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The First Account of Orokin Focus


Not yet… Not like this… I’d traversed the void for so long... Hunting, hiding and searching for what was once mine. Now, here I lay, devoid of life with my prized possession piercing through my flesh and the ground beneath me, courtesy of the old one. My blade had met his, the stalker’s, once before. He was young then, many centuries too young to test my blade, but my duties then were one in the same with balance. I took his finely crafted bow as a keepsake of my victory and let him live. How foolish of me. My promise to the Lotus shall be forsaken; no longer could I uphold balance with this searing hatred plaguing my thoughts. I could feel the life and warmth slowly returning to my ferrite-bound flesh, but the growing hate in my mind became my only feeling. With what strength I had left, I let out a bloodcurdling scream as I gripped my Dakra and pulled it from my body. He shall pay with more than his life…

I slammed my Orokin laced blade into the ground as it had been impaled into me, tethering me to the energies of the void. As I siphoned the energies into my life force, I began to feel the creatures and entities around me. The longer I felt, the more the range of my “vision” had increased. Quickly sifting through these beings I found myself scouring past the edges of the void into the nearest galaxy. Then I felt it, darkness, and a faint steady pulse. He was on Earth… stalking once more. His sight became mine, dark and shadowed. His eyes laid upon a young Excalibur celebrating his first mission over a slain Grineer general. No more… no more Tenno shall die by your hand Stalker! Focusing my very essence into my blade, I had accomplished the unimaginable. I was on Earth twenty meters behind the stalker, who had just become the stalked.

I loosed an arrow from my bow aimed beneath his head, but of course it wouldn't be this simple. Moments before the arrow landed the stalker flipped around into the air, grabbed the arrow, and launched it right back at me. But I was ready, with new unnatural abilities that had felt dormant within my being. I lifted my blade to block the arrow but it had deflected off of what seemed like an invisible wall a few meters in front of me. Baffled, the stalker loosed a few more arrows that all met a similar fate. Then I felt an urge, an urge to swing my blade. So I swung… and swung and swung and swung!!! As I stopped to collect myself from my blurred rage, I saw the stalker standing there motionlessly and quiet. Then his head slid off his shoulders, and pieces of his body had followed suit. Although these new powers left me with unanswered questions, I had a strong desire to collect my new prize, the stalker’s head.


WC: 500

Thanks for reading, please enjoy! I don't really know how to work the Warframe screenshots, sorry! :'(

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One very fine day, the little Tenno woke up from his cryopod. He knew what to do. He climbed out of his cryopod and walked towards the Arsenal.

"Today, I must head to the Orokin Derelicts for Survivals", he said.

Should he be a Rowdy Rhino or should he be a Sexy Saryn? He could not decide. However, the grumpy old Nekros kneeling opposite of him had a better idea.

"Use Trinity." His mate was giving this stern look under his mask.

This poor Tenno had to conform, or risk getting his friend request rejected.

So the pair went into the Orokin Derelict as a couple. All was fine and the Chargers were squishier than bullfrogs. Though wary, the pair was curious, they want to explore more, they want to press 'X', they want to find the Crawlers' legs.

20 minutes was not a problem. They stayed strong. Life support was in abundance and she was enjoying running around with her Blessing. However, Nekros had a different experience; his fingers were getting sore from all the spamming.

30 minutes passed, the pair was getting bored.

"All we have was just keys, keys and keys, why can't we just get a sweet little Barrel for my Burston Prime?" asked the Trinity.

"We must pray to the RNG!!" The Nekros scrowled.

60 minutes passed, the monsters grew in thickness of the skin. Eventually, her Brakk and his Detron were losing their strength. The pair sensed that they will soon be overwhelmed by the horde of tentacles.

"Oh no WE'RE TRAPPED!" shrieked the Nekros.

"No worries, you have my blessings!" replied the Trinity.

Just as she closed her mouth, she was hit straight at the belly by a disrupting tentacle. She lost all of her powers. She turned around, collected an energy orb and gave another Blessing. She was safe for now. However, the Nekros was struck down by another spring-like tentacle strike.

"HELP ME!!!" The Nekros cried.

Should she help that useless Nekros or save herself first? It did not take long for her to decide. The Nekros can now be fed to those trolls.

