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New Contest: A Quest Unknown!


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[Edit] After reading through all the entries, I'm kinda surprised that besides mine I can't seem to find another entry that doesn't follow a Tenno. Hmmmmm.  Word count: 463. Paragraphs: 5



The Truth

The first thing that came to my senses was the darkness. Emptiness. There was nothing around me, nothing to help me remember where I am. Who I am. Or who I was. With a slight shudder, memories came seeping back into my mind.


"Zanuka! Get them!" A voice screamed out frantically as I leapt towards the enemy. A swift leap to the side allowed me to dodge a flurry of claws from it, before it vanished. Where was it? 
Before I could pinpoint a location, I felt a burning sensation in my back. My shields went down instantly, my health slowly draining as a red tinge filled my view. The pain was unbearable as I turned to face my enemy who was sneering at me. I kept my gaze on them, even as a harsh tremble went through my form.
My legs lost their ability to hold me up and I collapsed to the ground. I had failed. The last thing I remembered as darkness overcame me was a low wail.




Shaking the memories from my head, I realised what had happened. I had been killed unfairly. Tricked into death. And now, I was alone. Or was I?
I could feel someone or something’s thoughts in my head. Whispering to me quietly, in a voice that seemed almost familiar. 
"They betrayed you my dear. They hunted you down, murdered you brutally, and now you're back. Take your revenge."
Yes. Revenge. Seem befitting that the same creature they killed comes back from the dead to hunt them down. Very appropriate. They killed me, made me suffer. 
"Yes. Use your anger. Hunt them down."
The voice whispered, then images appeared in my head. Images of humanoid forms cowering before me. But how to finish them? Slowly? Yes, painfully. Like they did to me.

"No. Bring them to me. Let us torture them, turn them into the thing they fear the most. You."
Yes! That was what I would do. And with that thought, the second voice's presence fled from my mind, leaving me alone to my thoughts.
I shall follow them, the ones who did me wrong. I will hunt them down, and capture them for him. My creator. And he will create more like me. Vengeance will be mine.


They who did me wrong will be brought to justice. 


But... They share similar likeness to me, in manner, movement and abilities. And if My Creator uses them to make more like me, does that mean I once was like them? No. It cannot be. I cannot be like them, they fight me. The fight against my kind. Thousands of us are killed, yet they show no remorse. 
They are not like me. The Tenno, they are the Betrayers. And me. I am their Harvester.


Edited by La6yrinth
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Word Count: 500
Paragraph Count: 4 (Not counting dialogue indents.)

Images: 1 (Cropped, but otherwise unedited.)


Where am I? As the warp storms tore through the Zariman, I saw the other children huddled between the storage crates, flinching whenever one of the cargo bay’s fieldron bulbs overloaded and burst in a small shower of sparks. I want to go home. The loud noises and shuddering hull weren’t the reasons for our unease, though. I looked to the girl who had been trying to sleep a few feet away. We had been counting the number of days we’d been on the ship. She was staring at the ceiling with glassy, sightless eyes, and in the dim light I could just barely see that a viscous green fluid had begun to ooze out of her tear ducts, ears, and mouth. Mommy? It was cold. I moved to put some distance between myself and what I expected was the newest corpse, out of five others. Out of the corner of my eye I saw one of the boys across the aisle begin to convulse. He jolted against a nearby container for a few seconds, and the hollow banging of his tiny bones on the sheet metal was loud enough to be audible over the surrounding storm. Let us out. The last things I remembered were the crimson bolts of lightning worming their way out of the boy’s ribcage, the smell of burning flesh, and searing pain.


For eons I had lain in cryo-sleep, bound by my creators in a stasis-pod strait jacket.  Mummified. Yet, unlike my Void-siblings, I had not slept. Not since the gray-uniformed officers had dragged my semi-conscious and paraplegic carcass off the Zariman and onto an operating table.


“Spine severed between the third and fourth lumbar vertebrae. Sixty-seven percent of the median and ulnar nerves in both arms completely melted. Subclavian rupture leading to massive hematoma along the left side of the torso.”


“How the hell is this kid still alive?!”


Needless to say, the surgeons did their job, and they did it well. My arms and legs had been unsalvageable. This shell, this Warframe... it had become my fortress, and it would become my tomb. Is anybody there? With a gaseous hiss, my faceplate retracted into my suit, and the hood of my helmet pulled itself back as I gazed upon my new form in the mirrored glass of the operating room. What I saw was a specter. The gaunt, emaciated skeleton of the man I might have grown to be. My face was still recognizable, at least.


I came to understand two things. First, that the hellspace of the void had changed all of us, that our parents had christened us Tennō – Heavenly Kings – out of irony for our scarred and demonic forms. Second, that I was an anomaly, even among my siblings. It’s so dark now. I now stood on the boundaries of life and death, a conduit, and a shepherd of the dead. Please, let me live! So, how many more need to die before I can’t tell these voices apart anymore?




Having read the requirement that the story relays a "quest," I felt compelled to clarify that while the setup for the quest is indeed a sort of "Nekros origin story," it does focus on his quest to drown out the voices of the assimilated souls of the people who have died around him. Not every child on the Zariman survived to become a Warframe, and Nekros' peers were among the first to be trapped inside of his mind.

Edited by DiabolusUrsus
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          "The Hunters Become the Hunted"


Tenno Entry 1:

     I can't believe they are making us write these entries! Well, I guess it's important. I am Ash, a Tenno Warframe that has decisively chosen to work through darkness and deceit to conquer my enemies and decapitate foes through stealth and ways known only to those who call themselves, Ninja. Since becoming a weapon for the Lotus my usual techniques of cloak and dagger have found me utterly useless in the face of thousands of Corpus, Grineer and other threats to my new found home. Thus, I have chosen a Sentinel to accompany me and what better companion to have than one that understands and follows my undercover approach than Shade.




Tenno Entry 538: 

     Shade and I have ventured throughout the Solar System eliminating all threats before being considered threats and have completed various missions without the slight detection we were even in the area. Then disaster struck and Alad V arose creating the Gradivus Dilemma. With the Lotus' approval, we sided with the Grineer and General Sargus Ruk to nullify this danger.




Tenno Entry 2,584:

     We made easy work of the new Ruler of Jupiter and his pet project, the Zanuka, but only for them to escape time and time again. Eventually, Shade and I gave up the pursuit after saving Valkyr from his clutches and not soon after wiping his forces from Phobos he sent a message and his hunt began.




Tenno Entry 8,960: 

     This wretched Zanuka is impossible to hide from and all attempts of running have been blocked by it's rediculous speed! This is all because of those useless Warframes, if Alad V had not captured them and conducted the idea of being able to constrain the rest of us, we... We... Shade... He's gone... Zanuka must have... Those useless Tenno... I will... Kill... All of them!



Edited by Skyknocker
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[ Title ; Age of darkness ]



<Terminal6///ONLINE-PATCHING CHARACTERS///LinkAchieved>
<Subject in fatal condition; Continue? [Y,N]>
<Begin; schedule continued despite integrity of origin failing.>


The primes, The epitome of orokin technology under the command of our comrade. The lotus...

Such technology is often praised...and coveted by our brothers and sisters of the tenno but...technocyte aside has anyone questioned why such...unrivaled battlements were commissioned? After all...Even after the sentiant and orokin war had long ended some of these... Relics survived...But why?


