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[Warframe Concept] Typhus - The Parasite Warframe


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Beast Warframe... isn't that kind of what Valkyr is? I mean, her ultimate is pretty much going beast mode. Dunno, that's just how I'd look at.


I was talking about theme, not by role.


Summoner is a role; Earth/Rock/Geo is a theme; Parasite could be either.


To be honest, I think the next Warframe going to be an Earth/Rock themed Golem Master. Like a Warframe that controls the shape and form of a Golem-like creature or machine.


Which makes me question for just a moment: what is Typhus's role? His powers don't really point to a definitive role. It's like he has a foot in a few doors, but hasn't committed to a decision yet.

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Which makes me question for just a moment: what is Typhus's role? His powers don't really point to a definitive role. It's like he has a foot in a few doors, but hasn't committed to a decision yet.


You clearly have not really read the info on the first page, it is right there about 3 lines down from the artwork!


Glass-Cannon/Leech (Weak, but uses abilities to weaken enemies while buffing himself)
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Hello fellow Tenno,

I've come up with a new idea between me and Letter13 for a new power to replace Boiling Blood. This is a new first power, so I will be moving everything around to accommodate. I'm also thinking of changing devouring claw to something that meshes better with this new power concept.



Coevolution - Typhus envelopes the target as a living armor, gaining a new set of abilities to defend the target and engage nearby enemies. This skill costs energy.


Notes: When Coevolution is used, the player attaches to and becomes a sort of turret on another player (or NPC). The Typhus armor grants bonuses to health and armor, and allows Typhus to provide offensive, defensive and support actions designed to increase the suitability of the target.

Using this skill on a rescue target or enemy allows Typhus to control the target's movements, however the host will still use their weapons and abilities autonomously.

LMB: Ranged attack which scales off of Typhus's primary weapon damage (scales off of secondary damage if no primary, and defaults to base values if no ranged weapons are equipped).

RMB: Zoomed Aim

E/Melee: Melee attack which scales off of Typhus's melee weapon



When attach it replace the original powers with new ones:

Power 1: "Detach" - Typhus disengages from the target, returning to normal. When used on an enemy, it results in death of the target and requires additional energy to cast. Disengaging from allies costs no energy.

Power 2: "Adaptation" - The armor creates a protective barrier around the wearer, significantly reducing incoming damage for a period of time or until the cocoon disintegrates.

Power 3: "Detonate" - The armor releases a close range blast designed to stun and disorient nearby enemies.

Power 4: "Adrenaline" - The armor releases a surge of adrenaline into the host, significantly increasing movement and melee attack speed, as well as preventing knockdowns.



I'd love to hear any feedback, constructive criticism, thoughts or ideas on this new power concept.

Edited by RedSkittlez
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Hello fellow Tenno,

I've come up with a new idea between me and Letter13 for a new power to replace Boiling Blood. This is a new first power, so I will be moving everything around to accommodate. I'm also thinking of changing devouring claw to something that meshes better with this new power concept.



Co-Speciation - Typhus envelopes the target as a living armor, gaining a new set of abilities to defend the target and engage nearby enemies. This skill costs energy.


Notes: When Co-specialization is used, the player attaches to and becomes a sort of turret on another player (or NPC). The Typhus armor grants bonuses to health and armor, and allows Typhus to provide offensive, defensive and support actions designed to increase the suitability of the target.


Using this skill on a rescue target or enemy allows Typhus to control the target's movements, however the host will still use their weapons and abilities autonomously.

LMB: Ranged attack which scales off of Typhus's primary weapon damage (scales off of secondary damage if no primary, and defaults to base values if no ranged weapons are equipped).

RMB: Zoomed Aim

E/Melee: Melee attack which scales off of Typhus's melee weapon



When attach it replace the original powers with new ones:

Power 1: "Detach" - Typhus disengages from the target, returning to normal. When used on an enemy, it results in death of the target and requires additional energy to cast. Disengaging from allies costs no energy.

Power 2: "Cocoon" - The armor creates a protective barrier around the wearer, significantly reducing incoming damage for a period of time or until the cocoon disintegrates.

Power 3: "Detonate" - The armor releases a close range blast designed to stun and disorient nearby enemies.

Power 4: "Adrenaline" - The armor releases a surge of adrenaline into the host, significantly increasing movement and melee attack speed, as well as preventing knockdowns.



I'd love to hear any feedback, constructive criticism, thoughts or ideas on this new power concept.



I think he should Use the same button to detonate the cocoon and you make a new 3rd move

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I think he should Use the same button to detonate the cocoon and you make a new 3rd move

Agreed, would be better if detaching automaticly detonate the living armor.



