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I Play Trinity And Go To Survival And All People Want Me To Do Is Press 4...


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On the last livestream we heard that the reasoning behind the frost change was that frosts job was boring before. All you did was "sit there and press 3 then go get a sandwich". The goal was to make frost more involved and do other stuff. 


Well then, can we please nerf/adjust Trinity as well, mainly her BLESSING ability. This ability is in exactly the same role as Frosts bubble was. I have a Trinity specced and formaed just to push 4 every 28ish seconds.


OK, link is for fun at times (mainly for when you cannot spot enemies) but the other abilities are pointless. 


Can we please see some practical use in well of life? Also energy vampire needs reworking... e.g. if I extend the duration (which OFC every trinity will due to blessing) it should gain another tick of energy pulsing. It should not punish me by spreading those energy pulses out. 

(I will explain this if people don't understand) 

I don't mean to know the solution but one thing that shocks me is that Blessing is invincibility and it heals hp+shields to max. Why? It undermines well of life right off the bat. Please remove the healing, blessing should give invincibility and that's it. If this was the case then people would have use from well of life to regain lost health. Maybe shields not restoring would be good as well but that might be to far... 



TLDR: If frost's nerf was due to "He just pushes 3" then Trinity's blessing should be nerfed as well. All you do in Survivals is press 4 over and over. 



Note - Yes I know Nekros just pushes Desecrate. However that is more optional not essential. Also they need to add in this mechanic through other methods (e.g. Sentinel?). 

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Oberon presses 4 a lot, sometimes 3, same for Nova or Ember (replace 4 by 2), same for Vauban and I could do it for many frames. The real problem here is that Blessing isn't really impressive, no flashes or cool animation, just god mode.


Edit: Mercury Nova players love pressing 4, but pressing 2 is like...powerfull

Edited by Cyrionn
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Trinity is my most played frame in over 200 hours.

In no game do I just push 4 the entire game, nor have I ever been asked to. While I agree there needs to be a rework of the first 2 skills to have some more utility, I'm usually still up there on kills, and hit 4 if someone is in dire need (about to be downed) of a heal. Link is useful for more than just pointing out enemies as well since it protects against energy drain and knock down, that alone is well worth it, however, I wouldn't argue with a buff on it's damage output either.

Edited by Norry.
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Just wait until Nova players hear about this, I heard they love pressing 4. :D

lol I'm like the only Nova player that uses all of her abilitys, I use 2 way more and for the tread Trinity is needed for Blessing at higher levels and to quickly save a frame from death but thats not all I think she should do Link makes a good way to keep her alive and do small tanking for things like reviving, hacking, getting lifesupport, etc which teams should be thankful for plus she can give energy with e-vamp I don't think she just needs to use blessing to be useful any smart player would know that all the frames have useful ability thats not just spaming 4 and one last thing NOTHING should be nerfed, nerfed means that its weakened to the point that its like shooting something with a nerf gun or just plain useless and can never be used again because its so weak

Edited by Sasoka
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That was ridiculous reason.

Regardless of that Trinity Blessing needs nerf because it works as a legal cheat, endlessly recastable god mode for entire team. 

My idea: invul duration hard locked at 4 seconds, for the rest of Blessing duration Trinity establishes link with teammates in  ~25m radius constantly replanishes their shields at ~100/second(could be more needs testing of course) meaning you can tank significant damage but not be invulnerable and need to be closer together. And now Lifewell will have its use too.

Life Well and Energy Vampire need rework to be more usefull.

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 Link is useful for more than just pointing out enemies as well since it protects against energy drain and knock down, that alone is well worth it, however, I wouldn't argue with a buff on it's damage output either.


Your right there is some more use in Link. I do forget those from time to time. 


However I still believe blessing to be to good and in need of tweaking. 


Just remove the HP heal. Make Trinity require well of life to heal players. 



I have a counter proposal.

What would people say to doubling the cost of ultimate abilities to 200 energy, instead of nerfing them?

Have discussed this before with people. People did not seem to agree. I think it might work for some however trinities blessing would still be to good... 
Edited by MDRLOz
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Your right there is some more use in Link. I do forget those from time to time. 


However I still believe blessing to be to good and in need of tweaking. 


Just remove the HP heal. Make Trinity require well of life to heal players. 


Have discussed this before with people. People did not seem to agree. I think it might work for some however trinities blessing would still be to good... 


Yes remove her heal from her healing ability.


I say remove the invulnerability and make it so that it can revive downed players.

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On the last livestream we heard that the reasoning behind the frost change was that frosts job was boring before. All you did was "sit there and press 3 then go get a sandwich". The goal was to make frost more involved and do other stuff. 


frosts that still bother equipping snowglobe still sit in the globe pressing 3, only now you dont have the time to go make your sandwich as the globe can drop before its normal timer expires, forcing you even more than before to stay in the globe, only coming out to quickly try and pickup some orbs then rush back in.


frost was not fixed, he was either firmly affixed to hs globe even more than before, or you just dont equip it and change your 1 trick snowglobe pony to the 1 trick avalanche pony, and tbh there are better frames than can achieve better results than a pure avalanche frost.