You've heard about him... The dark vigilante slowly cleaving our numbers down to size...It all points to him... The stalker.
After we broke our bonds with our masters...the beings who gave us god-like bodies but expected us to betray our own... He broke... and set out to destroy us...But...Has it ever seemed odd he was the only one? The only one of orokin alignment that survived and sought to bring retribution? The nightmarish reality points to one result...There isn't but one stalker...

But many stalkers.....Sleeping....Hidden from our reality...The reality of the tenno, And our "betrayal".
...Survivors of the old ways...


When he kills our members...he is not only doing it so out of a claim for retribution...He is doing so to do the unspeakable..... His kind was intended to be the elite of the elite.... And when enough tenno die.....They will rise...and when they do..... Their weapons will be pointed at us...To kill...And purify... Fear them tenno...they are coming...Very soon.


We must find the stalker....We must stop him before its too late and we have a real war on our hands...A war waged from the silent hell of darkness... The hunted will become the hunted.
If we fail..? A army of the elite will awaken from their respective slumbers...and be informed of the current situation....and hunt us down with a ferocity never witnessed by this galaxy since the great plague and wars of old... We must fight to survive tenno.


My only hopes is that this broadcast reaches you in time...Before its too late...Even now I bleed out as a result from a fatal wound by my adversary.... My heart races as the corridor shrinks in darkness and heavy footsteps approach... Be strong tenno, We must end this ghost of the past...From the source...Find the stalker, And eliminate him before he kills enough of our brothers and sisters to awaken his kind...Before its too late...






<User; Vital signs failing......Vital signs have ceased///-Approaching entity-////DANGER;DANGER;DANGER;STALKER-DETECTED>
< FATAL ERROR BROADCASTE INTERRUPTED...patching signal...4903490394<->;///satalitecut//-Rerouting basics...Information received>
<Sending to all available tenno; priority- Immediate>
<Achieved link:///Accepted>





 [ Length ; 474 words  ]

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Enjoy :)

                                                                                    We Dream Too

We Tenno dream.

We do, it’s a predicament none can escape.

But these, "dreams", these would be memories of mine, they show nothing to me, they only deceive me.

Others tend to find clarity for themselves all the while regaining memories lost to the Voids everlasting dejection.

For me it poles apart somehow…

Instead of memories, images of unimaginable beauty corrode my mind with their sullying aura of safety. They break me from my acceptance of reality and cruelly pull me to a place of absence and mother like security.

A place of peace and underlying serenity.

A place I have reverently labeled



I've never known what exactly I see when I make way to the world of my imaginings.

They are never mine,

They are almost always through another's eyes.

To me, the dreams they. . .

They're almost like stories to me.

Of battles and war,

Of saddening good-byes,

Of forsaken moments,

It's as if they are all slyly intermingled, scattered about with no order.

Like the still falling snow flakes that gently descend upon the grounds of Kiliken in the late afternoon.


One recurring figure is "Mother".

She is not my mother, but I hear myself frantically call to her whenever I encounter her within "Home",
my heart is always panged with fragmented pain when I see her.


These feelings, are false. Just a reluctant hole that must be filled, so my mind delivers it to me for that same reason.
Just filling a hole. . .

Just, comforting me. . .


In the spring gardens of my dojo,

when she could visit,

Lotus always told me "The Void has ways of tinkering with your mind Tenno, but what you see may well in fact be the retained dreams and memories of those lost to the Void, endeavor to be strong Tenno."

She apologized for not knowing anymore that day.

I stayed in silence, pondering my thoughts that fell upon non-existing guidelines.

I felt lost, forced to linger in my own quandary.

Perplexed and uncertain, I knelt by the largest Autumn tree to rest for that morning.

The leaves froze in time.

Along with Mother, a tower would always appear before me,

but unlike Mother, the tower was cold always watching me with such disdain from afar,

for these reasons, I called it "Watcher".


I always wake up when I encounter "Watcher" sometimes screaming,

breathing heavily. . .

At all times, I am to stay far away from "Watcher" at all costs.

But for some reason that I can't explain,

in each encounter, "Watcher" always. .

Always seems,


A shiver always follows when I try to remember it.

I don’t know what to do.

"Watcher" always brings out the worst of the dreams,

it torments me, puts me in a state of continuing lament,

and never fails to follow up with the worst of dying words.


We cherish these dreams

We remember from these dreams

But also,

We go mad from these dreams.


(500 words exact)

Edited by Kheim
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                          What Lies Beyond…?


 I joined to my brothers just a few months ago, they recovered me from the Void. I was like every Tenno what it should be, loyal, precise and deadly. I have good connections with my brothers, we are a team, we are Tenno. Tenno… Lotus filled us info that we are warriors of balance, made by the Orokins, but is this who we really are?




A few weeks ago we picked up a signal of a Corpus ship beyond the outer edges of the Pluto. Our scanners indicated that there are only minor weaponry and military equipment were on board so we thought it’s an explorer ship and we let it to continue it’s course what was suprisingly outer the Sol system.  Our guess was right, but they returned in our scanners a few days after and it sent a repeated emergency signal. That peaked our curiousity and we paid a little visit to the ship.






 We found no one as we searched the ship, only scraps of documentations what they made during their journey. My Tenno comrades are packed for leaving when I found something. A personal camera on the floor that seems still functioning made a few records.




What was on the record was the greatest Orokin compound what we have ever seen. But the whole base not just simply left and derelict, but terribly infested. I took the recorder and headed to the ship to rejoin my comrades when I saw something in the dark hallways, running across. My hands was on the trigger in that very moment, but nothing was on sight.




 Slowly I passed through the hallway. I seen nothing besides of the unusual, malicous darkness what at first I thought it surrounds me. When I passed the hallway I headed for the ship, then suddenly a rattle-like sound came from behind me. I immediately turned around.

  I only saw six dot-like eyes in the darkness, three on each side. I didn’t shoot at it, I waited for what he does. Then he talked to me in a whispering, shrill sound.

I was shocked. „What the hell is he?” I thought, but then a sound of explosion came from inside the ship and I ran to our ship right away. When we undocked the ship, from afar we saw a little, organic ship-like flying entity leaving, then the Corpus ship exploded. As my comrades questioning me what happened, one of them asked:

 - And what did he said?

I gathered some strenght for the answer.

 - He said: „-Hello, my old, mislead brother! Welcome… home!” – I said in a bit shaking voice.

Is that creature was…a Tenno? If he not, what is he then, if he is, what happened with him or them at that base. That base… maybe we can find out something. Now I have a goal, I want to find out what’s going on, I want to go there and learn who we really are!


Who we are?


(Sorry for linked pictures, but I didn't found any guides what format/size is usable on the forum and I tired of trying, clicking on the pics, will expand them for better looking :P)

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The Immortals


Nova. That is the name that Lotus gave me. Such a beautiful name for someone so insignificant like me. To this day I wonder why did she give me this frame and why is that she keeps believing in me so much. I am nothing compared to other veteran warriors that obtained strength beyond my imagination. Yesterday, I saw a Tenno in Rhino Warframe that ripped an ancient infested in half with his bare hands. I will never be so powerful. I do not belong here. I am glad I brought my Carrier with me, at least it stays quiet all the time.






Why does Lotus keep sending me on those important missions with all the veterans? I try to imitate them but I just can’t do it. I am not able to be so brutal and relentless. Not to mention they laugh at my cute pink energy and colourful tints on my Warframe. I have to bow down to them and follow their command all the time, I am not sure I can continue doing this any longer.