So from what I've understand, it goes into the direction of Abathur from "Heroes of the Storm".

One of my favorite heroes^^.

Now, does it fit the theme of Typhus?

Ok, Im the last who could judge it, since Im not the creator. ^^

You're the only one who know if it fits the theme or not.

The reason, why I ask if it fits the theme is the following:

-Typhus is a parasite: you gain advantages, while your targed gains disadvantages

-but attaching to ally or rescue target would make you to a symbiont: both gain advantages




Wouldn't it be better if you would attach,with lets say a tendril, to a target(enemie only).

And you then have the option to:

1. Detach - Release the target


2. Leech - Starts to damage the target per second, while you heal yourself for an amount of health per second


3. Detonate -Target release an explosion, dealing damage to a certain area


4. Consume - Gain a adrinaline boost from the target.(Your mentioned traits)




-The attached target deal decreased damage and has decreased armor, health, shield(depending on the faction)

In fact the target is weakened.^^

-Even if you're attached to the target and can control some of its functions, it still has its own mind:

will take cover, run around, shoot you.

-The tendril has acertain range, leaving the range, detach automaticly the target.




I actually like your Symbiont idea, but would it fit better on another Warframe?

In the end it is your decision, so I don't mind if you don't agree with me^^

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Now, does it fit the theme of Typhus?

Ok, Im the last who could judge it, since Im not the creator. ^^

You're the only one who know if it fits the theme or not.

The reason, why I ask if it fits the theme is the following:

-Typhus is a parasite: you gain advantages, while your targed gains disadvantages

-but attaching to ally or rescue target would make you to a symbiont: both gain advantages



-The attached target deal decreased damage and has decreased armor, health, shield(depending on the faction)

In fact the target is weakened.^^

-Even if you're attached to the target and can control some of its functions, it still has its own mind:

will take cover, run around, shoot you.

-The tendril has acertain range, leaving the range, detach automaticly the target.




I actually like your Symbiont idea, but would it fit better on another Warframe?

In the end it is your decision, so I don't mind if you don't agree with me^^


Symbiosis (Greek for "Living togeather") is an interaction between two organisms living together in intimate association or the merging of two dissimilar organisms.

The definition of symbiosis is controversial among scientists. Some believe symbiosis should only refer to persistent mutualisms, while others believe it should apply to any type of persistent biological interaction (i.e. mutualistic, commensalistic, or parasitic)


You have to keep in mind that some parasites do evolve to have a mutual bond with the host, for exsample: Charles Darwin briefly described the concept of coevolution in On the Origin of Species (1859) and developed it in detail in Fertilisation of Orchids (1862). Coevolution of different species includes the evolution of a host species and its parasites (host–parasite coevolution), and examples of mutualism evolving through time.


So simply put, yes, it fits perfectly fine with his theme.

Edited by RedSkittlez
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Agreed, would be better if detaching automaticly detonate the living armor.



So from what I've understand, it goes into the direction of Abathur from "Heroes of the Storm".

One of my favorite heroes^^.

Now, does it fit the theme of Typhus?

Ok, Im the last who could judge it, since Im not the creator. ^^

You're the only one who know if it fits the theme or not.

The reason, why I ask if it fits the theme is the following:

-Typhus is a parasite: you gain advantages, while your targed gains disadvantages

-but attaching to ally or rescue target would make you to a symbiont: both gain advantages




Wouldn't it be better if you would attach,with lets say a tendril, to a target(enemie only).

And you then have the option to:

1. Detach - Release the target


2. Leech - Starts to damage the target per second, while you heal yourself for an amount of health per second


3. Detonate -Target release an explosion, dealing damage to a certain area


4. Consume - Gain a adrinaline boost from the target.(Your mentioned traits)




-The attached target deal decreased damage and has decreased armor, health, shield(depending on the faction)

In fact the target is weakened.^^

-Even if you're attached to the target and can control some of its functions, it still has its own mind:

will take cover, run around, shoot you.

-The tendril has acertain range, leaving the range, detach automaticly the target.




I actually like your Symbiont idea, but would it fit better on another Warframe?

In the end it is your decision, so I don't mind if you don't agree with me^^

You noticed me :D

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Symbiosis (Greek for "Living togeather") is an interaction between two organisms living together in intimate association or the merging of two dissimilar organisms.

