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De, Where Are You Going With This? (Clantech Weapons In The Market)


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A pressing controversial issue has arisen and been shotgunned all over the forums: Clan-tech in the market place. Many are concerned that DE is building a sort of "pay wall/time wall" with it. That's not what this thread is about, so avoid bringing it up if you can please. 


What this thread is about is inconsistency. The inconsistency I'm talking about is offering clan-tech in both the dojo and market place. Many like myself are scratching our heads at this matter. Never before has clan-tech been available in the market, why the sudden change? A fair amount of users find this policy change rather unsettling as to the motives of DE's future business practices. Are we on the path to market only weapons and/or Warframes?


It is clear that DE intends to try and create revenue from these weapons and Warframes. There's nothing wrong with that whatsoever. They made them, they should decide how to produce profit from them. However, isn't it rather strange that only some of the clan-tech is available in the market? Only the items that have been added most recently are available - which brings about odd discrepancies. 


How long will the clan-tech that is currently purchasable through the market be there? A set amount of time? Indefinitely? If so, why? Will the rest be added? Again, if so, why? 


The bottom line is, many of us could care less if the clan-tech is available for purchase with platinum, but if it is, shouldn't all of it be? All a few of us desire is for clear line to be drawn in the sand as to what's clan-tech, what isn't, and what's up for purchase. It's either all or none - trying to get the best of both worlds has proven precarious.



I just want to make some additional clarifications to make sure people understand what I'm trying to say - I'm not always very articulate.


I do not have any issue with clan-tech being in the market. I also do not have any issue with how clan-tech is made via normal ways of constructing it in your dojo without having to pay for it. I understand that this is a recent issue and circumstances may change as time goes by - I'm simply addressing matters as they sit.

Edited by DJ_Redwire
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"There's nothing wrong with that whatsoever. They made them, they should decide how to produce profit from them"


so primes in the market sounds good too?


we are going there (prime access), and the event weapons for plat?


i am a little tired of the sucker punch here and there, i agree that a statement should be made.


i would like to know if a weapon will be in the market in a few months, before grinding like an idiot for an "exclusive"  or "prime" weapon or frame. 
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I don't understand why people are making threads about this. Who cares man?? I mean really why even bring it up. It doesn't hurt a single person, not a single one of you. Yeah they are also making market things available in the dojo "Volt" "Banshee" and I say good for them. You say "Its either all or none". How do you know what is going to be available in future updates? Who are you to tell them how to run the game. I really think people open their mouths way too soon.

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Ugh , if u dont like to buy dont buy, if you dont like to play to earn it, dont do it, how whiny

Is it a crime to want to finally EARN my weapons instead of paying/waiting behind a time wall? I want to have more to this game than "farm resources, then buy the blueprint, then build weapon." You know how Monster Hunter gets away with it? Because it's FUN. This isn't, and this is indicative of a problem much larger than this single update.


I'm not even angry about this update really. it's the trend this dev team has been going down. I don't know why we take it as a community. Can you truly say that this game is fine and that we're whining over a legitimate concern?

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Why does it matter?? As long as everything is available one way or another through a combination of time and gameplay (aka without plat), then who cares what they give you an option to buy with plat. At this point there is nothing in the game that you absolutely must buy in order to experience everything this game has to offer, and that is pretty darn cool.

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its totally fine

and tbh I think the new weapons should be the dojos

ppl have enough weapons that they can make from the market

placing weapons in dojo gives players more reasons to purchase things with platinum


imo all the new weapons should be clan tech(or at least most of them)

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You asked for it.


Such a thoughtful response.



so primes in the market sounds good too?



Nowhere in my post did I ever mention anything about Primes, and nor should it be expected to be part of a discussion about clan-tech alone.



I really think people open their mouths way too soon.


I wholeheartedly agree.



Ugh , if u dont like to buy dont buy, if you dont like to play to earn it, dont do it, how whiny


Once again - not what this discussion is about. All the clan-tech in the market? Awesome. None of the clan-tech in the market? Awesome. Don't care which it is - but it should be either or not both. As soon as you quit whining and actually read what I said, we can talk about this like sensible people.



At this point there is nothing in the game that you absolutely must buy


 Exactly, and many people intend to keep it that way. Which is why we're having this discussion, because many feel that this is a step in the wrong direction.

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I feel like a lot of angry people here are missing a point of this discussion and can't read an OP.


Also, a lot of posts here go by like this:


- DE makes 3 warframes basically free (some months from now) that you can obtain in dojo by joining a clan. And don't you dare saying that you can't join a clan, there's a lot of clans that provide everything you might need from them and they are easy to join. And everyone is angry about it.

- DE makes cool weapons basically free. And allows people with money to buy them right away. And everyone is angry about it.


I think these weapons were made plat-purchasable because there was no real content to be played to obtain them, so instead people are able to buy them for plat so they won't wait.


If you are by any other means unsatisfied and you don't want to wait or grind resources, I think you are playing the wrong game.

