since Corpus-ies are really easy to kill (Magnetic dmg is enough for them while Grineers have weakness for Viral, Corrosive, Radiation and many players don't even know that).


Just like you I'd love to see players impact on the game. If Corpus would actually strike back with majority of players wanting to fix their mistakes, but .. the truth is DE will just throw us some nice event with some Lore, that Lore@#&*(s want so much. Balance wil be restored and players will comeback to TeamGreed. 



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