What was I thinking trying to attack Ruk alone? What did I want to prove? That I can be strong? That I can be powerful? That I am not helpless? I do not know. All I knew, is that I was on the floor, defeated, the only sound I could hear was Ruk’s cooling systems after he hit me with giant fireball and now he was laughing. They were laughing again.






To my surprise, when I opened my eyes, I wasn’t dead. In fact, I was alive and was feeling stronger than ever. I felt an uncontrollable urge to kill, the urge that others were telling me about. Some weird symbols appeared on my body but I didn’t care. I might have seen similar markings in some obscure Tenno lore books but I never paid too much attention to them. It didn’t matter anyway, I wanted to have my revenge. I wanted to kill.






Centuries passed, different Tenno have come and gone, Corpus and Grineer changed their leaders but I remain. Faster, stronger and deadlier than before. I don’t know if Lotus knew this would happen but I am grateful for all for her help and advice. There is nothing that can stop me now and all my enemies fear me.






There may be others like me and I am going to find them. Even if it takes another hundreds or thousands centuries, I am going to do this. At least I know what am I and who am I looking for: the holders of balance and mighty warriors.




The Immortals.

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Here's a story for fun, I might add screenshots later.




Cyber-goggles fog in the steamy jungle environment as a lithe space ninja leads a clanking squad of Grineer troops to battle, like a space panther leading a pack of space elephants to a watering hole, a watering hole filled with blood and bullets and lots of incoherent screaming when those freaky-&amp;#&#33; Jungle-Skates appear wanting a hug, or something worse.

One of the walking tanks whispers "LOOOOOK ET DAT TENNO BUUUUUTT!", Valkyr smacks the offending Grineer across his already too-scarred face and orders him to take point, in a growling voice reserved only for insubordinate minions and dark pleasure dungeons.

Several hours and severed limbs later a raised fist signals a stop for the remaining weary marauders, who are more hungry for war than the genetically poisoned fruit this land yields. An inconspicuous slab of rock marked with Corpus lettering covers the entrance to the underground lab they've been searching for.

Deep into blackness they descend, their puny flashlights like bright splinters thrown against a cold steel shield of darkness.

In the depths, something stirs.

The strain of ancient machinery shakes the ground, a rush of foul air chokes the soldiers as large doors since closed for ages grind open, and The Beast emerges. A titan of infested flesh and gleaming metal and tentacles and lasers and foot-long razors for teeth resembling something that could be found on the greatest Iron Maiden album cover of all time bellows manically at the bite-sized prey who dared invade its lair.

A Grineer Bombard who watches way too many action movies and speaks surprisingly good English sacks-up and steps forth to confront the abomination of Corpus experimentation:

"I hope you like the taste of my boot, because it's all you'll be tasting after I shove it straight up your ugly &amp;#&#33;!"

And with an explosion of rockets and lasers and napalm and awesome cat-lady backflips the battle was on!

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Here Goes...



Not Innocent (500 words almost exactly)




                I don’t get along terribly well with the other Tenno. They think I don’t “uphold Tenno standards” or whatever. I understand that the Grineer and the Corpus need to be put in their place, but I’m having a hard time getting behind this whole “Space Warrior” thing. I’m happy to blow some heads off and backstab some corrupt officials, but all the stuff that Lotus spews about “honor” and “discipline”… I just don’t buy it. Who the Hell is Lotus, anyway? Why should I trust her? And why won’t she answer to any of the surprisingly good points that our enemies make? The Stalker goes on about how we “murdered the emperors” and that we “are not innocent.” Make no mistake; I want to break the Stalker’s skull open as much as the next Tenno, but something tells me that he isn’t exactly wrong.

                The other Tenno may be content with the fact that they don’t remember anything, but… For whatever reason, I think I know what Stalker means. It’s vague, but I remember that day. I remember the drums, the cheering crowds… and the blood. Oh God, the blood. I was standing on the Terminus along with the others, wearing the ceremonial robes and everything, and out of nowhere, chaos. Bullets started flying, the cheers turned into screams, and the white and gold decorations were all doused in red. It ends there, but I’m really not sure of anything that I saw. It seems like I’m the only one who remembers, or at least admits to it. I have to know more. I’m sick of wondering. I’ve been looking for void keys everywhere, and I explore the Orokin derelicts at every chance I have. There has to be something there… and I think I’ve found it.

                Hostages retrieved from the Derelicts tend to just babble, but if you don’t mind getting your hands dirty, you can coax some pretty juicy tidbits out of them. One in particular told me about some “historical registry” that the Orokin towers use that keeps a record of their era and everything that happened in that time- including the massacre, if I’m lucky. I dropped everything to find this registry. Lotus was yelling at me for a week because of all the other stuff I skipped out on. But it was worth blowing two or three void keys to find this place. I had finally found a channel of the Orokin network; sort of like a line along which the towers communicate.




                I popped that sucker open and sifted through the communications for what felt like an eternity. What I found in there, though, is beyond words. It’s footage of one of the emperors at the Terminus, talking to me:  

                Don’t worry, Saryn. Enormous changes are going to occur in the system, and they can’t come to fruition without you! Remember: after you kill us and everyone in the stadium, report to the cryo-tubes. Also, remember these names: “Lotus,” “Grineer,” and “Corpus.”   

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NOTE: If possible for some, I would recommend you read mine last. No reason though :P.


                                                                                               We Dream Too

We Tenno dream. 


We do, it’s a predicament none can escape.


But these, "dreams", these would be memories of mine, they show nothing to me, they only deceive me.


Others tend to find clarity for themselves all the while regaining memories lost to the Voids everlasting dejection.


For me it poles apart somehow…


Instead of memories, images of unimaginable beauty corrode my mind with their sullying aura of safety. They break me from my


acceptance of reality and cruelly pull me to a place of absence and mother like security.


A place of peace and underlying serenity.


A place I have reverently labeled






I've never known what exactly I see when I make way to the world of my imaginings.


They are never mine,


They are almost always through another's eyes.


To me, the dreams they. . .


They're almost like stories to me.


Of battles and war,


Of saddening good-byes,


Of forsaken moments,


It's as if they are all slyly intermingled, scattered about with no order.


Like the ever falling snow flakes that gently descend upon the grounds of Kiliken in the late afternoon.




One recurring figure is "Mother".


She is not my mother, but I hear myself frantically call to her whenever I encounter her within "Home",

my heart is always panged with fragmented pain when I see her.




These feelings, are false. Just a reluctant hole that must be filled, so my mind delivers it to me for that same reason.

Just filling a hole. . .


Just, comforting me. . .







In the spring gardens of my dojo,


when she could visit,


Lotus always told me "The Void has ways of tinkering with your mind Tenno, but what you see may well in fact be the retained dreams and memories of those lost to the Void, endeavor to be strong Tenno."


She apologized for not knowing anymore that day.


I stayed in silence, pondering my thoughts that fell upon non-existing guidelines.


I felt lost, forced to linger in my own quandary.


Perplexed and uncertain, I knelt by the largest Autumn tree to rest for that morning. 


The leaves froze in time.


Along with Mother, a tower would always appear before me,


but unlike Mother, the tower was cold  always watching me with such disdain from afar,


for these reasons, I called it "Watcher".




I always wake up when I encounter "Watcher" sometimes screaming,


breathing heavily. . .


