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Devstream #22 Sumarry!




Reb: A new Wikia redesign is coming (hopefully next week), thanks to our current Wikia admins and contributors for always being on top of things, and Wikia themselves for helping out. 

PS4 Update 12: Critical Hotfixes in, submitting with the necessary Hotfixes next week or the following week.


Sheldon: Passed cert in Japan, we’ll be live for launch day.

Void Drop Tables, Defense Survival



Reb: We said 15 minutes 15 waves, Sheldon?


Sheldon: It’s actually 20 minutes on Survival that was my mistake on Thursday. Then you’ll get your guaranteed key/forma/ or prime piece.


*As of 2/10/2014 we know more review is needed in regards to the Void Drop Table. We appreciate all feedback being given.

Warframe Balancing



Reb: Archwizard asks the change to Snow Globe has panicked a number of players, who now believe that every frame that makes a mission easier (Vauban, Nyx, etc) is at risk of being nerfed next. Do you consider this irrational?


Scott: There will be some tweaks coming. The biggest reason I changed it is because I kept reading that were players saying “I play Frost and I’m bored”. Is this the perfect solution; maybe not. One of the best suggestions I've gotten is that Snowglobe takes on Frost’s armor rating so that damage medication from Mods will be transferred over to it which I think is a good idea. The idea was to make Frost less of a 1 trick pony. Frost was lacking in his ultimate and his #1 ability so I buffed them.

Steve answers Chat Questions



Steve: PS4 will get the fixes we just rolled out including the Drop Table fixes. HUD customization has been added and we’ll be adding more.


The team that works on the HUD looks at all the feedback, Pablo made his own thread, Dorian spent late hours trying to refine it. Those guys are on the case.

Melee 2.0 ETA



Reb: Lautalocos asks melee 2.0, can we expect it next week or in a few weeks?


Geoff: We’re aiming for end of the month. There is a lot of work that has to go into it, that’s the reason is didn’t make it into the Update 12. We changed the animation of the Jat Kittag because it didn’t seem appropriate for the pole arm by switching to the Hammer animation set. It’ll be getting a custom charge too.

End Game



Steve: The first one is Focus which is what XP will do after you reach all your level caps and making Mastery Rank matter. We have these paths that you can take like Warrior, Ward, Channeling, Guardian, etc. You find a Warrior lens, you put it in your maxed out gear and any XP you get that is above the level cap goes into creating a Warrior Focus point. Based on how many Mastery Rank’s you have you can unlock powers and abilities (passive/actives) within a tree that you can equip. But it isn’t like a Mod because Mods already can do a lot of this stuff. It’s more akin to an Avatar state, or a beast mode. You’ll see the Warframes in this kneeling posture which allows you to enter the Focus state, 1 time once per mission. A lot of the timing/cost is too unstable to make promises right now. There is nothing in the game that allows you to upgrade your player, what you are. This goes above that. As many Mastery Ranks you have is how many Focus things you can equip. what we want to do is have a system that feels different from how Mods work and more focused on cool down.


Reb: What about the Proxy War System?


Steve: There are 3 projects. The Focus System is about giving Tenno new powers that is earned by XP beyond level cap. The next one is Proxy War which is trying to make good on what we’ve done with battle pay. We’re going to track those sides and give you infamy or renown within these factions that exist. The Proxy War allows players and their clans and alliances to gain standing with these factions. The ones that I’m most excited about are the secret orders. There is Red Veil which is this guild of assassins, the Oracles of Saturn who are interested in collecting information about the Warframe universe. All of these factions/orders will give you missions and if you go and do a mission on their behalf you’ll gain standing points with them and you’ll rise up through the ranks of their organization. The rewards you can get are a unique cosmetic item or a Mod that only they have. It lets people have an identity by creating more of a sandbox game.