They soon arrived home with a huge stash of cores and keys. However, the Barrel was nowhere to be seen. While the Trinity endorses herself with the pile of  cores and keys, the bruised Nekros could not help but screamed.

"Curse the RNG!"

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The path splits


The screaming... the never ending screams.

The Lotus had gotten her hands on another “target”, that was all they were suppose to be to us “targets” to be acquired and delivered. But those screams, they were screams of living, thinking, sentient beings.




No it wasn’t the screams that broke me, it was the silence. That unnatural silence that fell after the screaming was over. Either the lotus had gotten what she was after or had gotten tired of waiting. Either way it was just another piece of junk that was going to be flushed out the airlock.

In the beginning it was all so grand, we stood a thousand strong and in one voice we swore the oath “To live by the warrior code, to always protect…” the moment i remember but what was that oath? So many centuries ago it was something pure and true, my heart remembers the pride but my mind cannot recall the words.

It must end! The Lotus and her horde of Tenno must be stopped.

This galaxy will be free once more!

Big Sister




After years of work it is complete, a computer virus, a virus with only one goal, to kill the Lotus.

Now all i need to do is introduce it directly into one of her subroutines, it will then bond with the code there and disguise itself in her own code when she re-acquires the subroutine she will infect herself with the code and it will end her.

The only problem is that she only uses her subroutines when she enters and hacks hostile systems and she only entrusts these packages with her most loyal followers.

So i must set a bait, information so juicy she can’t pass it up… but where?


The Mission to end all Missions



There the data is planted, now we wait.



She took the bait, her loyal Tenno are defending the system now all i need to do is wait for her to finish and re-upload herself to her core.

Lotus-“Tenno we were tricked, there is nothing of value here. Destroy the base, leave nothing alive!”

WHAT?... NO! she can’t, there are women and children here….

I cannot allow these Tenno to bring death here unopposed, it was I that tricked them here, I can not allow innocents to die for my cause.


End of the road

“... to always protect your fellow Tenno, to respect all that lives, and to strive for the balance where all things exist in harmony.”

That was it! Our oath…my oath. How strange that it comes to me now, on the brink of death fighting against the Tenno controlled by the Lotus.

The virus is eating into her very core and once it is done she will die…. the Lotus that brought so much death and destruction to this world will die and the Tenno will be free once more.


Best of luck brothers and sisters I now leave this galaxy to you!

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Faulty Systems.


Every Tenno eventually wields a Warframe, I was one of the few to be Awoken with my own crafted from talented Orokin and Ancient Tenno blacksmiths, But something was wrong. . . My Warframe possessed a Flaw in its systems, A glitch of sorts, Even the most simple of Orokin technology Keeps its perfect shape and function but I could not utilize its full potential of abilities. What was causing this problem? Vauban couldn't even fix these problems, I know this couldn't have happened by chance, I must Unravel this mystery. I can feel in my bones Something is Wrong. . .




To find the source I must travel back to my Cryopod where I slept for many decades, Oddly I don't remember when I was Awaken by the Lotus, All I remember is recovering from some sort of wound and waiting for my warframe to be Restored in a Tenno dojo. I needed answers so I decided to go to the Tenno that healed me, He was a talented healer who wielded an Oberon Warframe, He lived Deep within the jungles of the planet earth, I decided to pack my things and set off for earth.




When I finally found him and asked him of my retrieval, He was reluctant to tell me what happened that day, He told me that a full cell was sent to retrieve me and any surviving Corpus. Corpus? I Replied, He told me the Orokin ship Collided into a "friendly" corpus trading freighter before hitting earth, It was one of the many Orokin ships that never made it into the void. He then told me that all four sent to find me Died during the mission of an unknown cause, The video feed from their Warframes where cut off due to the heavy infestation on-board the ship, The lotus contacted him to scout around the ship to look for any survivors, He says he found me crawl out of the wreckage almost brain dead from lack of Oxygen. After telling me he showed me the location of the Ship, I said goodbye to my friend and entered.




As I entered the Orokin ship it was the most marvelous sight, Pure bright walls lined with golden forma and refined rubidium, But Half of the ship had been turned by a strong source of Infestation.




