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What Grinds Your Gears?


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But the thing that truly grinds me the most.....


When the Frelling Hostage is too stupid to actually escape and runs in circles or gets stuck on something, and all you can do is cross your fingers that it won't day when everyone simply runs away, or spend 5 minutes trying to get them unstuck X_X.

You said Frell!

You said Frell!


I can always find something to like in a Farscape Fan.


On Topic...

The things that grind my gears (in no certain order) are:


Stealth nerfs

Selfish playstyles (rushers, hallway heroes, etc)

Players who de-value the work of others for their own selfish ends

Armchair Quarterbacks who spout what things should be like in their opinion and cite how easy "x,y and z" would be to fix if only their idea was implemented. I don't always agree with DE, but would never go so far as to say I could do it better.

Players who use the troll-able skills on other players (Bounce, Rip-Line, Switch Teleport, and etc)

4 in the doors (players who pop their uberskills upon entering rooms)

Players who use or refer to racial/sexual epithets...  I get that it's a shooter and XBox 360/Playstation/PC shooters have been exemplars for bad behavior for the last many years which is why I keep my VoIP options turned off. Sadly, you can't get away from squad chat  and suggestive player names in PuGs though.

Bad Communities...I come from MMO's and every server is its' own community with its' own feel. Some good. Some not so good.

The better the community, the longer I'm there.  I'll be interested to see what community Warframe winds up with once it has lost FoTM status. I have high hopes.

Edited by Padre_Akais
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The vast sea of $&*&*#(%& Rhino players that make me look bad in my chosen frame.  Particularly when they're hallway heroes.  Your job as a Rhino in defense to stand on or near the point and stomp the sh*t out of any rushes that come near you, and revive when necessary.  That's it.


Also, novas.  Not because I dislike the frame, they are totally awesome to have in the party... it's just that 90% of her players are total d*ckwads.  If your team has a hallway hero, about 60% of the time it's a damn nova.


I had one last night, in fact, on Kappa.  Told me, after I repeatedly asked for him to stay near the pod, "Go train somewhere else n00b."  That account has been registered for 2 weeks.  Goddamn novas.

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Nerfs, changes and fixes to core mechanics not listed in the patch notes (Corrosive, Viral and Magnetic Procs no longer stacking).

Not testing your changes for 5 minutes to see if they broke anything (I'm looking at you multi-pellet weapon status chance fix.  Whoever did this one didn't test it AT ALL to see that the weapons affected are broken now).

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True, if they are haveing a conversation. But when they ask something(i think they ask beqause questionmark in the end) and noone reply, and i go "english pls" and they just repeat the same sentence. That is what "grinds my gear".

Btw, im Swedish. If I see you online, I will let you know how it feels ;)


Well, I rarely do partake in chat when playing unless necessary; my response to someone speaking (let's say spanish) would likely be either nothing or "no abla espanol" and just go about doing my job of making sure the Grineer and Corpus get their yearly intake of lead in 5 minutes.



For a minute there; I thought you might have been talking about me. Because I recently did a Kappa run bringing the Booben, but the Volt and Nova p*ssed off to god knows where, probably kill-racing each other, and I stuck around in the console room with a Loki. And we just stood there... and waited... Doing nothing...


I had the dignity to fail with my team at least... The one Loki who put down a truly valiant effort.


Nah, it's definitively not you; I remember the name somewhat and it included some "_" and other nonsense all in one. Also, I usually run Ash outside of missions which requires more specific builds and team compositions; I rarely use Nova and Nyx but usually to resort to Ash instead of Loki when going mobility; I just like fitting into his shoes better.

Edited by Wiegraf
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The vast sea of $&*&*#(%& Rhino players that make me look bad in my chosen frame.  Particularly when they're hallway heroes.  Your job as a Rhino in defense to stand on or near the point and stomp the sh*t out of any rushes that come near you, and revive when necessary.  That's it.


Also, novas.  Not because I dislike the frame, they are totally awesome to have in the party... it's just that 90% of her players are total d*ckwads.  If your team has a hallway hero, about 60% of the time it's a damn nova.


I had one last night, in fact, on Kappa.  Told me, after I repeatedly asked for him to stay near the pod, "Go train somewhere else n00b."  That account has been registered for 2 weeks.  Goddamn novas.


And thus...one reason why my Nova's been chilling on the sidelines. I bring her out and it seems I'm immediately shunned even though I'm a team player.


you know what grinds my gears?

when noobs like the one you talked about make all rhino players look like they are $&*^s





I want to reiterate: I know not ALL Rhinos are like the one I posted about. But just like Nova, he's a magnet for that particular type of gamer that enjoys ruining experiences of others.

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what grinds my gears?


people who whine about how bad RNG of this game is. But no, I'm not saying you should stop whining, or making alternative solutions. I'm fine with that. It's just that I've seen worse and I laugh how "diluted" the drop tables here.

Edited by faustias
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Well, I rarely do partake in chat when playing unless necessary; my response to someone speaking (let's say spanish) would likely be either nothing or "no abla espanol" and just go about doing my job of making sure the Grineer and Corpus get their yearly intake of lead in 5 minutes.

I hear you, but when someone ask something, and I ask "english pls" and then they just repeat the same message, im just telling the OP thats whats grinds my gear.

Lucky for you that you dont have the same issue.

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I gotta admit, i was a bit of a door hero at times until someone brought it to my attention not long ago. I didn't go out of my way to hog all the kills or anything(in fact, i sometimes stay out of the way for a bit and let others get some kills if i notice they are lagging behind), but i would sometimes get into the zone and...yeah.


But i actually thought about it afterwards and i will door hero NO LONGER!


Anywho, i hate when someone sprints through missions(exterminate invasion missions seem to be the most common) with World On Fire seemingly ALWAYs active, slaughtering everything before i can even right-click. I'm like


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When you are trying to scan someone and it keeps moving, until a teammate kills it before you get the scan.

One of my minor pet peeves, though I always tell my teammate (I only ever duo, at the most) to leave the enemy for my scan. In this case though, it's my sentinel who KS's my target.

Major gear grinders in Warframe for me include being unable to wallrun horizontally effectively because no matter what I do, I ALWAYS end up backflipping. Good thing it hasn't happened once lately.

Another is my duo buddy on Warframe managing to clip through the walls and falling out of the map while wallrunning. Pretty aggravating in a "HOW DID THIS EVEN HAPPEN" manner, and it's somewhat a time waster. Seems like a little thing, but it happens a bit too often for my liking.

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One of my minor pet peeves, though I always tell my teammate (I only ever duo, at the most) to leave the enemy for my scan. In this case though, it's my sentinel who KS's my target.


That reminds me of another gear of mine that gets grinded.


When my freakin' Sentinel KSes me at the exact wrong moment. For instance, earlier today I forgot about doing my "extra" mission until I was right near the extraction point: kill 10 enemies with melee. I got to 9, and was about to smack the final one when my sentinel suddenly headshots him. Everyone else was already at the extraction point, and no other enemies wanted to spawn nearby...so I had to just throw my hands up in annoyance and leave.


Damn you Carrier. I'm removing your gun.

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