At all times, I am to stay far away from "Watcher" at all costs.


But for some reason that I can't explain,


in each encounter, "Watcher" always. .



Always seems,








A shiver always follows when I try to remember it.


I don’t know what to do.


"Watcher" always brings out the worst of the dreams,


it torments me, puts me in a state of continuing lament,


and never fails to follow up with the worst of dying words.




We cherish these dreams


We remember from these dreams


But also,


We go mad from these dreams.




(500 words exact)

That was just phenomenal! I feel frightened... with a bit of joy... and amazement!  

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The immortal conflict


Warframes, they're scattered all over the solar system, bound until they are set free. From Ashes to Zephyrs, they all serve a purpose. Some, however, are different enough to be considered different warframes altogether.
This part of the tale describes S♦ryn, a rare specimen of SARYN warframes: in the sense that she escaped from the hands of Kela De Thaym on her own accord. HuvHytq.jpgNKUF5sy.jpgIt's peculiar to think that she was able to extract from Sedna, let alone be in contact with the Lotus. What does this mean? Even Lotus was unsure, seeing this particular specimen as the first of its kind, but she was not willing to let this slide and confuse the other, "normal" warframes. Instead, she's been assigned her own CO-OP (covert operations) missions: to proceed unseen and unheard of by both the enemy and tenno - as a lone tenno operative. QkJB2Z3.jpgHer name was derived from the diamond patterns on her body and to some degree, she's like the infamous Stalker, yet far from it...
Reports have started to spread by other tenno, of how their objectives were seemingly.......completed on arrival, with markings of other tenno, forcing them to abandon the mission. Upon questioning the Lotus, the excuse is always a "miscalculation on coordinates". The reports soon stopped, as they eventually accepted, from experience, that the Lotus is just one of the worst calculators known. The capture targets tell a different story. According to them, they've been tortured, and left to rot almost until dead, before the Lotus took over.HqUIoOc.jpg "This is definitely breaking the tenno code," they thought, and yet again questioned the Lotus as to who was responsible. "One of you, of course", she replied, but who would do such a thing? Those weren't the only allegations made - later capture targets reported draconic EXCALIBUR-types, uniquely cool FROST-types and many others describing warframes that appeared very different from the norm. There is but one common description which came to be very significant:
They cannot be stopped.
The Lotus is extremely troubled by this. Not only does she have to deal with the rogue tenno that is the Stalker, but now the new species of warframes that the other tenno do not know of yet. "What's the risk of informing them?" she thought.
Being a stupid calculator, she proceeded to inform them of these new species. Now it's no wonder why they seemed so menacing. They are known as:
The immortals.
There is still a strong divide between the two types of warframes, however, and the Lotus just wants them to cooperate and get this over with, because they are functionally identical.
But the immortals were already assigned to their own CO-OP group, and just like any other tenno, abide by these instructions. On the other hand, their existence is feared greatly.
Lotus eventually left the following objective to both groups:
"To assimilate, or to assassinate?"
That is the question that remains unanswered to this day.
(490 words, excluding title)
(P.S. edit: holy crap I just realised I almost used the same title as someone who posted a bit earlier than me)
Edited by Syzodia
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Just a quick word to clarify some things in my story:

This is a different universe where “Tenno” weren’t cryogenically frozen. Warframe are only used to contain people infected with the Technocyte virus and most become mercenaries or guardians of peace for the Lotus, due to wide fear of the virus spreading. Anyone can be housed in a Warframe from scientists to civilians, Corpus and Grineer alike and are only meant to contain the mutation so they can still lead a more normal life, so no powers are included.


The Lotus still exists and promotes peace and balance through the effort of Warframe users, who don’t find much work elsewhere due to their affliction, unless they are highly valued by certain factions for specific qualities they had before infection. The Carrier sentinel, while not specifically mentioned is there because it’s a portable camera, used to take pictures and record logs, which is what’s being read. I wanted to get creative with the established lore and see what I could twist about with it.


I absolutely realize I went over the 500 word limit by a whole lot. I accept that the rules disqualify me. There was no possible way I was going to be able to restrict this story down to 500 words and I just wanted to attempt to tell an interesting story, as this is something that I've never done before. Hopefully you'll enjoy it, regardless.


Tenacious Trinity and the curse of the Medusa’s eye


Journal entry #1:



The Phobos deserts, home of the largest collection of land based Orokin ruins in the solar system and most importantly, the first point on my quest to find the “Medusa’s eye”, a legendary Orokin artifact believed to grant immortality. It’s been sought after by many and one ever found it, but that didn’t stop my father from trying. To him, it was a historical treasure that must be recovered for the good of us all. The fact it was said to grant immortality and was made out of 100% solid gold meant nothing, of course. He lived for the adventure, not the paycheck. As a Tenno sworn under the Lotus, I lived for both. I’ve been following his trail since he disappeared 2 weeks ago trying to find this trinket, it’s only fitting I be the one to find him and it in the process.


Lotus intelligence suggests no evidence of Grineer assassination, and why would there be? He was a peaceful archaeologist. The Grineer are more interested in hard science anyway, not mysticism and legends. Only Vor has such obsessions and if he believed in it, he would have made an effort by now. Even the Corpus let him be out of respect for his Orokin related discoveries, honoring him many times over for his contributions to society. Silencing him would only hurt their understanding. Something was wrong. He had explored every planet we have a name for and survived in the harshest of conditions.


After 2 weeks with no communication, he wasn’t simply lost. I’m sure of that.


Journal entry #2



I’ve been traveling this desert for days, searching site after site, and ruin after ruin. Someone has to have seen him; someone has to know where he went or what happened to him. The only lead I have is a merchant named Darvo who says he knows where to find the Medusa’s eye. Merchants aren’t usually good for anything more than trying to sell you something you’d be better off without or in a pinch, information. He didn’t disappoint. He said a man with the same patch I had on my arm asked about the artifact just as I did.


I touched the emblem; it was a black and gold shield, the symbol commonly used for groups who promoted peace, and those who believed in tolerance for all, even those afflicted with the Technocyte virus. When I got sick, my father had a special one commissioned in my honor and hand stitched it to his uniform. He wore it everywhere he went. When I was fitted for my Warframe, I requested a hologram version be applied and they even added little stitch marks to it. I did it in his honor, as he did for me. With my mother passed shortly after I got sick, no one in the world would have that patch but him. That’s all I needed to hear.


When I mentioned he had been missing for weeks, I caught the hint of sadness in his voice, claiming he begged the man not to go, and how the artifact was cursed. It was the first time I could say someone was acting sympathetic, emphasis on ACTING. He offered to sell me the only other copy of the map to the ruins my father purchased at half price. I purchased the most likely fraudulent map and left immediately. It’s not like I had any other leads to chase. I’m packing my tools now and filling my suits canteen as much as possible. I hope I’ll have enough.


While I travel, I’m reading a book on the legends of the “Orokin crypt”, the resting place of Medusa’s eye and the very location the map is leading me to. A free gift from Darvo as a way of trying to prepare me “for the horrors ahead”, as he put it. It speaks of a city bathed in gold and intricate mechanical traps that rival even current technology. Legends also speak of the eye’s influence, not of granting power, but taking it. With but a touch, it would corrupt the mind and senses, stealing the very soul of a person and using their body as a guard to protect the city.