The definition of symbiosis is controversial among scientists. Some believe symbiosis should only refer to persistent mutualisms, while others believe it should apply to any type of persistent biological interaction (i.e. mutualistic, commensalistic, or parasitic)


You have to keep in mind that some parasites do evolve to have a mutual bond with the host, for exsample: Charles Darwin briefly described the concept of coevolution in On the Origin of Species (1859) and developed it in detail in Fertilisation of Orchids (1862). Coevolution of different species includes the evolution of a host species and its parasites (host–parasite coevolution), and examples of mutualism evolving through time.


So simply put, yes, it fits perfectly fine with his theme.

You're right.

But most scientist see parasitism as a specialization of a symbiosis.

That's what I thought about your concept. Keep leeching and weakening your enemies.


On the other hand you can help your team^^.

Gonna miss Boiling Blood : ( 


How is attaching to a target gonna change the moving system? (Parkour 2.0 still available?)

And is shooting the target, while Typhus is attached to it, also damage Typhus himself?

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I notice you as well, I like your idea and I want to include it but I still need a new power to re-place detonate. If you have any ideas it will be appreciated :)


Hmmmm.... I`m not much good with this but maybe he could like shapeshift.....Like say he could Either attach one of his tendrils to a grineer and control it without fellow grineer noticing. You can like attack your enemey in that form and when you get shot a certain amount of times the tendril latches to the closest enemey and does the same?

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Hmmmm.... I`m not much good with this but maybe he could like shapeshift.....Like say he could Either attach one of his tendrils to a grineer and control it without fellow grineer noticing. You can like attack your enemey in that form and when you get shot a certain amount of times the tendril latches to the closest enemey and does the same?

Also I don`t get the first move Can you explain it to me? Also with the fourth move you wouln`t want him to be another rhino..well my opinion lol

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I also thought of a replacement for the 3rd abiltiy(while attached)
Something like:
On enemy: Leech - Damaging enemy, while healing yourself.

On ally: - increasing targets health regen, while sacrifising some of the targets shield or energy(indicator needed)


alternate on ally: Leech - slowly decreasing targets health(maybe cap it to 25-50 health, or % of health), but increasing its damage

Edited by SteaKnight-X
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well well well clearly the story part will be hard to make with this one but here is an idea for at least a backbone for the story (i apolagise in advance for any bad English)


Ah good old Alad V anyone renember him? Well i dont either but lets try to for the sake of this lore.