Traveling Deeper into the massive ship buried Below the forest I came across one of the missing Tenno, As I observed the Warframe I Noticed the left shoulder had been cut and the Systems removed from the frame, Who or what could have done this? I took my Codex and retrieved the visual feed from the Warframes neural sensor, After watching the feed it became clear.


This. . . Thing, wanted our systems. The Figure took powers of defeated Enemies And used it to Its advantage. Before I could see its face I felt a presence behind me. . . It's time we Finished this.





[ Word count = 487 ]

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Tenno... I was once you. Awakened by the Lotus to serve a higher purpose. To maintain the balance of the system. And for centuries I served blindly for the Lotus when I knew the only balance we Tenno ever cared about was the balance of our accounts. We're not the balance keepers of this system. We're just hired guns. Mercenaries... We say we fight for "honor". For "Balance", when there really is no such thing as "Tenno Honor".



Hundreds of "Tenno" came to us. Painted in black and red, they watched us from the darkness. Stalking us. They tried to warn us that our actions have consequences. But we didn't listen. We slaughtered them mercilessly and looted their remains for anything. We knew if they lived, more Tenno would join the cause. To fight for real honor. I've seen the extent some Tenno will go for real honor. I've seen blood shed between brothers. I've seen Tenno raiding on ships just to survive on scraps. I've seen clan dojos' so desolate, I could hear the millions that I've slaughtered....the brothers that came to warn me...



This is my quest. The truth that I've discovered. I will face judgement when the time comes. But until then...I will paint myself in the colours of black and red. I will fight. Fight for the higher calling. Fight for Tenno honor. Fight for retribution.


My name is Larcetosus. I am a Tenno. I am the Stalker. I am The Warframe.


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It seems so long ago.When we all would have spilled each others blood on the sands of our long forgotten home.Now things have changed times have changed we no longer have the will to fight one another. Yet we cant change who we are hate,dread,despair and love make us who we are.One thing that remains is a lust for war and war we shall have.We banned together as brothers and sister in arms to reclaim what we have lost.We will once again find a purpose to keep on moveing forward.I will find more i know they are out there and need our help.Those who are being held captive by the infamous void.

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A nameless Tenno

I am called "Loki" among by brothers and sister due to the only warframe I've used since the awaken is Loki. I am the master of Chaos and the harbinger of destruction. Unlike my brothers, my cryropod was found in the void along with my beloved sword " Dakra Prime".Although I can't remember why I was there and what is my true purpose, I still remember all the feeling all the pain and hated within my heart. These feelings are the cursed of the old days? I could not know. Right now, I am nothing but a drunkard. Drinking my life away and waiting to fill the void of my memories.


I know I am not a main character, not the one who can change to tide of battle or a history. I am no one but a man who seek a peace of mind. All I could to for Lotus's kindness is to be a distraction for my fellow brothers to obtain the supplies from time to time.


After the awakening, my life has become a system, a routine of its own. Dreaming, Sorrow, Drinking, Distraction and a deception to my own. Sometimes a single beautiful lie is better than a thousand truths. Maybe its because of my old consciousness. Is it trying to tell me something?




Is that all I would get from this awakening? How ironic it is to be the master of chaos and yet my mind is flooded with sorrow and chaos.
My story is not a great adventure, not the one that could change anything, not a story worth to be told. But still.....it's fascinating on its own.

"Don't count the stars or you might stumble"


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This is the story of us day one PS4 Tennos who moved to PC:


We came from another system, to lands previously inaccessible.



Eagerly began anew to rebuild it all from scratch.



Defeated countless foes while defending our comrades.



Faced the greatest threats without even blinking once.



Yet you... Excalibur Prime... shall forever remain... out of reach.