Quite a different story than what I’ve been told of eternal life. I never actually believed in these legends, but still, there’s no harm in hoping such a fate doesn’t exist. I should be getting close to the hidden oasis marked on the map. I can only hope it’s there. I’ve run out of water and I’m not sure I could make the trip back through another nest of Desert Skates.


Journal entry #3



It’s here! The oasis and it’s not a mirage this time! The fact my stomach isn’t regurgitating sand confirms it! I had almost given up hope but the cold life giving fluid eases my nerves, even though its existence is still worrisome. Darvo was telling the truth so far. His map lead me here, which means my father is here. I only have a short trip through the patch of jungle and I’ll be at the entrance to the Orokin crypt. I’ve refilled my suits canteen, and placed my tools to the side. I will rest here for the night so I may let my body hydrate while I think. Darvo has yet to lie to me, which means the book might be true.


I have spent the better half of my life fighting for peace, facing mobs of Grineer and Corpus alike, even defending innocent civilians from human turned monster Technocyte mutations. I often think about what would happen if my suit failed I turned into one of them, who I would hurt. As I look down the dark jungles path and back to the book on my lap.


For the first time, I’m afraid.


Journal entry #4:

The legends were true! The Orokin crypt is here, and it is guarded well. I have already managed to disarm many mechanical traps involving lasers, pistons that create shockwaves and sentry turrets. I imagined a bit more gold to be adorned in the “City of gold” but there’s enough to be in awe of it’s beauty. This isn't a sight seeing tour, however. I’ll have plenty of time to explore once I’ve found my father.


I didn’t find him first, as I had hoped, but I did find the vault door at the end of a room that had was clearly in disrepair compared to the rest. Wires were sparking out of walls, all the windows were broken and parts of the roof had collapsed. The scene only made the vault door that much more opulent. The Orokin we’re truly masterful in their technological prowess. I had never seen such a complex lock on any sort of door. I could only guess that my father had been here because while the rest of the chamber was falling apart, the door was completely dust free. Ever single groove had been meticulously cleaned as if to observe every detail. It seemed to never have been used. Suddenly, I heard a faint voice. I turned to the decaying room but it offered nothing but silence. I heard it again, this time from behind the vault door. I couldn’t understand what they were saying, but with the room sealed, I didn’t have time to question. It could have been my father running out of air. I thought perhaps he was hiding from whatever tore the room apart. I immediately prepared my cutting tools and began burning through the metal seams. It was a long process, but I worked as fast as I could.




Inside there was no person but an ominous statue looming over a pedestal with its hands placed around it, ready to pluck what can only be described as a miniature sun. That must have been the artifact. As I got closer, I heard the voice again. This time their message was clear, beckoning me to take the artifact. It was strong, feminine, and familiar…It was my mothers. I could hear my mothers voice asking me to take the artifact, that it was the only way to save my father. I was transfixed, unable to turn away as my arms reached out for the artifact, mirroring the statue that resided over it. As soon as I grabbed the artifact, I felt a surge of power in my suit, followed by an intense weakening in my body before the feeling and artifact disappeared. When I turned, I saw a forming crowd of people rushing towards me.


There was no chance of peace as they opened fire. Grabbing my cutting tools, I fought back. I managed to catch a glance at the now dead assailants before their bodies seemed to turn to dust before my eyes, almost as if time was flowing unrestrained. I was shocked to see they were all wearing mining gear and ornate Orokin like pieces on their helmets. My fears of the legend were confirmed. These people were just workers. Workers my father probably employed to aid him in his work and they had been tainted and controlled by the artifact as it had tried to do to me. Perhaps it was the Warframe or even my Technocyte laced blood that protected me, but it seemed unimportant at that moment.


I surveyed the area for any others, and began to observe the details of the destruction of the room. I could tell by the scorch marks on the walls, a massive explosion occurred just outside the vault room. Someone tried to seal the artifact in. I hoped it was him. I couldn’t bear to think of him like what I just saw, a soulless husk roaming around like the very monsters people call the victims of the Technocyte virus.


Journal #5:



The legends were only half true. There was no city of gold, but there was an artifact. One that twisted the minds of those who touched it, driving them mad and controlling them to protect it. As I left the vault chamber, I found my father’s body amongst a pile of rubble to the side. Kneeling beside him, I took his helmet off so I could see him one last time. His face was at peace and still, with no signs of anything wrong other than his lifeless demeanor in the charred suit. He had gone undefiled. My father saw what was happening to his comrades and tried to make sure it could never steal another soul again, no matter the cost.


As I looked over him, I saw the map Darvo mentioned clenched in his fist, his arm outreached as if trying to throw it into the pool of water just ahead of him. I took the partially burnt map from him, and placed his suited remains in the pool before saying my goodbyes. I removed the holographic patch from my shoulder and fixed it to his chest, in hopes the light would protect him. That was the best I could do for him. I hope he didn’t mind.


I collected what remained of the explosives he had brought and combined them with my own supply for controlled demolitions at the entrance to the crypt, effectively sealing more than half of it under the weight of it's own walls and debris. Once I made it back to civilization, I returned the book to Darvo with my thanks, and burned both copies of the map together.


No one would ever find that place again.

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00:02:00 Operation Begins.
"Tenno, you are here to investigate reports of increased reports of Infestation in this area.  This should normally be a clean Corpus sector."

"Tenno, the Infestation is being controlled by that Corpus Device.  We must capture its operator, and bring him in for questioning."


00:00:00 Log Begins.

A dark room.  Simple table, simple chair.  The Corpus Captive, across from him a holographic Lotus.  An Excalibur in the dark corner of the room.  
"Tell us what you saw."  The Lotus spoke.
"You betrayers will learn nothing from me!"

"So be it."  The Excalibur draws a Skana, raising it, and slamming it into the Crewman's hand, impaling it onto the table.  He screams.

"Savages!  Mute peasants!  I am of Royal blood!  aghh!"
"We can do much worse if it means lives will be spared, Vraht."

The crewman Vraht is out of breath.  "Fine.. Fine.."

"Good.  Now tell us."  The Excalibur retrieves his Skana, heals the crewmans hand.
Flexing his hand "The Infestation...  We can control it.  We can manipulate it...  The Board funded this project when we managed to get a neural sentry intact from a Tower..  Though not as precise as we can with proxies, we can still send hoards around.  We just need to replicate the Signal..."


01:10:00 Operation Stage 2 Begins.

"Tenno, we must protect the crewman as he dismantles the Neural Senty.  We can then use it to ward infestation away from Corpus space by attracting it to Grineer space.  While the Grineer use their forces to deal with the Infestation, we will hit their shipyards - hard.  We cannot allow more Fomorians to be built, Tenno.  Good luck."


"Scanning indicates destroying the connectors to the Broadcast Beacons will limit the amount of reinforcements the Sentry can call.  However, every time you do this you will draw a spike of power from the Beacon, scrambling your Warframe temporarily.  Do you want to have this easier in the long run, or have full functionality the whole time?"

The neural sentry taunts the Tenno, calling them war machines.  Tools.  Betrayers.  Nothing more than Soldiers, glorified by the Defector Lotus.  


As it turns out, Neural Sentries are actually highly Cybernetic humans..  Integrated into towers.  They are essentially the last living Orokin, though barely sane.  Barely even alive.  Perhaps some new technology may be extracted from them?  Perhaps we can use it for our upcoming project Nyx Prime?

Perhaps we can have Vraht as an unwilling ally from now on?




