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I have failed. This mantra, this constant throughout my life, this destiny burns my mind in shame, strips all pretense of worth from my being, leaving the bare bones of my soul to face the truth: I am inadecuate for my purpose. And for my every flaw, a comrade falls prey to our foes, and they can count themselves lucky if death is all that lies in wait for them.


The Zanuka project. A living monument to my failures made flesh, an aberration that should have never happened. I was there when the Harvester came. I fought him, as did our brothers, alongside Valkyr - sweet, innocent Valkyr, still hopeful and smiling for the future. I still revisit that fight often, I still torment myself with what I could have done to change what happened. I could have changed so much but I did not, and in the end someone else ended up paying for my shortcomings. As has become a sad habit.


When they managed to get her back, I couldn't bear the news of what had been done to her. She was... changed, in all the worst ways. I was afraid, of confronting her, of seeing her. Of having to witness what she had become.


A single thought tainted my mind: That should have been me. Blurred days and sleepless nights all ticked to the beat of that single sentence. In the end, I chose to drown my guilt in blood, Alad's blood. Possessed by that single-minded determination, I set foot on his fortress. Alone. This time, I wasn't fighting to save my kin, I wasn't fighting to protect anyone. I was out for revenge. I too, had changed.


I rushed through the Corpus' ranks like they weren't there, grit my teeth and smashed through their lines. My worries, my concerns, my guilt, everything vanished in the face of the destruction I was causing, and though I took no joy in it, I took solace in the thought that every dead corpus was one less man shooting at my family.


By the end of it, Alad was dead, and so was what I had called up to then my honor. I made an oath back then, a promise to myself if you will. So you wish to know why I kill? I kill to send a message. I kill to be a threat. I kill so that if there's an assassin to be sent, it will be sent my way, if there's someone that must be struck it will be me. So that everyone knows that if they attack my brethren, I will be there, hunting them back. I will not stop, I will not falter. I will take every shot there is to be fired, and I will do so with a smile.


I kill so that the next time I fail, the next time someone has to pay for my shortcomings, it is me. I cannot see another way to protect my kin, or a better cause to give my life. I am the Rhino. This is my fight.
Edited by Gryal
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 在公元年2520的一天,我们Tenno小队接受到莲花基地的紧急通知,需要到地球执行歼灭任务,于是氏族派遣我们4人去执行这次任务,本次任务由Excalibur队长带队,我们飞行了19个小时 降落在这个美丽的星球,这里充满了生命的气息,队长快速的分配了作战计划,Excalibur队长和ASH负责侦查,Frost和MAG负责防御和保护。在这样一个美丽的星球居然被G系统治,这是多么可悲的一件事,行动开始非常顺利,ASH突然从远处急忙回来告诉Excalibur,前面有特种G系兵,需要你前去侦查,Excalibur 离开的时候,嘱咐大家原地待命。当Excalibur离开我们几分钟后,ASH 突然对我们的Frost和MAG发起了攻击,这让大家非常震惊,为什么ASH你会攻击我们,ASH说:“Stalker给予我无上的力量,你们这些弱者应该被终结”,Frost说:“ASH ,Stalker的力量只是在利用你复仇,不要背叛你的族人” 。ASH 根本就没用听Frost的话拿起了弓,指向了Frost说“终结吧,让我们的复仇开始吧哈哈。”在激烈的交火中,Frost被ASH攻击受伤倒地,MAG迅速去给Frost急救,并且阻止ASH的攻击,在MAG奋力抵抗的时候Excalibur回来了,看到ASH疯狂攻击Frost和MAG,Excalibur大声的问道ASH你在干嘛?ASH 回答只有“复仇,一切都该结束”。看到队友受伤Excalibur他出手了华丽的一刀结束了ASH生命。最后只有复仇,复仇在回荡! 
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Yargo Mensik ( Darcksector)  Yargo.jpg: Depois da grande bataha contra Mezner, Hayden se encontra desolado e sem destino na ilha de Lasria. Após salvar a humanidade do  vírus “Technocyte”, Hayden, agora se encontra fugindo dos seus antigos chefes (CIA). Mas vendo que não haveria fim a tal fuga, ele se entrega. Sabendo que será testado e usado como rato de laboratório para que eles possam entender e controlar o poder que o vírus “Technocyte” pode trazer aos seus exércitos.

Depois de muitos anos de pesquisa em cima de  Tenno nos laboratórios secretos da CIA e com isso destruindo o pouco novo homem que havia cido criado na guerra sangrenta entre “irmãos e irmãs” em Lasria. Surge um novo assassino, uma maquina de matar programada e controlada finalmente pelos homens que nos juraram “proteger” a segurança do seu pais a todo o custo. Eles tornaram a esperança da humanidade em uma ferramenta para seus propósitos sangrentos. Ao chegar do século 22, já não se lutava guerras com soldados, se lutava guerras com assassinos.