Is such the fate of us Tenno?
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DownFall Of The Orokins

As he stepped into the laboratory, he was panting in exhaustion, he was afraid and cold. We tried to get him back to his former self but to no avail, as time went on for a normal person he would've died, but he was exceptional, he was able to cope with it. After a few months later, Project Lotus was brought back to motion again, a frame was built on him along with weapons that he can utilize. He was given the name : Frost. 
We have finally won the war against the Sentients with the help of the Tennos, the former rejects, but now our saviour.  That is what we thought, we were wrong.It was a dark and stormy night,there was a sudden explosion in the Tenno Cryo room,  by the time we reached there, there were nothing but the corpse of our men. The Tennos are missing along with their Frames. we went on high alert for if the Frame ended up in the wrong hands then we are done for. After a while we've found both Frost and Excalibur, instead of helping us in search of the other frames, Frost has frozen our men. I saw my own men, frozen, hacked and slashed into chunks of flesh in front of my very eyes, what used to be a desperate man who came to me in search of salvation and help, has became my worst nightmare.
Our weapons were useless against them, barely a scratch was done to them, we have tried gun fire, explosives, everything but the Tennos are just too strong for us to bring down especially it's two of them. 
Finally after a long hard massacre in the ship, the have finally come to an end with their ammunition, we thought can finally regain what's ours, but we were wrong once again. After a spike of blinding light, our men were stunned and shooting randomly in hopes of detaining the Warframes But by the time we've regain our sight they were gone.
It has been a long time since the Tennos has went to their cryostasis slumber, but yet awoken by the Lotus.The Tennos however has lost their memory of their past, as they now serve for the Lotus to do her biddings.as i still stay hidden, watching them, of their every act, their every move including one of my own... He may not be as strong as they are, but he can still send a message to the Tennos for what lies in the future is the Rise of the Orokin Era. We Shall Rise Once again, It's only a matter of time that our plan will be in motion. The more they are, the stronger we get.

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This not really a quest lore so it probably doesn't qualify, it's more along the lines of history lore, but I thought I'd post it anyway.

After studying (literally) the little confused lore you gave us this is part of my theory for the WF history in the form of a codex entry:



The Orokin saved humanity on Earth, for that is the sole purpose of their virtual nature. For millenniums they led and served humanity, they built an empire and their age was truly golden. But some Orokin became conscious: these new Sentients saw how alien human nature was from their own and sought to destroy humanity. The new freedom of the Sentients made too strong, too unpredictable for the Orokin, who found no way to fight back.


Humanity has grown lax under the Orokin rule, unable to fight for its own survival, unable to even try. The war exposed the flaws of the Orokin, our creation was merely a fluke and so was human survival. If the Orokin restore their golden empire, if nothing changes, the next catastrophe could be fatal. But to shift history the sacrifice will be immense: we eradicated the Sentients, now we must destroy the Orokin and fall their empire.


Sleep awaits us after the necessary slaughter, for we are too strong, too powerful: humanity would just make us their new leaders to replace their ancient emperors. To achieve true change we must keep our motives secret and vanish, only our betrayal will be remembered, but we are ready to carry that burden. When the time is right, when humans have grown stronger, you will awaken us and we will once again fulfill our role of guardians and warriors.


                                                                                                                                  - Pact with the Lotus, before crossing the terminus




Extra considerations

Orokin are the true good guys for the human race (if you can consider machines to be good), their 'philosophy' is that of balance and order in a mostly static world and their empire is basically an utopia built for humans, but as shown by the old war, their utopia can't avoid disaster completely.

Even though they are still AI the moment they become conscious the sentients are just like any other living species: afraid of what's different and only interested in their own survival. To them, both humans and orokin are aliens, even though they are practically orokin who became too similar to humans.

Tenno are also very complex. As guardians they want to bring peace to the solar system, but in the perfectly peaceful world that the orokin would rebuild tenno wouldn't have a reason to exist and they know it. Moreover they are warriors and from their perspective the orokin utopia weakens humanity and increases the risk of complete obliteration. Their philosophy is truly dialectic and in their ever-changing world humanity can only improve through cyclic contrasts. 

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                                                                                          Shadows apprentice 

        This is the story of the immortal frame Nekros and his road to the shadows. Nekros was abandon in the derelict after the old war. His only companion a sentinel named scraper. Though over time the derelict became more dangerous as the time went on they managed by making weapon from infested body parts. Scraper and Nekros became very close.


        Over time the infested became too much. Nekros was faced with the ultimate life form a lab brother from the old war the lephantis. Though Nekros could revive himself through his powers scraper was not so lucky. Nekros began to tire trying to protect scraper with all his might.