Basicly Alad V is like ''you know what i am gona make my own warframe and then oh the tenno will pay muhahahahaha'' and so he somehow starts to create Typhus. Somehow Typhus finds a way to escape and goes Rogue on Alad V. His is escape was a success but it was too late for him, he was already infected by those nasty parasites or was it too late? Days, weeks, mounts, maybe even years pass and he is still alive but at what cost. The parasites have spread, his body was covered with them they would eat away at his life, but he will ot give up and then he saw her. She had finally found him, Lotus. She offered him shelter and promised him that she and the Tenno will somehow find a cure for him. Knowing that he had no choice Typhus accepted. He told her and the Tenno of what had happened how he was experimented on how he was tortured and it was then that the Lotus learned that there will be no cure for his disease. Knowing it wont be a good idea to say that to Typhus she instead calmed him and asked him to wait wile she secretly tells the Tenno instead. Lotus told the Tenno to go and ask the New Loka for help because only they would now the recapie for the cure, and so the Tenno asked but the New Loka was suspecious of why would they need such a thing. The Tenno then explained and told the story, they were granted answears but also bad news, because it had seemed that a a very importent ingridient was extinct, but the Lotus demended despredly wanting to save Typhus life. The New Loka took a moment to think and so they made a deal that for as long as they can find the importent ingridient they would give them the rest of the resources and the knolege needed to make the cure. The Tenno and Lotus ofcourse accepted. New Loka also told them the last known location of the ingridient hoping that they would fine clues of what happened, but knowing that they would need more then just their eyes they game the Tenno an  ancient scanner modified to detect the roots and life force of plants. Going back home Lotus told the news to Typhus, he was happy but woried something inside him was telling him that the Tenno would need his help to find that ingridient but asuming that the parasites had somehow started to also mess with his mind he said nothing and tried to stay calm. on the next day when the Tenno had just woke up they and their Kubrows (or Sentinels if you prefer those) prepered and went to search of that ingridient. They land but something was difrent looking around when they saw a suprise, Typhus was there with them. The Lotus beged him to go back but he refused, he only wanted to help. Knowing that Typhus would need to defend himself the Tenno gave him one of their weapons despite knowing that it was a bad idea to give a weapon to somebody who doesnt know how to use that weapon. Even though the mission was to simply find an object the Tenno were still careful knowing that they may be enamies nearby. Eventualy the Tenno found their way to their location but the objective was no where in sight, it was then they renembered the gift that New Loka gave them and started useing the scanner. It was strange were they imagining what they saw through the lence of the scanner or were the roots somehow forming symbols and even words. Not knowing if it was a trap of nor the Tenno had no choice but to folow them. While the Tenno were searching but found nothing Typhus had some sort of a felling yet again, but this time it was not a bad one no, this time it was difrent it felt like it was guiding him towards something. He told the Tenno to folow him and so they did.It didnt take long before they found what they were looking for, a valey filled with the plant they needed, the same plant that was thought to be extinct, but something wasnt right, it just fell like it was easy, too easy. Playing smart the Tenno and Lotus decide to call New Loka and ask if there was something wrong. While explaining how dangorus the plant could be New Loka noticed that Typhus was about to pick up one of the plants. Everyone tried to stop him but failed. As Typhus picked the plant up a bright white light sudenly flashed. The light flashed so brightly that the entire valey was surounded by it. After that evryone just stood there frozen by what just happened the New Loka though confused said that it will be better not to drain their luck any further and that one piece will be enough. Something just didnt fill right for Typhus, he somehow figured it out, somehow learned that there is no cure, and then he quickly turns around and point a gun at the Tenno simply asking, why. With much anger he was ready he wanted to pull the triger and kill the Tenno, but then the Stalker apears. Being the boss that he is the Stalker explains that its not yet the time for the Tenno to die and that even if it was the only one with the right to kill them would be him, he tells Typhus that if he pulls the triger now the only one dead would be him. Typhus has gone through a lot and he knew deep inside himself that only an idiot will kill the ones that tried to save him and so he lowers the gun. The Stalker slowly walks up to him, puts his hand on Typhus shoulder and whispers to him ''You are a great worior Typhus, renember that'' then Stalker quickly turns around and tells the Tenno ''As for you you, Tenno know that this is not the last time we will meet'' and before and of them can even say anything he quickly throws down a smoke bomb and disappears. Knowing that for now there is nothing they can do about the Stalker, the Tenno and Typhus continew their mission and extract safely. Back at New Loka the ''cure'' has now been made. Typhus knowing that if he doesnt accept it all of that would be for nothing and so he drinks the ''cure''. In almoust no time the afects were shown and Typhus had now gained controll over the very thing that controlled him but he was still unexperianced and with he asks of the Tenno for one last favor, to join them. Lotus and the Tenno acept him and they all lived happily ever after. THE END


well dam now we just need this to be implemented as a new quest get the new scanner that will be basicly useless after the end of the quest and we can live happily ever after too :)


PS: this took me about 2 hours to write so i hope at least some of it makes it in the game like dam it aint every day i just come up with great stories like this also did i suprise with the Stalker part?

well now i defently see why it took me 2 hours to write that...

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well well well clearly the story part will be hard to make with this one but here is an idea for at least a backbone for the story (i apolagise in advance for any bad English)


Ah good old Alad V anyone renember him? Well i dont either but lets try to for the sake of this lore.