Mais eu ainda tinha esperança que ele ( Hayden) ainda estava vivo. Mesmo após todos o trabalhos de laboratório feito sobre ele. No final de minha vida deixei tal legado de caçar o ultimo herói dessa raça para um amigo... Darvo Junior. Seu pai foi amigo e comparsa na guerra de Lasria, muitos o conheciam como o  Mercante (Blackmarket Dealer ).

Darvo Junior ( Personagem fictício) : Ao receber tal missão de um amigo distante, encontrei esse ser destruído pela sede de poder capitalista. Sem alma, somente um traje com carne apodrecida dentro. Está lenda, este herói foi encontrado morto. Ou ao menos era oque pensávamos. Depois de levar seu corpo das instalações secretas para um local de descanso, visse uma luz de vida. Sim,.... Hayden Tenno estava vivo. E aonde havida morte fosse feito esperança.

Hayden Tenno Dark-Sector-PS3.jpg: Após essa minha vida torturada e destruída, eu não pensei em vingança, meu ser era agora um ser evoluído e com consciência do que era ter poder. Agora eu retornava do inferno da solidão em busca de paz. E ao invés de me esconder e buscar uma vida com pessoas, eu me aprimorei e me tornei o desespero de suas armas. Me especializei na arte de matar, para que quando chegasse a hora eu das sombras eliminaria esses clones. Esses que se chamaram de meus irmãos e irmãs, usando meu sobrenome para gritar justiça com suas ferramentas de aço. No final, não são nada mais que ferramentas nas mãos de políticos. Mas eu os libertareis, serei seu líder e darei paz as suas almas. Eu os livrarei dos seus pecados, para que não sofram como eu sendo controlados por alguém, que eles sejam livres e possam fazer o que quiser. Se for para eu ser o canal de dor, para sua liberdade eu assumo tal dor. Afinal, é preciso vilões para que ajam heróis. No fim, para que minha lenda não se amarre a sangue e desgraça, não me Chamarei mais Hayden Tenno. Agora podem me chamar de Stalker CBstalkerprofile2.png.

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Title: Controlling His Fate




His name was Dalton. At least, he called himself that. The Lotus referred to all of them as Tenno. Was Tenno his last name, then? It did not matter too much, but his identity as Dalton was important to him. As a Loki user, though, your identity mattered little, as you wanted to hide away as long as possible. Dalton was almost the polar opposite, however. He didn’t like hiding, as necessary as it was for him. All the other Warframes didn’t agree with his body, but the Loki embraced him. The bio-metal fused with his consciousness, and he could see it all. He could watch his foes dance for him, and his control was absolute. As much as he didn’t feel it, he was a Loki, and the Loki was him.




Being a Loki wasn’t enough, though. Dalton was pleased with his power, but he was jealous of other Tenno. The Banshees could find the weakness of any enemy, and could pierce their eardrums with sound. The Volts could overload circuits, and run even faster than Dalton could. The Zephyrs controlled the sky, and tossed foes with the power of the wind. Dalton wanted all those skills, and more.




When he faced the faction leaders, they called him by his name. He remembered his first battle against Vor to this day, a battle that Vor thought he had the upper hand in. He would taunt Dalton, calling out his name, thinking that it gave him power over the Loki. But Dalton was unamused. He tricked the foolish Grineer, placing a Decoy out to draw his attention, and then he forced his Glaive through his back. Vor focused too much on the man he thought was Dalton, and forgot the Loki he was facing. Dalton was the Loki, and the Loki was him.




After that battle was the first time Dalton could remember smiling; it was the only time he felt satisfied with his strength. But since then, he had been dissatisfied. He watched the Excalibur slice the Jackal’s legs clean off of its body, and stared at the screaming bodies of burning Infested when Ember set them aflame. His powers were merely distractions, and his body was weak. He felt the burning dig of bullets in his skin more often than he preferred; his weak shields did nothing to protect him. He was Loki, and Loki was him. But then why did Dalton yearn for so much more?




It was later that Dalton learned of the research laboratories the Tenno had made, and he felt himself smile for a second time. He may not be able to have the power that other Tenno had, but he could steal the power of his enemies. He wanted them to cry out his name as he shot them down with their own guns. Dalton was the Loki, and the Loki was him. And now, he knew his enemy’s every secret and strength. He was more than Tenno; he was his enemy’s master.



Edited by 8bit_Ghost
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