The third project is the Badlands. Locations in the star chart that are unreachable until a Clan or an alliance of smaller clans (which means the alliance system actually needs to function properly), can cooperate to build a ‘Solar Rail’ which is a tower that allows people to travel throughout the Solar System very quickly. It’s essentially like building a road there. Once a Clan builds this in a location it opens it up for everyone in the world to play and take them to this unreachable mission. The catch is they can tax it (toll road). The Badlands will offer better rarity finds, more concentrated resources, perhaps enemy types that are difficult to find. But the cost is the clan controls the tax rate and get rich off of other people playing that area. Other clan can get mad, build a secret tower and challenge it, putting it into a contested state. And now hopefully we have territorial conflict in this outer region of the Solar System. If you’re a Solo player, once it goes into this contested state you can vote with your battle and pick a tower to fight with in a similar way of the Invasions.


I predict a big land grab as people race to deploy the towers and once the stability wears off then there will be people trying to take control, building towers in secret, if a tower has been damaged it might create a weak opportunity for another Clan to come in who has built one in secret.


Reb: Is there going to be balancing for bigger Clans having a potential advantage over smaller Clans?


Steve: Some of our Ghost clans are really active/hardcore players that could make deals with larger clans; they see a contested Clan, approach them with help and ask what’s in it for us.


Proxy War is like a Lore buffet with the different characters and questing (Vor’s Prize).

Invasions Stability



Reb: Othergrunty and RahuStalker ask any changes to the Invasion system planned? You kind of broke the balance there. How’re we going to stabilize what has occurred?


Scott: We’re very aware of this and we’re taking steps to improve this. There rumors of the Grineer doing something bad.


Reb: Project Thetra, what could it be!




Reb: How much of Zephyr was inspired by the Fan Concept?


Scott: A lot of it was inspired by the Fan Concept. Mynki has next pick of the Warframe. The original Zephyr concept art posted in the Forums was very inspiring. And Dive-bomb is getting looked at, we know there is a problem. I think the damage is going through the floor.

Linking Worlds



Steve: This is me at the Vesper Relay before the Stream. We saw hopefully the first signs of the death of the star chart. It’s a space station near Venus area where anyone can join and see everyone else. It’s kind of like chat with 3d avatars. No more kneeling on a weird glowing circle hologram in front of a bunch of circles and lines. But a real place to dock your ship and travel. You’ll still be able to quick travel and bring up simple UI’s the jump to locations. It’s a place to hang out and see interesting things.


Geoff: This is where we were talking about putting in the Emotes.


Sheldon: There might be a market in there.


Steve: It’s the 2014 of Warframe. It’s like the Citadel in Mass Effect.

Exclusive Gear



Reb: UpdateinProgress asks I feel that the subject of the Brakk being event exclusive or whether it will be re-released should be established. It has caused a lot of agitation within the community and we feel that a word from the devs, as a simple Yes/No would easily resolve this intra-community divide.


Sheldon: I like to think of everything that are 1 time things are put into a ‘Disney Vault’, and just like all the Disney classics they come back.


Scott: There might be future events where everyone get’s everything. We have a growing number of items that were given out one time that can come back again.


Steve: That does not include exclusives for Founders.

PS4 Performance



Reb: Molnizzle asks about frame rate and DPS of Ps4 and what kind of improvements can they expect with the new update?


Steve: They can expect at least double the frame rate if not more in the Void. We’re going to do a lot of performance fixes on those. Problem is the lasers/traps are happening even when you’re half way across the map.

Mod System



Reb: 7.T asks has there been any more thought or planning towards any kind of changes in the mod system specifically with Warframes and their four main abilities?


Steve: We know have code support for generic Warframe abilities that work on any Warframe. We’re going to start mixing those into the game.

Purchasable Animations



Geoff: You’ll be able to purchase Idle sets and apply it to any Warframes you have in your inventory. So I predict a lot of sexy Rhinos.

DPS Mods



Reb: Vkhaun asks theoretical DPS numbers continue to override any attempt at balance discussions. Can we get some mods that generate higher damage bonuses but are based on game play conditions, to bring action back into the balance conversation? So Damage Mods that foster certain game play types, is that something you would consider?