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I find it consistently amusing and disheartening that the community continues to voice the opinion that the game devs are somehow responsible for how people choose to spend their money.


If you farmed up a clantech weapon that is available on the market three months later, then the farming you did earned you access three months earlier. If you buy a weapon instead of farming for it, you're paying to not have to farm for it. It's not unfair or unreasonable for people to be able to acquire things differently.

Please, stop deriving some sort of arbitrary superiority for "earning" content or "purchasing" content. If you farm up Ember Prime, the Sicarus and Glaive Prime, are you any better or worse off than someone who gets them through Prime Access? No. DE has made it pretty clear - weapons that are specified as "exclusive" will remain so. That's all they're obligated to fulfill. They never claimed that "all future clan tech will be exclusive to clan tech," so expecting things to develop as such is nothing more than assumptions by the community.

Seriously, I still don't understand what part of this development makes DE unethical or unreasonable. The complaints here are community snobbishness, plain and simple.

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i would like to know if a weapon will be in the market in a few months, before grinding like an idiot for an "exclusive"  or "prime" weapon or frame. 


I don't agree the "grinding like an idiot" part.


Either you spend time or you spend money, it's how F2P game works.


If you choose to spend time to grind stuff so you can get it for FREE, how come that makes you an idiot?


Only if player can get free stuff as fast as player bought it with plats (or even faster), that is making those plat-payers idiots.

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Do people only play this game for the virtual items they get and not the actual gameplay? If the gameplay is really that bad and intolerable, you might as well just leave. This isn't like mobile f2p games where they limit your gameplay with stamina or build times that actually stops you from playing the game.

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I find it consistently amusing and disheartening that the community continues to voice the opinion that the game devs are somehow responsible for how people choose to spend their money.


 The complaints here are community snobbishness, plain and simple.

You know, I'm getting really tired in general of being labeled for having an opinion. This is about the fourth thread I've read that has the overwhelming majority calling any dissenters "whiners," "snobs," or "self-entitled." You're chalking these words up to an entire population of people who feel a certain way about many negative trends WF has. This isn't a community; it's a freaking zoo.


The bottom line is that there is no reward in gameplay, so I'd like to feel like I earned my items, but joe moneybags over here can drop 800 plat on the What Stalker pack because he doesn't know the value of a dollar, thus invalidating my efforts. If I work at gathering resources, patiently building a dojo with my friends, and finally building a blueprint in my foundry, I'd like to feel some sense of exclusivity. I worked for my item. You (the royal you, I mean) swiped a credit card.

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every weapon/frame/sentinel (including prime stuff) etc should be available in the market for plat. you want to play/grind for free you can do it! you want to spend some cash and get it faster you can do it! the only problem is that they may make grinding for it so abysmal that it will drive players insane but i sincerely doubt it since so far it seems to me that DE actually encourage playing not paying and that would mean losing playerbase.



You know, I'm getting really tired in general of being labeled for having an opinion. This is about the fourth thread I've read that has the overwhelming majority calling any dissenters "whiners," "snobs," or "self-entitled." You're chalking these words up to an entire population of people who feel a certain way about many negative trends WF has. This isn't a community; it's a freaking zoo.


The bottom line is that there is no reward in gameplay, so I'd like to feel like I earned my items, but joe moneybags over here can drop 800 plat on the What Stalker pack because he doesn't know the value of a dollar, thus invalidating my efforts. If I work at gathering resources, patiently building a dojo with my friends, and finally building a blueprint in my foundry, I'd like to feel some sense of exclusivity. I worked for my item. You (the royal you, I mean) swiped a credit card.


sry but that is just wrong. the means that other players choose to use for obtaining items in this game in no way affects your choice. it is YOUR choice and yours alone please don't force it on others just so you can fake a taste of "exclusivity" it's really not fair. also i'm not talking about event exclusive items here that is another subject and event items obviously should not be available in market. 

Edited by ol0.8io
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You know, I'm getting really tired in general of being labeled for having an opinion. This is about the fourth thread I've read that has the overwhelming majority calling any dissenters "whiners," "snobs," or "self-entitled." You're chalking these words up to an entire population of people who feel a certain way about many negative trends WF has. This isn't a community; it's a freaking zoo.


The bottom line is that there is no reward in gameplay, so I'd like to feel like I earned my items, but joe moneybags over here can drop 800 plat on the What Stalker pack because he doesn't know the value of a dollar, thus invalidating my efforts. If I work at gathering resources, patiently building a dojo with my friends, and finally building a blueprint in my foundry, I'd like to feel some sense of exclusivity. I worked for my item. You (the royal you, I mean) swiped a credit card.