Basicly Alad V is like ''you know what i am gona make my own warframe and then oh the tenno will pay muhahahahaha'' and so he somehow starts to create Typhus. Somehow Typhus finds a way to escape and goes Rogue on Alad V. His is escape was a success but it was too late for him, he was already infected by those nasty parasites or was it too late? Days, weeks, mounts, maybe even years pass and he is still alive but at what cost. The parasites have spread, his body was covered with them they would eat away at his life, but he will ot give up and then he saw her. She had finally found him, Lotus. She offered him shelter and promised him that she and the Tenno will somehow find a cure for him. Knowing that he had no choice Typhus accepted. He told her and the Tenno of what had happened how he was experimented on how he was tortured and it was then that the Lotus learned that there will be no cure for his disease. Knowing it wont be a good idea to say that to Typhus she instead calmed him and asked him to wait wile she secretly tells the Tenno instead. Lotus told the Tenno to go and ask the New Loka for help because only they would now the recapie for the cure, and so the Tenno asked but the New Loka was suspecious of why would they need such a thing. The Tenno then explained and told the story, they were granted answears but also bad news, because it had seemed that a a very importent ingridient was extinct, but the Lotus demended despredly wanting to save Typhus life. The New Loka took a moment to think and so they made a deal that for as long as they can find the importent ingridient they would give them the rest of the resources and the knolege needed to make the cure. The Tenno and Lotus ofcourse accepted. New Loka also told them the last known location of the ingridient hoping that they would fine clues of what happened, but knowing that they would need more then just their eyes they game the Tenno an  ancient scanner modified to detect the roots and life force of plants. Going back home Lotus told the news to Typhus, he was happy but woried something inside him was telling him that the Tenno would need his help to find that ingridient but asuming that the parasites had somehow started to also mess with his mind he said nothing and tried to stay calm. on the next day when the Tenno had just woke up they and their Kubrows (or Sentinels if you prefer those) prepered and went to search of that ingridient. They land but something was difrent looking around when they saw a suprise, Typhus was there with them. The Lotus beged him to go back but he refused, he only wanted to help. Knowing that Typhus would need to defend himself the Tenno gave him one of their weapons despite knowing that it was a bad idea to give a weapon to somebody who doesnt know how to use that weapon. Even though the mission was to simply find an object the Tenno were still careful knowing that they may be enamies nearby. Eventualy the Tenno found their way to their location but the objective was no where in sight, it was then they renembered the gift that New Loka gave them and started useing the scanner. It was strange were they imagining what they saw through the lence of the scanner or were the roots somehow forming symbols and even words. Not knowing if it was a trap of nor the Tenno had no choice but to folow them. While the Tenno were searching but found nothing Typhus had some sort of a felling yet again, but this time it was not a bad one no, this time it was difrent it felt like it was guiding him towards something. He told the Tenno to folow him and so they did.It didnt take long before they found what they were looking for, a valey filled with the plant they needed, the same plant that was thought to be extinct, but something wasnt right, it just fell like it was easy, too easy. Playing smart the Tenno and Lotus decide to call New Loka and ask if there was something wrong. While explaining how dangorus the plant could be New Loka noticed that Typhus was about to pick up one of the plants. Everyone tried to stop him but failed. As Typhus picked the plant up a bright white light sudenly flashed. The light flashed so brightly that the entire valey was surounded by it. After that evryone just stood there frozen by what just happened the New Loka though confused said that it will be better not to drain their luck any further and that one piece will be enough. Something just didnt fill right for Typhus, he somehow figured it out, somehow learned that there is no cure, and then he quickly turns around and point a gun at the Tenno simply asking, why. With much anger he was ready he wanted to pull the triger and kill the Tenno, but then the Stalker apears. Being the boss that he is the Stalker explains that its not yet the time for the Tenno to die and that even if it was the only one with the right to kill them would be him, he tells Typhus that if he pulls the triger now the only one dead would be him. Typhus has gone through a lot and he knew deep inside himself that only an idiot will kill the ones that tried to save him and so he lowers the gun. The Stalker slowly walks up to him, puts his hand on Typhus shoulder and whispers to him ''You are a great worior Typhus, renember that'' then Stalker quickly turns around and tells the Tenno ''As for you you, Tenno know that this is not the last time we will meet'' and before and of them can even say anything he quickly throws down a smoke bomb and disappears. Knowing that for now there is nothing they can do about the Stalker, the Tenno and Typhus continew their mission and extract safely. Back at New Loka the ''cure'' has now been made. Typhus knowing that if he doesnt accept it all of that would be for nothing and so he drinks the ''cure''. In almoust no time the afects were shown and Typhus had now gained controll over the very thing that controlled him but he was still unexperianced and with he asks of the Tenno for one last favor, to join them. Lotus and the Tenno acept him and they all lived happily ever after. THE END


well dam now we just need this to be implemented as a new quest get the new scanner that will be basicly useless after the end of the quest and we can live happily ever after too :)


PS: this took me about 2 hours to write so i hope at least some of it makes it in the game like dam it aint every day i just come up with great stories like this also did i suprise with the Stalker part?

well now i defently see why it took me 2 hours to write that...


*Claps* ;-; 

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well well well clearly the story part will be hard to make with this one but here is an idea for at least a backbone for the story (i apolagise in advance for any bad English)



I'd give some feedback, but that wall of text is rather intimidating, so, uh, nice work!?

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I have been told if I can't say something nice, don't day anything at all. But this is not a Disney movie.


Sorry but that was bad, no, just no...if you wish something to be at least somewhat applicable, keep the characters true to themselves.


Not to mention the fact its one big wall of text hurts in itself.

Edited by HoldXtoRevive
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Correction, can't read just one big paragraph (if you can call it that) that doesn't have proper punctuation OR grammar!


Also, implying that Red authorized such a silly "origin story" . . .pfft.

Edited by Blazbaros
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Before this derails any more, I'm going to come in and say. I see ppl are passionate about this concept, but this story is very lack luster, I already have a backstory, so I will be treating this for what it is, a fanfaction, nothing more.

Also the Bag of salt was an in-joke between me, Blazbaros and HoldXtoRevive.

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