02:00:00 Final Operation Stage Commencing

"Tenno, Defend this Neural Sentry as it attracts Infested to this Sector.  The Grineer wont be expecting this, and it will leave them vulnerable as they will have to draw forces to this sector."


The Sentry will allow you to call friendly ancients of all three types, or a swarm of basic infested every few minutes. 
After this Operation, the Shipyards will be playable.


(490 Words, Including Title - I tried removing the UI but couldn't)

Edited by Gaminus
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Nekros' Mission


Title : "Weight"




Incoming Transmission


From: Lotus


To: Tenno # 888 


Warframe: Nekros






Lotus:  "Tenno, this is a special mission...  A group of tenno operatives sent out an SoS signal.  It seems like they are on a brink of failing an exterminate mission."




Lotus: "Your mission is to aide your fellow Tennos at any means.  Eradicate all bio-forms."




Lotus:  "Warning, I am losing life signal on your fellow Tennos and pinpointing their exact location is out of the realm of possibilities."




Lotus: How fortunate. We have found a stranded sentinel that belongs to one of the tennos on this ship.  It seems to be leading you to them.  Follow it and be haste!




A Tenno kneeling in solace.  Around him are his fellow Tennos, disfigured with bio mutation.  They seemed to have been cut down by something really sharp.


The tenno who also shows inevitable bio transformation, though slowly, but surely.  Uses what is left of his sanity and will power to reach for his ether blade once more,  stabbing it on the floor beside him.


Lotus: "Tenno.. We have found them.  But as I have greatly feared they fell to grasps of bio invasion.  This one to be highly infected...  It is too late to save him, Tenno.."  




Nekros makes his way to the slowly transforming survivor.  Picking up the Ether Sword.


The Tenno looks up to his executioner, and savior.  A slow nod.




Nekros takes a stance, the blade shining in pure ether energy.  He nods back to the Tenno, who in turn slowly offers it's neck, awaiting for the 'cleansing' to take place.


Nekros did not hesitate.  With one swift swing...  A loud thud can be heard..  Then..  Silence.




Lotus:  "It is done.  Proceed to extraction when you are done with the body.  This is not a victory for us, Tenno.  But we must move on."


"There was nothing special..  As I desecrate my fellow Tennos, as I cut down the unclean.  There was nothing note worthy about the results.  They all dissipate into nothingness."


"Though one thing...  My hands certainly felt heavy."


In the mind of Nekros.

Edited by SlimeLVL1
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Personal Journal: 112.01

Today's conclave was held in our first Great Hall of the Dojo, we only go there when we require confidentiality. Warlord MajorPlus then spoke to us of pressing information; General Austin’s men discovered both the Grineer and Corpus had been searching for and found the coordinates to a specific void tower and were planning expeditions. I was charged with sending two of my best with two of General Austin’s and Phelipe’s to investigate this Tower.
-General Zaniki

To: Warlord MajorPlus
From: General Zaniki
Subject: Void Tower Discovery

My people have been able to crack the information on the terminals. The terminals have the coordinates to a specific Orokin Derelict where there is a unique Lephantis manifestation and an Orokin vault. Lephantiss’ never manifest near a vault, whatever is within must have been of great value to the Orokin if they decided it required a Lephantis to guard. I’m sending my lieutenant Tyre with three of GEQ’s best. Tyre is just as good with the books as he is at combat.


>Mission Report
>Mission Number (#): VT308
>We encountered no hostiles for about 100 meters in before we heard gunfighting. We witnessed Grineer and Corpus forces engaged in combat and maneuvered around them. We were witnessed by a Corpus squad as we neared thefirst Orokin Terminal and they proceeded to sabotage the terminal as we engaged them. After we killed the last >Corpus they explosives they had gathered near the terminal were detonated, nothing survived. We resolved to take >the stealthiest of approaches with the other four terminals so as to save the integrity of the information. At the other terminals there were specs of a weird infestation manifestation and a Orokin Vault, these too were also rigged. Whatever the information is, neither side wanted anyone else to have it.

Personal Journal: 114.01

The lephantis was almost too much, it was quicker, smarter even than the others I’ve ever faced.the advantage we had of being too small for it to maneuver well against was almost nigh, and carrying dragon keys no less. We all noticed once the floor caved in that the lephantis was standing directly on a vault, I was the lucky one with the hobbled dragon key. After killing the lephantis and opening the vault door, we were guided down stairs to a sanctuary with excalibur statues like the other vaults, but there was no corrupted mod just a complete set of void coordinates. I have no idea for what.
-LT. Tyre

Transcript of last known transmission of expedition
“We’re under attack. Confirmed new enemy unit, repeat new enemy unit; appears to be a corrupte-*indiscernible*. The key and coordinates took us to a corrupted tower, the growths were small at first but the farther we ventured in the greater it became. We were assaulted from all sides suddenly, it didn’t even communicate like it normally does before attacking. We’re just running now, Talon is dead and we can’t damage them at all. *large explosion followed by heavy panting for several minutes* Wait, wait, in here.”

“What is this? Sir?”

“My god. This, this is...how? These are Oroki-*Garbling followed by panicked screams and gunfire*”

“Judgment has been passed. All have been executed.”

Edited by Tyre
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Identity Crisis

It’s bothered me for some time. I’ve wandered the system, since the fall of the Orokin Empire. Some chose to hibernate, to wait for a time when we were needed again. I was one of the few who stayed awake. I meditated on the ruin around us. Ruin we’d caused, in defense of ourselves and those who’d made us what we were. I knew what they called me. But what was my name?



The pods of my hibernating brethren were well hidden. For years, no one got close. And then someone obtained a Key. I got to him too late. The one I knew as Frost had been awakened. I reached into this foolish man’s mind, and twisted. I wouldn’t kill him, no; I’d leave him a raving lunatic, who spouted tales of sleeping gods and their ruined palaces. Before I turned him loose, I took the Key, now defunct. There must be no evidence.

Frost and I took it upon ourselves to guard the rest of the sleeping Tenno. We swept the solar rails with a fine tooth comb, and retrieved all the keys from their hiding places. The pods, we thought, were well enough protected. There was no way to get to them without the keys we possessed. We each took turns holding the keys. Built using old Orokin technology, the keys were debilitating to the holder. The Keybearer would hide, and the other would venture out through the rest of the system. It was during these sojourns that I continued my search, for who I was before I became what I am now.

I didn’t bother with the budding empires popping up, as they had yet to plumb the Orokin archives. I still remembered many of the codes to gain entry to the ruins. But the former occupants were smart. They’d left their machines behind. These Neural Sentries, as they were called, were masks programmed to invade the minds of others and repurpose them. I felt flattered, honestly; after all, the Orokin had modeled them after me. I don’t think they ever expected them to be used against us though. Now they served their purpose aimlessly, guarding the old vaults en masse. If they’d left me alone, I would have ignored them, taking pity on those they controlled. Instead, they swarmed me. I left them confused and fighting themselves as I pressed onward.



At last, the Main Archive! The repository of all Orokin knowledge. I found the information on all of us and copied it. I would look it over while being the Keybearer. But I was careless. The illusion dropped, and the enemies surrounding me opened fire.  I escaped… barely. My suit’s systems were screaming at me. Now I sit in front of a cryopod with Frost. I need time to recover, time the pod will give me. But first, I looked at the information I’d obtained. I climb in, and as the lid shuts, I smile. I know my name.