You open, complaining about being labelled, then your second paragraph you do the same thing regarding folks who want to spend money, according to you "joe moneybags" does not know the value of his money, yet you do. I would suggest you work on the chip on your shoulder and stop calling that kettle black


There is no exclusivity in computer gaming, it is an illusion, one that exists solely in the gamer’s imagination, an illusion fostered by game designers to put bums on seats. I could waste my time and explain why you feel the need for reward having spent time in game but you would probably see it as insulting. Your efforts are worth no more than anyone else's, any notion of achievement is purely imaginary with no merit at all. This is not a competitive game with real world rewards, all any of us do when playing warframe is waste our free time shooting the S#&$ with likeminded gamers having a laugh, if you believe it to be anything else you are kidding yourself.


Enjoy playing the game your way and leave others and their opinions to enjoy it theirs, buy items or grind as you wish; X or Y, neither has more merit than the other.

Edited by HexCaliber
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You know, I'm getting really tired in general of being labeled for having an opinion. This is about the fourth thread I've read that has the overwhelming majority calling any dissenters "whiners," "snobs," or "self-entitled." You're chalking these words up to an entire population of people who feel a certain way about many negative trends WF has. This isn't a community; it's a freaking zoo.


The bottom line is that there is no reward in gameplay, so I'd like to feel like I earned my items, but joe moneybags over here can drop 800 plat on the What Stalker pack because he doesn't know the value of a dollar, thus invalidating my efforts. If I work at gathering resources, patiently building a dojo with my friends, and finally building a blueprint in my foundry, I'd like to feel some sense of exclusivity. I worked for my item. You (the royal you, I mean) swiped a credit card.



But I feel it's a matter of choice. Some may not have the same form of luxury to just outright buy the new weapons from the market with Platinum. However, It shouldn't become a case of "I worked hard for this but that guy over there in his oh so fancy platinum laced thingy just bought it that easily, ergo I should get something better solely because I actually used effort instead of using money".


As it is, only the person putting money down for the new items will be the one getting it, while the rest who are researching it are working towards getting it done so the whole clan can make it. It does feel like an okay trade-off for me, but others may have different opinions. Though I would support the use of Platinum to rush research time


In general, you just need to grin and bear it, it doesn't affect you (unless we are talking about those event exclusives, those are an entirely different matter) and you can still catch up.


Or you know, spend some money and support DE.

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"There's nothing wrong with that whatsoever. They made them, they should decide how to produce profit from them"
so primes in the market sounds good too?
we are going there (prime access), and the event weapons for plat?
i am a little tired of the sucker punch here and there, i agree that a statement should be made.
i would like to know if a weapon will be in the market in a few months, before grinding like an idiot for an "exclusive"  or "prime" weapon or frame. 


Primes - still available as before for free, but now you can get it in a moment with some bonuses. Is this bad somehow? Not.

Weapons in U12 and after in Research Labs - still available as before for free, but now you can buy it in a moment . Is this bad somehow? Not.

Would you stop whining in the threads all around?

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So why is it a bad thing if more stuff is in the market? If I understand OP, you're saying it gives players with money to spend an unfair advantage?


Quite the opposite. I love buying weapons with platinum; do it all the time. Why not have clan-tech in the market? Seems fine to me. Nowhere have I said that I am opposed to having clan-tech in the market - even though everyone seems to think I am. 


What I'm trying to hammer home is: why only some of them? No really, this is what I am truly asking. Why just a few? Don't stop reading now, this is important. 


The only sensible answer that I can come up with to the question is that they want to make immediate money off of these clan-tech items. But if that's the case, why are they just now doing it? Couldn't they have put new clan-tech items up for grabs in the market in the past? Something policy-wise has changed, and I simply would like to know why - because it may have implications as to future weapons and Warframes.


Might it be nothing? Sure, could be. But on the other hand this could be a step towards something that's not as simple or benign as we'd like. We've seen them do far more drastic things in the past, so it would be foolish to ignore possible symptoms of a much bigger problem on the horizon.


So, all the being said, a way for DE to prove that they're not doing exactly what a lot of angry people say their doing and 'pay walling' things would be for clan-tech equality. Seems odd to just have a select few in the market, no? Add them all in then. And if DE doesn't want to do that? Then that proves their only interested in selling a select group of weapons. Needless to say that smells funny to me.

Edited by DJ_Redwire
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I find it consistently amusing and disheartening that the community continues to voice the opinion that the game devs are somehow responsible for how people choose to spend their money.


If you farmed up a clantech weapon that is available on the market three months later, then the farming you did earned you access three months earlier. If you buy a weapon instead of farming for it, you're paying to not have to farm for it. It's not unfair or unreasonable for people to be able to acquire things differently.

Please, stop deriving some sort of arbitrary superiority for "earning" content or "purchasing" content. If you farm up Ember Prime, the Sicarus and Glaive Prime, are you any better or worse off than someone who gets them through Prime Access? No. DE has made it pretty clear - weapons that are specified as "exclusive" will remain so. That's all they're obligated to fulfill. They never claimed that "all future clan tech will be exclusive to clan tech," so expecting things to develop as such is nothing more than assumptions by the community.

Seriously, I still don't understand what part of this development makes DE unethical or unreasonable. The complaints here are community snobbishness, plain and simple.


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