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Yes becaue being able to regenerate energy at a fast rate (Energy vampire) is utterly useless, how did I not realize this.

Really? You cast a thing on a mob that slowly ticks out energy based on time (base, no mods: 9 Seconds, 4 ticks, 25 per Tick, 100 total energy)? Which also needs the mob to stay alive during that time (9 seconds at <25 meters to Tenno is a long time for mobs in a combat arena). , Yes I know you could buff it to give more but then it will cost more or the ticks spread out longer... which is silly to.


Instead I just spam out energy container drops... that is if the enemies have not dropped enough blue orbs... Which is 4 mob drops orbs (25 energy each). 


I do know that you "can" use energy vampire but its pointless when you might as well count energy givers as trinity's ability. Its the same thing really.

I do know that you "can" use well of life but its pointless when I have an ability that does the same for 4 times the cost but as unlimited range, heals hp+shield AND makes people INVINCIBLE.


Blessing should be next for Scotts nerf bat and well of life / energy vampire need the swing of the galatine of buffing.  



Then it would be impossible to use without efficiency mods and on lower ranks.


That's a very good point. Suggestion withdrawn.

Just to point out to you guys. I don't want to make this a thread about cost increase. It can work but you alter other things. You COULD make abilities cost more. E.g. ultimates 200. However an additional thing is that you increase the base level energy level of every warframe so that they can use these new cost values. It would not break the game and would make ultimates less spammy and more rare to use. However a previous thread I made discussing this ended with people not liking the idea. 
Excalibur current lvl 30 unmodded energy pool 150, Ultimate cost 100
Changed Excalibur lvl 30 unmodded enegy pool 250, Ultimate cost 200 
Edited by MDRLOz
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On the last livestream we heard that the reasoning behind the frost change was that frosts job was boring before. All you did was "sit there and press 3 then go get a sandwich". The goal was to make frost more involved and do other stuff. 


Well then, can we please nerf/adjust Trinity as well, mainly her BLESSING ability. This ability is in exactly the same role as Frosts bubble was. I have a Trinity specced and formaed just to push 4 every 28ish seconds.


OK, link is for fun at times (mainly for when you cannot spot enemies) but the other abilities are pointless. 


Can we please see some practical use in well of life? Also energy vampire needs reworking... e.g. if I extend the duration (which OFC every trinity will due to blessing) it should gain another tick of energy pulsing. It should not punish me by spreading those energy pulses out. 

(I will explain this if people don't understand) 

I don't mean to know the solution but one thing that shocks me is that Blessing is invincibility and it heals hp+shields to max. Why? It undermines well of life right off the bat. Please remove the healing, blessing should give invincibility and that's it. If this was the case then people would have use from well of life to regain lost health. Maybe shields not restoring would be good as well but that might be to far... 



TLDR: If frost's nerf was due to "He just pushes 3" then Trinity's blessing should be nerfed as well. All you do in Survivals is press 4 over and over. 



Note - Yes I know Nekros just pushes Desecrate. However that is more optional not essential. Also they need to add in this mechanic through other methods (e.g. Sentinel?). 

You know her ability isn't essential right? You are basing it off of how other players use the ability and the possibilities. I don't need trinity to press 4. 


This is actually a choice to either go farther in certain missions or not. Guess you really hate choice just because the socialist media got frost means you can cause more uproar. You  are becoming more of a problem this way than being a help.

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I only take Trinity to Apollodorus because of Link. Surviving long as any other frame (except maybe Rhino) becomes unfun when the shield grineer start swarming and I spend more time on the floor in napalm fire than dodging it. Blessing comes into play only rarely, and even then usually only after 20 miutes or so. Trinity is fine. It's unimaginative players who can't hit more than one power button that makes frames seem bad.

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People complained about Frost. Frost was nerfed into the ground and now has no "absolute" ability, therefore no place on a team trying to do end game content. He has been reduced to the level of just-for-fun.

So yes, absolutely, let's take an extremely important team player like Trinity and nerf the frame's abilities so that she has no role on a team. There is absolutely no way that this idea could fail. In fact let's nerf the crap out of ALL the warframes that have abilities that are relevant in the end game so that we can start a new and glorious campaign of crying about how end game is too hard.  Obviously this a case of good abilities being too good rather than bad abilities being pointless, so we should beat the useful stuff with an ugly stick until it's all the same shade of mediocrity.

That was sarcasm.

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On the last livestream we heard that the reasoning behind the frost change was that frosts job was boring before. All you did was "sit there and press 3 then go get a sandwich". The goal was to make frost more involved and do other stuff. 


Well, SG lasted 30 seconds standard so with continuity mods added you could actually get a sandwich.

I dont know if DE considers 28ish seconds too much but we are going to have to wait and see.

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