My name is-

(498 words, not including the title)
Fun to write, I'm going to have to expand on this on my own! I'd have done way more if it weren't for that word limit...

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Memories - A Second Chance


I am the first Excalibur.  When I awoke, The Lotus sent a cell of three Tenno, an Ash, a Frost, and a Nyx, to defend me from being captured by Vor. Now I fight with them as a part of their cell. I fight for the Lotus.


Ever felt like you're being watched? The lights are flickering. I'll make this brief.


On the pod with my cell to here, I had a dream. He spoke to me. He was like a Tenno, but different. He claimed we were the downfall of the Orokin. He claimed us traitors. He claimed my cell was responsible for the deaths of the guardians. He claimed the Grandmaster's blood was shed and stained through my blade. Before I awoke, he said, "You may forget but you are not innocent."


Upon awaking, memories came back. I heard united drums being sounded. Right on the 9th beat, I remembered. He wasn't lying.


The past is past. The Lotus has reawakened us for a second chance... A redemption. But for now, the past is coming back.


The rest of my cell has scouted ahead. The lights are now out. I know he's around here.



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The Torment of Excaliber


Murderer..... Traitor..... Terrorist..... They call me many things now days and they are right to do so. However I was once a husband, a father, long ago........ Then the war started, a war to end all wars, or so we thought. We where facing an enemy we had never faced before, a faceless, unnerving enemy. I had been called in to protect not only my family and country but now our entire way of life.




Years and millions of lives had past by and we where no longer an army but a resistance. The few of us left where becoming desperate for a way to turn the tide of battle, then we where approached by a shadow, a character cloaked in darkness of space. It gave us a way to turn the tide of battle, a weapon forged deep in space. However there would be a price..... an unthinkable price...... a price of another world....... this shadow would give us the weapon we require to save our world but in return we would need to exterminate another world. After much discussion it was decided to take the shadows offer and to embrace the new weapon we where to become... 'Tenno'.




After the war was won and the deed was done, I had became a living weapon....... a 'Tenno'....... I left civilisation embarrassed and disgusted by the cost of our survival. I went into cryo stasis where I slept and pondered my actions and what may have been and what might become of us, then I woke by a voice. A voice who seems to be out to protect me, but why me? The things I have done! I will pay my restitution! I will right the wrongs I once did!




Now I travel my solar system righting those who would do the innocent harm, keeping the fragile balance of society. Fighting clones.... fighting robots..... fighting nightmares. I have been from 1 planet to the next looking, searching for my companions. Everywhere I travel I only seem to bring death and destruction, I am hated by all and loved by none yet still I keep moving forward.




I think to my self.... 'Years later will I be sick of the fighting? Will I find a place to fit in? Will I find a place to lay my head? Will I find life?' Or will I only find death?'


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The Legendary Warframe

Legend tells of a Warframe that existed during the Orokin Era so immensely powerful that the Orokin, out of fear only used it once. It was said the Warframe had the power to end worlds, little did they know it was so much more than that. The use of its power resulted in an event so devastating it almost wiped out not just the Sentients but the Orokin themselves. After this the Orokin decided to seal the Warframe in a vault, in the most remote part of the universe hoping they would never have to use it again...

I have failed my Tenno brothers and sisters. I have failed to stop the Grineer, Corpus and the Technocyte Virus from pushing us to the edge of extinction. So for this reason I roam the Badlands on a desperate mission to find this legendary Warframe.




But I am not the only one searching for this legend. The Corpus in their ever-greedy hunt for Orokin technology hound and dog me at every turn but I will not fail in my quest. I will use all my powers to stop them and claim this weapon for the Tenno and strike back at our enemies.



My search has lasted years, precious years we Tenno might not have. Taken me all across the Badlands, far away from my brothers and sisters. Every day that passes more Tenno fall in this war, their deaths and our future weighing on my soul. I must persevere and continue for I do this, so a future may be possible and when it is needed I will make what ever sacrifice is required.

The signs show I am getting closer. My search continues.



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                                          D e c e p t i o n


Entry #1

"They say one's will and pride are tested in times of great desperation. That there comes a specific moment in our short-lived days where we must act upon the very strings of destiny itself... in order to change things and bend them to our fragile, imperfect nature. To leave a personal mark that will be understood by others to come in different times in a world we know nothing about..."

 "Thoughts of home swept swiftly through my brain as the shuttle landed on the surface of Earth... Green, green Earth...
A soft and welcoming breeze could be felt. It touched as if guiding us down from the shuttle stairs and yearning to plunge us right into the middle of the marshlands below. My hands started to shake, the streams of adrenaline so mercilessly pumping through each and every one of my veins were both unforgiving and exciting to feel. Safe to say: i wasn't worried, just another day on the job."

- "GET A MOVE ON!", Ironically shouted at us the Captain, barely dragging the weight of his old rusty Rhino suit on the ground, while stuffing endless amounts of ammunition into his beloved Karak rifle. 

Masked with fake confidence our team of four was readying itself for a task we knew could be fatal for some, if not for all of us... Though little did we know of the horrors we would discover looming in the depths below...

- "Alright, alright!"

- "If you say so, old man..."

Entry #2

"On our way to the structures it was revealed to us by our Captain that we had been deployed to capture or slay a particular man, one known to be both ferocious and without mercy. A figure so fast and cunning that even the Stalker himself dared not put his nose in his business. This assassin killed at night and had slain hundreds of my brethren. Their deaths were swift and silent, as any man's should.

I've never liked hunting for weakness in my opponents or striking unseen, if i were to go in there against such a difficult enemy it would have to be with guns blazing and since it had gotten personal, i had brought my Latron Prime with me too, just in case - for more "accurate" distribution of a few well-deserved headshots, preferably right through the forehead.

I was ready, every sense in my body screamed for justice and retribution. I couldn't wait to go in there and deliver death's sentence upon my nemesis. It would be a slow and painful death, full of torment and blood - My kind of kill..."


Entry #3:

 " ...Though the closer we got and approached the structure the weirder i was feeling in my gut, there were no guards, not a soul in sight. I paused for a moment and looked around my shoulder, only to see dark silhouettes sneaking upon us through the bushes of Earth. I should have known better... We shouldn't have expected less...

- "It's an ambush!" screamed the Captain! and before his sentence was even finished my allies were surrounded by a barrage of gunfire. Attackers coming from every direction had left them without chance to fight back and as they hopelessly fell i stood dazed in disbelief, only a few meters apart from the murder site of my dearest of friends.

Failed to save my brothers, i took a short, brief look at their bodies... Infuriated by what i had just witnessed i gathered all my strength and proceeded to shoot, cut and tear through each of my enemies, it was not long until i had stacked up their bodies into a pile of red death.

All fell silent... the only thing left to hear was the distant cry of birds, so desperately running from the loud noise of guns and battle..."


Entry #4:

"...and there i stood, firmly. I coldly looked upon the countless bodies of the bastards i had just slain: their limbs torn off, faces deformed...
As i was finishing off the last mercenary that had fallen prey to me on this unlucky of a day and had barely made it alive, after our greweling encounter - He pointed towards me a bright yellow crystal, laughing manically and uttering nothing more than a single word: "Deception"

...I looked around once more and basked in the atrocious piece of art i had just spilled and painted all over the cold canvas ground, with the streams of their blood: flowing and dripping into one big pool of liquid, through which i stared into the eyes of my own reflection... 

