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Why De Hates Team Work


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DE is really into teamwork.. It shows in almost everything they create. Damn near every event required teamwork and often coordinated efforts and communication to get stuff done in a reasonable time frame. Granted, once you actually do communicate and come together it's usually a breeze.. but teamwork nonetheless.


Plus all of the frame powers that boost your mates or control enemies. I would consider all of those ways to cooperate with your team.

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Given how some players perform in a co-op game, I'd happily take the selfish version of Snow Globe any day because I simply don't trust a majority of the PUGs I create/join.


I agree about the quality of PUGs. Many times I've missed out on 10k+ credits because I was the only person who could be bothered to slog back through the exterminate mission to find the one enemy still alive and then couldn't make it back to extraction before the countdown finished.

The antidote to bad PUGs is a clan, though. Keep hopping clans until you find one that fits!

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Unfortunately there will always be decisions the devs make that will bother someone and make them angry, that someone may just be myself one day. All we can do is understand and always remember why we love this game. Keep going, then you will discover another thing you love, or maybe even remember WHY you love the game no matter what. :)

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So  i fgure as they nerfed the only team supporting character not a healer. All warframes again not counting the healers there all damagers. Ok you hate frost cool, just make a tank support warframe that strength whole team not just self or hogs kills we 15 of thoose!!!!!!!!!!! Sigh.... Ok done crying now. troll away

dude, do you not use Frosts ult or ice wave? their crowd control is pretty decent now. Freeze still needs a little more aoe in my opinion, but if your good, Frosts CC allows him to still perform as a crippling bruiser for the enemy team, instead of a mere turtle like he was before.


Hopefully though, they rebuff Snowglobe to at least be able to take a beating, like giving it armor. then he'd feel more like a living, moving fortress, ninja, thing. I still like playing as him a lot right now, but I can't use snow globe like I used to now, especially since I have to use blind rage now to make him work with his new abilities


(I for one think it'd be cool if Snow Globe was like the ice leaders version, where it follows them around. they would of course need to increase it's aoe slow to the length of the entire globe, but yeah, I'd be fine with it having health with less armor if I could move with it)

Edited by Temphis
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Also *calmed downed* can think clearly now how do i take my foolishness down or off?

i don't get it. What's a tank support?


There are only 3 tanks in this game. Each have their own support skill. Valkyr has Warcry to buff, Paralysis to stun and maybe even Hysteria to take all of the punishment. Rhino has Iron Skin to take punishment, Roar to increase overall damage, and Rhino Stomp to hold enemies in place. Frost is the king of "support tanks". He is packed with freezes, such as Freeze to freeze enemies, Ice Wave to slow and deala whole lot of damage to enemies, Snow Globe to surround yourself with a shield (in an AoE too!) and Avalanche to freeze enemies in a wide AoE around you. 

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I think nerfing Snowglobe is a pro-teamwork move.


Before nerf:

  (Average game) I drop snowglobe. Everybody else runs around fighting stuff at spawnpoints. I try to leave to pick up mods. "OMG Frost n00b get back to pod!"

After nerf:

  (Playing with people who don't read patch notes) Everybody disperses into corridors leaving me alone at pod. Pod dies.

  (Playing with people who like teamwork) Everybody sticks together. We ride the waves like we're on Bondi Beach.


Frankly, the nerf encourages teamwork instead of turning defence into lazy solo endless exterminate farm for the three people not using Frost.




'people who don't read patch notes'


or the always good 'Teamwork? TEAMWORK? We PUGs don't need no stinkin' TEAMWORK!'


AFKers Anonymous will have a field day.

Edited by Kalenath
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