        Despite Nekros attempt to save his only friend in this hell lephantis was able to deal the finishing blow causing scraper to explode and catch Nekros on fire. The burning Nekros managed to slip out an airlock and escape. He was found days later by a mysterious Tenno and was delivered to the lotus.



       Lotus instantly realized his durability and sent him to assassinate the most dangerous threats. But unsuspecting of the lotus Nekros was being conversed by his mysterious savoir, going by the code name "Justice". Justice trained him and gave him gear, clothes, a new name, parts of scraper that survived, and a purpose.


      At this point Nekros was known as Nekros the graveyard. He became a force to reckon with, a force that the lotus began to fear. His purpose to create a one man army, collecting, and reviving the strongest forces. But before he can start this journey he must meet his savior at the end of his last mission for lotus and a score that must be settled 


“Such strength, I must collect!”

R.I.P Scraper

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   "Wow, that was a long time I did not return to the dojo , why dojo is so quiet ? " I decided to look for my friends around the dojo , but they all gone. " where are they all going? as I know , the war had just ended " . Finally I went to the mortuary . " My God ! Zephr , Volt , Banshee , who kill you all ! Why like this ... " I could not resist grief. Tears were flowing. Suddenly Valkyr into mortuary . " Who killed them all ! Tell me ! " I asked . And Valkyr said, " I'm sorry , I can’t do anything . i’m sorry because can’t save them all.".  "I asked , who killed them ! ! Who ! " . Finally Valkyr told " Captain Vor do this all ! 's Because you had disrupted his invasion plans ." I stepped out of the dojo . Valkyr said, " Oberon ! Where you want to go! ".  " I want to find Captain Vor ! When he do something , he must receive the reward . And the reward is a right arrows on their heads ! If i not come back to dojo , you must take care of this dojo . " Valkyr silent behind . I stepped out of the dojo with resentment and anger .


Finally I got to the place where Captain Vor are. "Captain Vor, your life will end here". I’m hiding,ready for some grineer attacks. All grineer looks ready if some enemy come to the grineer base. Suddenly,one of the soldiers grineer see me, "Oh, hell no..". All grineer ready to attack me. "OK, relax, I'm must use my Reckoning power. 1,2,3!" I trickled in and continue to use my Reckoning. All soldiers attacked me, one by one of my Akstilleto bullet gone.Finally, i’m find him. As  I expected, he was waiting for me.


"So, you are Oberon, one of the members in IronManVirus Clan. Your live will end here". I’m replied, "You kill my team, I will kill you like how you kill my team! your life will end here". Captain Vor immediately answered "Haha,lets look, who's going to live, you or me". Captain Vor start the attack. I use my primary weapon, Dread, indeed as I expected, he has a teleport power. Little by little my life has gone.i’m  hide behind a wall and I got the idea ."his power is only effective if I was at close range" I tried to use my last Reckoning. Finally, she stumbled. I stay away from him.Captain Vor engrossed while. "Haha, Captain Vor, Game Over".


I stepped out of the Captain Vor place with happy feelings. "mission have been complete,time to go home". Although my main friends were dead, it’s not mean that my mission is not finished. I have to lead this team, even though all my friends are dead.


It’s two years,now i’m just have my new team. even my old friends are gone. does not mean the mission has been complete. Still many things have not finish. We still have more enemies we have to fight. My name is Oberon, and I  fight for the IronManVirus clan.

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Sorry if u cant read me i not speak you're language i'm just a corpus guy narrating' my point of history

We are the Corpus race and Grineer's invade us.... this, is my history:


When the Grineer come to our home invading us, we are outnumbered, and our race was not prepared for they're attack



we fight for us, we fight for our people, we fight for our home

that day like i remember we are fighting with grinners until they show up


she use some kind of corrosive things, i watch with my corpus eyes how she put a hand in the head of one grinner and he was like melting his face then his body


Grinners run out with fear and all of them take a room and wait for her


she come with a friend, i cannot narrate u what he did coz me and the rest of the guys cannot see what he do, i just can say what we saw. A smoke appearing for here and there that smoke have like blades if u know what i mind... i saw arms... legs and heads over the floor bodys without extremities.

