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Smooth Phage Focusing


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The Phage's beam focusing is jumpy.

The Phage immediately goes to full spread if the focused beam is interrupted.

(Jump, roll, run, trigger release, etc.)


Instead of that, let's attach a simple persistent focus variable.

At focus = 0, the beam is fully unfocused.

At focus = 1, the beam is fully focused.


The focus variable should increase gradually (per timeframe) while the weapon is aimed.

The focus variable should decrease gradually at all other times.


This would make gameplay with the Phage smoother and more intuitive.

(And possibly more realistic. Not sure how realistic you can get with laser tentacle molestation, though.)



Currently, the Phage starts unfocused and becomes focused while the weapon is being aimed and fired.

Interrupting the aim will prevent further focusing, but will not reset the focus.

Interrupting the continuous fire will cause the focus to be reset.

Let's talk about the hypothetical gameplay experience this proposition would produce.

The Phage focuses when aimed.

Whether or not the weapon is currently being fired would be irrelevant. Focusing is completely independent of firing.

If the user is aiming, the Phage is focusing.


At all other times, the Phage is gradually defocusing.


Theoretically, the user could aim, wait for the Phage to focus, and then begin to fire with the beams fully focused.

If the user performs a quick roll or jump, the Phage would gradually defocus while this occurs.

Thereafter, the Phage could resume fire at partial focus. (If not aimed, the Phage would slowly defocus while firing.)


Ideally, the rate of defocusing would be slightly slower than the rate of focusing.



if aiming then

    increase focus


    decrease focus



Note that firing is not the same as the trigger being held down.

The trigger could be held down during a roll, but the Phage wouldn't be firing.

(The same applies for aiming.)



The Phage's beam focusing is jumpy.

The Phage immediately goes to full spread if the focused beam is interrupted.

(Jump, roll, run, trigger release, etc.)


Instead of that, let's attach a simple persistent focus variable.

At focus = 0, the beam is fully unfocused.

At focus = 1, the beam is fully focused.


The focus variable should increase gradually (per timeframe) while the weapon is aimed.

The focus variable should decrease gradually while the Phage is inactive (not currently firing).

(If the Phage is not being aimed but is being fired, then the focus variable should not change. This means that a focused beam can be held outside of aiming.)


This would make gameplay with the Phage smoother and more intuitive.

(And possibly more realistic. Not sure how realistic you can get with laser tentacle molestation, though.)



Currently, the Phage starts unfocused and becomes focused while the weapon is being aimed and fired.

Interrupting the aim will prevent further focusing, but will not reset the focus.

Interrupting the continuous fire will cause the focus to be reset.

Let's talk about the hypothetical gameplay experience this proposition would produce.

The Phage focuses when aimed.

Whether or not the weapon is currently being fired would be irrelevant. Focusing is completely independent of firing.

If the user is aiming, the Phage is focusing.


While inactive, the Phage is gradually defocusing.


Theoretically, the user could aim, wait for the Phage to focus, and then begin to fire with the beams fully focused.

If the user performs a quick roll or jump, the Phage would gradually defocus while this occurs.

Thereafter, the Phage could resume fire at partial focus. (The Phage would maintain its current focus even if not aimed.)


Ideally, the rate of defocusing would be slightly faster than the rate of focusing.



if aiming then

    increase focus

else if not firing then

    decrease focus



Note that firing is not the same as the trigger being held down.

The trigger could be held down during a roll, but the Phage wouldn't be firing.

(The same applies for aiming.)


By the way, BBCode color formatting borks if layered inside spoiler tags.

Edited by Knaimhe
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Easy fix would be letting fire rate increase focus time like on the Drakgoon.

I don't mind the focus time.

That has nothing to do with what I'm saying here.


Okay, wait, it's also about the Phage.

But aside from that, nothing.



It works as is.


The point is that it could work better.

Edited by Knaimhe
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This is a great suggestion. Any time a phage user slides, sprints, climbs, or really does anything besides walk, the beam needs to be focused again.


Warframe is based on agility at its core, and the phage hampers agility a ton. This change would be simple, and would add only a little bit more strength while increasing the "fun factor" dramatically.



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This is a great suggestion. Any time a phage user slides, sprints, climbs, or really does anything besides walk, the beam needs to be focused again.


Warframe is based on agility at its core, and the phage hampers agility a ton. This change would be simple, and would add only a little bit more strength while increasing the "fun factor" dramatically.



Whether the Phage becomes more "powerful" or not is irrelevant.

The focusing speed could easily be reduced to compensate.


I just don't want jumpy beams.

Edited by Knaimhe
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use tainted shell and tighten the spread the gun works fine as is 

Pay attention.
I'm not talking about the initial spread.

It's interesting that someone called "LurkenLurker" still needs to lurk moar.


It would likely require giving it an animation sequence for the emitter to slowly reset, I am sure it wouldn't be hard to fix. Sounds like a good idea, +1 for your suggestion.

Yep, it would literally just be the current focusing animation in reverse.

Edited by Knaimhe
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Add vicious spread to it and do so much damage spread doesn't really matter much. At the 60 minute mark in ODS I usually prefer a slightly wider spread to deal more effectivly with Infested. My phage damage also adds up to about 12000 with 2 different elemental combos and an additional elemental effect, but I just find it works better like this or 75-90% focused. Granted focused headshots on level 75+ heavy gunners crit for like 40k, it is situational what will really work for you.

Edited by Sedant
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I'm not sure I really want the Phage to be Auto-focusing to a point if that's what the Op is suggesting.  part of the appeal/utility of the phage to me is being able to actively and preciously control the spread on the fly to deal with hordes/single targets.  If we can keep that a bit make it a bit smoother that would be ideal.

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Wait, so if I aim to focus the phage, I have to *keep aiming* to keep it focused, instead of being able to sweep across enemies now that it's been focused? Why would I want that?


As-is, you get extreme control over how tight the beam is. Focus it in, if you need to unfocus it, stop firing. It's great.


Also, I imagine it as more realistic for a biological weapon--the "fingers" squeeze in when you force them to, and when you release, it's like opening a hand--immediate. Whilst, mechanical things would be forced to only travel back through their pre-set phases(like what you describe).


I really hope they keep it as-is, that would be a really lousy change.

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I wouldn't want to have to hold the aim key all the time either, after focus is established it shouldn't be lost till the fire trigger is released.


The only thing that bother me is how rapidly the emitter bounce back after the trigger is released, and the fingers should not release faster than they squeeze because it looks wrong.

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Has anyone actually tried closing their fingers together slowly and then opened their hand? It's pretty hard to open slowly.

The problem with that argument is that the phage is not a human hand. It's a weapon/machine. Two entirely different structures.


Besides this adds more to the ammo efficiency... although it's already pretty good even without maxed ammo mutation.


And you SHOULD still be able to fire while it's focusing and sweep when it's focused already, like as it is now... well, hopefully.

Edited by November.Terra
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