And then it hit me! hit me like as of a thousand Grineer sledgehammers pounding at the very back of my head! Hit me as if i had been blind and dreaming for so long that i had forgotten that i had even fallen into slumber...

And then i knew.. then i saw...

I was but a pawn, a puppet! Merely a dancing figure on someone else's playground that had just discovered the frail construction and careful pattern of it's own strings, pulled by the hands of greed itself... There was no assassin, No honour, but only a deal made by corrupt fools about the trade of a few dead Warframes for a giant shipment of Oxium, through Corpus ships!

 Truly, this was betrayal, this was deception..."

Entry #5

 "There will be no grieving today, for my mind is occupied by a thirst so strong - not even the greatest of gods would be able to quench it. I hold my gaze upon the distant horizon, My eyes are set like vengeful ghosts on the light of a most distant star, where the Council finds it's seat... and a liar sharpens their tongue. A betrayer in our midst... 
...I have found myself again and gained newborn purpose, i act as the hand of justice and destiny itself.
I will 
go there and deliver death's sentence upon my nemesis. It will be a slow and painful death, full of torment and blood...

...My kind of kill."

I do realize it's a bit over 500 words, but i couldn't hold myself to stop! it gets hard when the muse sinks in! giggity! x)

Edited by Devaldus
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                                                                         The Fortress Calling




  Communications were brief, as an unknown voice began to speak of a Fortress deep within the outer colonies of space.


  All I was given was a set of coordinates, and then the signal went silent.


  My brothers & sisters looked around, as if such a message was of no importance, but to me, I saw potential, I saw a Fortress that not only could peak my interests, but could possibly lead to unknown treasures & mysteries, and without a second thought, I boarded my vessel and set fourth.


                                                                                 The Arrival




  After many months I had finally arrived at my location, and made my way towards the signal that flashed constantly on my visor.


 The trek was not an easy one as I climbed the hills before me, and encountered many close calls on the harsh environment, but at long last I had reached the top, and was amazed at what I saw before me.  It was....  A fully functional fortress.




  But what was this?  Off in the distance there was signs of a battle, and the banners on the ground resembled the marks of a Tenno, but in a more ancient design.


 I hesitated, as I began to observe my surroundings.  Something big happen here, and I know not what, but I was determined to find who or what did this.


 I rushed to the opening on the other side, and launched my Alert Beacon.




  Shortly after my communications picked up a brief message "Hu...  rr...  y"


  The signal went silent shortly after.  I knew I had no time, so I rushed quickly towards the fortress, and entered a small hole near the lower right side.


 As I made my way along the halls and twisted corridors, I saw nothing but death & destruction, and lifeless warframes, but who could of done this?  There were no signs of attacks from our enemies, only empty shells of fallen Tennos....  It was as if....  The Fortress itself had destroyed them, or they had destroyed themselves, but why?


 I pondered this as I walked outside, and looked down from the lookout.




  I reached no conclusion as to what had happen here, but I knew it to be inhumane & barbaric, and just then communications had come on once again "Your close now.  Find me below in the Tower, and hurry, he...."


                                                                                  The Finale




 There was no time, whoever this was, was in danger, and I had no time to waste, and so I leaped from the lookout, and dive bombed towards the ground, as I slashed & cleared the obstacles on my way down, however, the harsh weather was slowing me down, and it finally got the best of me, as I began to slam & bounce off the remaining rubble, until I slammed flat on the mountain side, and slid the rest of the way down.


 It took some minutes to recover & heal, but all systems were operational as I arose.


 The weather had finally cleared, and thus stood the tower before me.




 I walked slowly inside, as the doors closed & locked behind me, and what I saw next, would be to much for any normal being.


 It was a Tenno, a Warframe, but none like I ever seen.  It wasn't Prime, it wasn't Normal, nothing like it even existed in the Codex.


 He glowed as if he were pure energy, it was as if he weren't real in this reality, as he phased in & out, but that's not what had shocked me the most.  In his hand he held the head of a Lotus, as her body stood pierced against the wall by his sword.


 He looked at me and spoke "Now its your turn to die!!"


 He leaped forward, and before I had time to act, he quickly had me against the wall as he pummeled me with his fists, before tossing me across the room as if I were nothing to him.


 As he came towards me I unleashed a fury of bullets upon him, but they passed right by as he phased out.  I arose quickly, and came at him with a series of several sword techniques, but he blew them off as if they were nothing, before he grabbed me by my throat and tossed me once again, before unleashing some attack that felt like it was tearing me out of my suit, and then I fell to the ground.


 My systems were critical, my suit began to crack, and I felt my life slipping away, but yet I was still determined to beat this foe, at all cost.


 I arose slowly, an entered my meditative state, as I pondered on how I can beat something that's pure energy, and then after several minutes it had come to me.  The only way something of pure energy could be defeated, is if it were to be challenged by an energy greater then itself.


 I stood on my feet, and clasped my hands together, and began to chant, as he grew closer.  It was a long shot, but it was all I had left, and all my systems could maintain.


 I summoned fourth my lightening shock, it hit him dead on as he roared, causing the ground to shake, but I stood my ground even when his sharp daggers he tossed forward began piercing my suit causing my systems to go severely critical.


 I screamed, and unleashed the last bit of my power before the room was filled with explosion....


 I had awaken to the sounds of sirens and a system alert "1 minute till Fortress Meltdown"


 I could only assume this fortress was about to be destroyed, along with everything with it, and just then I heard a voice "You Fool!!"


 I looked behind me, and there laid the being whole as ever, just another man.


 He laughed as I slowly walked to him.  I looked down at him, as he smiled sarcastically at me, and I knew that such a beast didn't deserve mercy, and with my hand, I evaporated him....




 The ground shook, and I was surrounded by a white light....  It was then....  That I awoke....



Edited by (PS4)Galilann
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The powdery residue left after the burning of a substance was the last thing they saw before there soul was snatched away from there frames this killer no longer is loyal to those who he once trained. Theres no place to hide and the times come to hunt all warframes involved in a plot to DE thrown there master He was a teacher to the most powerful tenno soldiers teaching them the way to manipulate energy and use it in battle this was known as the ability. After the 1st galaxy war ended these highly trained assassins formed an alliance to protect the last three planetary systems that sustained life the war stretched beyond imagination countless races lost countless stars destroyed there could not be another war. The tennos first meeting would be held on planet Emarfraw desolate and lifeless for hundreds of years. The out come would be a target they all agreed must die for they knew anything like themselves were a danger to the future races. The very thought of there plan whispered in his ear waking a sleeping giant he arose from a slumber with no despair. He would destroy all of his students 1 by 1 with hate as a final lesson and end to such destruction he created. For he is the beggening and he is the ending for he is the one they will dread. I am the Stalker.

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How could we have missed it? Right under our noses the entire time. If only we had known sooner. How petty our battles would have seemed.




The relics and ruins we thought dormant were anything but. Orokin ingenuity at it's finest I suppose.




The portals made their presence known quickly upon activation. The Grineer, Corpus, and us of course, immediately fought for their control.




When the gates in the void were opened, the corrupted defended them with fervor, but many managed to slip through. Some died, some disappeared, but some like me made it through unscathed. We crossed through the chaos, through space and time. What is here...on the other side...I do not know if it is real or illusion. One thing is clear though...




This is NOT our home.


This is NOT the origin system.


And yet...




WE are here...



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