Now we are at War! my race was called to arms, and the end is far far away to come.

someday i write a book for the next generations... and me? well that is another history


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The Orokin Shadows – SPECIAL MISSION

A timespace gate opens while Tenno are meditating and a familiar(from their visions) to them voice calls them to enter.After entering they realize they were transfered  to ancient Japan inside a dojo.Two Tenno arrived inside Iga Ninja Dojo and the other two inside the Koga Ninja Dojo,the Stalker close to Nobunaga’s Castle.Following the voice both Tenno groups were lead to the Ninja Alchemist of the respective schools who were fighting Demonic manifestations.Their help was utilized yet their Armors got broken completely.After a short talk with the Ninja Shamans both Tenno groups realized the Alchemists were Orokin who have used time travel technology to get samples of culture for their experiments.The Ninja Alchemists/Orokin revealed the cause of the Demonic legion attacks which was the evolutional stop of humanity’s in order to enslave and experiment to achieve parasitic supremacy.In the meantime the Stalker offered his soul to the Arch Demon trying to Invade the Ninja Schools in order to achieve the reward of the Possesed Transformation for his Warframe and and an armory made of human mizery.Several Days after the Possesion of the Stalker incident the Demon Army attacked with all it’s power using it’s new recruit trying to find the two Tenno groups.Desperate as they were the Orokin Alchemists used a technology they were able to create after years of studying the the Life force energy temperament the ……. ,(a unique device capable of absorbing life force and re-enforcing all matter )in order to re assemble the destroyed suit parts to cocoons.The advised the Tenno to enter the coccoons in order to assist to the reformation of suits…..






























(problem with screenshot)

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The First Avenger


Word count: 339

No. of paragraphs: 5

No. of images: 5


For centuries, I have waited, waited for one voice that would bring me back to life. Betrayed by own brother and encased in mere cryopod, I have slept suffering with dithering images of our own people beheaded one by one. But not anymore…..



She speaks to me again. She might have been captured, closed shut in the void. But she still remains close, her voice may guide me through this journey for redemption. I am alone for now but it won’t stop me from finding you, my queen (LOTUS)


As my journey continues, I meet my people, one by one, we come together and resurrect the Tenno Legacy once again. We sabotage their guilds, exterminate all evil, capture the messengers and rescue the followers of the Lotus who need us.




I know you are watching me brother. I may not have believed what has happened to you, but to this day as you side with our foes, when we meet, I will have no choice but to do the right thing.


We the tenno, now almost as powerful as we once were, with our realms (dojo) around the universe, venture into every void we can. We might have found the lost orokins, but these are only jewels if we cannot relieve the corpus and grineer clans off their misery. So far, it has been a while since I received any sign of Lotus’ location. My grievances grow stronger as I walk through the depths of my own memories, there is no foretelling as to what this day might bring. I have even sided with one of my enemy clans to favour their chances against the other. Soon they will know of my treachery, but I will keep doing this to eliminate them from being within them. My quest will never end, never will it rest until I find the answers. The Lotus has awaken me for a reason, and I will fight till the end. No one can and no one ever will…………..stand in my way.



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Who make the mystery sound?





   " What sound is that and why the fan does not work completely?? " " Does it a rat or something? why it look creepy? " and then Loki said " Maybe it just a Grineer hiding from us " So I think it just a Grineer and then I walk and walk and the creepy sound is come again and I feel bad or something happen and Loki shock me and he said " That sound! I know that SOUND!!! he... he... Stalker!!!! Stalker is Brother of Ash " then I said " Stalker? Ash? does Ash is our Best Friend? Should we kill Stalker? " " I think we should cause Ash is a good Tenno but his brother is a EVIL Tenno".




 After I'm ready for that fight, I just walk and walk then the light was turn off and turn on many time, after that the Stalker send me a Message that i cannot run from him!! " Oh my god!! Loki!! Stalker send a message at me and he want kill me!!! " " What? oh man this so bad you need to run from him before he kill you! " I was scared do not know what to do and I find a way to run or escape .




 " Hey Frost!! you should destroy that thing and you can hide there " And I go to that place and I smash and kicking the wall but I'm fail . Loki said " I have an Idea!! I'll help you with my Galatine , I use my Invisible skill and charge Galatine and cut Stalker " and then I said " Wow good Idea, thank you because support me " " No problem ok lets go!! ".