Steve: Totally sick, I love that. And we’re not retiring Serration.

Upcoming Prime Gear



Reb: Zenetos asked is the new Prime and Prime Weapons being pushed to "soon after Update 12" along with the Hek change, Melee 2.0, and Vor's Prize?


Sheldon: It will come with Melee 2.0.

Merch Teaser

Reb: Polymelodic asks merch?



Teaser of New Tileset



Scott: This is a preview of the shipyard tileset that is coming. Stuff is looking really great.


Steve: If the Grineer lived in Mordor this is what it would be like.

New Weapons


Scott: I'm not sure release dates. This is stuff that Kary gave to me to show off.



Scott: This is a lever action rifle set of a rifle and pistol version of the same gun. It’s a Terminator lever action rifle gun



Scott: Request from Glen, Corpus freeze ray.



Scott: This is an acid rifle for the Grineer.



Scott: This is the Tenno cross bow.


We're trying to make sure that every faction gets something. I have a large amount of fan mail that the chem labs are being ignored. We’re definitely going to add more. Lots of weapons coming and other things!

Straight Forward Quests



Reb: SquirmyBurrito asks the 'Get me 50 Oxium and I'll give you a reward' mission was nice; do you plan on implementing more of these straightforward quests?


Steve: It'll be tied into the Proxy Wars and leading factions. You can get quests inside your Stations.


Sheldon: We want a balance where we can make a story.

Darvo Missions



Reb: Having the Darvo missions in the Codex so players can play them again.


Scott: We love these alerts and think they add greatness to the game. Making them available is something we need to figure out.


Scott: I was trying to figure out what to do with Banshee before the update and you (reb) said that the only ability that needs tweaking is Silence. And I agree with that but the problem is we do plan to add more Stealth to the game which will make Silence very strong. Banshee will get additions to get powers. But I don’t want to remove her stealth option.

Parkour 2.0 (Not Really)


Vay Hek



Scott: Hek is really really complex. Mynki's mind broke everyone.


Geoff: He's definitely being worked on.



See you next time!

Edited by [DE]Megan
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Not a fan of all abilities being available for various warframes.


A certain set of generic abilities that EVERYONE can use. So you don't get a Loki that can use Iron Skin/Blessing, that would defeat the purpose of "coop" as Steve/Scott said later when talking about Banshee later on.

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i hope the katana has its own personal and traditional animation set of attack......PLEASE PLEASE for the love of god do not have the animation share as the Dual Zoren's PLEASE PLEASE.....if it does share then i will still get it the weapon but just for leveling and not using it again.....and have the holsters be traditionally ......i will be so mad if u guys don't gives its traditional style of the use of the katana and holsters positions for that weapons.....and i hope there is a single and two handed sword type katana of that weapon

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Damn, I missed the stream, I could connect just in time to see Excalibur dancing.

Then I closed the pc wondering what the hell did I just drink in that Long Island.


They said a skill set that everyone has access to, not that everyone has access to everything. So no Loki with Iron Skin, just that Loki and Rhino can now use ability X, Y, and Z (which haven't been released yet). 


It's like in pokemon. A lot of pokemon can use "normal" moves, in addition to their own type (fire, grass, etc). Warframe's new system would have a more extreme version of that.

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i would like to know how a clan charging taxes, and provoking a war beetwen tennos is a good idea.


once we were the agents of balance in the universe, driven by duty and honor.


later, gradivus happened, we changed into ruthless mercenaries that would kill their mother for a good reward,


finally, we start a war beetwen us because of TAXES, so now we are the corpus.


can't wait to know our next step, becoming the grineer (lotus becomes a dictator, to rule the galaxy?)


the lore explaining this will be fantastic, reaaaaaally...


2014 will be an awesome year for warframe , indeed.


(hey, maybe you forgot this was supossed to be PVE, making the players or clans hate each other is not the best idea around, just saying)

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