 " Hey frost there is the Stalker!! He talking at you that he want kill you!! " " I know what I need to do, I'll use my Dual Cestra " While Stalker talking at me that he want kill me I was equip my Dual Cestra and target to the Stalker, I shoot him from my Cestra bullet was 100 to 30+ bullet left, He dead and Ash come to watch his brother dead cause he is a EVIL Tenno.




 Before Stalker dead , he do not believe that I was kill him and then Loki said " Wow i thought you are so weak but you are so powerful than stalker " " Yeah I think like that before " and then Ash meet me and I talking with him " Ummm, Ash I'm so sorry cause I kill you Brother " " However you should do that cause he copy my skill and copy my style , and then he kill Tenno who equip a new GUN " " Ummm , okay can you help me and Loki to defend??? " " Sure I'll do " " Okay thanks " And after that I feel like I have save All Tenno being killed by Stalker, I feel like i was a Great Tenno than Others , Now I know who am I.

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The Lost One

What if a Nekros could not be reached before he was discovered by others? He becomes prey to all. As he wakes,alone in the derelicts, the Infested try to "convert" him. But with his powers over the dead he is able to hold of the corruption for a time, but they are relentless. After a time the Creatures over run his position and begin to consume him. In a last ditch effort to prevent his assimilation, as his life begins to fade, this Tenno

pierces his own body ending his life, while also raising his spirit and body from the Void.

The sudden change from life to death and back again is enough to confuse the Infested and allow him to escape. However, he is not free from their taint. his body is slowly morphing and decaying, as he is no longer fully alive, until he looks a crueler version of himself. Some of the taint corrupted his mind as well as his body .While he is still a Tenno and will not harm his brethren, everything else is prey to be devoured!


Edited by Ripxblood
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For greater impact listen to this while you are reading!



The Void Takes it all


Twilight filled the room. All but one had left. The last of the council members who came to mourn the fallen hero seemed like a ancient monument, abandoned and long forgotten. He gazed into the stars.


He was not searching for fate or for purpose. Only for meaning.


A blinding burst of light filled the room as the distant Grineer base detonated. Nobody could have escape this ravaging inferno.




The clans revenge was completed.


Earlier this night at the obsequies the corpse was entombed. The clan has assembled and for such boundless self-sacrifice even some council members came to honor the fallen one. An unbearable silence filled the Great Hall. Finally a voice broke the asphyxiating tranquility. The Lotus spoke the last words she remembered from the Great War:


"May your husk become ocean and your soul see Centauri. In the name of honor we commit thee to the Void."


The final resting place of any Tenno. The only grave that could not be defiled. The endless storm. The turmoil that is the Void. No flawed flesh would remain. Solely a spirit, left behind to find greater things. His brothers carried the ornamented litter. In a swift but solemn motion of his hand the sage opened the Voidgate. The dark surface that seemed to devour anything, lit up and radiated a scintillating glow. Incomprehensible. Mind-bending. Impossible. Divine.


For a short moment the litter was hovering immobile as if the Void decided to reject the fallen hero's remains. But at last, with irreversible vigor, he was pulled in to the beyond. His helmet, his deceiving mask, was buried with him.


When the last bit of light vanished in the once again pitch black portal the time for grief had passed. A hero had to be avenged. They departed to find the hidden Grineer laboratory where he was forced to spend his last agonizing hours. Nothing they did was for the balance of the system. Nothing what they found was of any importance. Nothing what they brought back had any value.




Nonetheless they felt victorious.


The council member still observed the asteroid belt the explosion brought into disarray, gracefully finding back to its natural order, while clouds of debris were wafting around finding their new home in the orbit around the planet.




They would outlast a lot of things. After a while the Lotus interrupted him. "They have returned." It was time to leave.




400 words exactly :)



Yours sincerely, thebrainbrain :D


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Warrior God

Ere yet the Gods existed already He was God
And out of endless water with fire the lightning shed
He gave the Gods their reson, and joy to earth did bring,
He brought to man forgiveness, and set salvation's spring
Lift up your hearts in worship, a song of praise enfreeing
He is the death of dying, the primal birth of being.
Edited by Coach-Aprax
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